Abigail's Flower

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Abigail and Wendy

Wendy Portrait.png
It's pretty.


Abigail's Flower is a character-specific item used by Wendy to summon the Ghost of her twin sister, Abigail.

To do so, players need to place Abigail's Flower on the ground. A mob death near the flower is necessary for Abigail to spawn. However, if Abigail "dies" and despawns into a flower and the mobs die (or Wendy kills something) around the flower after the cooldown period, Abigail will not spawn unless the flower is picked up first and then placed down near a death occurring.  

Summoning Abigail drains Sanity by 50 points. When she "dies", she will drop the flower so Wendy can spawn her again after the cooldown period has expired. Note that one hit from the player will kill her and she can often be targeted unexpectedly by the player during battle.

The flower has three stages of blooming. Initially, it will start as a pale, closed flower. Once charged, it becomes a more reddish pink color and is in bloom. In the third stage, when ready for the blood sacrifice, it will levitate slightly above the ground. Abigail's Flower does not need to be in the player's inventory to bloom, so it may be left at the player's base in lieu of inventory space while it (re-)charges. Abigail's Flower is also visible from the map screen, making it easy to relocate should the player accidentally lose track of it. If the flower somehow falls into the ocean, it will disappear like a normal item and will re-spawn near the player.

In situations where Abigail somehow ends up following a player character other than Wendy (e.g. by completing an Adventure Mode run), Abigail will continue to follow the new character around in Sandbox Mode but will not drop the flower upon dying.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • There is a Forge exclusive profile icon depicting Abigail's Flower. According to the icon's flavor text, this flower is Wendy's only remaining keepsake of Abigail.
  • In the animated short Next of Kin, a picture of Abigail's Flower can be seen pinned on a board that connects various people, places, and events to Charlie's disappearance.
  • Prior to Wendy's character refresh, Abigail's Flower could be crafted for 6 Petals and 1 Nightmare Fuel in Don't Starve Together.
  • Prior to Wendy's character refresh, Abigail's Flower could turn into a normal flower or petal (depending on turf/tiles) if left on the ground for 1440 seconds (3 days).
  • In the singleplayer game, Abigail's Flower appears in your inventory when you enter the caves if it isn't already present.
  • Abigail's Flower can be found in Terraria as a weapon added as part of the Terraria x Don't Starve Together crossover update.

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