They can also be used by players to teleport themselves to each other and will be consumed in the process. When a Lazy Deserter is being channeled by a player, any other player can right click a Desert Stone to instantly teleport to the channeling player. Teleporting this way will consume 50 Sanity as well as the Desert Stone.
According to Wickerbottom, Desert Stones are the Antlion's bezoars, which are stones found in an animal's stomach and were traditionally believed to be able to cure poison.
According to Maxwell, Desert Stones are impure Orange Gems, which makes sense since Orange Gems themselves are also used for teleportation.
Both Maxwell and Wickerbottom's quotes suggest that Antlion could be the source of orange gems in the constant, possibly refining stone, sand and rocks over time into the orange gems, leading to the Antlion expelling them once complete into the caves.
An active Desert Stone, with its "spikes" extended.
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