User blog:Ocguy1492/Mass quantity rabbit trap concept

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Today, in don't starve, I was running some tests to see if it was possible for the player to actually get more than ten morsels using berry trapping with nine traps. As I have a massive rabbit field near me, I ran a few tests using five traps, with a trap in the center, which was baited, surrounded by 4 traps. Each time, the incoming rabbits would not be able to reach  the berries, but would get trapped, and with the berries, even more would come. In theory, if you were to lay out a 3x3 grid of traps or larger, you could have a massive food supply as rabbits spawned and kept getting trapped, without the berry trap ever being touched. If you have a rabbit field, and you've confirmed that there are no other rabbit holes for a decent distance in one direction, you can put berries on the ground, near edge of  said rabbit field, then wall it on the side facing the rabbit field with traps. Rabbits will come for the berries, but they will always get caught by the traps. Useful as a somewhat costly, but mass producing food supply.