User blog:Wafran/Just some character's from another game.

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(This is a character from the game Death by daylight, I just thought that she fitted in the game)

Name: Anna.

Title: The huntress

Signature phrase: "You come With Anna, Anna Will protect you"

Instrument: Gusil.

Stats: 100 hunger, 100 sanity, and 250 health.


-She knows her way with hatchets:

Anna begins the game with an axe in her inventory already crafted, she gets a damage benefit so that axes deal more, but have half their normal durability respectively:

-Normal axe("Me never goes out without one"): Dealing 34 damage.

-Luxury axe("This shiny! me will name it!"): Dealing 42 damage.

-Glass axe("This looks fragile, me don't like it"): Dealing 72 damage.

-Obsidian axe("This one is pretty, Me will keep it"): Dealing from 50 to 100 damage.

-Pick-axe("it has an iridescent head"): Dealing 1000 damage.

-Lucy("Hatchet talking to anna! Anna is crazy!"): She can hold lucy since she has a strong grip and she can't slip off, lucy will insult her. And anna will deal 26 damage with her.

She can also throw them by using the right mouse button, they have different durability usage. respectively.

-Normal axe: It can be thrown 5 times before it breaks, with 68 damage every time.

-Luxury axe: It can be thrown 8 times before it breaks with 84 damage every time.

-Glass axe: It can be thrown 3 times before it breaks, with 144 damage every time.

-Obsidian axe: It can be thrown 10 times while uncharged and 5 times while charged. Dealing 100 damage when uncharged and 200 damage + the fire damage when charged.

-Pick-axe: It can be thrown 1 time, with 9000 damage every time.

-Lucy: She will scream while in the air and will disappear and appear back in woodie´s inventory after dealing 52 damage.

-She has the mind of a 7-year-old

She likes to have trinkets in her inventory, gaining a sanity boost similar to Warbucks one. She fears darkness and monsters, having a sanity lose similar to Wolfgang but stronger. She will get a sanity boost from Chester, pets, wendy, and Webber.

 -She Is quite strong:

She has a bottomless stomach that depletes hunger twice as fast and is slower than most survivors, thus she can't kite well. She also starts humming a lullaby if her hunger gets to 90 or less the lullaby will alert and aggro distant enemies. as well as scaring both rabbits and moles into their houses. She has a good amount of health.


As soon as Anna was able to walk, her mother started teaching her how to survive a harsh, solitary life in the northern woods. Living in such an extremely remote and dangerous area required skill and resilience. When sunlight became too dim for productive activities, they would take refuge in their house, a sturdy old cabin constructed to resist the toughest winters. Close to the hearth’s warmth, Anna would rest in her mother's arms, surrounded by the few wooden toys and masks she had crafted for her. Drifting off to sleep with stories and lullabies, she dreamt happy dreams, ignorant of the events that would soon change everything.

Anna and her mother were stalking a great elk through the woods. They knew it was dangerous prey, but it had been a particularly difficult winter and they were almost out of food. The specter of starvation frightened them more than any forest creature. Without warning, the elk reared, bellowed and charged at Anna. She was paralyzed with fear as the whole world seemed to shake under the immense beast’s pounding hooves. The elk was close enough for Anna to see the murderous fury in its eyes when her mother threw herself in its path, axe in hand. A blood-curdling scream escaped from her lips as the elk impaled her upon its antlers and hoisted her into the air. With all her strength, she brought her axe down on its head again and again while it tried to shake her loose. With a sickening crack, the antlers snapped and Anna’s mother was free. The beast collapsed.

Anna was too small to move her mother’s broken body, so she sat with her in the clearing where she had fallen. To distract her from the dying elk’s cries, Anna’s mother held her and hummed her favorite lullaby. They stayed like that, the huntress and the elk getting quieter and colder, until Anna was alone in the silent forest. Eventually, she stood up and started the long walk back home.

Interesting quotes:

-Being stalked by charlie: "m-mommy?"

-Log: "Me can make a mask out of this."

-Rabbit hole: "Me smell noobs inside!"