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Beast ör bear-serker?


Bearger is one of the Giants in the Don't Starve Together, representing the season of Autumn. If the player starts in Autumn, Bearger will not spawn in the first season and will instead appear in the following year.

When killed, Bearger will drop 8 Meat and 1 Thick Fur, which can be used to craft the Hibearnation Vest, Insulated Pack, and the Polar Bearger Bin.

Once the player activates Lunar Rift, the corpse of Bearger will be possessed by a Brightshade Gestalt if a Lunar Rift is active, and turn into a Armored Bearger. Before it happens, player can set the corpse on fire with a Torch or Fire Staff to prevent the fight.

Brain.png Behavior

To spawn a Bearger, three requirements has to be met:

  • The world is more than 28 days
  • More than 26 days has passed since the last Bearger killed
  • Is Autumn

Meeting all the requirements will start the countdown of the Bearger using this formula:

(Days remaining in autumn) ÷ 4 ± [ (Days remaining in autumn ÷ 4) ÷ 4 ]

With default setting, the spawn time of the first Bearger is in between of day 3.75 and day 6.25 of the second Autumn.

Once spawn, Bearger will wander around and look for Food to eat. Bearger will eat any Food, including Mushrooms and Berries from their plants, and any Crock Pot Food except the Goodies type. Bearger can smell the Food inside a Chest, Scaled Chest, and Ice Box and do a swing attack to get Food. However, it will ignore the Food inside a Salt Box and Magician's Chest.

Food stats affect Bearger the same way as it would the player, meaning that healing Food will heal it for the same amount of Health while damaging Foods such as Monster Meat will also lower its Health.

While Bearger's range of aggression is small, approaching it directly will cause it to increase its movement speed and attack the player. Additionally, it will be upset and issue a warning growl if the player picks up Food that it had intended to eat. The second time Food is taken, it will issue another warning growl. Stealing its Food a third time will incite Bearger to attack.

After stealing its Food three times, Bearger will automatically become hostile if a nearby player has a "honeyed" item in their inventory (Honey, Honeycomb, Royal Jelly, Taffy, Pumpkin Cookies, Honey Nuggets, Honey Ham, Powdercake and Jellybeans).

Bearger will not despawn when Autumn ends, and by default, there will be only one Bearger in the world. Meaning that a player can keep the Bearger alive in a deserted place and don't need to worry about Bearger attacks any more.

Bearger will hibernate during Winter and Spring and not periodically drop any Fur Tufts. During Summer and Autumn, it will behave as usual and periodically drop a Fur Tuft. Additionally, its ground pound attack has a 20% chance of dropping three Fur Tufts.

If put to sleep and then attacked, it will yawn while waking up, causing all players as well as mobs on screen to fall asleep. Bearger will then attack the player or mob that hit it first.

Spear.png Attacks

Attack Description
Bearger will use a swipe attack at close range, dealing damage and knocking the weapon out of the player's hand. It will use this attack up to three consecutive times before using its slam attack.
Once Bearger has used 3 swipes, it will slam the ground with its front paws, creating a shockwave that will demolish Structures, fell Trees, and uproot Plants in a large area as well as knock the player's weapon from their hand. This attack only does damage within Bearger's melee range, despite damaging objects at a larger distance.
If the player runs away from Bearger when it is about to do its slam attack, it will charge after the player, destroying objects in its path. When it either catches up to the player or has been running for long enough, it will use its slam attack.

Spear.png Strategy

General Melee

  • The player can attack Bearger 3-4 times before dodging , except after it slams the ground, as a swipe attack follows immediately after. Using Roads or other means of speed increase for kiting may allow for a third hit if timed correctly.
  • Equipping at least a Log Suit or Football Helmet is recommended.
  • Weapons may be knocked into the water when fighting Bearger near an ocean.
  • Fighting Bearger in melee range could drain a player's sanity in a few minutes. This creates an additional hazard, especially when fighting after dusk, as Shadow Creatures may also attack.


A highly recommended way to kill Bearger is to lure it into a Evergreen forest and have it destroy trees, until one or more Treeguards spawn. Since Treeguards move slowly, the player may need to lead Bearger into a position where the Treeguards can attack. This method can not only kills the Bearger and also yields a great amount of Logs.


A fast way to deal with the Bearger is a combination of immobilization and Gunpowders. First, the player must immobilize Bearger by either freezing it with an Ice Staff or sedating it with Sleep Darts or a Pan Flute.

While frozen or asleep, a stack of 29 Gunpowder can be placed and lit directly beside Bearger. The 29 Gunpowder will bring Bearger down to 200 Health. The player can then finish the fight with 2 Blow Darts or 5-7 strikes with a Spear. Using more Gunpowder will kill Bearger while it is on fire and potentially burn any dropped loot.


Unlike other bosses, Bearger will eat any Food it sees and is affected by poisonous Foods (such as Red Mushrooms or Monster Meat). The player can lead Bearger to poisonous Foods or drop poisonous Foods on the ground and allow Bearger to damage itself without the player needing to attack.

One such method involves leading the Bearger into a Marsh biome. Any Tentacles nearby will attack Bearger and be quickly defeated by Bearger's high damage, dropping a considerable amount of Monster Meat for Bearger to consume. Each piece of Monster Meat will deal 20 damage. Due to Bearger's high Health, relying on Monster Meat alone is not a very efficient method, and combination of different poisonous Foods and/or damage from hostile Mobs will be quicker.

Spiders are not automatically hostile to Bearger, nor is Bearger automatically hostile to Spiders or Spider Dens. The player must manually incite either party in order to start a fight between them. This means that if the Bearger is killed near a Spider Den, there may still be Spiders around after the battle. If the player wants any meat dropped by a Bearger, they should retrieve the Bearger's loot before a Spider can reach it.

Below is the number of hits it takes with each weapon to kill a Bearger/DST when playing with characters with a default damage modifier. The Weather Pain is not included due to the random nature of its projectile.

Number of Hits
Item Bearger.png
Old Bell.png Reign of Giants icon.png 6 0 0
Obsidian Coconade.png Shipwrecked icon.png 18 0 0
Coconade.png Shipwrecked icon.png Hamlet icon.png 24 0 0
Spear Gun Obsidian.png Shipwrecked icon.png 30 - 40 Charged.png 0 - 0 Charged.png 0 - 0 Charged.png
30 0 0
Bee Mine.png ≥38 ≥0 ≥0
Spear Gun Battle.png Shipwrecked icon.png 38 as Wigfrid Portrait.png 0 as Wigfrid Portrait.png 0 as Wigfrid Portrait.png
Spear Gun Spear.png Spear Gun Poison.png Shipwrecked icon.png 59 0 0
Obsidian Spear.png Shipwrecked icon.png 59 - 118 0 - 0 0 - 0
Blow Dart.png 60 0 0
Electric Dart.png Don't Starve Together icon.png 67 (40 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png)
Dark Sword.png
Glass Cutter.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
89 0 0
Cutlass Supreme.png Shipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png 89 0 0
Tooth Trap.png 100 0 0
Pew-matic Horn.png Hamlet icon.png 177, 134 or 100 0, 0 or 0 0, 0 or 0
Thulecite Club.png 101 0 0
Ham Bat.png 101 - 202 0 - 0 0 - 0
Obsidian Axe.png Shipwrecked icon.png 111 - 221 - Charged.png 0 - 0 - Charged.png 0 - 0 - Charged.png
Tentacle Spike.png

Cursed Rounds.png Marbles.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png

118 0 0
Slurtle Slime.png 120 0 0
Halberd.png Hamlet icon.png 136 0 0
Morning Star.png Reign of Giants icon.png 139 (84 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png)
Bat Bat.png
Battle Spear.png Reign of Giants icon.png
142 0 0
Bramble Trap.png Don't Starve Together icon.png 150 0 0

Moon Glass Axe.png Gold Rounds.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

177 0 0
Trident.png Shipwrecked icon.png 177 (59 Toy Boat.png) 0 (0 Toy Boat.png) 0 (0 Toy Boat.png)
PickSlashAxe.png 197 0 0
Machete.png Shipwrecked icon.png Hamlet icon.png 201 0 0
Boomerang.png Axe.png Pickaxe.png Brush.png

Tail o' Three Cats.png Malbatross Bill.png Bull Kelp Stalk.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

221 0 0
Stalking Stick.png Hamlet icon.png 295 0 0
Eyeshot.png Shipwrecked icon.png 300 0 0
Saddlehorn.png Hammer.png Pitchfork.png Shovel.png Walking Cane.png Willow's Lighter.png Torch.png

Whirly Fan.png Driftwood Oar.png Oar.png Slow-Down Rounds.png Pebbles.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

353 0 0
Lucy the Axe.png 442 0 0
Bug Net.png Fishing Rod.png
1412 0 0

It takes 4 blasts to freeze a Bearger/DST with an Ice Staff. It takes 4 Sleep Darts to put Bearger/DST to sleep.

Prototype.png Tips

  • When enraged, Bearger is able to take down nearby trees. The player can use this to their advantage by leading Bearger through trees and collecting the dropped Logs afterwards, though the player must have enough speed boost to avoid being hit.
  • If the player chooses to farm Logs safely while keeping Bearger alive, one must lead it to Birchnut Trees instead of Evergreen Trees, as it will defeat Poison Birchnut Trees much easier than it would Treeguards. This method will also provide a steady source of Living Logs, Twigs, and Birchnuts.
  • If the player set Bearger to "tons", there will be 2 Beargers at max in the world.
  • The Bearger will not spawn when the player is in the Ocean, Lunar Island, Hermit Island, and Moon Quay.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Bearger's Winter's Feast appearance in Don't Starve Together resembles the Yeti (also known as the Abominable Snowman), a mythical ape-like creature rumored to inhabit regions in the Himalayas.
  • The name Bearger is a portmanteau of the words "Bear" and "Badger", as highlighted by Wilson's quote.
  • Bearger's obsession with Food and its appearance in Autumn are both reflective of real life bears, who consume large amounts of food in the fall before hibernating in the winter.
    • Badgers, while they do not technically hibernate, also stock up on food in the fall and enter a state of torpor where they will sleep for around 29 hours to slow their metabolism and conserve energy.
    • Bearger's habit of rummaging through chests is also reflective of bears' tendency to break into trash cans and cars, among other things, in order to find food.
  • Before the Host of Horrors update, Bearger's damage in DST was 200, not 175. Also, his attack range was 6, not 5. He also did not have an animation for taking damage. His hand attack also dealt damage in a radius around the boss.

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