See also: Wetness
See also: Frog Rain
Rain is a type of weather that occurs somewhat randomly during summer in the base Don't Starve game and at an increased rate during the Spring season in the Don't Starve: Reign of Giants DLC . It has various effects on the game world and on the player's . The chance of rain can be predicted by building a Rainometer, much like the Thermal Measurer measures temperature. Instead of rain during the Winter, it will snow, except during first and last days of winter.
Negative Effects
The character's will slowly decrease by up to 5 points (depending on precipitation rate) every minute when it is raining. This can be avoided by equipping an Umbrella or a Pretty Parasol. Rain also reduces the efficiency of Torches, Campfires, and Fire Pits, causing them to burn out more quickly. WX-78 will take damage from rain.
If the rain is especially strong, lightning strikes may occur. Lightning will not strike a player directly (unless playing with Reign of Giants DLC or as WX-78); however, it may strike any nearby object that can catch fire, such as Trees, Saplings, flammable structures, or even creatures. If structures or plants are too close together, such as in a Berry farm, lightning can quickly cause a devastating fire. Effects caused by lightning can easily be avoided by crafting a Lightning Rod.
In rain, fuel extinguishes faster (depending on precipitation rate):
- Fire Pit up to 200% faster
- Campfire up to 250% faster
- Torch up to 150% faster
Positive Effects
In rain, Farm crops grow up to 300% faster (depending on precipitation rate). Additionally, Mushrooms that have already been picked will only regrow after it rains. When It rains there are occasional lightning strikes that, if playing WX-78 and get struck, will give you a boost for up to 1 day. Birds spawn 4 times faster during rain.
Downloadable Content
See also: Wetness
In the Reign of Giants DLC, rain causes wetness to the player. High wetness makes burnable items such as logs less useful, reduces sanity if the player wears wet wearable items, increases the spoilage rate of food, and adds a number of other additional effects to items in the world. Unlike the vanilla game however, the rain won't decrease one's sanity straight away, rather the wetness does as it gets higher. The chance of rain will change depending on the season, with Spring having very frequent rains while it rains in moderate amount during Summer and Autumn. Although it may seem like a minor change to the game, this new mechanic has caused starting the game in Spring to be difficult (especially while using WX-78), due to freezing and major sanity loss.
There is also a strong possibility of getting struck by lightning if there aren't any objects (trees, grass or any burnable item) or creatures in the vicinity, which will deal 10-20 damage to the player, depending on their wetness. This can be prevented by using a Rain Coat, Rain Hat or Eyebrella. The DLC also makes most craftable structures flammable, including but not limited to Science Machines, Alchemy Engines, Chests, and Crock Pots, meaning lightning strikes may quickly destroy tightly arranged player bases, if a Lightning Rod is not built nearby.
Frog Rain can occur in Sandbox Mode during Spring. The number of Frogs spawned per rain will increase as the days go by. Sometimes frog rains will have a small chance to spawn a moose/goose.
In the Shipwrecked DLC, the wetness mechanic is also present. The chance of rain starting varies per season. Mild Season has infrequent and light rain coupled with Strong Winds. Hurricane Season has frequent and strong rain, coupled with strong winds with lightning and Hail being common. In Monsoon Season it initially rains in moderate amount but as the season progresses, rain becomes frequent and strong with lightning becoming common. Strong winds are not present during Monsoon Season. During Dry Season, no new rains start. Even when fully wet, despite overheating being a part of the Shipwrecked DLC, the player will not freeze in the DLC, therefore the only threat from rain will be damage to WX-78 and sanity loss.
In the Hamlet DLC, the wetness mechanic is also present. The chance of rain starting varies per season. Temperate Season has infrequent and light rain. In Humid Season, rain becomes frequent and strong with lightning becoming common and coupled with Fog. During Lush Season, no new rains start.
- Rain was added in the A Little Rain Must Fall update. Snow, another form of precipitation, came in the prior update, Winter.
- Occasionally rain will not stop but continue in a state of light drizzle. Wetness will remain at 1 and meat will not dry on racks. Waiting until winter or triggering a set piece that causes a season change might fix the issue. Sleeping in a tent, exiting and reloading, and entering and exiting caves does not appear to fix the problem.