User:Monkey BBZ

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Maxwell might be looking for this.


.Hello, ! I'm just another editor on this wikia, nothing special at all. My time on this wiki is spent answering questions, fixing up any errors or superfluous information and making sure everything looks nice and tidy.

Favourite Mods

Gears.png I am not using any mods right now.

Always On Status

What an awesome mod I have to say. I've been looking for something like this for ages and now... here it is. I chose the Icons Version because, well, I'm a sucker for the art style and I just love those little icons. It has been quite useful in conjunction with my other mods I have used and having constant knowledge of my current hunger/health/sanity has saved me more than once. Additionally, the Naughtiness and Temperature meters have been especially useful (temperature more than the naughtiness) during winter as to when exactly to make a fire and leave it. It has definitely kept me from freezing, and this mod has done a lot to improve my game without changing anything.

Display Food Values

This is brilliant. The simple concept of allowing you to see how good the food is. It actually does make a difference. Trust me, when you're sitting beside a fire during the night and you don't know exactly how much Small Jerky heals you (by the way, it is 12.5) and you might lose a bit of meat through hunger overflow. And it doesn't just do hunger, it does health and sanity.

Dynamic Status Bars

Not as useful as the other two, but it revives RPG elements of gameplay, allowing me to tatically attack mobs, taking down weaker ones before going on to the stronger ones. I honestly prefer version B, b ut I have tried C and it works well (I just can't see my pig's health).

Wendy and Abigail Co-op

This, I like. It's a new take on the desired co-op game that many people have wished for (sadly I haven't tried it on my own computer but with another friend). The gameplay is flawless (as long as you have a second keyboard), killing enemies is a lot more fun and all the element of Abigail are still there. My only heckle with this one is that you can't seem to disengage attack from enemies you're attacking, which is alright if they're spiders or bees, but when you're trying to kite (like) a boss, it becomes impossible.


Dead Photos

A "morgue" of photos I uploaded but then were removed.
