User blog:Rocketlauncher22/How to survive the First Week

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So, you just started up a world and have absolutely no idea what to do. chances are, if you have no idea what to do, you will die. in this guide, i will give you tips on how to survive the first Week of Don't starve.

The actual guide

Day 1

Welcome to the world of Don't Starve! first of all, you need to find Grass, flint and twigs. Grass and twigs can be made into a torch if you cant find flint, but you will need to find some flint and make an axe. chop down a few trees and grab the Wood that drops from it. your hunger meter goes down as you progress, so you need to find food. Grab any berries and carrots that you find and eat them when your hunger meter goes down. by now, you should walk around and try to find Beefalo. along the way, collect flint and twigs to make a pickaxe, then mine some rocks to find gold. on your search for beefalo, avoid aggresive mobs. you dont want to die on day 1! when it get's dark, make a campfire with 3 Grass and 2 Wood. you have survived day 1.

Day 2

If you havent found beefalo yet, continue searching. pigs are fine if you plan on making Thermal stones for winter, but avoid pigs if playing as Webber. continue collecting food on the way, and search for pigs and beefalo. when you find them, make a fire pit. if you havent, make a campfire for now and continue searching, then make a fire pit if you find them.

Day 3

Make a science machine with 1 Gold, 4 stone and 4 Wood. you can now prototype items! i recommend making a wood suit, or a grass suit fi you are low on resources. also make a chest, for storing items. if you can, collect manure and grass, as well as wood to make a farm. if not playing as Wigfrid, farms can be a great source of food.

Day 4

Collect stone and gold, as well as more wood. this will allow you to make an Alchemy engine. do not make an Alchemy engine if playing as Wickerbottom, as she will already know everything by the time you make a science machine. if you found beefalo, make a razor and shave them at night. make a spear and start collecting silk, monster meat and glands from spiders. if you want morsels, place a stone infront of moles and kill them when they grab it. another way is to make rabbit traps. plant some trees away from any plants and wait for them to grow, then burn them for charcoal.

Day 5

Collect stone, twigs and charcoal to make a Crock pot. if you have enough grass and Charcoal, also make a Drying Rack, and hang some meat or morsels on it. now it's time to collect resources! Make a shovel and dig up Grass, twigs and Berry bushes. plant them near your base, then use manure or rot on them to make them grow. now try collecting some meat. the best way to do this is with catcoons, but if you want monster meat you can kill spiders. now, mine some ice. put 3 ice and 1 Meat/Monster meat into the crock pot. wait a bit, and you will have meatballs!

Day 6

Collect silk and twigs to make a birdtrap. bait it with some seeds and collect reeds, gold and some more seeds. turn the reeds into papyrus and make a birdcage, then put a bird into the cage. feed it cooked monster eat to have a supply of eggs for winter. if you somehow managed to find some gears, make an Ice box and put your food into it. if you have alot of gears, you can make multiple Ice boxes, for ingredients and Foods.

Day 7

By now you should have alot of Resources and items. If you have 4 beefalo wool and 4 silk, you can make a wooly hat. this will help in winter. if possible, make a thermal stone. collect alot of wood and make some more chests. if possible, make a few pig houses and a pig helmet, as well as an umbrella. If you have found glommer's Statue, wait for a fll moon and collect his flower. if you found the eye bone, take it and gain a chester! you are now ready for whatever the world throws at you.


Now you might have some understanding of how the world works, and know how to survive on your own. now make a checklist of what you have to do, and finish off those tasks before winter. If you followed this guide, you Will be able to survive the first 7 days and make good progress in the world. I hoped this guide helped you!
