Year of the Carrat(キャラットの年)はDon't Starve Togetherにて導入されたイベントです。開催期間は2020年1月23日から3月19日までになります。[1]キャラットはネズミのモブ、すなわちキャラットの年とは2020年の干支が子年であることからきています。
イベント期間外もこのイベントを行いたいときはワールド設定で「Seasonal Events」の項目を「Year of the Carrat」に設定してサーバーを建てましょう。
Carrat Shrine
“How come the rat-thing gets a shrine and I don't?”
“Shiny leggy carrot was hungry!”
“I must pay my respects.”
“It's a tribute to the small plant-animal hybrid.”
“Pretty nice setup, eh?”
“It irks me tö hönör a vegetable.”
“Do you have any fun things for us?”
“Shiny thing has little house”
“Time to get buildin'!”
“Hyuyu, I know a trickster when I see one!”
“It look like veggie rat, flort.”
“What should we get, Woby?”
Carrat Shrine(キャラットの祭壇)はPrototypers & Stations Filter、Structures Filter、Special Event Filterから作成できる建造物であり、作成には金塊8つと板2つ必要です。プロトタイプを作成する必要は無く、いつでも作成可能です。ここにニンジンや種を供えることで祭壇は「稼働」状態となり、近くに立つとOfferings Filterを開くことができます。ここで通常の金塊やイベントアイテムである幸運の金塊を使って様々なアイテムを作成することができます。レースで金塊を貰える状態(まだその日のレースを開催していない状態)では祭壇が赤い袋を担いだキャラットのデザインに変わります。
Lucky Gold Nugget
“What a lucky find!”
–Wilson, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“I don't think I'm supposed to spend this.”
–Willow, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“Is money?”
–Wolfgang, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“Luck has long since abandoned me...”
–Wendy, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
–WX-78, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“Such a curious shape.”
–Wickerbottom, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“I could use a bit of luck.”
–Woodie, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“Gold's gold as far as I'm concerned.”
–Maxwell, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“The unicörn smiles upön me this day!”
–Wigfrid, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“So shiny!”
–Webber, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“It's nice to have a bit of luck.”
–Warly, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“Yellow Rock Round Thing”
–Wormwood, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“I could use a bit of prosperity.”
–Winona, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“Oh what luck I feel, I feel.”
–Wortox, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“Shiny rock!”
–Wurt, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“Woby, we struck gold!”
–Walter, when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
Lucky Gold Nugget(幸運の金塊)はキャラットのレースに出場したときに貰えるRed Pouches(赤い袋)を開けると得られます。これを使用して提供品フィルターのアイテムを作成できます。
Offerings Tab
Offerings(提供品)タブではそれぞれ異なる効果を持つアイテムを作成できます。AncientタブにおけるAncient Pseudoscience Stationと似ており、プロトタイプを作成することはできないためこのタブのアイテムを作る際は必ずキャラットの祭壇の近くに立つ必要があります。
Carrat Race
“Are carrots supposed to have legs?”
“Leggy carrot is getting away!”
“I despise how it skitters...”
“My, another plant and animal hybrid. How odd.”
“That carrot's a rat!”
“That carrot is revolting!”
“Vegetables are nöt tö be trusted!”
“I... think I had a nightmare like this once.”
“Yer an orange nuisance, aintcha?”
“Does it have a soul, one wonders?”
“Vegetables are much more interesting here than back home.”
Carrat(キャラット)はDon't Starve Togetherの「Return of Them」アップデートにて追加されたモブです。月の島バイオームに生息し、普段は地面に潜ってニンジンに擬態しています。捕獲する場合は罠を使って捕らえると回収時そのままインベントリに移動します。地面に潜っているのをショベルで掘り起こせばその場でしばらくもがいているので、その間に右クリックで回収することができます。
- Speed(速度):キャラットの移動速度。ポイントに応じて速度が5~7に変化します。また、ランダムな確率でスタート時の速さが1ポイント上昇します。
- Endurance(持久力):キャラットが休まず走り続けてくれる能力。ポイントに応じて最低2~4秒から最高22~24秒まで走り続けてくれます。十分走った後は立ち止まって2~3秒ほど息を整えます。このとき、持久力のステータスが0ポイントの場合10%の確率で3~6秒間その場で眠ってしまいます。
- Reflex(反動):スタート時の音でひっくり返った時に復帰する能力。ポイントに応じて最低2~4秒から最高0秒(ひっくり返らない)で復帰できるようになります。反動のステータスが0ポイントの場合復帰するのに4~5秒かかります。
- Navigation(方向):キャラットが目的地に向かって進む能力。ポイントに応じて目的地へ進む方向のブレが最低0~100°から最高0~30°に縮まります。方向のステータスが0ポイントの場合、キャラットは前のチェックポイントやスタート地点に戻ってしまう場合があります。
通常 |
( 12.5%)
青 |
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茶 |
( 12.5%)
緑 |
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ピンク |
( 12.5%)
紫 |
( 12.5%)
白 |
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黄 |
( 12.5%)
Starting Point
“It's a good enough place to start.”
“Mine's gonna win, obviously.”
“Is starting place for tiny leggy carrots.”
“Why do I bother with such silly things.”
“This will be a unique opportunity to observe the Daucus carota rattus.”
“How aboot a little race, eh?”
“I suppose this is what I must do for entertainment now.”
“We shall see which vegetable beast prevails!”
“Where do I even begin... oh, right here!”
“We all gotta start somewhere.”
“Veggie race start here!”
“Let's start this race!”
Starting Point Kit(スタート地点作成キット)は通常の金塊1つから作成できるアイテムです。
地面に設置するとStarting Point(スタート地点)が組み立てられます。ここにキャラットを置くとレースに参加できます。右クリックで起動させると銅鑼が鳴り、レースが始まります。
Finish Line
“It's really more of a finish circle than a line.”
“I should set it on fire, it'll be easier to see that way.”
“Wolfgang will win, have leggy-est carrot!”
“Don't worry, the end is near.”
“Can't have a race without a finish line.”
“Whö shall claim this nöble victöry?”
“We hope our little friend doesn't get lost on the way.”
“Keep your eyes on the prize!”
“Surely the cleverest will win.”
“Is the finish place.”
“First one here wins!”
Finish Line Kit(ゴール地点作成キット)は通常の金塊1つから作成できるアイテムです。
地面に設置するとFinish Line(ゴール地点)が組み立てられます。キャラットが全員ここにたどり着くことでレース終了となります。
“You've made your point.”
“Looks perfectly flammable to me.”
“If only I had a signpost to guide me...”
“This marker should help keep things on track.”
“This marker should help 'em find the finish line.”
“These posts will serve as adequate route markers.”
“A waypöint tö guide öur vegetable beasts.”
“Check out this checkpoint!”
“This checks out. Ha!”
“I make a point of checking checkpoints, hyuyu.”
“A good race needs some planning.”
Checkpoint Kit(チェックポイント作成キット)は幸運の金塊2つから作成できるアイテムです。
Charlie's Carrat
“That's... disconcerting.”
“That's a weird looking Carrat.”
“Something wrong with that one...”
“It's merely a shade.”
“That thing's giving me the creeps.”
“Starting to feel left out?”
“This shadöwy creature seeks tö challenge me.”
“That one looks kind of spooky...”
“Oh! Well aren't you... cute?”
“You always did have a competitive streak, didn't ya sis?”
“I had a feeling she liked to play games too, hyuyu!”
“That one creepy, flurp.”
“Where can I get a shadow Carrat?”
Charlie's Carrat(チャーリーのキャラット)は参加キャラットが1匹しかいないときに数を補う目的で3体出現します。レースが終わると消えていなくなります。プレイヤーはチャーリーのキャラットに干渉することはできません。
Carrat Gym
Navigation Gym
“This'll get things moving in the right direction.”
“If only my life could find some direction.”
“This will put the creature's sense of direction to the test.”
“You ain't gettin' far without a good sense of direction.”
“An underling must be able to follow directions.”
“I must ensure my veggie beast is quick-witted!”
“We're gonna be the very best trainer!”
“I hope the poor thing doesn't get too dizzy.”
“Now that's a nifty little contraption.”
“North, South, East, West, your sense of direction we'll put to the test!”
“Hee-hee, my veggie rat gonna be best!”
“A good sense of direction is important for survival!”
Navigation Gym Kit(方向のジム作成キット)は幸運の金塊4つから作成できるアイテムです。
地面に設置するとNavigation Gym(方向のジム)が組み立てられます。1回使用につき90秒間トレーニングを行い、ステータスを1ポイント上昇させます。ここのトレーニングを積んだキャラットは、チェックポイントやゴールにまっすぐ進んでくれるようになります。
Reflex Gym
“Let's train those Carrat-like reflexes!”
“After all, one never knows when disaster will strike...”
“You never know what might pop up on the race track.”
“Reflexes are key in battle, and racing!”
“We need to be ready for anything.”
“I also find food quite motivating.”
“Better start training.”
“I just wanted to see how you'd react, hyuyu!”
“Is very good racing training, flort.”
“By the time we're done, my Carrat will be ready for anything!”
Reflex Gym Kit(反動のジム作成キット)は幸運の金塊4つから作成できるアイテムです。
地面に設置するとReflex Gym(反動のジム)が組み立てられます。1回使用につき90秒間トレーニングを行い、ステータスを1ポイント上昇させます。ここのトレーニングを積んだキャラットは、スタート時の音でひっくり返っても反動ですぐに起き上がれます。
Speed Gym
“I need to get my Carrat up to speed.”
“What if I just set it on fire a little bit? For motivation!”
“Speed almost as important as mightiness.”
“I had a hamster once. It died.”
“Speed is no replacement for cleverness, but it helps.”
“Let's hit the ground running, eh?”
“Athletics were never my strong suit.”
“We shall test thine speed.”
“"The wheel on the gym goes round and round."”
“What a nice little wheel.”
“Let's get the ball rolling! Or, uh, the wheel.”
“Spin, spin, spin the wheel of fate!”
“I've never been a coach before!”
Speed Gym Kit(速度のジム作成キット)は幸運の金塊4つから作成できるアイテムです。
地面に設置するとSpeed Gym(速度のジム)が組み立てられます。1回使用につき90秒間トレーニングを行い、ステータスを1ポイント上昇させます。ここのトレーニングを積んだキャラットは移動速度が上がります。
Endurance Gym
“Not my idea of "feeling the burn".”
“Yes!! Tiny gym will make leggy carrot strong!”
“Abigail would have enjoyed this.”
“The repeated jumping should help build the creature's stamina.”
“Wait a minute, is that my fishing reel?”
“An exercise machine... the most dastardly of inventions.”
“This ödd training gröund will suffice.”
“Look! It's got a little jump rope!”
“Is that... a tiny jumping rope?”
“My, that looks strenuous.”
“Hoppy string machine.”
“This is very serious training equipment.”
Endurance Gym Kit(持久力のジム作成キット)は幸運の金塊4つから作成できるアイテムです。
地面に設置するとEndurance Gym(持久力のジム)が組み立てられます。1回使用につき90秒間トレーニングを行い、ステータスを1ポイント上昇させます。ここのトレーニングを積んだキャラットは、途中で休憩しにくくなります。
Carrat Scale
“Hopefully the scales tip in my favor.”
“My Carrat's off the scale! I mean literally.”
“Will see how mighty Wolfgang's leggy carrot is!”
“What is the measure of a Carrat?”
“Fascinating! I never realized skill could be measured by weight.”
“How aboot we see what our Carrat's made of, eh?”
“I will only accept the finest Carrat.”
“We shall see just höw ströng my veggie beast truly is.”
“We already know our Carrat's the best!”
“It takes four main ingredients to make a first-rate racer.”
“Alright, let's see what I'm working with.”
“I hope I get a high score, hyuyu!”
“Need to get best veggie rat!”
“Do I get a badge for having the best Carrat?”
Carrat Scale Kit(キャラットの測定器作成キット)は幸運の金塊1つから作成できるアイテムです。
地面に設置するとCarrat Scale(キャラットの測定器)が組み立てられます。ここにキャラットを乗せると方向、反動、速度、持久力のステータスを測ることができます。
Packet of Seeds
“Looks pretty seedy, if you ask me.”
“Just a bunch of seeds.”
“Nothing grows in the garden of my heart.”
“It's a bit of a mixed bag. Of seeds.”
“I care nöt för gröwing vegetables.”
“Hm, where should we plant them?”
“I wonder what will grow from this?”
“Shh... friends sleeping inside”
“A packet of seeds, to do with as I please.”
Packet of Seeds(種袋)は社に幸運の金塊を2個奉納することで得ることができます。
Premium Seed Packet
“Hey there, fancy-plants!”
“Oh wow, special seeds, how exciting.”
“Everything that grows just dies eventually.”
“I wonder what species it will turn out to be.”
“Whatcha think it'll grow into, Lucy?”
“This should yield a higher quality crop.”
“The rarity öf these nön-meats döth nöt impress me.”
“We wonder what's gonna grow!”
“I hope it grows into some tasty ingredients.”
“Shh... friends sleeping inside”
“Wonder what's gonna sprout outta these?”
“Perhaps it contains magic beans? Hyuyu!”
“Wonder if it grow into something tasty.”
“Not knowing what they are is half the fun!”
Premium Seed Packet(高級種袋)は社に幸運の金塊を4個奉納することで得ることができます。
Carrat Figure Sketch
“A picture of a sculpture. We'll need somewhere to make it.”
“Trading diagrams is for dorks.”
“Picture will help Wolfgang carve nice rocks!”
“I think we could make what's drawn here...”
“Some plans for a fancy stone carving.”
“I'll need somewhere to sculpt it.”
“The muses' knöwledge, inscribed upön an ancient scröll!”
“We need somewhere to make it!”
“Oh! I could sculpt something based off this.”
“What a nice drawing.”
“Would you look at that!”
“I think I could sculpt this! I'm pretty good at arts and crafts.”
Carrat Figure Sketche(キャラットの彫像スケッチ)はキャラットの社にて幸運の金塊を8個奉納することで交換してもらえます。このスケッチをろくろに与えることで彫刻を作成できるようになります。
Carrat Figure
“Now all I can think of is roasted carrots.”
“Wolfgang liked racing leggy carrots.”
“If only I could feel so serene.”
“A delightfully rendered likeness of the Daucus carota rattus.”
“If only I had a mantle to set it on.”
“I'm nöt keen ön hönöring a vegetable sö.”
“It makes us feel content.”
“Looking at it is making me a little hungry...”
“Look at it, just lazing around!”
“Not so light on its feet now, hyuyu!”
“Veggie rat look happy.”
“I usually prefer badges to trophies, but I might make an exception.”
Carrat Figures(キャラットの彫像)は、提供品フィルターから作成したスケッチをろくろに与えた後、彫刻タブから作成することができます。まずはろくろに大理石か切り石か月の破片を置きます(大理石を置けば白、切り石を置けば黒、月の破片を置けば半透明の緑の彫像ができる)。その後に材料として石2つを準備することで彫刻を作成することができます。
こちらも参照:Dappled Koi または Golden Koi
Dappled Koi(まだら鯉)とGolden Koi(金色鯉)はキャラットの年イベントで追加された海水魚です。旧正月イベント期間中のみプレイヤーの近くの海から出現します。
- メニュー画面でウィノナが掲げているキャラットは、ログインするたび耳としっぽの色が変わります。
- 公式配信「Rhymes with Play」第271回にて開発者曰く、メニュー画面のBGMは映画「(映画) ロッキー」のテーマソングから影響を受けているとのことです。
- メニュー画面のBGMはキャラットのトレーニング中にも流れます。こちらも上述の映画の演出を意識しているものと考えられます。
A promotional animation for the Year of the Carrat event.
A promotional image for the Year of the Carrat event.
A Carrat in a Carrat Race being chased by a Bunnyman as seen in a drawing from Art Stream # 101.
Concept art of various gyms from Rhymes With Play #273.
More concept art of various gyms from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Speed Gym from Rhymes With Play #273.
More concept art of the Speed Gym from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of an unused Intelligence Gym from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of an unused Obedience Gym from Rhymes With Play #273.
Unused concepts of platforms for Carrat Gyms from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of an unused Strength Gym from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Stamina Gym from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Stamina and Navigation Gyms from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Carrat racing Kits from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Floating Lantern from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Year of the Carrat loading screen from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Year of the Carrat's Red Pouch from Rhymes With Play #273.
More concept art of the Year of the Carrat's Red Pouch from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Checkpoint structure from Rhymes With Play #273.
Early Carrat race concept from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Starting Point and Finish Line structures from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Finish Line structure from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Starting Point structure from Rhymes With Play #273.
Concept art of the Carrat variations from Rhymes With Play #273.
Unused concepts of Carrat clothing from Rhymes With Play #273.
Frame of an animated concept for what became the Carrat Scale from Rhymes With Play #273.
Another unused concept for the Carrat Scare from Rhymes With Play #273.
More Carrat Scale concept art from Rhymes With Play #273.
More Carrat Scale concept art from Rhymes With Play #273.
Ideas for new Carrat Gyms drawn by hosts May and Grace at the end of Rhymes With Play #273.
More ideas for new Carrat Gyms drawn by hosts May and Grace at the end of Rhymes With Play #273.
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Don't Starve Togetheアップデート履歴 |
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