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Ui button variant 1 off.png
Ui button variant 1 on.png
Craft Menu Icon in DST
I find myself returning more and more frequently to my magnificent science machine, busying myself with prototyping new tools to aid in our survival. After all, I must do something to keep myself sane in this strange place...


Crafting is an in-game mechanic that allows players to craft or make Items and Structures. This is done by selecting an item or structure to be crafted in one of the 19 Crafting Tabs (including DLCs, and Character-Specific tabs). Provided the player has sufficient materials in their inventory and, if necessary, has unlocked the item recipe, they will receive 1 or more of the crafted item. Below are the crafting tables for the different game modes available. The availability of crafting recipes are further affected by special Events.


Unlocking for the first time will grant the player 15 Sanity. Once unlocked, items can be crafted any time.


Generally, each Item or Structure must be "prototyped" at a particular Prototyper or through other means to be unlocked. Once the item has been unlocked, it can be crafted anywhere, anytime (so long as the required materials are available). Tier 1 items can be unlocked at either a Science Machine or Alchemy Engine. Tier 2 items can only be unlocked at an Alchemy Engine, ETC.

Standing near the Prototyper allows prototyping new recipes. The following is a list of all the Prototypers:


Glommer's Flower.png See also: Blueprint

Webber's Switcherdoodle

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Switcherdoodle

Crafting Station

Crafting Station is similar to Prototyper, except that they do not unlock the recipe for the player after they make it, so the player must return to Crafting Station if they want to make the item again.

The following is a list of all the Crafting Station:

Crafting Filter

In Don't Starve Together, the Crafting menu has been redesigned to accommodate more items, with filters replacing categories.

Crafting Filters are a Don't Starve Together feature in the Crafting Menu that organize craftable items based on filters rather than the tabs used in the single player games. Unlike tabs, the same item can appear in multiple filters.

Some filters are similar to the original Don't Starve crafting tabs while others are new and can help players find items based on criteria like season.


Unimplemented Filters

Unimplemented Filters - Filter that are unused in the game and founded in game files

Glommer.png See also: Unimplemented Features

Don't Starve Together icon.png Quick-Craft Tabs

In Don't Starve Together, the crafting sidebar UI has been redesigned into Quick-Craft Tabs which allow the player to quickly craft items and structures. The player can use up to 9 pages of quick-craft tabs, with each page holding up to 9 recipes maximum. Keybinds can be set to quickly page left and right between pages. Moreover, mouse-wheeling over a particular tab changes the skin of that item or structure.

Quick-Craft Tabs are a Don't Starve Together feature, replacing the old Crafting tabs.

Craftable Items and Structures

Regular Filter
Filter Always Available
Always Available
Other Rare Blueprint
Blueprint (rare).png
Tier 1
Science Machine
Tier 2
Alchemy Engine or Bookcase.png
Tier 1
Tier 2
Shadow Manipulator
Tools Filter.png
Axe.png Pickaxe.png Hammer.png Trap.png Compass.png Trusty Tape.png Flare.png Hostile Flare.png Clockmaker's Tools.png Pile o' Balloons.png Den Decorating Set.png Webby Whistle.png Shoo Box.png Circuit Extractor.png Bio Scanalyzer.png Shovel.png Garden Hoe.png Pitchfork.png Bird Trap.png Bug Net.png Razor.png Watering Can.png Fishing Rod.png Sea Fishing Rod.png Pocket Scale.png Beefalo Bell.png Feather Pencil.png Luxury Axe.png Opulent Pickaxe.png Regal Shovel.png Splendid Garden Hoe.png Snazzy Pitchfork.png Walking Cane.png Sewing Kit.png Waterfowl Can.png Saddlehorn.png Brush.png Clean Sweeper.png Ocuvigil.png Auto-Mat-O-Chanic.png Turf-Raiser Helm.png Astral Detector.png Wooden Walking Stick.png Handy Remote.png
Light Sources Filter.png
Light Sources
Willow's Lighter.png Torch.png Campfire.png Fire Pit.png Winona's Spotlight.png Endothermic Fire.png Pumpkin Lantern.png Endothermic Fire Pit.png Miner Hat.png Moggles.png Lantern.png Morning Star.png Night Light.png Bio Scanalyzer.png
Optoelectronic Circuit.png Illumination Circuit.png
Humble Lamb Idol.png Scaled Furnace.png Mushlight.png Glowcap.png Astral Detector.png Winona's Spotlight 2.png
Prototypers & Stations Filter.png
Prototypers & Stations
Science Machine.png Mad Scientist Lab.png Masonry Oven.png Gobbler Shrine.png Varg Shrine.png Pig Shrine.png Carrat Shrine.png Beefalo Shrine.png Catcoon Shrine.png Bunnyman Shrine.png Dragonfly Shrine.png Alchemy Engine.png Think Tank.png Tackle Receptacle.png Cartographer's Desk.png Prestihatitator.png Potter's Wheel.png Shadow Manipulator.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Sawhorse.png
Refined Materials Filter.png
Refined Materials
Living Log.png Time Pieces.png Rope.png Boards.png Cut Stone.png Papyrus.png Electrical Doodad.png Wax Paper.png Beeswax.png Marble Bean.png Thick Fur.png Cratered Moonrock.png Feathery Canvas.png Nightmare Fuel.png Purple Gem.png Collected Dust.png
Weapons Filter.png
Trusty Slingshot.png Winona's Catapult.png Battle Spear.png Bramble Trap.png Spear.png Waterballoon.png Boomerang.png Ham Bat.png Tail o' Three Cats.png Morning Star.png Blow Dart.png Fire Dart.png Electric Dart.png Sleep Dart.png Weather Pain.png Gunpowder.png Tooth Trap.png Bee Mine.png Fencing Sword.png Ice Staff.png Pan Flute.png Alarming Clock.png Bat Bat.png Dark Sword.png Fire Staff.png Napsack.png Strident Trident.png Cannon Kit.png Cannonball.png Winona's Catapult 2.png Elding Spear.png Battle Rönd.png
Armor Filter.png
Grass Suit.png Bramble Husk.png Battle Helm.png Log Suit.png Scalemail.png Marble Suit.png Football Helmet.png Cookie Cutter Cap.png Beekeeper Hat.png Night Armor.png Dreadstone Armor.png Dreadstone Helm.png W.A.R.B.I.S. Armor.png W.A.R.B.I.S. Head Gear.png Hardwood Hat.png Commander's Helm.png Battle Rönd.png
Clothing Filter.png
Trusty Tape.png Clever Disguise.png Pinetree Pioneer Hat.png Inflatable Vest.png Balloon Hat.png Whirly Fan.png Pretty Parasol.png Garland.png Seawreath.png Straw Hat.png Magician's Top Hat.png Rabbit Earmuffs.png Backpack.png Umbrella.png Fashion Goggles.png Top Hat.png Beefalo Hat.png Fashion Melon.png Rain Coat.png Summer Frest.png Sewing Kit.png Seed Pack-It.png Piggyback.png Insulated Pack.png Luxury Fan.png Rain Hat.png Cat Cap.png Winter Hat.png Ice Cube.png Beekeeper Hat.png Feather Hat.png Bush Hat.png Dapper Vest.png Breezy Vest.png Puffy Vest.png Floral Shirt.png Walking Cane.png Hibearnation Vest.png Eyebrella.png One-man Band.png Belt of Hunger.png Desert Goggles.png Turf-Raiser Helm.png Astroggles.png Red Funcap.png Green Funcap.png Blue Funcap.png Polly Roger's Hat.png Portasol.png Wooden Walking Stick.png Inspectacles.png Rose-Colored Glasses.png
Healing Filter.png
Ageless Watch.png Second Chance Watch.png Healing Glop.png Compost Wrap.png Telltale Heart.png Healing Salve.png Straw Roll.png Tent Roll.png Slimy Salve.png Honey Poultice.png Tillweed Salve.png Booster Shot.png Fur Roll.png Tent.png Siesta Lean-to.png Life Giving Amulet.png Meat Effigy.png Bio Scanalyzer.png
Beanbooster Circuit.png
Magic Filter.png
Abigail's Flower Stage 2.png Kitschy Goose Idol.png Kitschy Beaver Idol.png Kitschy Moose Idol.png Magician's Top Hat.png Magician's Chest.png Codex Umbra.png Prestihatitator.png Shadow Manipulator.png Meat Effigy.png Pan Flute.png One-man Band.png Night Light.png Purple Gem.png Life Giving Amulet.png Chilled Amulet.png Ice Staff.png Ocuvigil.png Moon Dial.png Nightmare Fuel.png Bright Boxer.png Shadow Boxer.png Alarming Clock.png Night Armor.png Dark Sword.png Bat Bat.png Belt of Hunger.png Nightmare Amulet.png Fire Staff.png Telelocator Staff.png Telelocator Focus.png Dreadstone Armor.png Dreadstone Helm.png Turf-Raiser Helm.png The Lazy Deserter.png Treeguard Idol.png
Decorations Filter.png
Festive Tree Planter.png Marsh Turf.png Potter's Wheel.png Feather Pencil.png Sign.png Directional Sign.png Mini Sign.png Wood Fence.png Hay Wall.png Wood Wall.png Mannequin.png Clean Sweeper.png Potted Fern.png Potted Succulent.png Wardrobe.png Beefalo Grooming Station.png Fish Scale-O-Matic.png Produce Scale.png Wood Gate.png Stone Wall.png Scrap Wall.png Moon Rock Wall.png Cobblestones.png Wooden Flooring.png Checkerboard Flooring.png Carpeted Flooring.png Lush Carpet.png Red Mosaic Flooring.png Blue Mosaic Flooring.png Grey Mosaic Flooring.png Scaled Flooring.png Beard Hair Rug.png Gramophone.png Record Classic.png Think Tank.png
Think Tank:
Anchor Figure Sketch.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Terra Firma Tamper:
Rocky Beach Turf.png Forest Turf.png Grass Turf.png Savanna Turf.png Deciduous Turf.png Sandy Turf.png Rocky Turf.png Guano Turf.png Cave Rock Turf.png Slimy Turf.png Marsh Turf.png Mud Turf.png Fungal Turf Blue.png Fungal Turf Red.png Fungal Turf Green.png
Wooden Chair.png Stone Chair.png Wooden Stool.png Stone Stool.png Round Wooden Table.png Stone Round Table.png Square Wooden Table.png Stone Square Table.png Art?.png Table Lamp.png Table Vase.png Empty Frame.png Pleasant Portrait.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png End Table.png Dreadstone Wall.png Moon Quay Pirate Banner.png Dock Kit.png Dock Piling Kit.png Brick Flooring.png Gold Flooring.png Ancient Flooring.png Imitation Ancient Flooring.png Ancient Tilework.png Imitation Ancient Tilework.png Ancient Brickwork.png Imitation Ancient Brickwork.png Ancient Stonework.png Shell Beach Turf.png Moon Quay Beach Turf.png Replica Relic Plate.png Replica Relic Dish.png Replica Relic Bowl.png Replica Relic Vase.png Replica Relic Chair.png Replica Relic Table.png
Structures Filter.png
Masonry Oven.png Winter's Feast Table.png Festive Tree Planter.png Mad Scientist Lab.png Gobbler Shrine.png Varg Shrine.png Pig Shrine.png Carrat Shrine.png Beefalo Shrine.png Catcoon Shrine.png Bunnyman Shrine.png Dragonfly Shrine.png Science Machine.png Sisturn.png Winona's Catapult.png Winona's Spotlight.png Winona's Generator.png Winona's G.E.M.erator.png Spider Eggs.png Magician's Chest.png Alchemy Engine.png Think Tank.png Tackle Receptacle.png Cartographer's Desk.png Prestihatitator.png Potter's Wheel.png Crock Pot.png Drying Rack.png Craftsmerm House.png DIY Royalty Kit.png Merm Flort-ifications.png Mighty Gym.png Chest.png Thermal Measurer.png Rainometer.png Lightning Rod.png Punching Bag.png Tent Roll.png Friendly Scarecrow.png Mannequin.png Wood Fence.png Hay Wall.png Wood Wall.png Sign.png Directional Sign.png Mini Sign.png Scaled Chest.png Ice Box.png Salt Box.png Ice Flingomatic.png Tent.png Siesta Lean-to.png Pig House.png Rabbit Hutch.png Salt Lick.png Gourmet Salt Lick.png Wood Gate.png Stone Wall.png Scrap Wall.png Moon Rock Wall.png Spelunker's Bridge Kit.png Shadow Manipulator.png Night Light.png Moon Dial.png Bright Boxer.png Shadow Boxer.png Meat Effigy.png Telelocator Focus.png Think Tank.png
Think Tank:
Ocean Trawler Kit.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png Sawhorse.png Scaled Furnace.png Mushlight.png Glowcap.png Astral Detector.png The Lazy Deserter.png Dock Kit.png End Table.png Lunar Siphonator.png Dreadstone Wall.png Pillar Scaffold.png Dreadstone Pillar Scaffold.png Winona's Catapult 2.png Winona's Spotlight 2.png Winona's Generator 2.png Winona's G.E.M.erator 2.png Teletransport Station.png
Storage Solutions Filter.png
Storage Solutions
Gift Wrap.png Chef Pouch.png Candy Bag.png Magician's Chest.png Backpack.png Chest.png Piggyback.png Insulated Pack.png Seed Pack-It.png Scaled Chest.png Ice Box.png Salt Box.png Think Tank.png
Think Tank:
Tin Fishin' Bin.png
Bundling Wrap.png Elastispacer.png Battle Call Canister.png
Cooking Filter.png
Masonry Oven.png Willow's Lighter.png Portable Crock Pot.png Portable Grinding Mill.png Portable Seasoning Station.png Chef Pouch.png Campfire.png Fire Pit.png Cookbook.png Crock Pot.png Drying Rack.png Ice Box.png Salt Box.png Insulated Pack.png Humble Lamb Idol.png Scaled Furnace.png
Food & Gardening Filter.png
Food & Gardening
Compost Wrap.png Trap.png Garden Digamajig.png Garden Hoe.png Watering Can.png Bird Trap.png Splendid Garden Hoe.png Waterfowl Can.png Bucket-o-poop.png Growth Formula Starter.png Tree Jam.png Composting Bin.png Gardeneer Hat.png Seed Pack-It.png Mushroom Planter.png Bee Box.png Birdcage.png Produce Scale.png One-man Band.png Bio Scanalyzer.png
Chorusbox Circuit.png
Think Tank.png
Think Tank:
Ocean Trawler Kit.png
Fishing Filter.png
Tackle Receptacle.png Fishing Rod.png Sea Fishing Rod.png Pocket Scale.png Fish Scale-O-Matic.png Think Tank.png
Think Tank:
Ocean Trawler Kit.png Tin Fishin' Bin.png
Tackle Receptacle.png
Tackle Receptacle:
Wooden Ball Bobber.png Hardened Slip Bobber.png Jet Quill Float.png Crimson Quill Float.png Azure Quill Float.png Saffron Quill Float.png Down Quill Float.png Malbatross Quill Float.png Sunrise Spoon.png Dusky Spoon.png Nightflyer Spoon.png Sunrise Spinnerbait.png Dusky Spinnerbait.png Nightflyer Spinnerbait.png
Rainy Day Lure.png Snow Day Lure.png Stupefying Lure.png Heavy Weighted Lure.png Fish Food.png
Seafaring Filter.png
Grass Raft Kit.png Kelp Patch.png Boat Patch.png Oar.png Driftwood Oar.png Inflatable Vest.png Kelp Bumper Kit.png Fanged Bumper Kit.png Dragonfly Light Kit.png Think Tank.png Think Tank.png
Think Tank:
Boat Kit.png Anchor Kit.png Steering Wheel Kit.png Rudder Kit.png Mast Kit.png Winged Sail Kit.png Shell Bumper Kit.png Ocean Trawler Kit.png Deck Illuminator.png Lightning Conductor.png Tin Fishin' Bin.png Fire Pump.png Nautopilot Kit.png Nautopilot Beacon.png Anchor Figure Sketch.png
Cannon Kit.png Cannonball.png Pinchin' Winch.png Dock Kit.png Dock Piling Kit.png
Beefalo Riding Filter.png
Beefalo Riding
Beefalo Bell.png Salt Lick.png Gourmet Salt Lick.png Brush.png Saddlehorn.png Saddle.png War Saddle.png Glossamer Saddle.png Beefalo Grooming Station.png Battle Saddle.png
Winter Items Filter.png
Winter Items
Campfire.png Fire Pit.png Rabbit Earmuffs.png Rain Coat.png Beefalo Hat.png Thermal Measurer.png Thermal Stone.png Dapper Vest.png Breezy Vest.png Puffy Vest.png Hibearnation Vest.png Cat Cap.png Winter Hat.png Tent.png Bio Scanalyzer.png
Thermal Circuit.png
Humble Lamb Idol.png Scaled Furnace.png
Summer Items Filter.png
Summer Items
Whirly Fan.png Pretty Parasol.png Straw Hat.png Endothermic Fire.png Umbrella.png Summer Frest.png Fashion Melon.png Waterballoon.png Watering Can.png Thermal Measurer.png Rainometer.png Endothermic Fire Pit.png Thermal Stone.png Luxury Fan.png Floral Shirt.png Gardeneer Hat.png Ice Cube.png Eyebrella.png Ice Flingomatic.png Scaled Flooring.png Siesta Lean-to.png Waterfowl Can.png Chilled Amulet.png Bio Scanalyzer.png
Refrigerant Circuit.png
Red Funcap.png Green Funcap.png Blue Funcap.png Desert Goggles.png
Rain Gear Filter.png
Rain Gear
Pretty Parasol.png Balloon Hat.png Straw Hat.png Magician's Top Hat.png Umbrella.png Rain Coat.png Top Hat.png Lightning Rod.png Rainometer.png Beekeeper Hat.png Miner Hat.png Cookie Cutter Cap.png Rain Hat.png Eyebrella.png Portasol.png
Special Event Filter.png
Special Event
Masonry Oven.png Winter's Feast Table.png Festive Tree Planter.png Gift Wrap.png Mad Scientist Lab.png Candy Bag.png Gobbler Shrine.png Varg Shrine.png Pig Shrine.png Carrat Shrine.png Beefalo Shrine.png Catcoon Shrine.png Bunnyman Shrine.png Dragonfly Shrine.png Depths Worm Shrine.png
Crafting Station Filter
Filter Station Items
Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.png
Ancient Pseudoscience
Broken Pseudoscience Station.png
Broken Ancient Pseudoscience Station
Ancient Tier1
Thulecite.png Thulecite Wall.png Thulecite Medallion.png Magiluminescence.png Construction Amulet.png Star Caller's Staff.png Deconstruction Staff.png Premier Gardeneer Hat.png Ruins Turf Blueprints.png Imitation Ruins Turf Blueprints.png
Ancient Pseudoscience Station.png
Ancient Pseudoscience Station
Ancient Tier2
The Lazy Forager.png The Lazy Explorer.png PickSlashAxe.png Thulecite Crown.png Thulecite Suit.png Thulecite Club.png Houndius Shootius.png Shadowcraft Plinth Kit.png
Cartography Station Icon.png
Cartographer's Desk.png
Cartographer's Desk
Map Scroll.png
Celestial Station Icon.png
Celestial Orb.png
Celestial Orb
Celestial Tier1
Moon Rock Idol.png Portal Paraphernalia.png Brightsmithy Kit.png Lunar Funcap.png
Celestial Altar Celestial Tribute Celestial Sanctum Celestial Orb.png
Lunar Altar or Celestial Orb after Celestial Champion
Celestial Tier2
Moon Glass Axe.png Glass Cutter.png Moon Glass Saw Blade.png Moon Crater Turf.png Mutated Fungal Turf.png Bath Bomb.png Moon Moth Figure Sketch.png "Moon" Figure Sketch.png
Brightsmithy Station Icon.png
Brightshade Armor.png Brightshade Helm.png Brightshade Bomb.png Brightshade Staff.png Brightshade Sword.png Brightshade Smasher.png Brightshade Shoevel.png Brightshade Repair Kit.png Polar Bearger Bin.png Ice Crystaleyezer Kit.png Howlitzer.png
Shadowcrafting Station Icon.png
Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Shadowcraft Plinth
Void Robe.png Void Cowl.png Umbralla.png Shadow Reaper.png Gloomerang.png Void Repair Kit.png Shadow Maul.png Beefalo Gloom Bell.png Nightmare Saddle.png Embalming Spritz.png Icker Preserve Kit.png
Sawhorse Station Icon.png
Bunch o' Boards.png Wooden Chair.png Wooden Stool.png Round Wooden Table.png Square Wooden Table.png Art?.png Table Lamp.png Table Vase.png Empty Frame.png Pleasant Portrait.png
Sawhorse Build with Moon Glass Saw Blade.png
Sawhorse with Moon Glass Saw Blade
Bunch o' Stone.png Stone Chair.png Stone Stool.png Stone Round Table.png Stone Square Table.png
Rabbitking Station Icon.png
Trading Hutch
Benevolent Rabbit King.png
Benevolent Rabbit King
Coat of Carrots.png Burrowing Horn.png Warren Wreath.png
Bottle Exchange Station Icon.png
Bottle Exchange
Crabby Hermit.png
Crabby Hermit
Bundle of Thanks.png Pinchin' Winch Blueprint Shell Beach Turf Blueprint Jet Quill Float.png Crimson Quill Float.png Azure Quill Float.png Saffron Quill Float.png Tackle Box.png Rainy Day Lure.png Snow Day Lure.png Stupefying Lure.png Heavy Weighted Lure.png Down Quill Float.png Malbatross Quill Float.png Fish Food.png Fish Food Blueprint Spectackler Box.png Sentimental Adornment House.png Sentimental Adornment Pearl.png
Seasonings Station Icon.png
Portable Grinding Mill.png
Portable Grinding Mill
Garlic Powder.png Honey Crystals.png Chili Flakes.png Seasoning Salt.png
Critters Station Icon.png
Rock Den.png
Rock Den
Kittykit.png Vargling.png Ewelet.png Giblet.png Broodling.png Glomglom.png Mothling.png Friendly Peeper.png
Sculptures Station Icon.png
Potter's Wheel.png
Potter's Wheel
Carved Hornucopia (Marble).png Bubble Pipe Carving (Marble).png Anchor Figure (Marble).png Pawn Figure (Marble).png Rook Figure (Marble).png Knight Figure (Marble).png Bishop Figure (Marble).png Queenly Figure (Marble).png Kingly Figure (Marble).png Deerclops Figure (Marble).png Bearger Figure (Marble).png Moose Figure (Marble).png Dragonfly Figure (Marble).png Ancient Guardian Figure (Marble).png Toadstool Figure (Marble).png Bee Queen Figure (Marble).png Klaus Figure (Marble).png Antlion Figure (Marble).png Ancient Fuelweaver Figure (Marble).png Malbatross Figure (Marble).png Crab King Figure (Marble).png Moon Moth Figure (Marble).png "Moon" Figure (Marble).png Celestial Champion Figure (Marble).png Eye of Terror Figure (Marble).png Twins of Terror Figure (Marble).png Hound Figure (Marble).png Varg Figure (Marble).png Carrat Figure (Marble).png Beefalo Figure (Marble).png Kitcoon Figure (Marble).png Catcoon Figure (Marble).png Bunnyman Figure (Marble).png Nightmare Werepig Figure (Marble).png Scrappy Werepig Figure (Marble).png Crystal Deerclops Figure (Marble).png Possessed Varg Figure (Marble).png Armored Bearger Figure (Marble).png Start Tower Figure (Marble).png Frostjaw Figure (Marble).png Great Depths Worm Figure (Marble).png
Offerings Station Icon.png
Gobbler Shrine.png
Gobbler Shrine
Red Firecrackers.png Red Lantern.png Floating Lantern.png Lucky Beast Head.png Lucky Beast Body.png Lucky Beast Tail.png Lucky Fan.png
Varg Shrine.png
Varg Shrine
Red Firecrackers.png Red Lantern.png Floating Lantern.png Lucky Beast Head.png Lucky Beast Body.png Lucky Beast Tail.png Lucky Whistle.png Hound Sketch.png Varg Sketch.png
Pig Shrine.png
Pig Shrine
Red Firecrackers.png Red Lantern.png Floating Lantern.png Lucky Beast Head.png Lucky Beast Body.png Lucky Beast Tail.png Tribute Roast.png Eight Treasure Mud Pie.png Fish Heads on a Stick.png
Carrat Shrine.png
Carrat Shrine
Red Firecrackers.png Red Lantern.png Floating Lantern.png Lucky Beast Head.png Lucky Beast Body.png Lucky Beast Tail.png Starting Point Kit.png Finish Line Kit.png Checkpoint Kit.png Carrat Item.png Navigation Gym Kit.png Reflex Gym Kit.png Speed Gym Kit.png Endurance Gym Kit.png Carrat Scale Kit.png Packet of Seeds.png Premium Seed Packet.png Carrat Figure Sketch.png
Beefalo Shrine.png
Beefalo Shrine
Red Firecrackers.png Red Lantern.png Floating Lantern.png Lucky Beast Head.png Lucky Beast Body.png Lucky Beast Tail.png Beefalo Bell.png Judge's Booth.png Beefalo Stage Item.png Sewing Machine Kit.png Fearsome Pattern Scrap.png Formal Pattern Scrap.png Festive Pattern Scrap.png Beefalo Figure Sketch.png
Catcoon Shrine.png
Catcoon Shrine
Red Firecrackers.png Red Lantern.png Floating Lantern.png Lucky Beast Head.png Lucky Beast Body.png Lucky Beast Tail.png Ticoon (item).png Kitcoon Nursery Kit.png Kit Collar.png Wind-up Mouse Toy.png Gobbler Wobbler Kit.png Kit Teaser Kit.png Catcoon Figure Sketch.png Kitcoon Figure Sketch.png
Bunnyman Shrine.png
Bunnyman Shrine
Red Firecrackers.png Red Lantern.png Floating Lantern.png Lucky Beast Head.png Lucky Beast Body.png Lucky Beast Tail.png Pillow Fight Pit Kit.png Glove of Challenge.png Flowery Pillow.png Kelp-Stuffed Pillow.png Beefalo Wool Pillow.png Steel Wool Pillow.png Flowery Pillow Armor.png Kelpy Pillow Armor.png Beefalo Pillow Armor.png Steel Wool Pillow Armor.png Bunny Roll.png Moon Cake.png Moon Jelly.png Skewered Puffs.png Short Rabbit Lamp Kit.png Tall Rabbit Lamp Kit.png Nightcap.png Bunnyman Figure Sketch.png
Dragonfly Shrine.png
Dragonfly Shrine
Decked-Out Dragonfly Boat Kit.png Start Tower Kit.png Race Checkpoint Kit.png Golden Buoy Kit.png Dragonfly Boat Kit.png Dragonfly Boat Wheel Kit.png Claw Oar.png Claw Anchor Kit.png Dragonfly Wing Mast Kit.png Fanged Bumper Kit.png Dragonfly Light Kit.png Boat Patch.png Start Tower Figure Sketch.png
Depths Worm Shrine.png
Depths Worm Shrine
Jubilantern Post Kit.png Gilded Depths Worm Figure Sketch.png Red Firecrackers.png Red Lantern.png Floating Lantern.png Lucky Beast Head.png Lucky Beast Body.png Lucky Beast Tail.png
Cawnival Creation Filter.png
Cawnival Creation
Corvus Goodfeather.png
Corvus Goodfeather
Cawnival Sapling.png Prize Booth Kit.png Cawnival Token.png Cawnival Tokens.png Eggs in a Basket Kit.png Hubbub for Grub Kit.png Egg Scramble Kit.png Nest Defender Kit.png Cuckoo Spinwheel Kit.png Birdhouse Ball Drop Kit.png
Trinket Trove Station Icon.png
Trinket Trove
Prize Booth Build.png
Prize Booth
Popcorn.png Seed Clusters.png Corny Slush.png Chirpy Scarf.png Chirpy Cloak.png Chirpy Capelet.png Green Mystery Box.png Gold Mystery Box.png Confetti Cannon Kit.png Glitter Cannon Kit.png Streamer Cannon Kit.png Miniature Tree Kit.png Light Catcher Kit.png Mini Ferris Wheel Kit.png Mini Swing Carousel Kit.png Mini Pendulum Ride Kit.png Mini Tower Drop Kit.png Midsummer Night Light Kit.png
Mad Science Station Icon.png
Mad Science
Mad Scientist Lab.png
Mad Scientist Lab
Brew of Phobic Abatement.png Flask of Sanguine Mixture.png Dram of Psychic Fortitude.png Sulfuric Crystals of Lime.png Totally Normal Root.png Lunar Experiment.png
Winter's Feast Cooking Station Icon.png
Winter's Feast Cooking
Masonry Oven.png
Masonry Oven
Merry Berrysauce.png Bibingka.png Cabbage Rolls.png Festive Fish Dish.png Good Gravy.png Latkes.png Lutefisk.png Mulled Punch.png Panettone.png Pavlova.png Pickled Herring.png Pumpkin Pie.png Roasted Turkey.png Stuffing.png Sweet Potato Casserole.png Tamales.png Tourtiere.png
Survivor Items Filter
Character Always Available
Always Available
Other Skills
Tier 1
Science Machine
Tier 2
Alchemy Engine
Tier 1
Tier 2
Shadow Manipulator
Wilson Filter.png
Log.png Twigs.png Flint.png Rocks.png Blue Gem.png Red Gem.png Purple Gem.png Orange Gem.png Yellow Gem.png Green Gem.png Iridescent Gem.png Meat.png Morsel.png Gold Nugget.png Nitre.png Marble.png Cut Stone.png Moon Rock.png Beard Hair.png Beefalo Wool.png Bone Shards.png Hound's Tooth.png Manure.png Pure Horror.png Dreadstone.png Nightmare Fuel.png Pure Brilliance.png Infused Moon Shard.png
Willow Filter.png
Willow's Lighter.png Bernie.png
Wolfgang Filter.png
Dumbbell.png Golden Dumbbell.png Marbell.png Gembell.png Mighty Gym.png Thermbell.png Firebell.png Icebell.png Coaching Whistle.png
Wendy Filter.png
Abigail's Flower Stage 2.png Sisturn.png Revenant Restorative.png Spectral Cure-All.png Unyielding Draught.png Distilled Vengeance.png Nightshade Nostrum.png Vigor Mortis.png
WX-78 Filter.png
Circuit Extractor.png Bio Scanalyzer.png Bio Scanalyzer.png
Hardy Circuit.png Super-Hardy Circuit.png Processing Circuit.png Super-Processing Circuit.png Beanbooster Circuit.png Chorusbox Circuit.png Gastrogain Circuit.png Super-Gastrogain Circuit.png Acceleration Circuit.png Super-Acceleration Circuit.png Thermal Circuit.png Refrigerant Circuit.png Electrification Circuit.png Optoelectronic Circuit.png Illumination Circuit.png
Wickerbottom Filter.png
Bookcase.png Birds of the World.png Horticulture, Abridged.png The Angler's Survival Guide.png Lux Aeterna.png Practical Rain Rituals.png The Everything Encyclopedia.png Applied Silviculture.png On Tentacles.png Sleepytime Stories.png The End is Nigh.png Bookcase.png
Pyrokinetics Explained.png Overcoming Arachnophobia.png Tempering Temperatures.png Lunar Grimoire.png Apicultural Notes.png Horticulture, Expanded.png Lux Aeterna Redux.png
Woodie Filter.png
Kitschy Goose Idol.png Kitschy Beaver Idol.png Kitschy Moose Idol.png Treeguard Idol.png Boards.png Hardwood Hat.png Wooden Walking Stick.png
Wes Filter.png
Pile o' Balloons.png Balloon Icon.png Speedy Balloon.png Party Balloon.png Inflatable Vest.png Balloon Hat.png
Maxwell Filter.png
Top Hat.png Magician's Chest.png Codex Umbra.png
Wigfrid Filter.png
Battle Spear.png Battle Helm.png Weaponized Warble.png Heartrending Ballad.png Clear Minded Cadenza.png Bel Canto of Courage.png Fireproof Falsetto.png Rude Interlude.png Startling Soliloquy.png Elding Spear.png Commander's Helm.png Warrior's Reprise.png Enlightened Lullaby.png Dark Lament.png Battle Call Canister.png Battle Saddle.png Battle Rönd.png
Webber Filter.png
Spider Eggs.png Den Decorating Set.png Webby Whistle.png Shoo Box.png Healing Glop.png Befriend Spiders:
Warrior Switcherdoodle.png Dangler Switcherdoodle.png Cave Switcherdoodle.png Spitter Switcherdoodle.png Shatter Switcherdoodle.png Nurse Switcherdoodle.png Strider Switcherdoodle.png
Winona Filter.png
Trusty Tape.png Handy Remote.png Winona's Catapult.png Winona's Spotlight.png Winona's Generator.png Winona's G.E.M.erator.png Winona's Catapult 2.png Winona's Spotlight 2.png Winona's Generator 2.png Winona's G.E.M.erator 2.png Portasol.png Teletransport Station.png Inspectacles.png Rose-Colored Glasses.png
Warly Filter.png
Portable Crock Pot.png Portable Seasoning Station.png Portable Grinding Mill.png Chef Pouch.png
Wortox Filter.png
Wormwood Filter.png
Compost Wrap.png Living Log.png Bramble Husk.png Bramble Trap.png Sapling (Moon).png Berry Bush Item.png Berry Bush 2.png Dug Juicy Berry Bush.png Monkeytails Dug.png Fleshy Bulb.png Syrup of Ipecaca.png Carrat Item.png Bulbous Lightbug Item.png Saladmander Item.png Brambleshade Armor.png
Wurt Filter.png
Marsh Turf.png Clever Disguise.png Craftsmerm House.png DIY Royalty Kit.png Merm Flort-ifications.png Lil' Itchy.png Skeeter Bomb.png Fertilizzzer.png Blood Shot.png Communal Kelp Dish.png Superior Communal Kelp Dish.png Shoddy Tool Shed.png Slightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed.png Armermry.png Superior Armermry.png Dreaded Mudslinger.png Brilliant Mudslinger.png
Walter Filter.png
Trusty Slingshot.png Pinetree Pioneer Hat.pngPebbles.png Tent Roll.png Gold Rounds.png Poop Pellets.png Marbles.png Freeze Rounds.png Slow-Down Rounds.png Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.png
Ancient Pseudoscience Station :
Cursed Rounds.png
Wanda Filter.png
Clockmaker's Tools.png Time Pieces.png Ageless Watch.png Second Chance Watch.png Backstep Watch.png Backtrek Watch.png Rift Watch.png Alarming Clock.png

Prototype.png Tips

  • Whenever an item is unlocked, the player's Sanity will be restored by 15 points. This is only when prototyping the item and not during subsequent construction of that item. Therefore, a very simple tactic for healing sanity is to hold off on prototyping new items until needing the sanity.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Prior to the Hungry for your Hunger update, the Shadow Manipulator functioned as a "level 3" crafting station. It could research all the same items as the Alchemy Engine and Science Machine before the science and magic crafting trees were separated.
  • In the early beta of Don't Starve, the game used a 'Research points' system instead of prototyping.
    • Before that, Gold Nuggets were used to directly buy recipes.
  • In the Shipwrecked DLC, the Sea Lab serves the same function as the Alchemy Engine, but can only be placed on the Ocean allowing the player to prototype new recipes at sea.
  • The new crafting system and filters were introduced in the March 2022 QoL update. Before then Don't Starve Together used the same crafting system as the single-player game.

Blueprint.png Gallery