User blog comment:DUDETTE/My created items/@comment-11634284-20140114022416

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Not bad ideas, Wednesday will be a good but a non-canonic one. :( Maybe make it for ... Wes? A lost love so he called Maxwell, or I dunno... Gold bar. Y WE NEED DIS? Canda: Nah. Trap is good idea but we will be able to Examine them or dig over them to find wormholes? Blood Trails? There is no blood in don't starve world, maybe nightmare fuel footsteps? Apple tree will make the game even less hungryer, and razor could have a new usefulness getting those apples ;) Crocoligattor man are a good idea, but the sack is OP. Even Krampus's sack is not that good. I'd slow myself for 20 slots. Maybe a Piggyback alternative? Oh yeah I noticed you're quite new, I think :P Welcome to da wiki :D