Dragonfly is one of the four Giants in the Reign of GiantsDLC, representing the season of Summer. She is a large monster with both reptilian and insectoid traits. When killed, Dragonfly will drop Scales and 8 Meat.
In Reign of Giants, Dragonfly will spawn in Summer and remain neutral for as long as she is not attacked or approached. Her default flight speed is faster than a player's default speed without modifiers. While neutral, she will spit lava on various objects, turning them to Ashes which she will then eat. After Dragonfly has consumed 20 or more Ashes, she will fall asleep unless the player is nearby.
When attacked or when the player gets too close, Dragonfly will enter her "enraged mode" and follow the player while lighting everything in her path on fire. She will follow the player through wormholes. This mode lasts for a while until Dragonfly either loses interest or her attacker is dead. During rain, this mode has a shorter duration. If frozen, Dragonfly will immediately return to her calm state once she thaws (barring player proximity). When frozen, she will thaw very quickly.
When Dragonfly gets in range of her target, she will use a swipe attack while moving forward. When contact has been made, she will slam the ground three times, creating a ring of fire with each impact. This attack will set objects on fire, causing massive AoE damage.
When hit, Dragonfly will enrage and perform a large "ring of fire" AOE attack after squeaking. Any Campfires or Endothermic Fires caught in the attack will be fueled up and Mobs will be set on fire. When enraged, she will engulf herself in flames and deal constant fire damage to anything nearby while also setting flammable objects on fire.
General Tips
When fighting Dragonfly using melee weapons, a Tentacle Spike or better is recommended as well as two Football Helmets and two Log Suits, as her AoE ground slam can deal enough damage to instantly kill certain characters without armor.
Dragonfly takes 4 Sleep Darts to be put to sleep. Notably, although it does no damage, Dragonfly can be stunned when hit by the Fire Staff.
When frozen, Dragonfly will thaw very quickly, making it ineffective to rely on freezing for the sake of immobilization. However, freezing still can be used to calm her down.
Dragonfly is able to be "barricaded" behind two structures and fought relatively safely. The gap must be large enough for the player to walk through but small enough that a Koalefant can't. This will allow the player to strike her while still avoiding all of her attacks, though an additional speed bonus may be required.
Anything naturally-occurring that isn't flammable (e.g. two Boulders) will work well, or the player can use two Campfires/Endothermic Fires (campfire or pit) as these cannot be destroyed.
Note that she only requires a small change of angle to free herself, so players must be careful while using this method.
Dragonfly's swipe cannot be dodged unless the player has at least a 75% speed boost, as she does not pause before attacking.
WX-78 can fight Dragonfly head-on and avoid taking melee damage when combining the speed effects of a Walking Cane, SYSTEM OVERLOAD, and naturally occurring Roads or placed Cobblestones.
After dodging her swipe attack, the player can safely land three strikes before her next attack, taking only minimal fire damage when efficiently switching between their primary weapon and Walking Cane.
The player should begin the fight by attacking Dragonfly once before retreating to avoid the ring of fire attack. She will be enraged and switch her first attack to her swipe. Then, the player can follow the steps below:
Approach Dragonfly to strike twice (while blocking her strike)
Move away slightly to reset the fire damage
Strike twice more before retreating again to avoid her AoE.
If timed correctly, the player can land 4 strikes and only be hit by the swipe attack, with minimal damage from burning.
Dragonfly can easily be defeated by 28 Blow Darts. Additionally, using either a Blow Dart or Ice Staff will coax her into stomping, giving the player time to get away after swinging at her with melee weapons.
One of the easiest ways to take care of Dragonfly (as with most other mobs) is to ignite a pile of Gunpowder after putting her to sleep. 14 Gunpowder will result in an instant kill, and due to her fireproof qualities the loot will not be damaged. A Pan Flute can be used for the sleep effect, or a player can coax her into consuming 20 ashes.
The Old Bell can be used twice to weaken Dragonfly, leaving her with 750 health points. Placing three or four piles of Ashes on the ground and ringing the Old Bell as Dragonfly comes for them is a very effective way to get her to stay put as Bigfoot approaches.
Any type of monster with large amounts of health seems to be able to fight Dragonfly and deal noticeable damage. However, this approach does not work with Treeguards, due to their weakness to fire.
Beefalo and Pigs, despite their success against other threats, are no match for Dragonfly, and will be killed very quickly with her AoE attack.
Merms fare a bit better than Pigs due to their speed, and Tentacles attack quicker and deal more damage compared to Beefalo. Therefore, luring Dragonfly into a Swamp may allow its inhabitants to weaken, or distract Dragonfly.
While these Mobs may not be able to defeat her, when Dragonfly kills a hostile mob, she will go back to her calm state, allowing players to escape.
Number of hits needed to defeat Dragonfly per weapon (default damage modifier)
39 or 64
The name Dragonfly is a compound of the words "Dragon" and "Fly" rather than being based off of real life dragonflies, hence her appearance.
Wolfgang's quote references that fact.
Additionally, her Don't Starve Together spoils of Gold Nuggets and Gems may be due to the tales of mythical dragons hoarding large amounts of treasure.
Dragonfly's method of melting flammable objects to consume the ashes is similar to how real flies will spit out digestive juices onto their food before sucking it up.
Dragonfly's attack pattern resets when re-loading the game, causing her to use her AoE ground slam attack.
In the credits for Don't Starve Together, Dragonfly has red eyes when not enraged, despite the in-game Dragonfly having black eyes while not enraged. Additionally, in the trailer, she is again incorrectly shown having black eyes when enraged.
Dragonfly's Winter's Feast appearance resembles holly, specifically a variety with yellow berries.
Dragonfly and the Antlion spawn in different desert biomes. Antlion's desert contains the Oasis and limbed cacti, while Dragonfly's desert has spiky trees, hound mounds, and round cacti.
Occasionally, no damage will be taken from Dragonfly's flaming aura if the player runs straight towards her after she has finished her slam. This will last until the next swipe.
Dragonfly will follow the player or Chester if they have ashes with them. She will not attack them and will act as normal other than following the path of the player.
Dragonfly can die from two hits of the Old Bell (instead of three).
Dragonflies spawned via console in DST may occasionally become peaceful after taking a significant amount of damage.
Dragonfly Sprites
Dragonfly Sprites
Dragonfly Sprites
Dragonfly Sprites
An enraged Dragonfly.
A sleeping Dragonfly.
Dragonfly consuming Ashes.
Dragonfly inhaling Ashes.
A frozen Dragonfly. Frozen Dragonflies thaw quickly.
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these Mobs