Winona's Spotlight

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
A sensible safety precaution.


Winona's Spotlight is a character-exclusive Structure craftable only by Winona in Don't Starve Together.Requires one Trusty Tape, two Gold Nuggets, and 1 Firefly to craft.

In order to work, it has to be within the area-of-effect of a powered Winona's Generator or a Winona's G.E.M.erator.

When in a certain radius (shown by the circle around it when placing it), the Spotlight will follow the movements of any awake Survivor. If there are multiple Spotlights, they will prioritize having different targets from each other. Spotlights works only at night or while inside a dark place such as the Caves.

Portability.png Portability

Winona with the "Portability" Insight skill can move her Spotlights by dismantling them and putting them into her inventory.

Hotlight.png Hotlight

If a Spotlight was placed by Winona with "Hotlight" skill, the light of Spotlights will also radiate 88 units of heat to all players and Thermal Stones during all seasons except summer.

Spacious Spotlight.pngSpacious Spotlight

With the "Spacious Spotlight" skill, the light radius from Spotlight will illuminate a larger area.


The "Energy-Saver" skill will prevent Spotlights from using energy from generators while idle.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Winona's Spotlight gives an effective solution to surviving darkness in the player's base. As it will follow the player's movements, it is excellent for activities that would usually be harder to do at night. especially those that require a free hand, such as Farming or harvesting crops/trees..

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Winona's Spotlight, alongside her other gadgets and the Engineering Tab, was introduced in her Character Update as part of the character overhaul for Don't Starve Together.
  • During Rhymes with Play #228, some concepts for Winona's Spotlight were shown, including designs based on a lighthouse, rustic streetlamp, and a studio light.

Higgsbury Red T-Shirt Icon.png Skins

Glommer's Flower.png Main article: Belongings

Winona's Spotlight.png Animations

Blueprint.png Gallery