Don't Starve Together/Version History/2019
December 23, 2019
Rev. 387834 (Release)
- Gingerbread Pigs now correctly drop loot when killed by creatures
- Fixed a bug where Gingerbread Pig Houses could spawn in the ocean
- Fixed Gingerbread Pigs showing up on servers with special events disabled
- Fixed the returned items when deconstructing the Royal Tapestry
December 18, 2019
Rev. 386795 (Release)
- The Attach Tackle action now works correctly while the tackle is inside a backpack or any other container
- Fixed the missing name on clients for fishing bobbers that have been casted
- Fixed the Gingerbread Pigs sometimes disappearing during their death animation
- Fixed a bug where perishable items would have a too much perish time removed on their first update. This was most noticeable with fast perishing items like the Mushtree Spores
- Fixed the number of Gold Nuggets that the Pig King tosses when given a Live Eel
December 16, 2019
Rev. 386213 (Release)
- Fixed a crash when trying to attach Berries or Seeds to the Sea Fishing Rod as they expire.
- While riding a beefalo, players can now change the Sea Fishing Rod’s tackle via the right-click action on the tackle item.
- Ocean Fish will no longer continue to eat food after it is picked up.
- Fixed a problem with the toast emote animation while an item is equipped
- Fixed a problem with things that can’t be inked not being able to see.
- Adjusted Warly’s Naval Uniform Pants layering.
December 13, 2019
Rev. 385772 (Release)
- Fixed a crash when connecting multiple chains of Winter’s Feast Tables together
- Fixed a crash when the Sea Fishing Rod’s hook lands on a boat or land while an Ocean Debris is nearby
December 12, 2019 - Hook, Line & Inker + Winter's Feast
Rev. 385648 (Release)
- Fixed a crash while feasting at the Winter's Feast Table
- Fixed a bug where Mushlights and Glowcaps would not return all items when destroyed
- Fixed Yuletide Frock texture.
- Included leggings in Winter Warden Boots icon.
- Fixed crash when rapidly resetting “A feastin' pair of birds” minigame.
- Fixed crash caused by mods referencing an old winter snow fx texture.
- Fixed crash on loading in while Masonry Oven is cooking.
- Increased resolution of Masonry Oven.
- Fixed nighttime lighting on Masonry Oven.
- Fixed various Willow texture issues.
- Fixed tables disappearing if loaded in after food has been fully consumed from them.
Rev. 385290 (Release)
- End of Hallowed Nights.
- Start of Winter’s Feast!
- Added teeming ocean life and new recipes to cook.
- Craftable Sea Fishing Rod, Tackle Receptacle and more.
- Craftable Fish Scale-O-Matic for bragging rights.
- Added Toast emote.
- The Fish caught from Ponds have been replaced with Freshwater Fish which can be weighed or murdered to produce meat.
- While a fish is being held by Wurt, it will remain alive longer.
- Wurt will lose sanity while holding Fish Meat, Fish Morsel, or Spoiled Fish
- Server stability improvements and fixed some client exploits
- Improved the user experience when placing a stack of items in an already occupied slot of a container that does not hold a stack of items (eg. replacing the items in the Crock Pot and Sea Fishing Rod).
- Hammering the Anchor on a boat will now result in a leak.
- The Malbatross’s fish shoals have been changed to Deep Bass.
- The Malbatross does not tolerate players fishing at any of its shoals.
- Sailing music uses music volume setting properly.
- Fixed ambient sound effects when players are enlightened.
- Fixed a problem with Anchors reeling forever.
- Fixed some bugs where characters wearing the Clever Disguise were not considered a merm.
- Fixed dropped items from destroyed Craftsmerm House and Merm Flort-ifications.
December 5, 2019
Rev. 384348 (Test)
Return of Them beta hotfix
- Fishing tackle can now be changed by a right click action while the Sea Fishing Rod is equipped.
- Improved the user experience when placing a stack of items in an already occupied slot of a container that does not hold a stack of items (eg. replacing the items in the Crock Pot and Sea Fishing Rod).
- Finished controller support for the Sea Fishing Rod (feel free to log bugs now)
- Rot can now be used as bait
- Fixed a crash if a player disconnects while landing an ocean fish
- Fixed boat physics vs sleeping Gnarwails and Skittersquids
Changes that were missed from the previous update notes:
- The Malbatross’s fish shoals have been changed to Deep Bass
- The Malbatross does not tolerate players fishing at any of its shoals
December 2, 2019
Rev. 383468 (Test)
Return of Them Beta Hotfix
- Server stability improvements and fixed some client exploits
- Fixed a bug in the AI’s fleeing and wandering behaviours
- Fixed a problem with Anchors reeling forever
- Skittersquid no longer get wet
- Skittersquid can’t be interacted with while underwater
- Added Skittersquid examine strings
- Fixed a crash in Skittersquid herding
- Fixed some bugs where characters wearing the Clever Disguise were not considered a merm
- Removed Freshwater Fish from the DIY Royalty Kit construction project
- Reduced the number of Freshwater Fish required to build the Craftsmerm House
- Sailing music uses music volume setting properly
- Fixed animations when using a Gnarwail Horn while riding a Beefalo
- Live fish now expire into fish meat, instead of rotten fish
- Fish Meat now spoils into Spoiled Fish. Fish Morsel now spoils into Spoiled Fish Morsel.
- Dead eels now expire into Spoiled Fish
- Murdered fish now provide souls for Wortox
- Gnarwails will no longer follow you through Worm Holes
Controller support for the Sea Fishing Rod has begun but is still a work in progress. There is no need to log bugs on it at this time. Thanks.
November 25, 2019
Rev. 382128 (Release) / Rev. 382151 (Test)
- Fixed Wurt being able to trade with the Pig King (she can still hand over the Golden Belts to start the Pig King Wrestling match.)
- The Clout Snout item is no longer burnable.
- Reduced the frequency of Golden Belts when Year of the Pig King is not active.
- The pigs Wade, Ignatius, Dmitri, and Sawyer, when summoned from the Clout Snout, will leave if the player who spawned them attacks them and should respond better if attacked by someone else. They also now have a hit reaction animation.
November 21, 2019
Rev. 381464(381550) (Release)
- The Pig King has reopened his wrestling match for contenders in the off-season. Turn in Golden Belts to compete in wrestling matches and earn Clout Snout coins.
- Added Contenders Promo Chest, Round 2.
- Foot nubs are now displayed out the ends of pants, for legs without feet (Wurt).
Rev. 381519 (Test)
Return of Them: Hook, Line, and Inker Beta Hotfix
- Main branch update 381464:
- Fixed a crash when loading a world which has a Crock Pot containing Rot
- Tweaked the values for eating Raw Fish and Fish Steak
- Fixed edible values for live fish (for creatures that eat live fish)
November 20, 2019
Rev. 380995 (Test)
Return of Them - Hook, Line, and Inker Hotfix
- Fished Eels now has the same gameplay mechanics as Freshwater Fish
- Renamed Fish Meat to Raw Fish and Cooked Fish Meat to Fish Steak as to match Shipwrecked
- Fixed the healing value of Fish Steak
- Eels now work properly with Wurt's sanity modifier
- Improved the resolution of the new Crock Pot recipes
- The new Crock Pot recipes will now display correctly in the Portable Crock Pot
- Fixed dropped items from destroyed Craftsmerm House and Merm Flort-ifications
- Catcoon gifts, fishing in the Oasis Lake, and destroying Leaky Shacks will now result in the new Freshwater Fish
- Fixed the size of the Tin Fishin’ Bin’s art when picking the location to place it
- Bunnymen will no longer attack you for holding a live fish
- Cooked and dried Kelp Fronds can now be used for California Rolls and Unagi
- Using the Deconstruction Staff on the Fish Scale-O-Matic will return the fish placed in it
- Pocket Scale now has a squishy,springy sound
- Fish now keep track of who initially caught the fish instead of who put it in the Fish Scale-O-Matic
- Note for Modders: Fixed a crash when removing the drownable component from the player
November 15, 2019
Rev. 380289 (Test)
Return of Them Beta Hotfix
- Returned the Mast Kit, Anchor Kit, and Steering Wheel Kit crafting style
- Fixed Skittersquid ink effects on clients
- Live fish can now be placed in the Crock Pot
- Hammering the Anchor on a boat will now result in a leak (to match the Tin Fishin' Bin)
- Adjusted the Fish Cordon Bleu recipe to work with two Fish Morsels
- Spoiling Freshwater Fish now results in Spoiled Fish instead of Rot
- Merm King will now drop Freshwater Fish when killed
November 14, 2019 - Hook, Line, and Inker Beta
Rev. 379886 (Test)
New Features
- Teeming ocean life and new recipes to cook.
- Craftable Sea Fishing Rod, Tackle Receptacle and more.
- Craftable Fish Scale-O-Matic for bragging rights.
- Crafting the Anchor, Mast, and Steering Wheel will no longer produce their ‘Kit’ item. They are now crafted and placed like most other structures. Existing ‘Kit’ items will still work as normal.
- The Fish caught from Ponds have been replaced with Freshwater Fish which can be weighed or murdered to produce meat.
- While a fish is being held by Wurt, it will remain alive longer.
- Wurt will lose sanity while holding Fish Meat, Fish Morsel, or Spoiled Fish
Rev. 380044 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Stopped Skittersquid from trying to eat flotsam.
- Fixed a problem with Skittersquid spawning chance.
- Fixed a crash when inked as a client.
- Fixed hooked fish spooking nearby fish.
- Fixed a bunch of missing audio on the new items
- Removed infinitely playing Pan Flute sound when using the Pocket Scale
- The Gnarwail drops now reflect the effort it takes to kill one
Rev. 379881 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash when detecting a virtual joystick on OSX
- Fixed crash on Linux when a controller is plugged in
November 7, 2019
Rev. 378704 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed farm plots breaking when crop is mutated with Steeped Lunar Essence.
- Fixed controller support for OSX
- Fixed Steeped Lunar Essence forcing stategraph states of target.
- Fixed steam overlay and in-game store on OSX.
November 1, 2019
Rev. 377697 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Merm King will talk more about being hungry.
- Merm King won’t spawn guards when fed.
- Fixed some Merm speech if they eat food off the ground
- Fixed a crash when entering the Shop screen from the Collection screen when the Steam overlay is disabled.
- Wurt’s stat syncing between caves and the surface is now percentage based rather than hard numbers
- Wurt now has the proper skin set when respawning from a ghost
- Merm Guards are immune to epic screeching (Not regular Merm, Guards have more grit)
October 31, 2019
Rev. 377372 (Release)
- The game should run on OSX 10.10 again.
- Fixed a crash in Shop screen when the Steam overlay is disabled.
- Fixed a crash when Wurt’s stats are updating.
- Merm and Merm guards will react to epic screeching.
- Using the Deconstruction Staff on a non occupied carpet should no longer kill the Merm King
- Merms should no longer attack Chester if Wurt or a disguised character is carrying the Eyebone
- Fixed a health losing issue with Wurt returning from the caves
- Boating music is now working.
- Fixed a clothing issue with wimpy Wolfgang’s torso.
- Fixed an issue with Wickerbottom’s Bewitching Boots.
October 30, 2019
Rev. 377062 (Release)
Update Information:
- Hallowed Nights Trinkets: Worlds with 15 or fewer Hallowed Nights Trinkets will get retrofitted with a new set of trinkets. This is to support worlds that took part in Hallowed Nights in 2018. As a side effect, all worlds will get the retrofitting if it meets the above criteria.
- The OSX build is now notarized.
- Spider Dens will now grow properly again.
- Wurt’s voice is better mixed. Her Pose, Hurt, Talk sounds are at a similar level.
- Fixed a rare crash while using an Anchor.
- Fixed a save/load bug with boat leaks (were controllers would be able to inspect previously repaired leaks)
- The following items no longer sink in the ocean: Ancient Key, Beach Toy, Candy Bag, Deer Antler, Fireflies, Golden Belt, Stag Antler, Torch, Wood Fence, and Wood Gate.
- Adjusted the Merm and Loyal Merm Guard attack frame to match their animation
- Fixed a crash with the Merm Guards if the King dies.
- Fixed a crash on load with the Merm King.
- Removed watersplash on anchor when placed on land.
- Potential merm kings will still show their hat now.
- Wurt no longer dislikes Catcoons.
- Merms no longer accept cooked fish
- Wurt no longer has her stats restored when creating a king or going in/out of the caves
- Using the deconstruction staff on the Royal Tapestry no longer crashes the game on load
- The one man band now recruits merms as well
- Steeped Lunar Essence will no longer cause some creatures to get stuck.
- Saplings transformed by the Steeped Lunar Essence will no longer revert to regular Saplings when the world is re-loaded.
October 25, 2019
Rev. 376201 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing symbols in Wurt’s idle animation.
- Fixed missing inspecting Wurt strings.
- Fixed controller focus issues in the Shop.
- Fixed Curio Collector’s voice from playing infinitely.
- Fixed cutoff issues with Wurt’s head when wearing hats.
- Fixed Merms not attacking players who invade their territory
- Merm king dialog should now show up on the client
- Fixed miscellaneous crashes when the Royal Carpet was destroyed
- Saladmander no longer ignites objects that require fuel to burn.
October 24, 2019 - Wurt Character Update + Hallowed Nights
Rev. 375913 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed new Hallowed clothing not matching the survivor filter.
- Fixed a bug where Wurt had no voice
- Fixed various crashes with the Merm King.
- Fixed various crashes with the Royal Tapestry.
- Fixed various crashes with Merm Guards.
- Fixed some of Wurt’s grammar.
- Fixed ground symbol for the Rusted Scythe.
- Fixed stall in the Ravin' Wrapper Raiders minigame.
- Fixed Reset button spam crash in the Ravin' Wrapper Raiders minigame.
Rev. 375804 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Added a new retrofitting pass for worlds that have under 5 Cookie Cutter spawners or under 20 Salt Formations.
- Improved how boat collisions are resolved
- Fossil Fragments no longer sink in the ocean
- Music volume increased for most musical cues
Change for OSX dedicated servers
- As we prepare to support Apple’s notarization process, the executable now needs to be launched from the Contents/Resources directory.
- If you use a script to launch a dedicated server on OSX, the executable now needs to be launched from '' instead of 'Contents/MacOS'. The server launch script posted in step “3. Create the script that will run the servers.” at ( has been updated with the latest changes.
- Also note that the legacy preconfigured launch scripts that used to be in 'Contents/MacOS/scripts' are now in 'Contents/Resources/scripts'.
October 3, 2019 - Salty Dog
Rev. 371739 (Release)
Welcome to the brine shoals. Filled with the new salt rock resource, survivors looking to stretch the life of their food with this new spice will need to brave the dreaded Cookie Cutters. And watch out for the Malbatross. Getting on it's bad side will be a weight around anyone's neck.
Facing these new dangers and coming home with the goods will make you a real salty dog!
Key Features
- The Malbatross is exploring the ocean looking for its next feast.
- Salt Formations have sprung up in the deep ocean but beware of what else lurks in these briny pools.
- Preserve your food with Salt Crystals or craft a Salt Box to keep your ingredients fresh.
- Warly adds a new seasoning spice to his repertoire: Seasoning Salt.
- Existing worlds will be automatically updated with the new content.
- Glowcap and Mushlight now last twice as long as before.
Bug Fixes
- Increased volume on lightning strikes
- Renamed Warly’s salt spice to Seasoning Salt
October 1, 2019
Rev. 371175(371293) (Test)
Return of Them Beta Hotfix
- Hot Springs will now go to their empty state when mined. They will refill when the moon phase changes (matching when the Celestial Fissures change their intensity)
- Added sound fx to the Hot Springs
- Repaired boat leaks no longer block placing structures
- Fixed a bug where the boat steering sounds would play indefinitely.
- Fixed drawing on Mini Signs for creatures that can only be picked up once trapped or caught
- Fixed Wilson’s quotes for inspecting the Portable Crock Pot
September 26, 2019
Rev. 370332 (Release) / Rev. 370368 (Test)
- Mac OS X 64 bit support
- Building walls will now test the correct ground position
- Fixed a crash when Winona's Catapult burns down while the Varg is attacking it
- The Hibearnation Vest’s hunger reduction is working again.
- Incomplete Suspicious Marbles will no longer drop their other piece when minded by non-player characters or creatures.
- Werebeaver can no longer extend the walking plank (This was originally added because the old style Werebeaver could easily get stuck on a boat)
- Weremoose can now jump off an extended plank
- Dusk and night ambience are now hooked up.
- Note for Modders:
- Marble Shrub growth states now have a name field
- World generation is now deterministic (ie seeding the world now works again)
- Added the global function SetWorldGenSeed(seed)
- Werebeaver no longer goes invisible in the SGWilson_client’s "doshortaction" sate
September 24, 2019
Rev. 369546 (Test)
Return Of Them Beta Hotfix
- Revamped the Cookie Cutter code. They are also a little more of a threat.
- Telelocator Staff will no longer teleport aquatic creatures onto land.
- Physics and rendering optimizations
- The Malbatross can now spawn on the first day
- The Malbatross no longer relocates to a new shoal when loading a world
September 19, 2019
Rev. 368667 (Release)
- New global audio-mix changes. "everything turned down" to allow for more headroom for louder scenarios.
- HUD sounds like click turned down during the menus.
- Memory savings to animation data.
- Work music changed back to original Autumn.
Rev. 368772 (Test)
Return of Them beta hotfix
- The Malbatross will remain its current fish shoal for longer and will restore its health with relocating to a new shoal.
- Fixes from
September 18, 2019
Rev. 368562 (Test)
- Salt Formations will now regrow over time (unfortunately fully mined salt formations in existing worlds will not regrow)
- Salt Formations yield resources in stages when mined
- Driftwood and Driftwood Oar are waterproof.
- Fixed a crash when dropping a wet oar
- Update the Salt Box map icon
- Malbatross now has its own fight music
- Fixes from:
September 17, 2019
Rev. 368379 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where Woodie would still be forced to transform after sleeping through the entire night of full moon.
- Fixed various animation bugs with Woodie skins.
- Fixed Prismatic Moon Caller's Staff in Caves, existing items will need to be re-created.
- Fixed Warly’s trinket quotes.
- Fixed Weregoose from sinking when on a boat that sinks.
September 16, 2019
Rev. 368004 (Test)
Return of Them beta hotfix
- Woodie fixes from update from 367948:
- Fixed wave splash FX
- Fixed a crash if the Malbatross tries to swoop while frozen or sleeping
- Malbatross Feathers, Feathery Canvases and Down Feathers can now be burnt or fuel in fires.
- The Winged Sail will now drop the correct items when destroyed (for real this time)
- Fish shoals no longer get attached to boats as they sail by
- Fixed Steering Wheel inspect strings
- Fixed a save/load bug for Sea Stacks
- Rowing with a wet oar now has a chance slip out of your hands (follows the same rules as other wet tools)
- Birds no longer get wet when they land on water.
September 13, 2019
Rev. 367902(367948) (Release)
- Weregoose can now walk on water. (Be warned that Woodie will drown immediately if he reverts to human form over water).
- Minor increase to Werebeaver’s digging and mining strength.
- Increased Weremoose’s damage reduction to 90%.
- All of Woodie’s were-forms can now last up to half a day.
- Increased the grace period between actions before Were-meter starts speeding up.
- Reduced food stat penalties for Woodie’s consumable Idols (now equivalent to eating a single Monster Meat).
- Further reduced sanity drain while in were-form.
- Fixed Woodie’s missing mullet when chopping.
Rev. 367770 (Test)
Return of Them beta hotfix
- Fixed the top speed when using multiple masts.
- Hammering the Winged Sail will now drop the correct items.
- Hammering the Mast will now play the correct animation.
- Malbatross will abandon the fight if brought on land.
- Fixed a crash when the Malbatross dives.
- Waves won’t spawn outside of water.
- Woodie fixes from
September 12, 2019 - Woodie Character Update + Salty Dog Beta
Rev. 367616 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash when Woodie transforms while mounted.
- Fixed bug with Jellybean buff multiplying whenever Woodie transforms.
- Fixed bug with Garlic Spiced food buff calculations in Weremoose form.
- Fixed animation bugs with Rustic Cabin skin for Pig Houses.
Rev. 367449 (Release)
- In addition to Werebeaver, Woodie now has two new transformations that specialize in different things, such as combat and locomotion.
- A random transformation can be triggered by repeatedly consuming Monster Meat (or prepared dishes like Monster Lasagna).
- A specific transformation can be triggered by consuming one of the three new craftable idols made with Monster Meat.
- The Log Meter has been replaced with a Were-Meter that appears only during Woodie’s were-forms.
- The Were-Meter drains constantly, and Woodie reverts to Human form once it runs out.
- Performing specific actions will extend Woodie’s time in each were-form.
- During fullmoon, Woodie is forced into a random transformation (once per fullmoon), and the Were-Meter drains at half the speed.
- Reduced Woodie’s sanity drain while in were-form.
- Woodie no longer gains sanity when planting trees.
- Woodie no longer needs to eat wood.
- Woodie has a 50% higher chance to spawn Treeguards and Poison Birchnut Trees.
- Werebeaver no longer spawns Treeguards and Poison Birchnut Trees.
- Like the Werebeaver, all new were-forms gain night vision and some weather resistance.
- Woodie can now view the Map while transformed.
Rev. 367426 (Test)
- Salt Formations
- Cookie Cutters
- New Warly Spice: Salt
- The Malbatross
- Resources: Salt Rocks, Feathery Canvas, Malbatross Bill, Cookie Cutter Shell.
- Craftables: Salt Box, Winged Sail, Cookie Cutter Cap.
Bug Fixes
- OSX 64 bit support
- Driftwood Oar’s damage is now the same as the Oar
- Fixed some rendering bugs
August 28, 2019
Rev. 363698
- Players can no longer craft or perform other actions while hopping on and off boats
- Wortox’s soul explosion no longer interrupts hopping on and off boats
- Boats can no longer be placed overhanging the waterfalls
- Fixed a flicker when opening the minimap for the first time (and after using the Pitchfork)
- One more save/load fix for masts built on land
- The Suspicious Marble will no longer be trapped inside the Sculpture’s physics when mined. For worlds where this was a problem, the Suspicious Marble piece will be moved beside the Marble Sculpture.
- Added sounds for the Flare
- Added Anchor art for to represent how deep the Anchor was dropped.
- Fixed a rowing controller bug
- Notes for Modders:
- Fixed Story:_FindStartingTask default return value
- storygen.lua now returns the Story class
- GetPlatformAtPoint now accepts the parameters (x, z) and (x, y, z)
August 21, 2019
Rev. 361362 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a performance issue that could occur after sailing for a little while.
- Fixed save/load for masts built on land
- Fixed a crash on load
- Fixed various clothing bugs with WX78’s cuffs.
August 16, 2019
Rev. 360489
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the hounds freezing in mid jump when near the shore.
- Booster Shot can now be crafted in Wilderness mode
- Freshly planted Bull Kelp Stalks are no longer ready to be picked right away.
- Added a setting a Seafaring Camera Options menu to toggle the camera behavior while on a boat.
- Camera now centers on the player properly after hopping off a boat while using some mods.
- Fixed Werebeaver’s Plank / Abandon Ship action strings.
- Fixed waterfalls disappearing at certain camera angles.
August 15, 2019 - Turn of Tides
Rev. 359861 (Release)
Something ancient stirs in the night sky, and the world below will never be the same. A strange new island teeming with life has appeared, and with it, a whole new slew of challenges for our Survivors to face.
Keep a wary eye out. They’re almost here.
Key Features
- New Boat Mechanics: Don’t sink together! Build and deck out a boat large enough to carry you and your fellow Survivors across the sea.
- New Seafaring Crafting Menu: Craft everything you’ll need to hit the high seas.
- The Lunar Island: Explore a strange lunar landscape filled with bizarre creatures.
- New Lunar Island Biomes: Discover 3 new biomes loaded with valuable new resources, craftables, and fearsome enemies.
- Enlightenment: See the world from a new perspective as your Sanity is replaced by an all-new Enlightenment meter.
August 14, 2019
Rev. 359823 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Added a larger retrofitting island
- Hammered masts will no longer add speed.
- Fixed Anchor and Steering Wheel crash
- Fixed flickering of waterfalls
- Fixed Caves minimap
- Minimap art tuning (tweaked edge of the world color)
August 13, 2019
Rev. 359445 (Test)
- Added some variation to the edge of the world (sorry, this will not retrofit into existing beta worlds)
- Refactored the boat-tracking camera to work with setting other follow target on the camera
- The player should no longer get stun-locked while drowning
- Walls, Fences, and Sign Posts no longer jitter while on moving boats
- Minimap now reflects the edge of the world.
- Fixed Cave Worm Attacks warning sounds
- Notes for modders:
- FocalPoint:PushTempFocus() is now fully deprecated
- The EmbarkerCameraController component has been removed
- FocalPoint:StartFocusSource and StopFocusSource got a number of improvements and should now fully work as you’d expect them too
- Please remove the nointerpolate tag from any structures (this tag will cause objects to jitter while on moving boats)
August 9, 2019
Rev. 358771 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash while drowning
- Fixed characters jittering on the client while watching other clients hop on and off boats.
- Fixed a small camera dip while hopping on and off boats.
- Fixed anchor disappearing when in use.
- Fixed missing seastack textures.
August 8, 2019
Rev. 358457 (Test)
- Added waterfall world edge
August 7, 2019
Rev. 358249 (Test)
Bug Fix
- Fixed the depth worms in caves
August 6, 2019
Rev. 358029 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the missing hound sounds
- Reduced the amount of Seastacks and improved their world gen layout (this will be retrofitted into existing worlds)
- Fixed the mouse not being able to click near the top of tall objects (like the Mast) while in certain locations in the world
- Improved handling if the player is interrupted while hopping onto a boat.
- Platform hopping is now blocked if a blocker object is in the way of the hopping path.
- Bees no longer plant flowers in the ocean.
- Fixed a bug with the sail raising that cause the player to walk or use something behind the sail instead of “heave ho”ing on the second pull.
- Added Seastack art variation.
July 29, 2019
Rev. 356321 (Release)
- Electric attacks from Volt Goat Chaud-Froid buff will now properly charge Volt Goats.
- Fixed animation bug with modded food being invisible in the Portable Spicer.
- Fixed some issues with the new Wardrobe Popup Screen.
July 26, 2019
Rev. 356150 (Release)
- Seasoned Food can now be drawn on Mini Signs.
- New food recipes will now work with cooked ingredients.
- Added new Seeds to Catcoon’s random gifts.
- Improved resolution of most crops.
- Fixed animation bug with new crops being invisible when grown on Farms.
- Fixed crash when attempting to add seasoning to mod foods.
- Fixed crash caused by new Wardrobe Popup Screen.
- Fixed animation bug with Willow’s custom idle animation when using skins.
- Fixed animation bug with Victorian Warly’s beard.
- Fixed animation bug with WX-78’s Unfinished Robot Hands.
Rev. 356040 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the mast placer when on a boat, shows green when placement is ok now
- Mast direction can be controlled when placing on land by rotating the camera
- Fixed the anchor animation getting stuck in a dropping loop
- Fixed a crash when too many items were spawned in the world.
- Brought in Warly
Rev. 355695 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the placer image for the mast.
- Fixed some issues with mast and anchor on land
- Fixed an issue with the anchor getting stuck
- Fixed crash that could occur when a character despawns after having jumped on a boat
- Fixed a crash with boattrailmover
- Fixed a crash when the mast is burned
- A possible fix for caves worlds failing to load.
July 25, 2019 - Warly Character Update
Rev. 355234 (Release)
- Warly is now live!
- Warly can craft a Chef Pouch, which is a small backpack that also helps to preserve food items a little bit longer.
- Warly can craft a Portable Crock Pot, Portable Grinding Mill, and Portable Seasoning Station, usable only by him.
- The Portable Crock Pot cooks 25% faster and includes new exclusive dishes with unique bonuses and effects.
- The Portable Grinding Mill can be used to craft a variety of seasoning powders.
- The Portable Seasoning Station combines a prepared dish with seasoning powder to add bonus effects to the food.
- Warly has an increased max hunger of 250, but it decreases 20% faster than other characters.
- Warly can only eat prepared dishes from a Crock Pot.
- Warly remembers the dishes he ate for up to two days and will enjoy them less every time they are repeated.
- Added new vegetables, available to all characters: Toma Root, Potato, Asparagus, Pepper, Onion, and Garlic.
- Added several new Crock Pot recipes, available to all characters.
Additional Changes
- Increased Insulated Pack size from 6 to 8 slots.
- Added a new custom idle animation for Willow when holding Bernie.
- Added a new custom idle animation for Winona.
- Updated the Wardrobe Popup Screen.
- Added support for mod character mode previewing using AddModCharacter(). Argument supplied is a table containing a table for each mode in order, with values for name, play_emotes, build, bank, idle_anim, scale, and offset.
July 24, 2019
Rev. 354959 (Test)
- Sailing has been revised
- Hauling up an anchor takes more time, but multiple players can help.
- Sails can be furled quickly with the right timing.
- Steering must be maintained until the heading is set.
- Steering is faster with less speed.
- Boat has been made more durable (small bumps do less or no damage, harder to spring a leak)
- Ocean Biomes have new art
- Seastacks can be broken and mined
- Camera now follows the boat when the player is on a boat.
- Can now drop things onto the water.
July 17, 2019
Rev. 352774 (Test)
- Retrofitting of non-beta worlds is now supported
- Retrofitted the ocean pathfinding support into existing beta worlds
- Lune Trees will now repopulate, should the player decide to clear-cut them (Note: Unfortunately this will not work with retrofitted non-beta worlds)
- Fixed a crash with the fossilized fx
- Fixed boomerang animations over water
- Telltale Hearts can no longer be traded to ghosts that are floating over the ocean
- The Bearger no longer chases its targets indefinitely, and should drop an out of reach target more quickly.
- The Deerclops is now also wary of targets that it cannot reach.
July 11, 2019
Rev. 351615 (Test)
Bug Fix
- Fixes a crash when building structures
Rev. 351507 (Test) / Rev. 351615 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Overhauled performing actions, including walking, while on a boat to properly handle the moving platform and lag.
- Improved pathfinding through water for flying and amphibious creatures (only on newly generated worlds)
- Fixed a bug where the players could end up washing ashore on the small islands or somewhere in the ocean
- Fixed a crash when a player leaves shortly after a Gestalt was spawned
- Projectiles launched/thrown (eg Waterballoon, Ice Flingomatic Snowballs) while on a moving boat will now inherit the boat’s velocity
- The Waterballoon and Ice Flingomatic’s snowballs no longer bounce off the edge of boats or the land/ocean physics boundaries
- Fixed a bug where Lazy Explorer/Wortox teleports could miss a moving boat
- Burned Carrats now drop Cooked Seeds instead of Ash
- The Bearger can now charge at targets it is chasing (restored behaviour from single player Don’t Starve)
- Change Bearger and Spider Queen AI while their target is on a boat
July 3, 2019
Rev. 347868 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the crash in the wardrobe
- Fixed an issue that caused servers to slow down over time and slightly improved performance.
- Fixed an issue with deployed masts not rotating correctly
- Fixed ghosts not colliding with the wall boundaries in the caves
- Fixed inspect string for the dug up saplings found on the island
- Fixed missing Carrat murder sound
June 28, 2019
Rev. 347373 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Non-flying critters can now hop onto boats. (There is currently a known issue where physically blocking them can allow them to walk on water.)
- Fixed Wardrobe crashing with a mod character. (Alternate character modes may still not appear correctly for mod characters.)
- Fixed Mast animation.
- Items deconstructed with the deconstruction staff on boats will no longer disappear like they've fallen into the void.
June 27, 2019
Rev. 347014 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Updated wardrobe to be cycle through different states of the character. Normal, Ghost, Mighty, Bloomed, etc.
- Fixed a crash when baby beefalo are killed while following an adult beefalo
- Fixed a crash when the shadowhand tries to put out a fire (may fix other crashes as well)
- Fixed mermbrain targeting crash
- Modified the flare overlay effect to display better on non-standard screen sizes
June 26, 2019
Rev. 346546 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Projectiles should no longer get stuck on the shoreline edge.
- Masts should no longer be deployable on water. Currently, they still display as red when placing them on a boat.
- Disabling distortion should now also disable the zoom blur lunacy effect.
- Fixed a few bugs with the Steering Wheel
- Island spiders' spike sounds are no longer missing
- Fixed a crash when raising an anchor placed on land
- Removed the world-generated invisible boat fragments
- Updated a number of creatures to stop chasing bait or food that's on the water
- Fixed the boat health meter not being visible when loading onto a boat as a client
- Bull kelp roots can now be planted in the ocean
- Boats should no longer be able to trap bull kelp inside of them when deploying
- Dying on the edge of boats, with a large inventory, should no longer cause the boat to start moving
June 18, 2019
Rev. 344479 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Boats should no longer be deployable in the void.
- Walking around the boat using a controller and having an oar equipped should no longer sometimes show the word “boat” instead of “row”.
- Fixed some bugs when using a controller to row.
- Attempting to deploy items such as a mast or anchor should no longer fail when doing so on a moving boat.
- Masts can no longer be placed so close together.
- Masts are slightly faster.
- New embark sounds.
- New mast deploy sound.
- New steering wheel sound.
- New sounds for mutated hounds, carrats, and saladmanders.
- Fixed incorrect string when launching boat using a controller.
- Boats can no longer be deployed on top of floating items.
- Player should no longer get interrupted when beginning to jump or landing on a boat.
- Player should now animate when steering using a controller.
- Boats can now be placed using a controller.
- Player should no longer walk away from the steering wheel when clicking on an unlit area.
- Spiders should now spawn from spider dens when placed on a boat.
- Fire effect when steering wheel is burning should no longer be layered behind the player.
- Fixed missing Driftwood Oar description.
- Wardrobe now uses the same layout as found in the Item Collection and Lobby screens for skin selection.
- Fixed a crash related to shadow hands
- Wormwood's craftable items now have floating visual effects
- Winona's Generator/G.E.M.erator can now only power devices on the same platform as them
- Projectile attacks in the caves should no longer get stuck on edges
- Oars now burn, and can be used as fuel
- Wormwood should now properly be affected by lune trees, driftwood trees, and rock fruit bushes
- Bunnymen, Pigs, and Guardian Pigs can now hop onto boats
- Werebeaver can now use planks to abandon ship. There is currently a missing animation on clients that we are investigating.
June 10, 2019
Rev. 342121 (Release)
- Added a new custom idle animation for Wortox.
- Fixed bug where an equipped Bernie gets damaged when Willow attacks on a mount.
- Fixed bug where waterproof gear did not protect Wes when crafting Pile o' Balloons.
- Fixed bug where Cactus destroyed by a Sinkhole did not drop Cactus Flower.
- Fixed inspection strings for Ancient Fuelweaver.
- Fixed various Wormwood skin bugs.
Rev. 342138 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed players occasionally falling into the ocean while walking on land
- Telelocator Staff no longer randomly targets the small islands off the coast of the Luna Island
- Players no longer drown while out of bounds (in the void). This is for mod support.
- Suspicious Marbles will now only spawn on the mainland (new worlds only)
- Fixed a crash on shutdown
- Abigail's flower should no longer randomly get wet or float on the ground
- Improved shadow hand behaviour for fires on moving boats
- Fixed rendering of Enlightenment fx on old video cards.
- Rendering optimizations
- Updated world generation animation
- Added strings for Wormood inspecting the Mothling
- Fixed inventory icon for Bull Kelp Stalk
June 7, 2019
Rev. 341812 (Release)
- Fixed missing daily gift popup when you received a DLC grant at the same time.
- Fixed bug where Wormwood did not lose sanity for chopping down Mushtrees.
- Fixed bug where some players became invisible when mounting a Beefalo.
- Fixed bugs with Wormwood’s custom idle animations, which will now only play when using Wormwood’s hand skins (or none).
Rev. 341693 (Test)
- Wormwood is now available in the beta
- Players can no longer board boats while mounted or heavy lifting
- Telelocator Focus can no longer be built on boats
- Tweaked Seafaring recipes
- Fixed players getting stuck while entering or exiting boats as they break apart
- Fixed crash when multiple players try to use the walking plank at the same time
- Lune Tree Blossoms can now be haunted
- Fixed extra Big Tentacles from spawning in and around the Atrium area (newly generated worlds only)
- New Driftwood Oar
- Followers no longer abandon the player when their follower items are picked up on boats
- More lunacy effect optimization to fix issues with it running on low end hardware.
June 6, 2019 - Wormwood Character Update
Rev. 341454 (Release)
- Fixed controller bug with using items on yourself, such as eating.
- Fixed bug where Bramble Husk’s thorns are still triggered when the Player is mounted.
- Fixed missing sound FX for Wormwood’s /sleepy emote.
- Fixed death announcement for dying to Thorns.
- Fixed layering and hiding issues with Oasis Bound Legs.
Rev. 341263 (Release)
- Wormwood is now live!
- Wormwood can plant Seeds directly in the ground without using Farms.
- In Spring, Wormwood blossoms, gaining increased movement speed, draining hunger faster, and attracting Bees.
- Eye Plants are friendly to Wormwood.
- Wormwood has a Green Thumb crafting tab:
- Living Log can be created at the cost of 20 Health.
- Bramble Husk provides 65% Armor and shoots out thorns when hit, dealing 23 damage in a small radius. The wearer is also protected from thorns.
- Bramble Trap shoots out Thorns when triggered, dealing 40 damage in a small radius.
- Compost Wrap restores 30 Health to Wormwood. It can also be used as a very potent fertilizer.
- Wormwood can use Manure, Guano, or Bucket-o-poop to fertilize himself, restoring 2 Health.
- Food items do not heal Wormwood.
- Wormwood takes 25% more damage from fire, and burns for slightly longer.
- Wormwood loses sanity when plants are destroyed near him (e.g. picking flowers, completely chopping or burning down trees, digging up stumps, grass, saplings, or bushes, etc.) This excludes plants that are diseased or already burnt.
- Wormwood gains sanity when plants are planted near him (e.g. seeds, flowers, trees, grass, saplings, or bushes, etc.)
- Sanity effects from planting or destroying plants is reduced the further it happens from Wormwood.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with the inventory icon not updating correctly sometimes for the Metamorphosed Flame (Thermal Stone skin).
- Fixed bug with the inventory icon spoilage colors not always updating immediately.
- Fixed bug where some objects could be incorrectly drawn on Mini Signs.
- Fixed bug where Loot Stash can sometimes be triggered by multiple Antlers at the same time.
- Fixed bug where Bees did not always change to their Spring colors automatically.
- Fixed bug where some actions were unavailable on controllers for deployable items (e.g. Murdering a Butterfly).
- Fixed bug where Willow casting Telepoof would always cause BERNIE! to deactivate.
- Armor will no longer take damage when evading an attack during Telepoof.
- Hammering down a Bee Box will now drop remaining harvestable Honey.
- Baby Tentacles no longer drop Souls.
- Minor string fixes.
June 4, 2019
Rev. 340271 (Test) / Rev.340510 (Test)
Return of Them Beta
In this hot fix we have also implemented the first part of players washing up on the shore when they fall into the ocean. Feedback is always welcome and we plan to expand upon this in future updates, to make the experience more interesting.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed turning invisible while riding a Beefalo and hopping on/off a boat
- Fixed drowning while mounted or holding heavy objects
- Fixed world gen crash with certain presets
- Hounds no longer spawn outside the bounds of the world
- Fixed crash caused by Bat Bat Infinite mod when opening Ornate Chests
- Moonrock Pengulls are no longer considered innocent creatures
- When a boat sinks, structures on it will now break accordingly
- The player should no longer randomly walk away from the steering wheel when setting a new heading.
- The player should no longer get stuck on the steering wheel when the boat is moving at faster speeds.
- Slightly increased the pickup range of objects lying on the water.
- Fixed boat health HUD indicator not being removed after dying on a boat.
- Bee boxes now work on boats.
- Burning a bee box no longer freezes the game.
- Added burnt art for the Mast, Steering Wheel and Anchor
May 29, 2019
Rev. 338219 (Test) / Rev.338375 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Caves world gen layout and cave Stairs (requires a new world)
- Fixed /rescue in caves
- Items going out of world in caves should behave as normal
- Steering Wheels on boats can now be hammered and burned.
- Creatures should no longer try to eat or pick up items in the ocean
- Flying creatures and hounds are no longer killed by sinking boats
- Fixed a bug where certain items lost their skins while floating
- Changed draw order for Wooden, Checkered, Scaled, and Carpeted Flooring
- Further optimized lunacy overlay effect.
- Fixed missing Werebeaver boat hop and sink animations.
- Fires that spawn on boat should no longer prevent things to be built around them if extinguished.
May 27, 2019
Rev. 337422 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Masts can now be hammered down and deconstructed
- Masts that are destroyed or burned down stop affecting their associated boat
- Birds in bird cages no longer disappear when reloading the world
- New art for leaks repaired with Trusty Tape
- Stone Fruit don't give more loot than their stack size anymore
- Stone fruit bushes no longer grow after being withered from picking them
- Unopened stone fruit and ripe stone fruit are now mole bait
- Fixed a starfish trap duplication bug
- Fixed a bath bomb duplication bug
- Moon trees now remain on fire when they grow
- Hot springs now glassify immediately during a full moon
- Star and Moon Caller's Staffs can now target locations over the water
- Fixed loss of stack when auto-equipping Bull Kelp Stock
- Fixed Antlion causing craters on boats
- You can now use 'wasd' to steer a boat when connected as a client.
- You can now bundle items on a boat.
- Buildings are a lot less likely to fall off a boat.
- Fixed another rendering issue with objects outside the world bounds.
- Oar takes a larger durability hit when rowing incorrectly.
- Optimized haunt shader so that it should once again run on pixel shader 2.0 hardware.
- Further optimized lunacy/post processing shaders.
- Boat fragments are now wet
May 22, 2019
Rev. 336171 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Set Pieces overlapping the water (requires regenerating your world)
- Wormholes should no longer spawn too close to the water
- Lazy Explorer/Wortox teleports now work on boats.
- Fixed crash when Tallbird Eggs hatch
- Fixed a bug where players would not drop all their items when they died on a boat.
- Fixed resurrecting a player if they died on a boat when their inventory was full.
- Hound waves now spawn at sea
- Oars are now a weapon
- Oars will auto-equip a new one when broken
- Woodie will no longer be stuck when turning into a beaver while using the steering wheel.
- Fixed Moon Glass Axe durability when fighting shadows
- Red Fungal, Green Fungal, Deciduous, and Desert turfs have their inventory images back
- Fixed placer art for Sprouting Stone Fruit and Stone Fruit Bush
- Hounds are now wet while swimming
- Fixed hound art while asleep in the water
- Moved some of the tuning values for boats to Tuning.lua to make them easier to mod.
- Fixed a rendering issue causing some mods, such as Basements, to not render properly.
- Equipment that reduce wetness now work on failed rowing attempts.
May 21, 2019
Rev. 335754 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed boat health icon getting stuck open when jumping on and off a boat quickly
- Fixed crash when mods change the camera zoom limits
- Fixed crash when a steering wheel is removed while in use
- Fixed a crash when tall bird eggs try to hatch
- Fixed clients not being able to repair the boat.
- Fixed replanted/fertilized rock fruit bushes not growing or being affected by Applied Horticulture
- Fixed spoilage rate for Rock Fruit and tweaked loot chances
- Fixed Seawreath disappearing when dropped
- Houndius Shootius now renders correctly on boats
- Fixed Ocuvigil build on boats
- Fixed anchor and steering not saving/loading properly.
- Further optimized lunacy effect.
- Optimized ground/ocean shaders.
- Fixed not being able to place walls on the boat.
- Fixed tooth traps not being resettable
- Fixed Lucy possessing the Moon Glass Axe
- Fixed Werebeaver gnawing Rock Fruit
May 17, 2019
Rev. 335371 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Objects built on the edge of the boat should no longer get built on the water.
- Fixed equipped items not showing up
- Fixed boats getting stuck when the anchor is burnt
- Fixed crash when near Saladmanders with the ice hat on
- Fixed crash when the deerclops leaves
- Optimized lunacy overlay effect.
- Fixed missing beach turf inventory image
- Fixed crash when debug spawning wave effects in the caves
For Modders
- Added mod release id “R08_ROT_TURNOFTIDES” to modders
May 16, 2019 - Turn of Tides Beta
Rev. 335011 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when on or jumping onto a sinking boat
- Fixed a crash when hamming a Partially Assembled Altar
- Fixed overlap of beaverness and boat health hud meters
- Fixed chatter text when mining the Inviting Formations
- Fixed the Horror Hound spawning anim
- Changed oar inventory art
Rev. 334844 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash that would occur when disabling lag compensation and using an oar.
- Fixed occasional crash when jumping onto a boat
- Fixed occasional when walking away from Gestalts
- Fixed Horror Hound spawning
- New art for the Seafaring crafting tab
Rev. 334676 (Test)
- Added a new seafaring craft menu, accessible after building the Think Tank crafting station.
- Added a new multiplayer-centric boat mechanic, where players can build and deck out a boat for multiple survivors to travel together on
- Added a new island to explore
May 9, 2019
Rev. 332910 (Release)
- Fixed bug where BERNIE!, Winona’s Catapult, and Houndius Shootius can end up targeting players who attacked with a Weather Pain or Fire Darts.
- BERNIE! will no longer target any players that attack him on non-PvP servers.
- BERNIE! will target non-Willow players that attack him on PvP servers.
May 8, 2019
Rev. 332539 (Release)
- Fixed string names for Driving Gloves.
- Fixed moonwalking Bernie.
- There can only be one active BERNIE! per Willow player, but they can now activate near each other.
- Willow’s fuel perk now applies to Night Lights.
- Updated Willow’s perk strings in the character selection screen.
- Using a Deconstruction Staff on a Gobbler, Varg, or Pig Shrine will now drop available offerings.
May 7, 2019 - Willow Character Update
Rev. 331773 (Release)
- Willow is now immune to fire damage.
- Willow is now more easily frozen (e.g. by Ice Staves or Deerclops).
- Willow no longer gets cold from low sanity.
- Winter gear is slightly less effective at keeping Willow warm.
- Willow takes more damage and loses sanity at freezing temperatures.
- Willow takes longer to overheat and less damage when overheated.
- Willow takes no burn damage while extinguishing smoldering fires and does it faster than others.
- Adding fuel to fires is 50% more effective.
- Bernie can now be equipped by Willow for sanity and warmth at the cost of durability.
- Bernie grows big and will taunt and fight most hostile creatures when Willow is nearby and insane.
- Bernie will still taunt Shadow Creatures when any other player is nearby and insane.
- In addition, Willow still gains sanity near fire and can still cook with her Lighter.
- Added Discount filter to the Shop Screen.
Bug Fixes
- Using a Deconstruction Staff on a G.E.M.erator will now drop available gems, similar to hammering.
- Unlocked Kingly, Queenly, and Pawn Figure Sketches will now be properly included in Tumbleweed drop tables.
- Succulents will no longer spawn overlapped on top of buildings by the Lake.
- Fixed bug where Wortox did not properly collect Souls while frozen.
- Fixed crash when Souls timeout off-screen.
- Fixed animation flicker sometimes when dropping items while mounted.
- Fixed animation bug when players fall asleep.
- Fixed alignment of some casted lights (e.g. Torch and Lighter flames).
- Fixed missing UI animation when harvesting Bee Boxes.
- Fixed rare crash in the Item Collection screens.
Rev. 332125 (Release)
- Fixed random crashes that were happening on some servers.
- Fixed some combat targeting bugs for BERNIE!
- Fixed bug where Willow’s freeze resist changes after she dies and resurrects.
- Fixed animation bug when Willow is electrocuted while using The Forlorn Doll skin.
April 5, 2019
Rev. 322646 (Release)
- Creatures that die in traps near Wortox will now spawn souls.
- Fixed animation layering bugs during Soul Hop.
- Fixed various Wortox skins bugs.
- Improved error dialog for deleted accounts.
March 29, 2019
Rev. 320890 (Release)
- Armor will no longer take damage when evading an attack during Soul Hop.
- Sand Spikes, Relics, Balloons, Meat Bulbs, and Nightmares will no longer spawn Souls.
- Sand Spikes, Relics, and Balloons will no longer trigger Abigail or Wigrid’s Battleborn.
- Minor fixes in Wortox’s speech strings.
- Minor fixes for Chinese translations.
March 28, 2019 - Wortox Character Update
Rev. 320111 (Release)
- Wortox Has Arrived!
- Wortox catches the Souls of creatures that die around him.
- Souls can be used for the following abilities:
- Wortox can eat delicious Souls (then loses some sanity).
- Wortox teleports a short distance.
- Release Souls to heal nearby allies.
- Unfortunately for Wortox, his body craves Souls. Food is only ½ as sustaining.
- Wortox can be overloaded with Souls, causing him to drop them and lose sanity.
- Wortox is less afraid of monsters.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where Fire Staff could be casted on a Night Light, resulting in a crash.
- Fixed bug where murdering a stack of creatures only counted as one kill.
- Fixed bug with burnt Deciduous Trees and stumps not decaying over time like other trees do.
Rev. 320365 (Release)
- Fixed bug with controller targeting when using a Pitchfork as Wortox.
- Fixed missing sounds for some of Wortox’s emotes.
- Fixed the size of Equestrienne Headdress when dropped on the ground.
- Fixed the oval portrait for Random Character in the Lobby’s Character Select.
March 12, 2019
Rev. 315579 (Release) / Rev.315751 (Release)
- Winona's speed crafting ability will now only cost hunger if she hasn't crafted anything within the last minute. (Everytime she crafts, the timer is extended back to a minute.)
- Reduced Winona's crafting speed penalty when she is hungry.
- Winona's Catapult no longer damages Maxwell's Shadow Minions.
- Winona's Spotlights will now prioritize having different targets from each other.
- Increased maximum range of Winona's Spotlight.
- Koelefant burning to death will now drop Koalefant Trunk Steak instead of Ash.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed audio bug where Catapult sounds sometimes continued after they became burnt.
- Fixed bug with Night Light not consuming fuel properly.
- Fixed bug where Clay Hounds did not spawn from hunts when Year of the Varg event is enabled.
- Fixed layering bug where Winona's Voxola Work Uniform was failing to hide skirts.
March 8, 2019
Rev. 314835 (Release)
- Deploying plants will no longer trigger range indicators on Winona's structures.
- Fixed bug where Winona’s Generator and G.E.M.erator stop behaving properly after being set on fire and then extinguished.
- Fixed bug causing Fire Staff not to light creatures on fire.
- Fixed bug where Heal action did not fail properly if the target has already died.
- Fixed bug where some assets may not be loaded properly when overriding the special event in world options.
- Fixed bug where Year of the Pig King minigame can sometimes cause Hound waves to stop indefinitely.
- Fixed bug where Werebeaver becomes invisible when smashed by a sign during the Pig King minigame.
- Fixed crash when inspecting old skeletons.
- Volt Goat herds no longer merge.
March 7, 2019 - Winona Character Update
Rev. 313352 (Release)
- Winona Character Update & Drop System Changes
- Winona can now build new items: a catapult, a spotlight, and 2 rechargeable generators to power them.
- Winona can now craft catapults that deal AoE damage to nearby enemies
- Winona can now craft spotlights to illuminate nearby allies
- Winona now consumes hunger when speed-crafting
- Winona now crafts slowly when hungry (but doesn't consume hunger)
Bug Fixes
- Updated strings for examining Bee Boxes containing different amounts of honey.
- Breezy Vest now provides a small amount of wetness protection.
Rev. 314319 (Release) / Rev.314505 (Release)
- Fixed crash sometimes when Winona’s Catapult is burnt.
- Fixed crash in Shop screen when Steam Overlay is disabled.
- Fixed issue causing certain mods (like Geometric Placement) to stop working.
January 25, 2019
Rev. 305472 (Release)
- Fixed animation bug with Wigfrid’s Ultimate Spear skin turning invisible when dropped on the ground.
- Fixed crash in Shop Screen for some users with Steam Overlay disabled.
- Fixed some string issues.
January 24, 2019 - Year of the Pig King
Rev. 304366 (Release)
There's a spring in the step of our survivors this season as the world of Don't Starve says goodbye to the Year of the Varg, and hello to the Year of the Pig King! Bring in the new year by testing your mettle against the King's elite warriors in the most honourable wrestling ring, then collect festive prizes with your lucky winnings.
We have some special new skins available for everybody: the Year of the Pig King Collection. As always, you can either find them as drops in the game, weave them from spools, buy them directly ingame for yourself or head over to the steam store page to purchase them as gifts for friends!
The Year of the Pig King Collection can be purchased for $5.99USD per playable character and contains 2 unique item skins based on that character, or $12.99USD for the entire collection.
Players who log in before the end of the event will a special gift themed on this years event, so come check it out and get your gift!