The Map is used to help navigate the islands of the The Constant. Nearly all resources such as Plants, Boulders, and Beehives show up as icons on the Map. Different terrain types (often called Biomes) are clearly outlined, along with water. The Map shows Roads and Trails, as well as world objects such as the Wooden Thing or Maxwell's Door and built/crafted objects such as Backpacks and Farms. The map can be zoomed in for better detail, or out to see the entire world. The map is brought to view by pressing TAB. Pressing TAB again closes the map. On the PS4, the map can be opened by clicking the touch pad. On the Wii U, the map can be dragged onto the gamepad. On the Switch, the map can be opened with -, and closed again by pressing B.
When a world is first generated, the Map will be black except for the area immediately surrounding the character. As the world is explored, the map will be filled in. Generally, everything that can be seen on the screen will be added to the map as it comes into view, except for the corners which are slightly out of range. To be sure something is added, try to get at least half a screen away from it.
Map Legend
Craftable Structures
Mobs and Mob Housing
Blue Mushtree
Naturally Spawning Objects
Cave Entrance
Marsh Pond
Ruins Pond
Volcano Exit
Woodlegs' Cage
Ancient Pig Ruins Exit
Door to the Queen Womant's Palace
Empty Honey Chest
Honey Chest filled with Honey
Honey Chest filled with Nectar
Blue Fungal Turf
Dark Runic Turf
See also: Unimplemented Features
Unused Farm icon
Unknown Limestone Mine
Frontal Ancient Pig Ruins Door
Several Cave-in Boulders
Smooth Meteor Boulder
Blocked Sinkhole
Mealing Stone from Event The Gorge
Sugarwood Tree from Event The Gorge
Sugarwood Tree from Event The Gorge
Sugarwood Tree from Event The Gorge
Spotty Shrub from Event The Gorge
Mushrooms from Event The Gorge
- The current map generation method (with rough landmasses rather than circles) was introduced in the Long Live the Queen update, and the old map generation algorithm was deprecated in the Progress! update.
- Opening the map pauses the game in Don't Starve.
- There are several unimplemented Map Icons found in the game files.