User blog:Morel39/King Pig (A STORY, CHAPTER 1)

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Hi everyone. I'm back on DS and the wiki! Today I will be sharing a story about a pig named Ormor and how he becomes king. This is a DS based Fan Fiction.


Dusk was approaching quickly, as it did every day. Maurice and Rilac (my friends) were off fighting a tier 1 spider den that the spiders had been working on, and had been fisnished prior to this day. The spiders home to it had already settled in, and where now screeching that terrible noise and instanly, 2 spiders fled out looking for stray meat. Maurice quickly stepped on the webbing, and stepped back, hoping to luar more Spiders out. We had all have had training in the art of killing spiders, as their meet was our staple food source. Many a berry bushes crowded our small town, so countless Spiders lived nearby. As expected, Maurice's tactic had another spider quickly sputtering out of the den, and with a swash of his hand Maurice had killed the spider. Rilac was kiting the two away, as Maurice stepped in to help. With a few swashes they killed one, but the other quickly went back into the Den. Rilac sighed, picking up the one peice of meat from his collecting and Maurice picking up the Gland and Silk. They slowly walked back into the town's vincity, as Maurice went to Caula's house and set down the items. Caula was the Chemist of our Town, but she was off on a journey now. She had been gone for 3 days, and everyone was worried. Without her to make the Healing Salves and fishing rods, it was hard to survive. My mother, and both my brothers were sick and in our house. The only people that were alright were Rilac, Maurice and I. I was more a gatherer, getting sticks and stones and grass and other resources. Rilac put the peice of meat in the Croc Pot, (which was generously donated to a Human named Wilson about 30 days ago) after all those chores, Rilac and Maurice approached me. I knew what they were going to ask me.