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LBP3 Don't Starve costume pack.jpg

Around May 27 2015, a Don't Starve DLC appeared in the video game LittleBigPlanet 3. The downloadable content added new costumes with characters from Don't Starve as well as many other items from the game.


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The Constant


  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中眼骨的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,溫蒂對眼骨的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中眼骨增益的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,威爾遜對切斯特的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中眼球傘的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,薇格弗德對眼球傘的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中氣槍喇叭的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,WX-78對氣槍喇叭的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中火腿棒的工具提示引用了《饑荒:豬鎮》中,薇爾芭對火腿棒的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中阿比蓋爾的花的背景描述參考了《饑荒聯機版》中,威爾遜對阿比蓋爾的花的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中的阿比蓋爾偶爾會發出小驚嚇的笑聲。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中蝙蝠棒的工具提示參考了《饑荒:海難》中,瓦拉尼對於蝙蝠棍的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中伯尼熊的鈕扣的工具提示參考了《饑荒聯機版》中,薇洛對伯尼熊的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中伯尼熊的鈕扣增益的工具提示參考了《饑荒聯機版》中,薇洛熔爐活動中對伯尼熊的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中天氣風向標的工具提示參考了《饑荒聯機版》中,沃爾特對天氣風向標的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中眼睛炮塔的工具提示參考了《饑荒聯機版》中,沃拓克斯對眼睛炮塔的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中蛙腿三明治的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,麥斯威爾對蛙腿三明治的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中花環的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,威爾遜對花環的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中各種鬍鬚的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,薇克巴頓鬍鬚的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中格羅姆花的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,威爾遜對格羅姆花的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中格羅姆花增益的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,薇洛對格羅姆的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中露西斧的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,伍迪對露西斧的檢查話語。它參考了 1950 年代的流行情境喜劇《我愛露西》(I Love Lucy)。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中魔光護符的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,溫蒂對魔光護符的檢查話語。
  • 製作《泰拉瑞亞》中的魔光護符需要黃玉參考了《饑荒》此物品的製作配方——後者包括一個黃寶石
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中怪物千層餅的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,沃爾夫岡對怪物千層餅的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中怪物肉的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,薇洛對怪物肉的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中的豬人跟隨在空中的玩家的方法是握住一把《饑荒》中的雨傘。然而諷刺的是,這把雨傘其實是豬皮做的。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中怪物肉增益的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,伍迪對豬人的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中觸手尖刺的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,薇克巴頓對觸手尖刺的檢查話語。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中獨眼巨鹿眼球的工具提示參考了《饑荒聯機版》中,薇諾娜對獨眼巨鹿眼球的檢查話語。
    Deerclops Unused Leg in Terraria.png
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中托著小獨眼巨鹿的鳥看起來是《饑荒》中的雪鳥。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中獨眼巨鹿眼球增益的工具提示參考了《饑荒》中,薇洛對獨眼巨鹿的檢查話語。
  • Dizzy的稀有壁虎帽參考了主播 Dizzy Dizaster,他頭上戴著一個倒置的黃色切斯特帽子。其工具提示參考了動畫片《Blue Traktor》。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》文件中曾有一個未使用的獨眼巨鹿腿 NPC。
  • 《泰拉瑞亞》中獨眼巨鹿的專有音樂改編自《饑荒》中獨眼巨鹿的專有音樂「The EFS Of Winter」。

Blueprint.png Gallery

Cult of the Lamb

August 21, 2023 in Cult of the Lamb, in honor of the collaboration they added various items from Don't Starve


  • The second skin of Webber refers to his Verdan skin or Spider Warrior.
  • The third skin of Webber refers to his Guest of Honor skin.

Team Fortress 2

There are two items in the first-person-shooter video game Team Fortress 2 that reference Don't Starve. They were available if the player pre-ordered Don't Starve by April 23, 2013.

Blueprint.png Gallery

Hot Lava

There are many items in the video game Hot Lava which are reference to Don't Starve as both games are made by the same development studio, Klei.

Head Accessories

Back Accessories



At some levels, you can also find references to Don't Starve

The Wardrobe

DS in Wardrobe.png

There is a reference in the game The Wardrobe. In the morgue are portraits of Wilson, Willow, Wilbur, Woodie. The character can examine the paintings and will explain why each of them died.


Escapeme in Tehran.png

Escapeme - This is a company that creates quest rooms in Tehran. Characters such as Wilson or Willow are used as characters on the logo and posters. Often used is the image of Wilosn from posters where he holds a torch and Willow from a portrait in the character selection menu. Most likely this is not an official collaboration and the company does not have the rights to use them.[1][2] Apparently Wilson was not always on the logo.

Blueprint.png Gallery

Resident Alien

In Resident Alien s2e15 "Best of Enemies", Don't Starve appears on the PlayStation. There, the heroine plays with a man a Don't Starve Together. References starts at 17:14.


  • "Dan, let's go"
  • "She's still here? I thought you were supposed to talk to her."
  • "I did. She left and got her PlayStation and came back."
  • "Oh, ok."
  • "Dan, come on. Let's go. The Night Monster's coming."
  • "Gotta go. The Night Monster."
  • "Dad. Okay."
  • "Where are my Moggles? Oh, grr. Now the Beefalo are mad."
  • "Use your Ham Bat."
  • "Oh, that must be baby-skank with the snaks."
  • "You invited Judy?"
  • "Well, you don't have to let her in. You can just take the snacks"
  • "We need chips"
  • "We need sanity. We're down to 15%."