User blog comment:Proterrarian/THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME PLEASE READ/@comment-24683336-20140517103714

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I read a few sentences into the fanfiction. Here's my orderly list of corrections:

  • The character William's last name is wrong. If you were referring to past Maxwell, it's Carter. If you meant Wilson, it's Higgsbury.
  • Both of these characters are fully grown, not 14.
  • I'm fairly sure Lord of the Rings had not been written in 1936.
  • You do not, even partially, become a shadow being upon transportation to the Don't Starve universe.
  • Shadow beings cannot talk. Outside of the DS world, characters are contacted by a limited edition radio, suspected to have been distributed by Maxwell to find subjects for his world.
  • Shadow hands do not appear from a person's existing shadow.
  • They also require a Maxwell Door, or otherwise Codex Umbra-related materials, to manifest in the normal world.

Have a nice day!