Corvus Goodfeather

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Cawnival Sapling.png Midsummer Cawnival

Winona Portrait.png
That's one fancy crow.


The Corvus Goodfeather allows the player to access items in Cawnival Creation Filter while standing close to him. The filter only has the Cawnival Sapling initially. After purchasing the Cawnival Sapling, the rest of the filter becomes available. The players can purchase Cawnival Tokens and Cawnival Games that are only available in this event.

He will stay at the Florid Postern if the Cawnival Tree is yet to be planted in a world. However, if the player plants the Cawnival Tree elsewhere and rings the bell, he will fly to the location of the tree.

Corvus is marked out on the map similarly to mobs like Chester. When the player is playing a minigame, he will watch and comment on the player when they are playing the game well. Once the minigame ends, depending on how well the player did, he will give the player extra Prize Tickets.

Cawnival Creation Filter.png Crafting Recipes

Crafting Recipes without Cawnival Tree:

Crafting Recipes with Cawnival Tree:

Gramophone.png Quotes

No Games

  • Look here, I have such wonderful games for you to play!
  • A Cawnival is not complete without some fun and games.


  • The Cawnival is underway!
  • Welcome, welcome, one and all!
  • Buy your tokens here!
  • Enjoy the Cawnival!
  • Why not purchase a lovely miniature to set under the Tree?
  • The games look fun, don't they? Why not purchase a token or twelve?
  • Win tickets, trade tickets for fabulous prizes!
  • Take a glance at the Prize Booth, friends! We have spectacular trinkets from far and wide!
  • "Not yet mid-summer", you say? Well my friend, the early bird gets the worm!


  • Yes, yes! You're a natural!
  • You've got a good grasp of the game, I see!
  • Such an excellent performance! I do hope you purchase more tokens to show us again!


  • Oh, I think you nearly scored a point that time!
  • Have you never played a Cawnival game before?
  • Better luck next time, perhaps?

End Cheer

  • Well done, well done! Now why don't you go peruse our Prize Booth?
  • What an astonishing display! Here, let old Corvus Goodfeather give you an extra ticket.

End Bored Game

  • Too bad. Better luck next time!
  • I have plenty more tokens to sell if you'd like to try again!

Other Games

  • What is this game?
  • What an odd game. Not nearly as fun as the ones we have at the Cawnival!
  • I'm not familiar with the rules...


  • Wortox and Corvus seem to have previously met elsewhere, judging by certain quotes:
    • Wortox, when trying to ring the Cawnival Tree while Corvus is busy: "Goodfeather, hm? I think I know him by another name."
    • The Crow Kids, when the Cawnival has some decor: "Who was that, with the red fur? He seemed kinda familiar."