Crab Guard

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Crab Guard is a mob that can be spawned by Crab King. Crab King start to spawn Crab Guard after creating Ice Floe around. They will be aggresive to all players. They also can climbe in to a Boats or any any other Float Platform. The number of crabs that Crab King spawns and the maximum life value of Crab Guard depends on the number of Purple Gems on Crab King (every Purple Gem gives +40 max hp to Crab Guard)

Crab Knight

Crab Knight is a mob that can be spawned by Crab King. Crab King start to spawn Crab Knight after creating Ice Floe around and it Crab King have less than 3000 hp. They will be aggresive to all players. They also can climbe in to a Boats or any any other Float Platform. The maximum life value of Crab Knight depends on the number of Purple Gems on Crab King (every Purple Gem gives +40 max hp to Crab Knight). It also have a spetial attack where it start untwist and go to one direction. In this form Crab Knight can make damage. After that form it will stay in a little stan.