User blog:Lord Adderhead/Yet another character idea...

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Wouldn't it be great if we got a fast character in Don't Starve for once?

You know, the one who can run fast, low hp etc.

There are tons of Don't Starve mods that put those characters into the game, but none of them are "perfect", none of them match the game's feel, they are either OP or... well... most of the time they're just OP. 

So here's my idea:


The Girl Scout

Health: 85

Hunger: 100

Sanity: 100

She is young but nimble, she has a small stomach and her sanity is low but she barely loses any sanity. She loses less sanity in the dark, during combat or anything else. The only way to effectively lower her sanity is standing around evil flowers, eating raw meat etc. The reason for this is her camping experience as a girl scout. She knows the nature too well to get scared by it. She would have +15% movement speed. She could have +90% movement speed with a walking cane, running on a road. She can also track down a koalephant 50% faster than any other character (for example, while other characters would require to inspect 6-8 piles of dirt to find the creature, she would need only 3-4). On her second clue/pile of dirt, she can identify wether the tracks lead to a koalephant, or a varg.

"These aren't padded feet, these are claws. I better be careful." Is a type of thing she would say when examining a track for the second time.

For cooking a crock pot dish or catching a rabbit/spider she'd say- "We would usually get a badge for this."

When examining a bearger- "All those giant bear jokes aren't funny anymore."

Tent- "It's where we hide when it rains, it's where we listen to scary stories."

Her quotes could really be interesting, always having some connection with her girl scout group, with her survival training...

Maybe some items could be added that only she can craft, like Wigfrid's helmet and spear.

And yes, I know "girl scouts" are not just about camping in the wilderness, and that there is much more to it, but that's the only connection with Don't Starve.

So, what do you think? Would that be a good idea? Can you think of any other (de)buffs she could have?