Carrat Race

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Carrat Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Carrat
Competing in a Carrat race is the only method of obtaining Lucky Gold Nuggets during the event. It can be initiated by placing a Carrat at a Starting Point and by activating the bell. The race can be started at any moment.

When the race starts, 3 of Charlie's Carrats appear as competitors if only one carrat entered the race. All competitors run to the closest Checkpoint in range and keep going until all checkpoints have been visited by all competitors. The race finishes when all competitors reach a Finish Line.

Once per day, competitors bring back a Red Pouch to their owner. The winning Carrat receives a large Red Pouch with 2 to 12 Lucky Gold Nuggets, depending on the length of the race, with 1 extra Lucky Gold Nugget every 4.5 tiles. All other competitors receive a small Red Pouch 1 Lucky Gold Nugget.

Starting Point

Willow Portrait.png
Mine's gonna win, obviously.


A Starting Point Kit can be acquired in exchange for 1 Gold Nugget at the Carrat Shrine.

It can be deployed into a Starting Point. Starting Points are used to start Carrat Races, players can place their Carrats and activate the bell.

Finish Line

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Wolfgang will win, have leggy-est carrot!


A Finish Line Kit can be acquired in exchange for 1 Gold Nugget at the Carrat Shrine.

It can be deployed into a Finish Line. A Carrat Races finishes when all competitors reach the Finish Line.


Wortox Portrait.png
I make a point of checking checkpoints, hyuyu.


A Checkpoint Kit can be acquired in exchange for 2 Lucky Gold Nuggets at the Carrat Shrine.

It can be deployed into a Checkpoint. Checkpoints allow players to lengthen the races, while also serving as markers for which Carrat has reached the Checkpoint first. When a Carrat reaches a Checkpoint, it will glow in the color of the first Carrat. Otherwise, the Checkpoint will simply glow red.

Charlie's Carrat

Wendy Portrait.png
It's merely a shade.


Charlie's Carrats are the opposing competitors in the Carrat Race. Three of them appear when a Carrat Race starts with only one Carrat entered. They disappear at the end of the race, players are not able to interact with them.

Charlie's Carrats' skills depend on the total of the player skills points. One Charlie's Carrat has points randomly distributed equivalent to 75% of the total minus 0-3 points. Another Charlie's Carrat has points randomly distributed equivalent to 75-90% of the total minus 1. The third Charlie's Carrat has points randomly distributed equivalent to 80-110% of the total.