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Heyo! I'm TheHomeChicken, to the Dont Starve world (Wiki and Forums) - in most other places though, im ZeChickenWing. You can call me either.

The only wiki I bother to edit is this one - the Dont Starve wiki. And on it, my edits are also sort of limited.

Im the creator of the Unimplemented/Speculated Characters page. I spend more time hunting for information about these characters, or managing the wiki page (Editing, Cleaning Up, Replying to Comments) than I do even playing Dont Starve. I check the comments once every two days at the very least, and reply to the majority that issue a response.

I also edit the Unimplemented/Speculated Items page, although I wasn't the creator of that one. I located it awhile back, and found it flooded with silly, false information, plus a general look of unorganization, so I decided to commandeer it, if you will. While the U/C Characters page is my main priority, I do a good bit of work on the U/C Items as well.

The only other page I edit often is the Characters page. (As well as the characters' individual pages). However, it is not nearly as common.

I do edit other pages, but not as dedicated or as often. My primary focus here is my little baby of an article U/C Characters. If you have any questions related to anything, feel free to ask me on my Talk page. Or of course, if it's related to the U/C Characters, ask on that page. These two places are the only places you can be sure I'll see it.

Thanks for reading! :D