Don't Starve Together/Version History/2020
December 22, 2020
Rev. 446029 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare crash when Wavy Jones extinguishes fires.
- Fixed a crash when toggling the movement prediction setting while using Wurt.
- Restored the font quality for some unicode character ranges.
- Fixed adding weaknesses to armors. This means that some armors now have the appropriate weakness to the Werebeaver’s attacks.
Note for modders:
- Armor:AddWeakness now works correctly.
December 17, 2020
Rev. 445759 (Release)
- Fixed a Crabby Hermit crash on worlds that have unclaimed gifts
- Fixed a crash when a watering can is burnt
- Fixed a bug preventing the plant registry from applying your online profile data.
- Reduced the crafting recipe for the Cookbook
- Reduced the radius for the watering can’s ability to extinguish fires
- Beefalo no longer poop while being ridden
- Fixed skins issues with ugly sweaters
December 16, 2020
Rev. 445609 (Release)
- The watering cans will now put out all nearby fires and be used to rejuvenate withered bushes.
- Added new Vignettes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed The Lord of the Fruit Flies sometimes not doing anything when spawned.
- Fixed the plant nutrients stress test from always passing when the ground type is not farming soil.
- Wormwood and Wurt no longer suffer a sanity drain for wearing wet items.
- Improved heavy lifting visuals for Giant Onions and Giant Corn.
- Fixed weighing Giant veggies not storing the heaviest veggie in your Plant Registry (Unfortunately this change is not retroactive, so you’ll need to re-weigh them for this to take effect).
- Fixed Esc having inconsistent behavior on the Plant Registry.
- Fixed unicode text not rendering correctly on some Linux computers.
December 15, 2020 - Reap What You Sow
Rev. 445248 (Release)
The days have been filled with tilling and toil,
Gathering seeds and nourishing soil,
In hopes that the crops will produce at their best,
(Just make sure that you keep a sharp eye out for pests!)
The Reap What You Sow Update is now live. With this new update we have made substantial changes to farming in Don't Starve Together. We also have a little bit of extra holiday fun to share and new Twitch Items as well!
Key Points
- Survivors can now plow fields and sow seeds to grow the crops of their dreams
- Each vegetable has their own unique plant with preferred growing seasons and type of nutrients
- Stay close and tend to your crops and you will be rewarded.
- Neglecting crops won't be the death of them, but you might regret it.
- Be sure to cull weeds before they become a problem
- Use the Gardeneer Hat to research plants and track your progress via the Plant Registry
- Farm like the Ancients with the Premier Gardeneer Hat and learn your plants’ every desire
- Added the Seed Pack-It to help organize all your seeds.
Other Changes
- Added Winter’s Feast Adornments for the Ancient Guardian, Misery Toadstool, Crabking, and Crabby Hermit. (If you have already completed the Crabby Hermit storyline, the Crabby Hermit will trade her adornments for Empty Bottles and the special Crabking Adornment can be achieved by socketing 3 or more Iridescent Gems).
- Applied Horticulture has been republished as two separate books. The first book, Applied Silviculture will cover your basic resource needs while the second book, Horticulture, Abridged, will grow all things edible.
- Basic Farms and Improved Farm can no longer be crafted. Farms in existing worlds will continue to work as normal.
- Wormwood is now affected differently by each type of fertilizer.
- Wormwood is not affected adversely by the Spiny Bindweed and Firenettles
- Wormwood can determine a plant’s needs without the use of technology
- Wormwood and Wurt will no longer suffer a sanity drain for being wet
- The Compost Wrap has an additional heal over time effect.
- Disease has been removed.
- Adjusted the Bunnyman’s loot table
- The random plant chosen from Seeds is now affected by the season.
- Feeding a Bird in the Birdcage a veggie, will return one seed of the same plant.
- Birds in the Birdcage will now eat raw monster meat but not cooked eggs
- Improved the Spoiled Fish and Spoiled Fish Morsel loot when hammered.
- Added Moth-Eaten Chest.
- Added new Vignettes.
Bug Fixes
- Players can now combine stacks of objects when the target is floating in the ocean
- Fixed the item pickup animation not playing when using the integrated backpack layout
- Fixed a bug causing birds to count seeds in the players inventory when determining if it should drop a seed or not (this made seeds rarer than they should have been)
- Fixed a bug causing certain items (like ocean fish) to drop into the water when moving them between inventories while over water.
Note for modders
- Containers now have a priorityfn allowing containers to specify high priority items that should go into the container instead of the inventory. This runs on the clients and server.
- The fertilizer component’s SetHealingAmount function has been deprecated and replaced with a fertilizable component. See wormwood’s prefab as an example.
TLDR for beta players
Here are the changes that have gone in since the last beta update.
- Added Winter’s Feast Adornments for the Ancient Guardian, Misery Toadstool, Crabking, and Crabby Hermit.
- Wormwood’s Self-Fertilizing
- Manure fertilizers now provide a small instant heal
- Compost fertilizers now provide a heal over time
- Formula fertilizers now trigger blooming (applying more formula fertilizer will accelerate the current stage while blooming and extend the duration when fully bloomed)
- Wormwood bloom changes
- Reduced hunger drain
- Tends to nearby plants
- Gains small summer insulation
- Wormwood and Wurt will no longer suffer a sanity drain for being wet
- Pine Cone, Twiggy Tree Nut, Birchnut, Hambat, Flower Garland, Seawreath, and Fish Food can be used in the Composting Bin.
- Fixed a conflict between farming theme music and the crabby hermit theme music
- The Composting Bin now drops any finished Compost if it loads in as burnt.
- Giant veggies can be waxed with Beeswax to preserve them forever.
- Weighing giant veggies now adds a picture of the heaviest veggie you have weighed to the Plant Registry.
New Streaming Drops!
We are adding the Winter Wardrobe to the Merrymaker Collection. For more information on streaming drops and how to get them, check out our support topic here.
And up next
We're going to be around a few more days fixing up any issues that pop up from the update. But we've already been hard at work on the Year of the Beefalo update coming up after our much needed holiday break. After that we'll be back to our regular content schedule.
And if you're still paying attention, here is a link for some in-game spool (link valid for 30 days). This will grant you 900 spool to get some cool stuff, just in time for the holidays!
We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season. Till next time!
December 8, 2020
Rev. 444364 (Test)
- Added farming theme music.
- Added a sound that plays when you research something with the Gardeneer hat.
- Slightly improved the Spoiled Fish and Spoiled Fish Morsel loot when hammered.
- Updated Composting Bin animations.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when using some fertilizer items on farm soil.
- Fixed not being able to use the Watering Can to extinguish large burning objects.
- Fixed more inventory stacking bugs causing items to visually appear in the wrong spot for a split second.
- Fixed The Plant Registry remembering last used cards that are locked.
- Fixed giant rotten watermelons lacking a name.
December 7, 2020
Rev. 444120 (Test)
Fertilizer Nutrients Changes
- Reworked the nutrient values of all the fertilizers.
- Nutrient arrows should now be read as: The total amount of nutrients a plant consumes and restores while growing from a seed into a harvestable plant. As an example, two Rotten Eggs would provide enough nutrients to grow one Garlic plant.
- Note: In the Plant Registry, some fertilizers may appear to provide less nutrients than before, this is due to the old arrows mapping to a different set of values.
- When a Garden Hoe or Splendid Garden Hoe breaks, it will now automatically equip another from your inventory.
- The Plant Registry will now remember what card was last shown for each plant.
- Added tooltips to the summary cards for each plant.
- The Composting Bin no longer requires manual turning to be at maximum efficiency. It is instead more efficient the fuller it is.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a number of bugs that allowed farm plants to grow at night and in the dark
- Fixed a bug preventing the giant rotten plants from being researchable.
- Fixed the Watering Can playing water sounds while empty.
- Fixed another inventory stacking bug causing items to duplicate visually.
- Fixed fertilizers not playing their sound when used on farm soil.
- Astral Detector cannot be dismantled twice at the same time now.
- Fixed an issue with Winona’s Snowfallen skin.
- Fixed an issue with Winona’s Victorian skin.
December 4, 2020
Rev. 443923 (Test)
- Added a summary card that will appear when you have fully researched a plant providing a cheat sheet for the relevant values.
- The Lazy Forager will no longer target the item you are currently picking up.
- Tweaked the colours of the nutrients overlay for colour blindness.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing birds to count seeds in the players inventory when determining if it should drop a seed or not (this made seeds rarer than they should have been).
- Fixed the menu banner not displaying properly.
- Fixed the Super Growth Formula having infinite uses.
- Fixed Misery Toadstool not dropping his figure sketch.
- Fixed a crash when the Friendly Fruit Fly gets hit.
- Fixed an inventory desync that sometimes occurs when stack moving items from a container into your inventory.
- Fixed Winter’s Feast Trees getting grown by Applied Horticulture instead of Applied Silviculture
Rev. 443927 (Release)
- Adjusted Snowfallen WX-78’s hair to be more translucent.
- The Carol Emote Reward is now granted for the new Snowfallen skin sets.
- Fixed issues with Snowfallen Warly.
- Fixed Winter’s Feast Chests so they can no longer contain Winter’s Feast Chests.
- Fixed issues with WX-78s Sub-Zero Containment Unit.
December 3, 2020
Rev. 443735 (Test)
- Enabled Winter’s Feast (More information can be found here)
- Restored the plant nutrient cycling values back to the previous values
- Durian consumes compost instead of manure
- Restored the soil tilling and planting distance to the previous value
- Added a plant stress category “overcrowding” which will cause stress on if there are more than 10 plants in a tile (includes weeds)
- Changed the nutrient arrows to all have the “ground” line on the bottom (the arrow directions did not change).
- Seed Pack-It is now located in the Survival crafting tab
- Pine Cones, Birchnuts, and Twiggy Tree Cones can now be stored in the Seed Pack-It
- We have read the feedback about fertilizing being underpowered and will be addressing this soon.
- We are also aware that the main menu banner is not displaying, this will be fixed in the next hotfix
December 2, 2020
Rev. 443490 + 443554 (Test)
- Added the Seed Pack-It, a special 14-slot backpack for holding seeds, this will prioritize seeds to go into the backpack, over the inventory.
- Prioritizing items required significant changes to how the inventory is handled on the client, if you get any weird visual glitches or bugs, please report them!
- Hallowed Nights trinkets will now prioritize being placed in the Candy Bag.
- Tweaked the Lord of the Fruit Flies behaviors and hp.
- Tweaked the spawning conditions of the Lord of the Fruit Flies.
- Fruit Flies will now attack the player when the Lord of the Fruit Flies is dead
- Fruit Flies will now drop seeds on death.
- Fruit Flies will take longer to plant weeds and make plants unhappy.
- Wormwood planting of seeds, when not in tilled soil, will now indicate if it will be placed inside a farm tile
Plant Tuning
- Adjusted the allowed space between plants to only allow 9 to 10 plants in one tile (Sorry, sowing 16 seeds was not intended)
- Regular sized farm plants that are left to rot will self-sow a new plant after a few days
- Plants are no longer tolerant of any weeds, rotting plants, etc (previously they would tolerate 1 being nearby)
- Adjusted the nutrient values for some plants
- Fruit Flies will occasionally spawn when picking rotted crops.
- Giant rotting veggies will release 2 Fruit Flies when destroyed and less seeds than before
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the item pickup animation not playing when using the integrated backpack layout.
- Fixed the research action not working in some cases.
- Wormwood’s wild planting now properly collapses nearby soil.
- Fixed not being able to target the ground with fertilizers when playing with a gamepad.
Notes for Modders
- Containers now have a priorityfn allowing containers to specify high priority items that should go into the container instead of the inventory. This will run on the client and server.
Hotfix 443554
- Fixed a crash when holding shift to shift move items into containers
November 30, 2020
Rev. 443039 (Test)
- Wes can no longer talk to plants
- The Premier Gardeneer Hat’s screen overlay is now slightly transparent.
- The Gardeneer Hats now provide a touch of protection from the summer heat
- Added a healing over time buff to the Compost Wrap
- Increased the compost nutrient value of the Compost Wrap
- All crops are safe from wildfires while the soil is wet.
- Added Terra Firma Tamper sounds.
- Replaced Applied Horticulture with Applied Silviculture and Horticulture, Abridged. (Character strings are still being implemented)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when farm plants or weeds are burnt
- Fixed wormwood being unable to fertilize/heal himself while wearing the Gardeneer Hat (This should also fix any other weirdness regarding the hat and actions.)
- Renamed the Luxury Garden Hoe to Splendid Garden Hoe
- Fixed the new seeds not being burnable.
November 27, 2020
Rev. 442776 (Test)
Update Information:
Reap what you Sow Beta Hotfix
- Added a Luxury Garden Hoe
- Moved the Garden Hoes and Watering Cans from the Food crafting tab into the Tools crafting tab.
- Reordered the items in the Food crafting tab
- Adjusted nutrient cycling values for some plants
- Adjusted the nutrient cycling arrow art and tool tip strings in the Plant Registry
- Birds can now eat crop specific seeds.
- Wormwood can now talk to plants faster than other characters.
- Lord of the Fruit Flies is now considered a boss.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the names of the nutrients displayed in the Plant Registry.
- Fixed Watering Can reverting to 0% water if saved at 100%.
- Fixed Tillweed turning invisible after being picked
- Fixed a crash when using Applied Horticulture
- Fixed Wormwood trying to view the happiness of non-plants.
- Fixed a bug where non-Wormwood characters could not inspect a plants happiness
- The Spiny Bindweed’s Binding Roots no longer drop souls
- The Lord of the Fruit Flies will no longer pick rotted crops to spawn at.
- Fixed the sanity auras of the Fruit Flies.
- Fixed Garden Rigamajig duplicating itself sometimes on save/load.
- Added missing Watermelon strings.
- Fixed a rare crash with Wavey Jones.
- All the fruit flies are now burnable.
- Fixed nutrients getting consumed when assessing the happiness of plants.
- Fixed Watering Can depleting water when used as a weapon.
Notes for Modders
- Modded crock pot recipes will no longer to try load the wrong assets
We would like to let everyone know that we are aware of the feedback around the Applied Horticulture changes causing problems for end-game players and base builders. We are discussing solutions for this and it will not remain as is. Changes to the book will happen early or mid next week. We are also aware of people's concerns around Wormwood's plant-anywhere being diluted by the new farming mechanics. We are also discussing this and improvements to Wormwood will come in throughout the beta.
November 26, 2020 - Reap What You Sow Beta
Rev. 441390 (Release)
- Hallowed Nights event turned off.
- Added new razor skins.
- Added a new set of Twitch skins, the Arcane Crystalarium as part of the Crystalline Collection.
Rev. 442503 (Test)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed background music in the main menu.
- Fixed Produce Scale becoming invisible when weighing some vegetables.
- Fixed missing research strings for various fertilizers.
- Fixed a crash from the Lord of The Fruit Flies spawn timer.
- Fixed a crash when examining a plant’s happiness.
- Fixed string formatting for viewing plant happiness.
- Fixed a crash from loading in a harvestable Composting Bin under some circumstances.
- Fixed Guano not being researchable.
- Fixed the research action not working right for fertilizers sometimes.
- Fixed certain Growth formulas not being researchable.
- Spiny Blindweed no longer attacks wormwood
- One-Man-Band will now tend to plants
- Fixed not being able to research fertilizers in the world.
Rev. 442403 (Test)
Farming Rework:
- Survivors can now plow fields and sow seeds to grow the crops of their dreams
- Each vegetable has their own unique plant with preferred growing seasons and type of nutrients
- Stay close and tend to your crops and you will be rewarded.
- Neglecting crops won't be the death of them, but you might regret it.
- Be sure to cull weeds before they become a problem
- Use the Gardeneer Hat to research plants and track your progress via the Plant Registry
- Farm like the Ancients with the Premier Gardeneer Hat and learn your plants’ every desire
- Disease has been removed from transplanted plants
- The random plant chosen from Seeds is now affected by the season
- Feeding a Bird in the Birdcage a veggie, will return one seed of the same plant.
- Increased the amount of time flowers will stay fresh in the End Table
- The End Table now accepts Forget-Me-Lots and Lune Tree Blossoms
- Adjusted the Bunnyman’s loot table
- Birds in the Birdcage will now eat raw monster meat but not cooked eggs
Wormwood Changes:
- Is not affected adversely by the Spiny Bindweed and Firenettles
- Can determine a plant’s needs without the use of technology
- Can still plant seeds anywhere, but some of the plant’s needs will not be met unless in a farm plot
Applied Horticulture Changes:
- Affects up to 10 plants
- Transplanted plants, that require fertilizing, will have an extra harvest consumed
- Adjusted the recipe
Bug Fixes: Players can now combine stacks of objects when the target is floating in the ocean.
November 5, 2020
Rev. 438711 (Release)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a client exploit that allowed players to perform actions when they are out of range from the target object.
- Fixed the Astral Detector from trying to dig something it can’t.
- Fixed Astral Detectors digging up the same item multiple times.
- Improved resolution for Mushy Cake, Amberosia, and Milkmade Hat.
- Fixed a crash involving the Vitreoasis sounds.
- Fixed viewing profiles in the Bans Popup not getting the correct profile.
Changes to the Astral Detector:
- Reduced light during idle (when it has nothing left to find)
- Uses are consumed after scanning, including when nothing is left to find.
- The recipe now uses 1 Thulecite instead of 2 Thulecite Fragments
November 3, 2020
Rev. 438182 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed zone detection on the Crabby Hermit’s island. (This was causing giants to spawn on the island and possibly enabling enlightenment)
- Fixed zone detection for the Atrium area. (This was causing the nightmare phase effects to be disabled in some parts the Atrium)
- Fixed a bug causing the game to crash on load when upgrading save files.
- Fixed world data from a deleted world showing up sometimes when creating a new world.
- Fixed Walter’s storytelling buff remaining when Walter disconnects mid story
- Astral Detector light loads properly.
- The Astral Detector will now locate undiscovered Celestial Altar parts and the Celestial Tribute after the Celestial Sanctum parts have been discovered.
- Added a sorting option on the world selection screen for the date the world was created. (Worlds created before this hotfix do not have a creation date so they will sort based on cluster number)
- The Strident Trident's water geysers will now uproot Bull Kelp
October 28, 2020
Rev. 437302 (Release)
- Fixed texture bugs with the Chatty Hatty.
- Adjusted audio for Astral Detector.
October 27, 2020
Rev. 437027 (Release)
- Archive resonator is now workable
- Fixed multiple crashes with critters, pipspooks, woby, antlion, and shadow creatures.
- Fixed a crash on the world customization screen.
- Fixed being unable to repair objects.
October 26, 2020
Rev. 436978 (Release)
- Fixed attack cooldowns getting improperly reset when getting hit while attacking something.
- Fixed a bug causing world settings to get removed from a world after it has been created.
- Fixed being unable to modify steam group settings.
- Fixed some crashes with Crabking.
- Fixed Crabkings health being inaccurate after reloading.
- Fixed being unable to place walls on the corners of tiles.
- Fixed being able to hop off a boat when walls are in the way.
- Fixed Dark Swords playing the wrong sound.
- Fix head texture bug with Wurt’s Little Sinker skin.
October 23, 2020
Rev. 436739 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed another retrofitting crash that would occur if you lacked space to retrofit astral markers.
- Fixed up some resonator sounds.
Rev. 436650 (Release)
- Walls and Fences can be placed on the very edge of the world.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurs when your character is in the caves.
- Fixed pathfinding for retrofitted areas in cave worlds
- Fixed Traps and Bird Traps not being unusable after being sprung.
- Fixed Lunar Spore being triggered by nightmare creatures
- Fixed enlightenment area on the lunar island
- Fixed various bugs with Wurt’s Sinker skin.
- Fixed missing inventory/crafting skins icons.
- Fixed ghost Walter eyes.
- Fixed Clean Sweeper on broken walls.
- Players can no longer give the Moon Rock Idol to the Celestial Portal while mounted (doing so caused the * player to become invisible)
- Fixed being unable to plant things while Bulbous Lightbugs are around you.
- Fixed things being able to steal the Opal Gems from the Archive Switch.
- Fixed being unable to attack for a bit after getting hit.
- Fixed a retrofitting crash that would occur if you lacked space to retrofit astral markers.
- Fixed hovertexts persisting after clicking the world save slot.
- Fixed all worlds that had caves enabled having all mods disabled.
- If you experience this problem, you can run the command ShardSaveGameIndex:RerunSlotConversion(slot) replacing the word slot with the slot number of that world.
- The slot number of the world can be found by hovering over the folder icon on the world select screen.
October 22, 2020 - Forgotten Knowledge
Rev. 436308 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Forest and Cave world gen swap is fixed.
- Fixed moles setting off traps generating souls.
- Fixed moonglass stalactites blocking structure placement.
Rev. 436236 (Release)
Return of Them: Forgotten Knowledge and Hallowed Nights Available Now!
It seems that the chunk of moon that crashed into the ocean did more than create a new island, but broke through to the caves below as well, revealing previously sealed passageways that had sat undiscovered by our Survivors. What ancient secrets might be kept within?
New Features:
- Lunar Grotto Biome
- Lunar Mush Trees
- Mush Gnomes
- Naked Mole Bats
- Bulbous Lightbugs
- Ancient Archive Biome
- You'll have to explore
- Improved Host Game Screen
- Unlimited save slots
- Retroactively enable caves!
Hallowed Nights
- Halloween Trinkets return
- Halloween Candies return
- Mad Science Lab returns.
New skin (and some old) sets now available!
We have also added a bunch of new items available as drops in-game or bundled in chests for purchase. Previous Costume Collection skins have been converted to Heirloom Quality items and will no longer drop after the end of the event.
That's not all. During Hallowed Nights, we have increased the drop chance of Hallowed Nights items, so be on the look-out for these rare items and snag them all while you can!
The Hallowed Nights Survivors Chest, Part III, contains the Hallowed Nights skins for: Walter, Wolfgang, Wormwood, Woodie, and Wurt, for $9.99/16RMB.
The Survivors Costume Chest contains skins for: Wigfrid, Maxwell, Webber, Wendy, Wes, Wickerbottom, Willow, Wilson, Winona, Wolfgang, Woodie, and WX-78, for $12.99/23RMB.
The Costume Clothing Chest contains the complete Catty Costume, Cheeky Chester Costume, Glommy Guise, and Hutch Disguise, for $4.99/10RMB
The Costume Belongings Chest contains Hallowed Light, Macabre Birdcage, Creepy Cauldron, and Vampire Batling, for $4.99/10RMB.
The Complete Costume Chest contains the complete Costume Collection, for $14.99/27RMB.
New Streaming Drops!
We are adding the Terrible Ooze Machine to the Hallowed Nights collection. For more information on streaming drops and how to get them, check out our support topic here.
New Login Bonus items!
For a limited time, Log into DST and get the Ancient Stone Wall, Ancient Ornamental Wall and Monstrous Lantern skins for free!
Simply make sure you have the game updated and log into the game with the update installed to get the items.
We need to get the console version updated with fixes from to beta version so we expect this update to be available for console early next week. Of course, everything is taking a little extra time right now, so it may take longer than we think, but we'll post if we find out there has been a significant change in timing.
Final Note
We’re already hard at work on the next update. With the holiday event season starting up we have a lot to do, so the normal content and character refresh schedule is going to be a little out of whack for a bit. We have the beta for another content update coming in November followed by its release and Winter’s Feast in December. After a much-needed holiday break in December, we will bring you The Year of the Beefalo and then (hopefully) be back to our normal schedule.
I have a new little teaser for you for the November beta update. This is a pretty big one, and something a bit different, but… I think you’re gonna like it.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug allowing woodie to stay in wereforms forever.
- Fixed misery toadstool not dropping a figure sketch.
- Fixed a bug allowing players to attack much faster than intended.
- Fixed a bug causing shadow creatures to stop spawning sometimes.
- Fixed rowing with a controller not consuming durability on the oar.
- Fixed animal tracks not spawning until the player kills the tracked animal
- Fixed bee boxes being able to produce honey in winter.
- Fixed bee boxes being able to produce honey without bees.
- Fixed a bug causing inconsistent worldgen on Linux and Mac.
- Fixed a bug causing worldgen to generate differently on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- Fixed a bug causing the clever disguise to allow wurt to interact with pig king/pigs.
- Fixed a bug allowing crabking to be fought without socketing any gems.
- Fixed a bug preventing modded cookbook recipes from getting learned sometimes...
- Fixed a bug causing certain world settings to not get applied.
- Fixed bugs with the Moose/Goose and Moslings that prevented them from leaving after the spring.
- Fixed a bug causing modded client rpcs to be invalid.
- Fixed a rare crash when the Crabby Hermit is done fishing.
- Fixed missing strings for moisture resistance wearing off
- Fixed missing filter string in the cookbook
- Roasted Birchnuts are now displayed properly in the cookbook recipes
- Added a cookbook filter to list all undiscovered and partially discovered foods
Notes For Modders:
- Naughtiness values for krampus have been moved to constants for ease of access.
- Naughtiness can also now be a function which will get executed when that creature is killed by a player.
- Fixed a couple issues with the new RPCs causing them to not work as expected.
October 19, 2020
Rev. 435626 (Test)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed MacOS Catalina crashing on startup
- Bulbous Lightbugs will not try to return home if led far enough away.
- The wormholes used to link the retrofitted land will no longer cause a sanity drain. (This will only affect newly retrofitted worlds, worlds that have already been retrofitted will not have this change.)
- Adjusted the Bulbous Lightbug respawn time.
- Fixed a bug with the minimap icons for the Celestial Sanctum Icon and ward.
- Greater Gestalts will now play a death animation when killed and no longer drop souls for wortox.
- Mush Gnomes will no longer continue to spawn spores when it dies
- Fixed a worldgen bug with the archive that could place the Sealed Portal in other rooms.
- Traps can no longer be picked up while they are in the process of trapping something (this was causing a bug where the something would be lost)
- Fixed a mismatch in animation with the Ancient Moon Statues.
- Fixed invisible Sentrypede fire.
- Fixed retrofitted worlds Fountain’s of Knowledge
- Fixed a bug causing certain world settings to not get applied.
- Fixed bugs with the Moose/Goose and Moslings that prevented them from leaving after the spring.
- Fixed a bug causing modded client rpcs to be invalid.
- Fixed a rare crash when the Crabby Hermit is done fishing.
- Fixed missing strings for moisture resistance wearing off
- Fixed missing filter string in the cookbook
- Roasted Birchnuts are now displayed properly in the cookbook recipes
- The Distilled Knowledge will give blueprints when unlocked instead of auto granting the recipes.
- The Astral Detector won’t fold up when it no longer is required, it will wait to be folded up manually.
October 16, 2020
Rev. 435317 (Test)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed being able to burn dust moth dens.
- Mush Gnomes will now spawn in retrofitted worlds
- Cave-ins in retrofitted Archives will no longer spawn falling objects
- Fixed a bug that prevents the Gestalts and Nightmare Creatures from spawning in the grotto once the power has been restored in the Archives.
- Fixed a save/load bug that would cause the Gestalt vs Nightmare Creature battle to restart every time the world was loaded, if the Archives were powered on. The excessive amount of fissures and nightmare fissures and Nightmare Rampart that spawned due to this have also been cleaned up.
- Fixed certain entities not dropping loot when killed by greater gesalts.
- Bulbous Lightbugs can no longer start moving while frozen or sleeping.
- Lunar Spores now display fire when burning.
- Astral Detector can find what it’s looking for in retrofitted worlds
- Sentrypedes shouldn’t despawn when killed.
October 16, 2020
Rev. 435244 (Test)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash when deploying the Archive Resonator.
- Fixed a crash when blow darting the centipede.
- Fixed a missing sound for a retrofitted Grotto.
- Moon Shrooms can no longer be given to the Mushroom Planter.
- Fixed an issue causing players to not learn a recipe from the archive puzzle.
- Fixed a crash when viewing world details when browsing servers.
- Fixed Milkmade Hats having the wrong cookbook image.
- Fixed missing turf crafting strings.
- Nightmare fissures in Grotto use correct art.
- Fixed a crash when viewing snapshots on certain worlds.
- Fixed succulents spawning on top of objects in the oasis.
- Fixed missing Vitreoasis description strings.
- Reduced Bulbous Lightbug health.
- Naked Mole Bats are scary to prey.
- Milkmade Hats are now slightly easier to make.
October 15, 2020 - Forgotten Knowledge Beta
Rev. 435008 (Test)
- The host game screen has been revamped.
- You now have unlimited save slots.
- Caves can be enabled on worlds which previously had caves disabled.
- Changed server settings can now be saved without launching the world.
- Saves can now be copied and loaded by other clients directly.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug allowing woodie to stay in wereforms forever.
- Fixed misery toadstool not dropping a figure sketch.
- Fixed a bug allowing players to attack much faster than intended.
- Fixed a bug causing shadow creatures to stop spawning sometimes.
- Fixed rowing with a controller not consuming durability on the oar.
- Fixed animal tracks not spawning until the player kills the tracked animal
- Fixed bee boxes being able to produce honey in winter.
- Fixed bee boxes being able to produce honey without bees.
- Fixed a bug causing inconsistent worldgen on Linux and Mac.
- Fixed a bug causing worldgen to generate differently on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- Fixed a bug causing the clever disguise to allow wurt to interact with pig king/pigs.
- Fixed a bug allowing crabking to be fought without socketing any gems.
- Fixed a bug preventing modded cookbook recipes from getting learned sometimes...
October 1, 2020
Rev. 433231 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Stopped Sharks from rotating the world.
- Wigfird’s short linked in her compendium.
September 29, 2020
Rev. 432923 (Release)
- The Wigfrid Deluxe Wardrobe and Wigfrid Winged Victory Chest will now contain the Winged Victory Belongings skins. People who previously purchased these chests will receive the items for free into their account in the next few days.
- Fixed string issue with inspecting Walter’s tent.
- Wigfrid animation tweaks and fixes.
September 24, 2020 - Wigfrid Character Update
Rev. 432356 (Release)
- Weaponized Warble should now apply to all weapons rather than just the one you're holding the moment the song gets activated
- Fixed a couple crashes when applying the song effects to followers
- Fixed a crash when using the "Heartrending Ballad" and "Clear Minded Cadenza" songs
- The battlesong items should now be burnable
- Fixed a crash when generating the world with certain mods
Rev. 432176 (Release)
Here are some of the details:
- When in combat Wigfrid now gains Inspiration, which, as it fills her meter, allows players to use the new craftable songs.
- Fighting stronger foes will provide more Inspiration.
- Disengaging combat will cause the inspiration to diminish.
- Wigfrid has a new Stagecraft crafting tab from which she can make her new songs.
- Singing adds a buff to all players in an area around Wigfrid, which remains active as long as she keeps her inspiration level up.
- As Wigfrid's inspiration raises, she can perform up to three abilities at a time.
- Some abilities have an instant effect, at the cost of reducing Wigfrid's inspiration
Bug Fixes:
- Fallounders and Bloomfin Tuna can now be placed in the Crock Pot, contributing as small meat and small fish.
- Fixed missing HasItemWithTag on the container_classified.
- Fixed a crash when woby despawns.
- Fixed a crash when loading a world with a saved klaus that is dying.
- Fixed a bug that allowed clients to reveal the entire minimap.
- Fixed an inconsistency with GetModConfigData for client hosted servers.
- Fixed a crash when haunting a burnt tackle station.
- Fixed a crash when inputting certain characters into the search bar
- Added some sounds fx to the fishing rod
- DST will now display a notification if you have less than 100mb disk space remaining on the hard drive that is used for save files. This is to help prevent the saves from becoming corrupted due to lack of disk space
September 1, 2020
Rev. 428872 (Release)
Update Information:
- Fixed a corrupted audio file that was causing the wrong sound fx to play.
August 28, 2020
Rev. 428553 (Release)
Update Information:
- Fixed a bug that allowed character specific items to be crafted by other characters after using the Florid Postern.
- Fixed Bee Boxes resetting their timer for producing honey at dusk.
- Fixed a case where server mods could be enabled on the client mods screen.
- Fixed a rare crash with deciduous trees.
- Stingers will now correctly spread fire.
- Fixed a beard layering issue with Wilson’s Pigsbury Mask skin.
- Wardrobe search bar now filters when you stop typing, or when you hit enter.
- Cleaned up some duplicated string table entries.
- Note for modders: HasItemWithTag is now properly defined on the inventory classified.
August 21, 2020
Rev. 427361 (Release)
Update Information:
- Fixed the cookbook ingredient’s tooltip string for the ocean fish and Wobster.
- Fixed Toma Root and Onion ingredient images in the Cookbook.
- Adjusted the Batilisk Wing drop rate from Batilisks.
- Fixed a crash when the Sea Weed’s projectile hits a mounted player.
- Fixed a crash affecting a number of mods relating to displaying inventory images.
- Fixed the mods update count from not refreshing properly.
- Fixed a crash when loading mods using an older dependency system.
- Favorites are now properly saved when applying mods.
- Fixed the arrow indicator in the integrated backpack layout.
- Fixed shift + left click not moving items properly between inventories with the integrated backpack layout.
- Items can now be properly dropped from your inventory while holding another item.
- Fixed inconsistencies with wall textures.
- Fixed the texture issues with the new Sorcerer's Staff.
- Increased resolution of staff items when not equipped.
- Fixed Sorcerer's Staff Profile Icon collection info.
- Increased resolution of the Pan Flute.
August 20, 2020 - August 2020 QOL Update
Rev. 426792 (Release)
- Added the Cookbook item for survivors to record and review their culinary adventures.
- The Cookbook item can be crafted under the Food crafting tab.
- Recipes will be learnt after the player who cooks the food, picks up the item off the cooking device.
- Food details will be displayed upon eating it.
- The 6 most recent unique recipes will be stored, older ones will be forgotten.
- The history is stored in your online profile and can be viewed in the compendium
- Modded foods are saved locally, they are not saved to your online profile, and appear in their own tab within the cookbook screen.
- Changed the screen flash effect for lightning and gunpowder.
- Screen flashes (lightning and gunpowder) will no longer close any containers you have open.
- Added the option “Screen Flashes” to allow players to further reduce the intensity of screen flashes.
- Tackle Box and the Spectackler Box can now be opened from the inventory. It will be dropped on the ground when doing so.
- Add the option Backpack Layout to allow keyboard/mouse players to use the backpack layout that is integrated into the inventory bar.
- Batilisk Wings can now be used in the Crockpot.
- Holding left shift (key binding: "Force Container (mod)") and right-clicking an item in your inventory will now drop it.
- The Ancient Guardian now drops a sketch to craft its statue.
- Increased the item server inventory limit to 10,000 curios.
- Mods can now be favorited and will show up at the top of the mods list.
- Mods can now be searched and filtered in the mod screen.
- Added our newest team member, Zachary Lockwood (Zarklord), to the credits.
Tuning and Tweaks
- Improved the resolution of the ground textures.
- Improved resolution on various items.
- Improved resolution on walls.
- Characters will now display their most recently used skins when previewing beards.
- Rockjaws can now despawn.
- Rabbit Earmuffs no longer require a science machine to prototype.
- Reduced the amount of Tentacle Spots required to craft the Tail o' Three Cats.
- Reduced the amount of Cat Tails required to craft the Cat Cap.
- Reduced the amount of Batilisk Wings required to craft the Bat Bat.
- Increased the chance of Batilisks dropping a Batilisk Wing.
- Added c_freecrafting and c_selectnext to auto complete in the command console
- Stingers can now be set on fire.
- Added map icons for the Suspicious Marble pieces and the Crab King.
- Wurt no longer disappears when reading a book while riding a beefalo.
- Improved the performance on the mods screen.
July 22, 2020
Rev. 422596 (Release)
- Wavey Jones will be chased off permanently for the night after several attempts
- Wavey Jones will only pop off boat patches if the lowest crew sanity is 25% or less.
- Improved the resolution of the science machine art. A little “pre QOL update” QOL update.
Bug Fixes:
- Wavey won’t show up on a boat that is empty
- Fixed missing cuffs on the Stitched Coat.
- Fixed Roseate Wurt skin issues.
- Fixed floating issues with the Head Chef Hat.
- Fixed typo in Warly's quote for Leafy Meatloaf.
- Fixed an issue that caused Wendy’s arm clothing to revert.
July 17, 2020
Rev. 422007 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the Lost Adventurers Chest could not be purchased unless all characters were owned.
- Fixed an issue with clearing tiles in the An Eggy Tally game.
- Adding the missing texture for Warly’s Head Chef hat.
- Added a missing face expression to Wurt.
- Various skin bug fixes.
July 16, 2020 - Troubled Waters
Rev. 421676 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash in the An Eggy Tally game.
- Fix a texture clipping issue with Wilson’s Verdant skin.
Rev. 421551 (Release)
New Features
- New craftable mast upgrades.
- New craftable water pump for open water fire emergencies.
- Sea Weed living out on the Sea Stacks.
- Spittlefish
- Rock Jaw sharks plying the deep waterways.
- The Terrorclaw, aquatic relation to the Terrorbeak.
- Barnacles and new Barnacle cooking recipes.
- New cooking recipes for Leafy Meat.
- Something to break the lonely nights at sea.
July 7, 2020
Rev. 419736 (Test)
- Tracking Suspicious Dirt Piles in the oasis desert (the area affected by the summer sandstorm), during a spring rain, will have a chance to find a Volt Goat.
- Increased Jelly Salad required ingredients.
- Sea Weed Seedshell attacks (and thrown Seedshells in PVP) no longer cause leaks at the edge of boats.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash with Rockjaws and picking up their food.
- Fixed the missing text on the Spittle Fish in the crafting menu.
- Fixed issues caused by killing Sea Weeds with a Tail o' Three Cats or Weather Pain.
- Fixed a crash when Sea Sprouts are burned.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Volt Goat herds to have more than 6 members
- Fixed the boat patch double repair and patch use bug.
- Fixed a crash with the Hermit Crab’s music.
- Fixed Terrorclaw using wrong health value.
- Fixed an issue with Sea Weeds not retrofitting into the proper place in the ocean.
July 2, 2020 - Troubled Waters Beta
Rev. 419207 (Test)
New Features:
- New craftable mast upgrades.
- New craftable water pump for open water fire emergencies.
- Sea Weed living out on the Sea Stacks.
- Spittlefish
- Rock Jaw sharks plying the deep waterways.
- The Terrorclaw, aquatic relation to the Terrorbeak.
- Barnacles and new Barnacle cooking recipes.
- New cooking recipes for Leafy Meat.
- And something to keep you company on the lonely nights at sea.
June 26, 2020
Rev. 418572 (Release)
- Woby will now drop all items when Walter despawns due to death in Wilderness worlds.
- Poop Pellets can now be used as fuel for fire pits.
- Fixed a save/load bug where the inventory icon for the crafted statues would show as a marble statue.
- Fixed a save/load bug with Moose/Goose Eggs and Nests.
- Fixed the art for the burnt down Siesta Lean-to.
- Performance Optimizations
- Refactored how inventory items calculate their moisture value. This should also reduce lag while raining (and while items dry off after a rain)
- Herd members will no longer spawn a herd object if killed before a herd has been found
- Creatures/structures using SetRetargetFunction now have a staggered start time between 0 and the defined retarget period (so they do not all update on the same frame).
- Optimized the Houndius Shootius’s retarget function.
June 23, 2020
Rev. 417850 (Release)
- Controllers are now able to navigate through all open containers, instead of only the first opened container.
- Reworked how the Slingshot shooting works so it does not lock the character into the animation.
- Using the Slingshot will now share the target with followers
- Slightly increased the range of the Slingshot
- The effect from Slow Down Rounds now lasts 30 seconds
- Freeze Rounds can now extinguish fires
- Fixed the missing impact fx for the Pebbles slingshot ammo
- Woby will now drop all items when using the Celestial Portal
- MacTusk and Wee MacTusk deal damage again with their blow darts
- Fixed a bug where the Camper's Tent could be duplicated
- Fixed the Boomerang throw animation
- Fixed Woby’s missing nose during various emotes.
June 18, 2020
Rev. 417125 (Release)
- Disabled a memory optimization which ended up causing a performance issue in large worlds.
- Walter’s Slingshot will now benefit from buffs, such as Volt Goat Chaud-Froid.
- Walter is now properly affected by items that use magic to manipulate the wearer’s sanity.
- Fixed Walter’s salute from turning on lanterns.
- The Top Hat is no longer invisible when placed on the ground
- Fixed an issue where Wendy would restore sanity every time she went in and out of the caves while Abigail is summoned.
- Streamlined new account flow.
June 16, 2020
Rev. 416585 (Release)
- Only Walter will have the Tell Story action at fire pits
- Walter’s fearlessness no longer prevents sanity loss while equipping Night Armor and Dark Sword. It was not intended to protect him from the effects of shadow magic.
- Walter will no longer shoot his Slingshot at targets that die while he is loading
- Fixed double killing creatures with the Slingshot, which was resulting in gaining double sanity from killing nightmare creatures.
- Fixed a potential crash when moving slingshot ammo into containers
- Fixed large Woby texture bugs.
- Fixed a rare crash in when attacking with the Twisted Dagger skin.
- Fixed an issue were the Weregoose Ghost was unable to haunt things while using a controller, making it hard to resurrect.
- Fixed Walter’s missing hat when he’s telling a story.
- Adjusted Woby’s speed and hunger in big form.
- Fixed Tent and Siesta Lean-to health gain.
- Hermit will freeze properly if frozen.
- Fixed the Crockpot open and close HUD sounds.
- Other assorted sounds fixes.
- Wes is able to inflate balloons again.
June 15, 2020
Rev. 416301 (Release)
- Fixed ghost Walter from being invisible
- Fixed an issue with clipping in Walter’s face textures
- Fixed texture issues on small Woby
- Adding a saddle to big Woby no longer crashes the game
- Players can no longer dismantle the portable tent once it’s burned
- Fixed the tent duplication bug when dismantling the portable tent
June 15, 2020 - Walter Character Update
Rev. 416247 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where players could start a server vote when they did not meet the requirements
- Live fish will no longer die(spoil) faster due to being wet
- Fixed a bug where Wade, Ignatius, Dmitri, and Sawyer would become invisible and stop participating in the match.
- Fixed a bug in the Item Collection where Wormwood’s wrong hand symbols were seen in his custom idle.
- Fixed texture issue with Wendy’s Guest of Honor skin.
- Fixed texture artifacts on the tent.
- Some small optimizations
May 29, 2020
Rev. 413451 (Release)
- Shadow creatures and Maxwell’s shadow minions will no longer trigger spider creep or be slowed down by it.
- Fixed an issue were the weremoose would become invisible
- Fixed Wilson’s Snowfallen beard to be correctly set when selecting his Snowfallen skin from the Wardrobe.
- Fixed a crash when deconstructing a Trap that has trapped a creature that cannot be picked up (eg: spiders). Souls will also now drop if Wortox is nearby.
- Killing Klaus while he is frozen will now properly resume the fight.
- Fixed a crash caused by conflicts between the Clean Sweeper and mods.
- Fixed an issue with the crabkings yellow gem code.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the Crab King to be moved by boats.
- Restored Wurt’s protection from taking health and sanity damage from eating kelp
- Restored the View Player button in the Encounters screen.
- Fixed a scenario where Bernie could be lost and missing hugs in the Item Collection.
- Fixed a clothing bug when wearing Homebody House Slippers.
May 28, 2020
Rev. 413172 (Release)
- Fixed a crash in the Item Collection when waiting for the inventory to download.
- Stopped characters other than Willow from hugging Bernie, characters other than Woodie from patting Lucy, etc, in the Item Collection.
- Fixed missing Feathered Pickaxe ground texture.
- Fixed a crash in the Encounters screen when removing encounters.
- Fixed a cash when failing to download your Forge and Gorge achievements.
- Note for modders: TUNING.STARTING_ITEM_IMAGE_OVERRIDE has been added to set the atlas and texture to use for mod characters’ starting items in the lobby.
May 28, 2020 - May 2020 QOL Update
Rev. 412941 (Release)
- Added a new Compendium section to the main menu
- Survivors now have a favorite food, which provides extra nourishment when eaten. Each survivor’s favorite food can be found in the Compendium.
- Added Beards skins
- Caves can be enabled by default
- Add more information to the character select screen:
- Starting Health, Hunger, and Sanity
- Starting equipment
- Odds of Survival, to help guide new players
- The game will automatically log in on boot (this can be disabled in the options menu).
- Added Sculpting Table Figures for Toadstool, Bee Queen, Klaus, Antlion and Ancient Fuelweaver
- Revamped the Item Collection screen to display the cast of survivors
- Removed the special item ingredient from a number of the sculpting figures.
- Adjusted the recipes for the Insulated Pack and Marble Suit
- Increased the Thulecite Club's durability
- Bernie is now shown on the map screen
- One of each Marble Sculpture is now guaranteed when generating new worlds
- Updated mods sort order
- Added Unravel Duplicates option to The Curio Loom
- Fixed a crash on the Crab King when it has 5 yellow gems.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Wortox to walk on the void in the Caves
May 5, 2020
Rev. 408761 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash when extinguishing the fire created killing Red Hounds and Lavae while under the influence of Volt Goat Chaud-Froid.
- Trees will now be less invasive while naturally sprouting near bases
- Crabby Hermit will be nocturnal in “lights out” worlds.
- Fixed crashes in Fire Pits caused by outdated mods.
- Fixed various issues with Dark Sword skins while mounted on a Beefalo.
April 28, 2020
Rev. 407516 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Abigail will no longer stop following Wendy after being hit by an Ice Staff.
- Fixed a crash when trying to catch Wobster but it lands back in the ocean.
- Fixed a bug where the Toadstool would target non-player characters to attach a Spore Bomb to.
- Added some Malbatross and Crab King loot to Klaus’ Loot Stash
- Crab King Claws can be frozen
- Crab King should cancel all spells when frozen and hit it the same frame.
- Removed some spam from the log when fighting the Crab King
April 24, 2020
Rev. 406832 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Antlion skin holes will no longer happen on boats
- Players now get credit for catching a Wobster with the Sea Fishing Rod.
- Crab king and players using the Strident Trident now get credit for launching fish out of the water.
- Fixed a bug where Wurt’s inventory was not being affected while wearing a Funcap.
- Crab King won’t respawn if there is a boat over his head.
- Freezing Crab King doesn’t trigger freeze attack
- Crabby Hermit doesn’t sleep outdoors.
- Fixed Clean Sweeper visual effect size.
- Fixed crash when using the Clean Sweeper on an item as it gets destroyed.
- Fixed crashes in Trade Inn bird games.
April 23, 2020
Rev. 406549 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- You don’t have to clean Seastacks to make the Crabby Hermit happy.
- Crab King doesn’t set off spells when it dies.
- Crabby Hermit’s shop works at high friendship now.
- Stopped the Firepit from being extinguished when using the Clean Sweeper.
- Fixed an issue where the items inside the Bundle Of Thanks would also appear at (0, 0, 0) in the world.
April 23, 2020 - She Sells Sea Shells
Rev. 406355 (Release)
- The Crabby Hermit and Crabking are retrofitted into existing world.
- The player can now board boats while mounted.
- The player can now board boats while lifting a heavy object.
- The distance you can jump to embark and disembark has been adjusted and is now based on how fast your character is moving.
- Irreplaceable inventory items no longer slip out of your inventory when drowning in the ocean
- Creatures that follow you onto a boat will now wash ashore (instead of die) when the boats sinks
- Changed the ingredients required to craft the Tackle Receptacle.
- Boat Patch also repairs boat damage
- Added Clean Sweeper for changing item skins.
April 22, 2020
Rev. 406324 (Test)
- The Crabby Hermit doesn’t like you growing invasive plant species on her island.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the Crab King epic music playing at the wrong time.
- Fixed the Crabby Hermits bottle toss animation.
- The Crabby Hermit and the Imposing Claws now handle being teleported by the Telelocator Staff
- The Gnarwail can eat food dropped into the ocean again.
- Fixed flotsam not sinking if the boat it is on is destroyed.
April 21, 2020
Rev. 406077 (Test)
- The Strident Trident now deals additional melee damage when attacking on a boat.
- Wobsters can now be stored in the Tin Fishin' Bin
- Changed the loot found in Sunken Chest (note: this will not affect existing Sunken Chests)
- Tuned the Crabking fight.
- No longer sleeps.
- it’s ice magic scales higher.
- Some other adjustments.
- Flotsam can be retrieved with the Pinchin’ Winch
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed retrofitting the Crabby Hermit’s island on caves enabled worlds and dedicated servers. The server will now automatically reset after 30 seconds to complete the retrofitting.
- Fixed a save/load bug that was resetting the Crabby Hermit’s tasks to earn friendship. The task for fixing her house will be retrofitted. The task to clear the water will require the player to drop and remove any heavy lifting object. The remaining tasks will be required to be completed again.
- Abigail and other ghosts no longer die while on a sinking boat
- Fixed the Crabby Hermit’s missing face markings.
- Ice Bream is now visible when placed in Scale-0-Matic
- Wobsters no longer voluntarily leave their dens during the day.
- Fixed a bug where the Pinchin' Winch and Shell Beach Turf could still be crafted without obtaining the blueprints first.
- Message in a Bottle no longer displays floating animation when dropped on a boat
- Shell Bell break animation critter stays in place on moving boats
- Fixed the character animation when using the Strident Trident
- Fixed a rare crash when the Gingerbread Varg does its icing attack
- Fixed Boomerang mouse over issues.
April 17, 2020
Rev. 405306 (Test)
Bug Fixes:
- Clean Sweeper now burns like it’s constituent parts, the Living Log.
- Fixed various invisible items and crashes after using Clean Sweeper.
- Added Malbatross Figure Sketch to the Malbatross’s loot table
- Added the Crab King Figure Sketch to the Crab King’s loot table
- Fixed some bugs when the cranking or boat in the crab king battle are destroyed.
Rev. 405003 (Test)
Bug Fixes:
- Crab King animation won’t break if he’s put to sleep
- Freezing or putting the Crab King to sleep will interrupt his casting
- Imposing Claws no longer spawn souls for Wortox
- Adjusted the Crabby Hermit’s strings regarding her desire for heavy fish.
- Fixed a Crabby Hermit crash if debug spawned away from the island
- Sunken Chests can no longer be burned
- Fixed crash on using the Weather Pain on the Celestial Tribute
- Fixed a crash when causing the Crabby Hermit to bow to you while wearing the Bee Queen Crown.
- Fixed a crash caused by non-power of two mod textures
- The Strident Trident has more Play uses, and can destroy sea stacks.
April 16, 2020 - She Sells Sea Shells Beta
Rev. 404852 (Test)
Bug Fixes:
- Added beta mod release id: R11_ROT_SHESELLSSEASHELLS
- Fixed a few bugs with creatures drowning while sleeping
- Fixed a crash when inspecting the hermit and her house.
- Fixed a crash with the hermit house animation.
Rev. 404747 (Test)
- The Crabby Hermit and Crab King are retrofitted into existing world.
- The player can now board boats while mounted.
- The player can now board boats while lifting a heavy object.
- The distance you can jump to embark and disembark has been adjusted and is now based on how fast your character is moving.
- Irreplaceable inventory items no longer slip out of your inventory when drowning in the ocean
- Creatures that follow you onto a boat will now wash ashore (instead of die) when the boats sinks
- Changed the ingredients required to craft the Tackle Receptacle.
- Boat Patch also repairs boat damage
- New texture streaming system, loads game textures as needed, reducing memory usage.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the player’s attacks would sometimes miss giants as they moved toward the player.
- Fixed a bug where projectiles (eg Blow Darts) would sometimes not deal damage.
- Insulation will now protect the player from the cooling effects of Deerclops attacks and fans.
- Pipspooks no longer block placement of structures
- Fixed the coastal ocean rendering on the minimap in caves
- Fixed the mast’s animation after being hit by a hammer.
April 1, 2020
Rev. 402187 (Release)
- Improved the framerate drop and lag while playing as Wendy on a server using the mod Display Food Values.
March 27, 2020
Rev. 401750 (Release)
- Abigail is now returned, instead of dying, when attacked by Wendy.
- Improved the Pipsook's pathfinding in the caves.
- Toadstool's spore cloud will no longer rapidly spoil items inside a closed Fridge. This was already the case for Chests and was intended to be the same for Fridges.
- Fixed assorted Wortox skins texture bugs.
March 26, 2020
Rev. 401583 (Release)
- Fixed a crash when Abigail kills an Eye Plant.
- The Telltale Heart is now craftable in wilderness mode to allow Wendy to craft Spectral Cure-All elixirs.
- Surf 'n' Turf, Seafood Gumbo, and California Roll are now displayed in the Portable Seasoning Station
- Improved some translations
March 25, 2020
Rev. 401443 (Release)
- Changed Abigail's damage back to be based on time of day instead of Wendy’s health.
- Increased Abigail’s damage during daytime and dusk.
- Abigail's attack besets her opponents with ghostly petals for a short period of time, increasing its damage received from all other damage sources. Wendy is able to take advantage of this and will deal substantially more damage.
- Spectral Cure-All now lasts for 30 seconds and the other Ectoherbology elixirs now have a duration of 1 day.
- Replaced the Choleric Tonic with Nightshade Nostrum.
- Nightshade Nostrum allows Abigail to call upon the power of darkness, causing her to deal nighttime damage during the daytime and dusk.
- Abigail’s shields received a minor increase in duration.
- Retuned the number of Mourning Glory required to craft the Ectoherbology elixirs.
- Reduced how far away the Pipspook’s lost trinkets will spawn.
- Changed Abigail’s riled-up targeting to encompass more creatures.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the scaling of Distilled Vengeance’s damage fx
- Fixed various Wilson skins hair orientation in the back view.
- Fixed missing fur tufts on Wortox.
- Fixed an issue with Wendy’s Nostalgic skin’s hair when doing the kiss emote.
March 20, 2020
Rev. 400698 (Release)
- Abigail is now less aggressive while riled up.
- Fixed Abigail getting stuck at her initial stage when Wendy dies.
- Pipspooks now spawn when a new day begins, instead of when night begins (to allow spawning in worlds with night disabled).
- Pipspooks have a higher chance of spawning when there are more Wendys in the server.
- Wendy will now provide some speech when filling the Sisturn with flowers (to hint that it reduces the time it takes for Abigail to level up).
- Fixed Abigail texture resolution issues.
- Fixed a crash when playing Wendy in mods that use The Gorge game mode.
- Removed incorrect burnt Shared Armoire textures.
- Corrected Wendy Deluxe Wardrobe description.
- Added new Wendy Vignettes.
- Fixed several Wortox eye textures.
March 19, 2020 - Wendy Character Update
Rev. 400152 (Release)
- Wendy carries a flower that can summon her sister Abigail's spirit.
- Abigail's spirit gets stronger over time but starts over if she is destroyed.
- Wendy can craft the Sisturn to increase the rate that Abigail's spirit strengthens.
- Abigail's might is tied to Wendy's health, making her fight harder while Wendy is weak.
- Wendy can ask Abigail to stay close to her or roam more free via Abigail's flower.
- Wendy does not lose sanity due to ghosts.
- Pipspooks can now be found roaming around gravestones.
- Wendy can commune with Pipspooks to help them find peace in exchange for Mourning Glory.
- Wendy can use Mourning Glory in her Ectoherbology crafting tab to help her sister's spirit in various ways.
- Wendy has reduced damage in combat, but suffers less sanity drain from auras and the dark.
- Abigail's damage is affected by the number of enemies she is fighting, allowing her to be effective against a single enemy but at her best when fighting a crowd.
- Added optional word filter to public server listing.
February 6, 2020
Rev. 393281 (Release)
- Fixed a crash when starting a Carrat race
- Adjusted Caroler's Coat texture outline
- Fixed a texture bug in Magmatic Winona’s head
January 31, 2020
Rev. 392682 (Release)
- Fixed Carrats being entered into a race when release from a bundle that is near a Starting Point
- Fixed Carrats disappearing from gyms
- Fixed a bug where day-only servers would not reset the race prize
- Roman Wood Armor skin now grants it’s skin to the Scalemail as well
- Fixed various typos and grammatical mistakes
January 27, 2020
Rev. 391887 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Prize holding Carrats that go into the backpack won’t eat the prize anymore
- Carrats placed on a gym at night will sleep, resume training in the morning
- Cave’s race prize resets properly now.
January 23, 2020 - Year of the Carrat
Rev. 391555 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the checkpoint minimap icon
- Fixed a crash on Carrat Scale
- Fixed a crash involving Beefalo Carrat spawning.
- Fixed the burnt state of the Carrat Shrine.
- Fixed Battle Spear inventory textures.
- The character won’t talk over themselves now if they try to start a race with no Carrats.
- Abigail no longer kills racing Carrats.
- Fixed the character repeating the start race dialogue.
- Fixed the Carrat Scale loot
- Fixed various skins icons.
- Fixed some missing Year of the Carrat Collection tags.
- Fixed burnt animation symbols for Terracotta Cooking Pot and Home Sweet Home.
- Fixed mouse over bounding box for Nordic Shovel and Ornate Nordic Shovel.
- Adjusted hat fitting for Wurt, The Triumphant.
- Fixed loss of skin information when digging up a Mini Sign.
- Fixed various string typos.
Rev. 391133 (Release)
- End of Winter’s Feast.
- Start of Year of the Carrat.
- Added The Carrat Shrine.
- Added Carrat racing and Carrat training.
- Added a Floating Lantern to the shrine's craftables.
- Added Seed Packets to the shrine's craftables to help keep your racers alive and cheerful.
- Added a new Carrat Figure to sculpt
January 9, 2020
Rev. 388775 (Release)
- Fixed Gingerbread Houses going invisible and having different art on clients
- Note for modders:
- It is now safe to call DoAddClassPostConstruct on components that have replicas (or any others that have functions set up to be called when a member variable is set)
- ChildSpawner:ReleaseAllChildren should no longer infinite loop if called when children are not able find a location to spawn.
January 8, 2020
Rev. 388647 (Release)
- Toast emote now works while riding a Beefalo
- Fixed a crash when a boat sinks with an anchor on it
- Fixed a crash when the Gingerbread Varg does its icing attack
- Fixed a crash when disconnecting while wearing the Bone Helm
- Fixed the amount of gold the Pig King gives for Freshwater Fish
- Having the required materials for the Masonry Oven or Winter's Feast Table no longer makes the structures crafting tab indicate that something new can be prototyped (it was showing the light bulb icon)
- Fixed a bug where using a fish on the Pocket Scale would not reduce the scale’s durability, while using the Pocket Scale on a fish would.
- Increased art resolution for the Loyal Merm Guard when the King of the Merms is not present
- Increased art resolution for Wade, Ignatius, Dmitri, and Sawyer
- Fixed price text from getting clipped on certain currencies in the Shop.