Year of the Carrat

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Year of the Carrat is an event in Don't Starve Together that began on January 23, 2020 and ended on March 19, 2020.[1] It is inspired by the Chinese Year of the Rat, which started on January 25, 2020 and ends on February 11, 2021. In the Chinese zodiac, each year is related to an animal in a 12-year cycle.

It is similar to the Year of the Gobbler, Year of the Varg, and Year of the Pig King events, which came in the years before, and shares mechanics with them, such as the Offerings crafting filter, and most craftable items from those events. However, there are several additions and differences to be implemented into this event. Players can revisit this event by setting Events to Year of the Carrat in the World Customization menu.

During the official Year of the Carrat event, the Carrat Torch Skin was given to players upon opening the game.

Exclusive Features

Craftable Structures



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  • The main menu features an animation of Winona holding a winning Carrat which ear and tail color is randomly chosen each time the player logs in.
  • In Rhymes with Play # 271, a developer stated that the special theme for this event was inspired by "Gonna Fly Now", the theme from the movie Rocky.
  • While training a carrat at any of the gym pieces, the Year of the Carrat theme will play. A reference to training montages, popularized by the above-mentioned movie series.
  • Carrats found on the backs of Beefalo and the Carrat races are a reference to the Chinese legend of how the order for the Chinese Zodiac was made.

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The Year of the Carrat theme that plays on the main menu and while training carrats.
