Exclusive to:
For sculptures players can repair using Suspicious Marble , see Marble Sculptures .
For decorative sculptures dropping Sketches when mined, see Marble Statues .
Chess Pieces are craftable objects exclusive to Don't Starve Together , introduced in A New Reign . There are eight different variants that can be crafted at a Potter's Wheel and are mostly meant for decoration. Nearly all of them are unlocked by giving their respective Sketch to the Potter's Wheel, except for the Bubble Pipe Carving and the Carved Hornucopia, which are always available. Players are able to sculpt Chess Pieces out of two Rocks and one Marble , Cut Stone or Moon Shard . The chosen material determining the color of the crafted Chess Piece.
Chess Pieces can be carried by players in the chest slot, similar to Suspicious Marble , slowing down their movement speed and preventing them from several inventory actions, such as equipping a handheld item.
Deerclops Figure
Deerclops Figure
"Sculpt yourself an eyeball monster."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_deerclops_marble" "chesspiece_deerclops_stone" "chesspiece_deerclops_moonglass"
“ It feels like its eye follows you. ”
“ What terrible a beast. ”
“ An anatomical study of those strange beasts. ”
“ Fine detail on that base. ”
“ Öur fight shall be made a ballad. ”
“ This is a really good sculpture. ”
“ It was much scarier in the flesh. ”
“ Ha. It looks kinda surprised, don't it? ”
“ That was such a fun day! ”
“ Won't bother us again. ”
“ I'd be happy if I never have to see it again. ”
The sculpture depicts the Deerclops . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Deerclops.
Back Model of Deerclops:
Bearger Figure
Bearger Figure
"A stone reminder of a grizzly autumn."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_bearger_marble" "chesspiece_bearger_stone" "chesspiece_bearger_moonglass"
“ It was a lot bigger up close. ”
“ Those are some pointy teeth. ”
“ Ashes to ashes, bust to bust. Oh. ”
“ 'Twas a battle tö sing öf. ”
“ The fur looks so real! ”
“ I can't believe we survived that beast! ”
“ Y'got a mean mug there, buddy. ”
“ I'll say a prayer for this slain bear. ”
“ It looks just like him! ”
“ Not one of my fondest memories. ”
The sculpture depicts the Bearger . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Bearger.
Back Model of Bearger Figure:
Moose/Goose Figure
Moose/Goose Figure
"Two for the price of one."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_moosegoose_marble" "chesspiece_moosegoose_stone" "chesspiece_moosegoose_moonglass"
“ Eurgh. It's so lifelike. ”
“ Looks as dumb as the real thing. ”
“ Such expression in her eyes. ”
“ What an imbecilic expression. ”
“ Twas an hönör tö fight thee. ”
“ She doesn't look so mean. ”
“ I should whip up some roast goose with cranberry sauce. ”
“ It looks like it's hollerin'. ”
“ We've established a stone goose truce. ”
“ It's a shame things had to end the way they did. ”
“ Oh good, a reminder of another unpleasant encounter. ”
When inspecting a Moose/Goose Figure, there is 50% chance to show the text Moose Figure, and 50% chance to show Goose Figure.
Wortox's quote also has 50% chance to say "goose" instead of "moose".
Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Moose/Goose.
Back Model of Moose/Goose:
Dragonfly Figure
Dragonfly Figure
"The ultimate trophy for the ultimate kill."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_dragonfly_marble" "chesspiece_dragonfly_stone" "chesspiece_dragonfly_moonglass"
“ Ah, that brings back memories. Bad ones. ”
“ I think... I think I understand art. ”
“ Is fiery killbeast, but stone. ”
“ She now lies, cold as stone. ”
“ Artist's interpretation of mythical Diptera. ”
“ It never stood a chance. ”
“ Tis the tröphy öf a glöriöus battle! ”
“ We can practically feel the fire! ”
“ I was afraid I was going to be broiled alive! ”
“ My pals and I can't be beat. ”
“ Bye bye, dear dragonfly. ”
“ It all buggy-eyed. ”
“ If only we could've gotten along. ”
“ A monument to a very trying day. ”
The sculpture depicts the Dragonfly . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Dragonfly.
Back Model of Dragonfly:
Ancient Guardian Figure
Ancient Guardian Figure
"This guardian sits in stony silence."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_minotaur_marble" "chesspiece_minotaur_stone" "chesspiece_minotaur_moonglass"
“ Now you're the one scared stiff! ”
“ Pfft, I never needed a guardian. And I turned out fine! ”
“ Strong beast made from strong stone! ”
“ A testament to a lifetime spent alone in the dark. ”
“ Gotta say I prefer it to the original. ”
“ Always keep things close to the chest, right pal? ”
“ The beast guarded its treasure well, but nöt well enöugh. ”
“ We feel a bit bad for stealing their treasure. ”
“ Perhaps now you can keep watch over my crock pot. ”
“ What a stone-faced brute. ”
“ It's as though the Minotaur met Medusa. ”
“ It good for scratching scales against. ”
“ This statue is... a-maze-ing! Get it? ”
“ This will help remind me not to venture too far in the caves... ”
The sculpture depicts the Ancient Guardian . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Ancient Guardian.
Back Model of Eye of Ancient Guardian:
Toadstool Figure
Toadstool Figure
"A toad-ally authentic reproduction of the original."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_toadstool_marble" "chesspiece_toadstool_stone" "chesspiece_toadstool_moonglass"
“ Not really a great stool though, is it? ”
“ What are you looking at? ”
“ Wolfgang more handsome than ugly froggy. ”
“ A monument to fungal decay. ”
“ The artist captured the parasitic relationship beautifully. ”
“ At least the statue doesn't smell as bad as the original. ”
“ An hönörable yet ödiöus creature! ”
“ Now we can play leap frog with it! ”
“ Stone mushroom soup anyone? ”
“ I built a stool once but it didn't look like that. ”
“ A fine piece of art, especially the warts. ”
“ No more glurp-glurping. ”
“ At least this version doesn't smell like old mushrooms. ”
“ Such fun memories of almost being killed by a giant toad. ”
The sculpture depicts the Toadstool . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Toadstool.
Bee Queen Figure
Bee Queen Figure
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_beequeen_marble" "chesspiece_beequeen_stone" "chesspiece_beequeen_moonglass"
“ Took the sting out of her stinger. ”
“ Mighty statue stays mighty still. ”
“ She once had a sweet life. ”
“ Some nice detail on that. ”
“ Does she really need a statue? ”
“ I hönör this warriör queen! ”
“ Muse for my new honey glaze! ”
“ I wonder if I could sculpt a hat like that. ”
“ Stationary majesty. Static insect. ”
“ That what you get, stingy lady! ”
“ At least I'm not allergic to bees made out of stone. ”
“ This will remind me not to go poking around beehives. ”
The sculpture depicts the Bee Queen . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Bee Queen.
Klaus Figure
Klaus Figure
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_klaus_marble" "chesspiece_klaus_stone" "chesspiece_klaus_moonglass"
“ Can I invoke the "no holiday decorations" Klaus? ”
“ Haha, you can't get me now. ”
“ Is that time of year already? ”
“ No more life in this festive spirit. ”
“ Can't complain aboot that worksmanship. ”
“ A tribute tö the festive warriör spirit. ”
“ A table centerpiece fit for a holiday feast. ”
“ Kinda makes me nostalgic. ”
“ Can't chase me anymore! ”
“ Aw, it reminds me of the holidays. ”
“ Why would I want to remember him? ”
The sculpture depicts the Klaus . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Klaus.
Antlion Figure
Antlion Figure
"Ain't this Antlion beautiful?"
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_antlion_marble" "chesspiece_antlion_stone" "chesspiece_antlion_moonglass"
“ Can't shake anything up like that. ”
“ Wolfgang will not battle it in staring contest. ”
“ Still and lifeless. ”
“ A stately statuary of the Panthera auropunctata. ”
“ Looks almost real, eh? ”
“ Is there a sinkhole I can bury this in? ”
“ The artist hath captured her nöble mane perfectly. ”
“ It's so life-like the mane looks fluffy! ”
“ I do like him better like this. ”
“ Looks so real, I can almost feel the earth rumblin'. ”
“ An anti Ant Lion, formerly furry. Hyuyu! ”
“ How she stay so still? ”
“ She really shook you up, didn't she Woby? ”
“ Right. That time I was almost impaled by spikes. ”
The sculpture depicts the Antlion . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Antlion.
Ancient Fuelweaver Figure
Ancient Fuelweaver Figure
"A de-animated reanimated skeleton."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_stalker_marble" "chesspiece_stalker_stone" "chesspiece_stalker_moonglass"
“ Exactly as stationary as a skeleton should be. ”
“ Not so tough now, are you? ”
“ Ha! Wolfgang more mighty than statue. ”
“ Dark and cold, like my soul. ”
“ The artist faithfully replicated its skeletal structure. ”
“ Nothin' wrong with it now. ”
“ A hard stöne mönument tö a hard föught battle. ”
“ Still kind of spooky. ”
“ If only I could use those bones in a broth. ”
“ I like 'em better when he's not stalkin' me. ”
“ No more rattlin' bones. ”
“ Not so spooky now. ”
“ Definitely on my top five list of skeletons. ”
“ Still unsettling. ”
The sculpture depicts the Ancient Fuelweaver . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Ancient Fuelweaver.
Malbatross Figure
Malbatross Figure
"A sculpted scourge of the seas."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_malbatross_marble" "chesspiece_malbatross_stone" "chesspiece_malbatross_moonglass"
“ It's not so bad when it isn't trying to kill you. ”
“ She was a pretty tough old bird. ”
“ How will bird fly if it is stone? ”
“ No more will she soar over the gloomy shoals. ”
“ I'll have to add an appendix to "Birds of the World". ”
“ I'm not puttin' that anywhere near my base. ”
“ Such a fowl-tempered bird. ”
“ Tö hönör öur victöry at sea! ”
“ Not such a big bad bird now! ”
“ I hope this won't bring us ill luck at sea... ”
“ It tried to mess with the wrong gal. ”
“ Oh my word, that was a feisty bird! ”
“ It very fancy looking statue. ”
“ She was pretty angry at us, wasn't she Woby? ”
“ Why are there so many unpleasant statues? ”
The sculpture depicts the Malbatross . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Malbatross.
Back Model of Eye of Terror Figure:
Crab King Figure
Crab King Figure
"It looks even crabbier than you remember it."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_crabking_marble" "chesspiece_crabking_stone" "chesspiece_crabking_moonglass"
“ Still not as crabby as Maxwell. ”
“ Was the treasure worth it? ”
“ Wolfgang was seasick for days... ”
“ We put him out of his misery. ”
“ A rendering of a treasure-obsessed crustacean. ”
“ 'Twas a hard-föught battle, but we prevailed! ”
“ He didn't seem very happy. ”
“ I'm getting a sudden craving for seafood. ”
“ Hey Max, you guys have a lot in common! ”
“ He was better at sinking than being a sea king. ”
“ Glurgh, he make crab lady sad! ”
“ The crabbiest sea monster I've ever met! ”
“ Oh yes, I remember. I was nearly drowned. ”
The sculpture depicts the Crab King . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Crab King.
Back Model of Eye of Terror Figure:
Celestial Champion Figure
Celestial Champion Figure
"Its design radiates an otherworldly strangeness."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_guardianphase3_marble" "chesspiece_guardianphase3_stone" "chesspiece_guardianphase3_moonglass"
“ I much prefer it this way. ”
“ Ugh, I'd be happy never seeing that thing again. ”
“ Wolfgang glad is just statue. ”
“ It won't be looking down on us anymore. ”
“ I must commend the artist for their attention to detail. ”
“ From ornery to ornament, eh? ”
“ How could I not have seen... ”
“ Yöu föught well, Champiön öf Mani. ”
“ It can't still see us... right? ”
“ A three course fight I won't soon forget. ”
“ A little too lifelike for my comfort. ”
“ In all its selenic splendour! ”
“ Glorp! Oh, it not real. ”
“ It's so lifelike, I feel like they're staring right at me! ”
“ I hope I won't have to do that again. ”
The sculpture depicts the Celestial Champion . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Celestial Champion.
Eye of Terror Figure
Eye of Terror Figure
"Its stony gaze reminds you of an evil presence."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_eyeofterror_marble" "chesspiece_eyeofterror_stone" "chesspiece_eyeofterror_moonglass"
“ It's giving me a stony stare. ”
“ I still feel an evil presence watching me... ”
“ No like the way it look at Wolfgang. ”
“ Its stony gaze will glare for eternity. ”
“ A trophy that doubles as a useful anatomical model. ”
“ That's the worst case of cataract I've ever seen. ”
“ An eye could never best a master of illusion such as I. ”
“ I shall feast my eyes upön this tröphy! ”
“ We think we could've been friends. ”
“ Did it just blink? ”
“ An eye (statue) for an eye (monster)! ”
“ He's gone, no matter how you look at it, hyuyu! ”
“ Oh no... got dried out, glorp... ”
“ Nothing to see here, folks! Ha ha, get it Woby? ”
“ Certainly an eye to behold. ”
The sculpture depicts the Eye of Terror . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Eye of Terror.
Back Model of Eye of Terror Figure:
Twins of Terror Figure
Twins of Terror Figure
"Double the eyes, double the terror."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_twinsofterror_marble" "chesspiece_twinsofterror_stone" "chesspiece_twinsofterror_moonglass"
“ That was a terrible night of very uncomfortable eye contact. ”
“ Great, another creepy statue. ”
“ Brrr, still sends chill down Wolfgang's spine. ”
“ I still remember watching the light leave their eyes. ”
“ A stone rendition of a pair of mechanical marvels. ”
“ They make a good lookin' statue, eh? ”
“ The most troublesome pair I've ever seen. ”
“ A battle I shan't söön förget. ”
“ Now they'll always be together. ”
“ They weren't the most polite guests, non? ”
“ A fresh pair of eyes is just what we needed around here! ”
“ What an eye-catching statue, hyuyu! ”
“ Ha ha, they just rocks now! ”
“ Is this one of those sculptures where the eyes follow you around the room? ”
“ I'd be quite happy to never lay eyes on them again. ”
The sculpture depicts the Twins of Terror . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Twins of Terror.
Nightmare Werepig Figure
Nightmare Werepig Figure
"A stone likeness of a pig-headed prisoner."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_daywalker_marble" "chesspiece_daywalker_stone" "chesspiece_daywalker_moonglass"
“ Now he's off who-knows-were. ”
“ How come jerks always seem to get statues? ”
“ Wolfgang has bigger muscles, see? ”
“ A reminder that kindness only leads to pain. ”
“ An accurate stone model of that ill-behaved creature. ”
“ Not lookin' so tough now, eh? ”
“ Seems like anyone can get a statue these days. ”
“ The beast pröved himself tö be a wörthy adversary! ”
“ He wasn't very nice to us... ”
“ I have to admit, I think I prefer him this way. ”
“ It's so lifelike, I can almost smell the bad breath. ”
“ A boorish boar's bust! ”
“ Grrr... why we have nasty Pig statue?! ”
“ I sure hope we get to see him again! ”
“ Ah yes, how could I forget that time I was nearly smashed to bits? ”
The sculpture depicts the Nightmare Werepig . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Nightmare Werepig.
Back Model of Nightmare Werepig Figure:
Scrappy Werepig Figure
Scrappy Werepig Figure
"He sure was a scrappy fellow."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_daywalker2_marble" "chesspiece_daywalker2_stone" "chesspiece_daywalker2_moonglass"
The sculpture depicts the Scrappy Werepig . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Scrappy Werepig.
Back Model of Nightmare Werepig Figure:
Crystal Deerclops Figure
Crystal Deerclops Figure
"A truly eye-catching sculpture."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_deerclops_mutated_marble" "chesspiece_deerclops_mutated_stone" "chesspiece_deerclops_mutated_moonglass"
“ This sculpture is a bit of an eyesore. ”
“ We kicked its butt, and then we kicked it again. ”
“ Wolfgang not scared of statue, but be careful with pointy part. ”
“ The beast came back even colder than before. ”
“ She'd look great up on the mantle. ”
“ I take great offense to anyone trying to improve on my designs. ”
“ T'was an unnatural thing. Slaying it was a kindness. ”
“ It looks so real, it gives us the shivers! ”
“ Brr... it still gives me the shivers... ”
“ She's almost a looker. ”
“ She got quite the eyeful. ”
“ Bye bye deer. No more eye pokey ”
“ I still feel kind of bad for her. ”
“ What an unpleasant subject for a statue. ”
The sculpture depicts the Crystal Deerclops . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Crystal Deerclops.
Other Side Model of Crystal Deerclops Figure:
Back Model of Crystal Deerclops Figure:
Possessed Varg Figure
Possessed Varg Figure
"A soul-bearing rendition of a ferocious favorite."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_warg_mutated_marble" "chesspiece_warg_mutated_stone" "chesspiece_warg_mutated_moonglass"
“ It's just missing that horrible breath. ”
“ I SAID we should've burned it, but nope, nobody listens to me... ”
“ Cute doggy, but dead is better. ”
“ Why was it able to come back? It's not fair... ”
“ There is much I still don't understand about this beast. ”
“ T'was no match for my spear. ”
“ We thought only cats had nine lives! ”
“ I'm relieved it's just a statue. ”
“ Now this is a pooch I could play with. ”
“ Must we memorialize the mutated mutt? ”
“ Poor doggy. Not so bad ”
“ They weren't nearly as nice as you, Woby. ”
“ That's one memory I'd be happy not to revisit. ”
The sculpture depicts the Possessed Varg . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Possessed Varg.
Back Model of Possessed Varg Figure:
Armored Bearger Figure
Armored Bearger Figure
"A soul-bearing rendition of a ferocious favorite."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_bearger_mutated_marble" "chesspiece_bearger_mutated_stone" "chesspiece_bearger_mutated_moonglass"
“ Somehow it seems crankier than the real one. ”
“ I guess I'd be cranky too if I was woken up from the Big Sleep. ”
“ Wolfgang stronger than bear. Just have off day. ”
“ Its new lease on life was, well, short-lived. ”
“ We sure showed big boy, eh Luce? ”
“ It'll scare away anyone with good taste. ”
“ May the beast now be at peace. ”
“ Those teeth look just as sharp as we remember. ”
“ A second course of monster that I didn't ask for! ”
“ That was one ornery son of a beast. ”
“ It bears a strong resemblance. ”
“ Remember bad teddy ”
“ We bearly escaped! Get it? ”
“ Oh, wonderful. It's even worse than I remembered. ”
The sculpture depicts the Armored Bearger . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Armored Bearger.
Back Model of Armored Bearger Figure:
Frostjaw Figure
Frostjaw Figure
"An homage to a cold-blooded bully."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_sharkboi_marble" "chesspiece_sharkboi_stone" "chesspiece_sharkboi_moonglass"
“ There's just some-fin about it. ”
“ Reminded me of someone from my old neighborhood. ”
“ Wolfgang and talking shark could be buddy in different life. ”
“ Their cold shark heart was just misunderstood. ”
“ Hey there, fish breath. ”
“ Bottom feeding lone shark. ”
“ Until we meet again, bait-breathed warriör. ”
“ They weren't so bad after we got to know them. ”
“ It seemed to think it was top of the food chain. ”
“ That shark was kind of a jerk. ”
“ We avoided the maw of the rowdy Frostjaw. ”
“ Haha! Bad fishie frozen. ”
“ Your bark was worse than their bite, Woby! ”
“ How could I forget this ruffian? ”
The sculpture depicts the Frostjaw . Its Sketch will drop after trading with Frostjaw.
Back Model of Frostjaw's Figure:
Great Depths Worm Figure
Great Depths Worm Figure
"Brings back memories of being digested."
Placed on the Potter's Wheel
"chesspiece_wormboss_marble" "chesspiece_wormboss_stone" "chesspiece_wormboss_moonglass"
The sculpture depicts the Great Depths Worm . Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Great Depths Worm.
Back Model of Great Depths Worm Figure:
These structures act as impenetrable walls except to certain bosses. This can be used in the Moon Caller's Staff event to block off Spiders ,Werepigs and Hounds .
Most Chess Pieces were added in the A Little Fixer Upper update, while the Giant Figures were introduced in an unnamed Bonus Update after the completion of A New Reign . The Bee Queen, Toadstool, Antlion, Ancient Fuelweaver, and Klaus figures were added in the May QoL update.
Based off of character quotes, it is implied that the Kingly Figure refers to Maxwell, the Queenly figure to Charlie, and the Pawn to all the other playable characters.
Maxwell's examination quote of the Pawn Figure lampshades the lack of a Clockwork Pawn enemy by stating that he doesn't know what a Pawn is.
The Queenly Figure used to have speech file lines referring to it having a "struggling" state, but these were later removed or commented out.
The Moon Shard figure type as well as the Moon Moth, Anchor, and "Moon" Figures were introduced in the Turn of Tides update.
Knight, Bishop, and Rook Figures made from Moon Shards will not spawn Shadow Pieces if hammered during a new moon. This is intentional.[1]
In the Host of Horrors beta test, an early version of Armored Bearger Chess Pieces was discovered in the Nightmare Werepig Chess Pieces files.
Eye of Terror Figure concept art from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
An early version of Armored Bearger Chess Pieces in Nightmare Werepig Chess Pieces files