Banana Bush

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Waxwell Portrait.png
Bananas that don't grow in caves? Preposterous.


This needs some fertilizing after planting.

-Banana Bushes (Item)Scrapbook Description

Banana Bushes are Plants exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in The Curse of Moon Quay update. They can be found growing on Moon Quay and are dropped in their item form from the Unnatural Portal.

A Banana Bush will grow 1 Banana after 3 growing stages at a rate of 1 stage per day regardless of daylight. Similar to Berry Bushes, it can be replanted when dug up with a Shovel but will need to be fertilized before it will start growing new fruit. The bush will need to be re-fertilized after 5-7 harvests.

Mosquito.png Bugs

  • Despite having the MakeNoGrowInWinter() component, Banana Bushes will continue to grow during Winter.

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