Marble Sculptures
- ろくろで作成可能な彫像についてはChess Piecesをご覧ください
- 採掘することでスケッチを落とす彫像についてはMarble Statuesをご覧ください

–Wilson, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Willow, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Wolfgang, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Wendy, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–WX-78, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Wickerbottom, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Woodie, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Maxwell, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Wigfrid, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Webber, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Warly, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Wormwood, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Winona, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Wortox, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Wurt, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Walter, when examining an incomplete Rook Sculpture.

–Wilson, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Willow, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Wolfgang, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Wendy, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–WX-78, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Wickerbottom, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Woodie, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Maxwell, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Wigfrid, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Webber, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Warly, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Wormwood, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Winona, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Wortox, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Wurt, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Walter, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.

–Wilson, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Willow, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Wolfgang, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Wendy, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–WX-78, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Wickerbottom, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Woodie, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Maxwell, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Wigfrid, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Webber, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Warly, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Wormwood, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Winona, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Wortox, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Wurt, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.

–Walter, when examining an incomplete Knight Sculpture.
Marble Sculptures(大理石の彫像)はDon't Starve TogetherにA New Reign の新要素として追加されたものです。これは Set Pieceとしてスポーンし、ワールドで場所を問わず、見つけることができます。
プレイヤーはこの像をつるはしで掘ることができます。つるはしで掘るとMarbleを手に入れることができ、像は変形します。掘った後の像は ワールドにランダムに落ちているSuspicious Marbleを使うことによってクロックワークモンスターのような見た目の像に変貌します。
新月の際にも修理済みの像はがたがたと蠢き、満月の時と同様につるはしで破壊できます。ただしこの場合にスポーンするのはクロックワークモンスターではなく、像と対応した形のShadow PiecesとSketch、2個ずつのGearsを産みだします。この時産まれるShadow Piecesは、自分で作った像を破壊した場合産まれるものと行動に違いはありません。
像が落とすSketchから像を作り、新月の夜になるとがたがたと動きます。それをハンマーで壊すと、近くに動いている像がある場合、すべて壊れてShadow Bishop、Shadow Knight、Shadow Rookがスポーンします。
Wilson standing in a Marble Sculptures setpiece.
Marble Sculpture as seen in the poster for the A Little Fixer Upper update.
Marble Sculptures as seen in the poster for the Arts and Crafts update.