User blog comment:MenaAthena/My First Character Idea! Meet White: The Cold Hearted/@comment-24522773-20140611023148/@comment-24522773-20140613200018

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Unfortunately, I am not a creative person. Or at least I don't consider myself one :P

I am a negative nancy that can see problems everywhere, so I'm better at reviewing and improving existent things than at coming up with original ideas D:

I gave it a bit of thought. The first thing you have to decide is if you want her to overheat even faster (making her a hardcore RoG character), in which case you could add some strong positive traits to balance her out, or make her rather neutral (or even overheat slower, due her frosty nature), and have other lesser traits for her.

Winter's Touch could slow enemies, rather than freeze them. They would move slower and attack slower. Say she has lower hp than normal, and weaker damage unless the enemy is under Winter's Touch effect. Keeps the combat interesting by demanding weapon switching, and it's riskier to make a mistake due the lower hp (although harder, because of the Winter's Touch effect).

Besides of that, the Icebergs and snowmen idea probably works better if Winter's Touch is not a weapon at all. I mean, either attack or cast spells, because both could really mess up the combat performance, right?