Chess Pieces

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登場作品:Don't Starve Together icon.png

Suspicious Marbleで修復できる彫像についてはMarble Sculpturesをご覧ください
採掘するとスケッチを落とす彫像についてはMarble Statuesをご覧ください
Icon Books.png このページは未翻訳の部分があります
Harp Statue.png この記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:各項目の説明文の不足)

Chess Pieces(チェスの駒)Don't Starve TogetherにおけるA New Reignで導入された作成可能なオブジェクトです。主に装飾目的で使用されます。全部で8種類のデザインがあり、Potter's Wheel(ろくろ)のそばに立つことで作成することができます。Bubble Pipe CarvingとCarved Hornucopiaの彫刻は最初から作成可能ですが、他の種類を作成するためにはろくろにスケッチを与える必要があります。彫刻はまずろくろに切石大理石を置き、そのあと材料であるを2つ準備してタブから作成したいデザインをクリックすることで作成できます。彫刻の色は使用した素材が切石であれば黒、大理石であれば白になります。

ろくろから完成した彫刻を取ると自動的にプレイヤーが体装備のスロットに装備する形になり、Suspicious Marbleを担いでいる時と同じモーションになります。

Rook、Knight、Bishopの彫刻は新月ハンマーで叩くことによりそれぞれの彫刻に対応したShadow Piecesを発生させます。

Carved Hornucopia

WX-78 Portrait.png


The sculpture depicts a Cornucopia, a horn of plenty which can be depicted as a horn-shaped, hollow bread filled with food. The shape of the horn resembles a Beefalo Horn. The sculpture may be a reference to the fact that a Cornucopia is an over-used example of pottery.

Bubble Pipe Carving

Waxwell Portrait.png
Ceci n'est pas une pipe. Pity.


The sculpture depicts a Bubble Pipe which is a toy that acts similarly to a bubble-blowing stick, except it is shaped like a tobacco pipe. The sculpture is possibly a reference to Markus Raetz's pipe sculpture which can be interpreted as either a tobacco pipe or a shapeless metal blob.

Anchor Figure

Wendy Portrait.png
Why did we sculpt an anchor.


Pawn Figure

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Tis a nöble fööt söldier.



Rook Figure

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Represents the protective walls of the king's castle.


ボードゲームのChessに由来したルークの彫刻です。また、それは多分、大きなチェスの部品を参考にしています。また、Clockwork Rookの鼻に類似しています。New Moon(新月)の夜にハンマーで破壊することでShadow Versionのルークが出現させることができます(月の破片製を除く)。それは多分、大きなチェスの部品を参考にしています。

Knight Figure

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Is good horsey, Wolfgang thinks.


ボードゲームのChessに由来したナイトの彫刻です。また、それは多分、大きなチェスの部品を参考にしています。また、Clockwork Knightの頭部に類似しています。New Moon(新月)の夜にハンマーで破壊することでShadow Versionのナイトが出現させることができます(月の破片製を除く)。それは多分、大きなチェスの部品を参考にしています。

Bishop Figure

Webber Portrait.png
We've never seen toys so big.


ボードゲームのChessに由来したビショップの彫刻です。また、それは多分、大きなチェスの部品を参考にしています。また、Clockwork Bishopの頭部に類似しています。New Moon(新月)の夜にハンマーで破壊することでShadow Versionのビショップが出現させることができます(月の破片製を除く)。それは多分、大きなチェスの部品を参考にしています。

Queenly Figure

Wendy Portrait.png
She holds the true power, here.


The sculpture depicts a queen from the board game Chess, though it appears more like a Greek tragedy actor. Its overall style and the fact that it is carrying a mask may be a reference to the Greek Muse of Tragedy, Melpomene.

Kingly Figure

Willow Portrait.png
I'm not afraid of that guy. He doesn't even have arms!


The sculpture depicts a king from the board game Chess, though it appears more like a suited man. The fact that it has no arms may be a reference to the sculpture Venus de Milo.

Deerclops Figure

Willow Portrait.png
We kicked its butt.


Bearger Figure

Webber Portrait.png
The fur looks so real!


Moose/Goose Figure

WX-78 Portrait.png


When inspecting a Moose/Goose Figure, there is 50% chance to show the text Moose Figure, and 50% chance to show Goose Figure. Wortox's quote also has 50% chance to say "goose" instead of "moose".

Dragonfly Figure

Wilson Portrait.png
Ah, that brings back memories. Bad ones.


Ancient Guardian Figure

Wortox Portrait.png
It's as though the Minotaur met Medusa.


Toadstool Figure

Wurt Portrait.png
No more glurp-glurping.


Bee Queen Figure

Wortox Portrait.png
Stationary majesty. Static insect.


Klaus Figure

WX-78 Portrait.png


Antlion Figure

Warly Portrait.png
I do like him better like this.


Ancient Fuelweaver Figure

Woodie Portrait.png
Nothin' wrong with it now.


Malbatross Figure

Wendy Portrait.png
No more will she soar over the gloomy shoals.


Crab King Figure

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
A rendering of a treasure-obsessed crustacean.


Moon Moth Figure

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Is look like little flutterby, but bigger!


"Moon" Figure

WX-78 Portrait.png


Celestial Champion Figure

Eye of Terror Figure

Wendy Portrait.png
Its stony gaze will glare for eternity.


The sculpture depicts the Eye of Terror. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Eye of Terror.

Twins of Terror Figure

Wanda Portrait.png
I'd be quite happy to never lay eyes on them again.


The sculpture depicts the Twins of Terror. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Twins of Terror.

Nightmare Werepig Figure

Wanda Portrait.png
Ah yes, how could I forget that time I was nearly smashed to bits?


The sculpture depicts the Nightmare Werepig. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Nightmare Werepig.

Back Model of Nightmare Werepig Figure:

Crystal Deerclops Figure

Willow Portrait.png
We kicked its butt, and then we kicked it again.


The sculpture depicts the Crystal Deerclops. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Crystal Deerclops.

Other Side Model of Crystal Deerclops Figure:

Back Model of Crystal Deerclops Figure:

Possessed Varg Figure

Willow Portrait.png
I SAID we should've burned it, but nope, nobody listens to me...


The sculpture depicts the Possessed Varg. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Possessed Varg.

Back Model of Possessed Varg Figure:

Armored Bearger Figure

WX-78 Portrait.png


The sculpture depicts the Armored Bearger. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Armored Bearger.

Back Model of Armored Bearger Figure:

Varg Figure

登場イベント:Map Icon Varg Shrine.pngYear of the Varg

Webber Portrait.png
That's a big, bad dog.

Webber, when examining a Varg Figure.

Varg Figures can be crafted from the Sculptures Filter after acquiring their respective Sketches from the Varg Shrine and giving them to a Potter's Wheel. Depending on whether the player chooses to place 1 Marble, 1 Cut Stone or 1 Moon Shard on the wheel before sculpting, the resulting Figure will be white, black or translucent green. Varg Figures additionally require 2 Rocks and 2 Hound's Teeth to craft, while the Hound Figures require 2 Rocks and 1 Hound's Tooth.

Similar to Chess Pieces, Varg and Hound Figures can be carried around on the players' backs and can be used for decorational purposes.

Back Model of Possessed Varg Figure:

Hound Figure

登場イベント:Map Icon Varg Shrine.pngYear of the Varg

Woodie Portrait.png
All the dog, none of the smell.

Woodie, when examining a Hound Figure.

Hound Figures can be crafted from the Sculptures Filter after acquiring their respective Sketches from the Varg Shrine and giving them to a Potter's Wheel. Depending on whether the player chooses to place 1 Marble, 1 Cut Stone or 1 Moon Shard on the wheel before sculpting, the resulting Figure will be white, black or translucent green. Varg Figures additionally require 2 Rocks and 2 Hound's Teeth to craft, while the Hound Figures require 2 Rocks and 1 Hound's Tooth.

Similar to Chess Pieces, Varg and Hound Figures can be carried around on the players' backs and can be used for decorational purposes.

Carrat Figure

登場イベント:Carrat Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Carrat

WX-78 Portrait.png


The Carrat Figure can be crafted from the Sculptures Filter after acquiring its Sketch from the Carrat Shrine and giving it to a Potter's Wheel. Depending on whether the player chooses to place 1 Marble, 1 Cut Stone or 1 Moon Shard on the wheel before sculpting, the resulting Figure will be white, black or translucent green.

Similar to Chess Pieces, Carrat Figure can be carried around on the players' backs and can be used for decorational purposes.

Beefalo Figure

登場イベント:Beefalo Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Beefalo

Wilson Portrait.png
This sculpture is pretty beefy.

Wilson, when examining a Beefalo Figure

The Beefalo Figure can be crafted from the Sculptures Filter after acquiring its Sketch from the Beefalo Shrine and giving it to a Potter's Wheel. Depending on whether the player chooses to place 1 Marble, 1 Cut Stone or 1 Moon Shard on the wheel before sculpting, the resulting Figure will be white, black or translucent green.

Similar to Chess Pieces, Beefalo Figure can be carried around on the players' backs and can be used for decorational purposes.

Kitcoon Figure

登場イベント:Catcoon Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Catcoon

Winona Portrait.png
I can't tell if this a great feat of engineering or a very stupid one. Either way, it sure is cute.

Winona, examining a Kitcoon Figure

Catcoon Figure

登場イベント:Catcoon Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Catcoon

Warly Portrait.png
At least this one won't try to sneak off with my lunch.

Warly, examining a Catcoon Figure

Bunnyman Figure

登場イベント:Bunnyman Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Bunnyman

Wilson Portrait.png
I want to hug it, but the stone chafes.

Wilson, when examining a Bunnyman Figure

Start Tower Figure

登場イベント:Dragonfly Shrine.pngYear of the Dragonfly

Wilson Portrait.png
Just the sight of it gets my heart racing!

Wilson, when examining a Start Tower Figure

Back Model of Start Tower Figure:

Prototype.png ワンポイント

  • These structures act as impenetrable walls except to certain bosses. This can be used in the Moon Caller's Staff event to block off Werepigs and Hounds.

Placeholder.png トリビア

  • Most Chess Pieces were added in the A Little Fixer Upper update, while the Giant Figures were introduced in an unnamed Bonus Update after the completion of A New Reign. The Bee Queen, Toadstool, Antlion, Ancient Fuelweaver, and Klaus figures were added in the May QoL update.
  • Based off of character quotes, it is implied that the Kingly Figure refers to Maxwell, the Queenly figure to Charlie, and the Pawn to all the other playable characters.
  • The Queenly Figure used to have speech file lines referring to it having a "struggling" state, but these were later removed or commented out.
  • The Moon Shard figure type as well as the Moon Moth, Anchor, and "Moon" Figures were introduced in the Turn of Tides update.
  • Knight, Bishop, and Rook Figures made from Moon Shards will not spawn Shadow Pieces if hammered during a new moon. This is intentional.[1]

Blueprint.png ギャラリー
