Buoyant Chiminea

提供:Don't Starve Wiki
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登場作品:Shipwrecked icon.pngShipwrecked

Walani Portrait.png
I taught the fire how to surf.


Buoyant ChimineaShipwreckedに導入された建造物です。 Lightタブから作成でき、4個、タール6個、 石灰石6個が必要です。サイエンスマシンアルケミーエンジンによる試作を必要としません。通常のChimineaと機能は変わりませんが、上にしか設置できない点が異なります。

Placeholder.png トリビア

  • The Buoyant Chiminea was added to the Shipwrecked DLC more than a year after its official completion in the Home Sea Home update, after being tested in a beta branch for several months.
  • The Buoyant Chiminea was originally named the Galley, but was renamed before the beta was released.