Don't Starve Together/Version History/2023
December 21, 2023
Rev. 584245 (Release)
- Newly created ice arenas will create Mini Glaciers around it and will no longer spawn loose ice bits.
Bug Fixes
- Willow’s Combustion spell no longer targets other players.
- Fixed bug where Wigfrid can sometimes end up in the ocean when using Lightning Strike across a narrow gap.
- Fixed Walter’s icon having a hat on it.
- Fixed Cannonballs not damaging mobs in its path.
- Fixed a case where skill trees would reset entirely if the local file cache failed to load.
- Fixed bug with right click not returning active item to inventory while mounted.
- Fixed bug where players may be facing the wrong way for a frame when using movement to interrupt actions.
December 19, 2023 - Skill Spotlight: Wigfrid and Willow
Rev. 587277 (Release)
Tales From the Constant: Swine & Dine
Grab your popcorn and gather 'round for a hair-raising tale of terror from the Constant's resident campfire story aficionado.
Skill Spotlight: Wigfrid and Willow
Willow Skill Tree added. Wigfrid Skill Tree added. Try your hand at some ice fishing. Who know what you'll catch.
New Skins
Complete Merrymaker Chest” ($16.99usd)
This Merrymaker Chest contains the complete Merrymaker series of survivor and belonging skins.
Merrymaker Survivors Chest, Part III ($4.99usd)
This Merrymaker Chest contains the third addition to the Merrymaker skin series. Contains skins for: Walter, Wendy, and Webber.
New Twitch Drops
The Nouveau Frigid Firepit Suit joins the Art Nouveau collection. Check out the post for more details.
Winter's Feast
Winter skins have appeared to get our survivors into the winter spirit, and for a limited time, the chances of receiving a rare gift have been substantially increased!
For the duration of the Winter's Feast event, players will have access to a free set of skins. The Yuletide Overcoat, Yuletide Frock, Jingly Tophat, Gingerbread Chest, and the Plum Pudding Cap.
Mind Over Magic
If you missed it Mind Over Magic is the first game by Klei Publishing to be released into Early Access!
Design, construct, and optimize every detail of your ideal magic school! Keep everyone alive and content while preparing students to explore the horrors of the Underschool, a deadly subterranean trial. Study lost arcana, grow exotic plants, brew potions, and raise undead servants. But don’t forget to stop the deadly fog from consuming everything in its path.
And that's it for now!
We're dropping this update a bit early so we can make sure we button up any issues that we didn't catch in testing and then we'll take ourselves a little break. When we return, it will be back to the good stuff with a roadmap likely end of January.
From all of us at Klei - Thanks for another wonderful year! We'll see you in 2024!
Change List:
These are the changes since the last Beta Hotfix:
- Changed Hot Embers to Ethereal Embers to more accurately describe them.
- Hot Headed skill has changed:
- It is now attainable after getting Bearly Sane II.
- Bernie will activate regardless of Willow’s sanity if there are lunar or shadow aligned creatures nearby.
- Scalemail will now benefit from Willow’s skills.
- Willow can calm her BERNIE! for a short time so that he can be picked up.
- Players may slip on the ice arena when running around too much.
Bug Fixes
- Things targetable by Combustion ability should be as expected now.
- Fixed Willow’s alignment damage boost and defenses.
- Fixed Frenzy ability description to match the actual time.
- Fixed crash related to Pirate boats.
- Willow’s Shadow Flames won’t target invisible or unattackable targets.
- Fixed Carrats not being controlled burned if they were ignited while buried.
- Fixed Wooden Tables burning their contents when being controlled burned.
- Fixed bug preventing Wigfrid from using right click actions when having an Elding Spear equipped.
Notes for Modders
- The function signature for activatable:CanActivate has changed to return multiple values.
December 19, 2023
Rev. 584245 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug causing Combustion spell to have no effect if you had exactly 4 Ethereal Embers.
- Fixed crash sometimes with the Combustion spell when targets become invalid.
- Fixed crash sometimes with the Shadow Fire spell when targets become invalid.
- Fixed crash sometimes with Guardian Shadow Tentacle targeting non-player entities.
- Fixed crash when swapping Lighter onto a Mannequin.
- Fixed the Hot Headed BERNIE! Spam.
- Fixed BERNIE!’s death loop when Hot Headed.
- Fixed BERNIE!’s affinity damage and resistance.
- Fixed Webber’s Carol emote requiring Webber’s beard for the Merrymaker skin set.
Ninja Fix
- Fixed a crash with Lunar BERNIE!
December 14, 2023
Rev. 586896 (Test)
- Fireproof Falsetto now reduces fire damage completely.
- Further skin support for BERNIE! is here. It now supports the Shadow and Lunar variants.
- Added battle music for Frostjaw.
- The seasonal event Winter’s Feast is now enabled.
- New Winter’s Feast Ornaments are available.
- Wigfrid Skill Tree Changes:
- Noble Mount III has been redesigned.
- Tweaked some crafting recipe costs.
- Commander's Helm: added winter insulation, now has more waterproofness and more durability.
- Slightly decreased Warrior's Reprise inspiration cost.
- Increased the repairing effect of Commander's Helm Enhancement II.
- Willow Skill Tree Changes:
- New spell icons with cooldown meter support.
- Reduced cool down times on Shadow and Lunar Flame skills.
- Slightly increased Willow’s Lighter’s absorb range to account for some larger objects.
- Hot-Headed now only works for hostile mobs.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a common crash when singing Warrior's Reprise.
- Fixed a crash when Burning Frenzy's effect ends.
- Added Fire Ball and Flame Cast skills controller support.
- Fixed crashes when using a controller to use Willow’s Embers.
- Fixed boats sometimes being let through a Whirlportal when it would get stuck.
- Fixed floating art in Warly’s Swashbuckler skin.
- Cookie Cutters won’t try to eat boatable ice.
- Combustion Ember ability will target more things like Bunny Men and Merm but not companions.
- Increased the resolution of the menu image.
- Fixed Elding Spear’s Lightning Strike attack being able to break the Moon Stone and extinguish campfires.
- Fixed BERNIE!’s alignment not being applied when choosing a skill.
- Fixed BERNIE!’s alignment staying aligned when its Willow leader switched.
- Fixed BERNIE! erroneously switching leaders.
- Prime Mates and Powder Monkeys will row again.
- Celestial Champion’s phase one will not hurt large creatures, like BURNIE!.
- Fixed Willow’s base skin losing an ear while wearing a hat.
December 14, 2023 - Winter's Feast
Rev. 586529 (Release)
Winter's Feast
Lots of festive activities provide entertainment for all our Survivors. Visit the Deerclops, See Klaus's Gem Deer! There's fun, food, and treats from the Festive Table, or start your own bakery. And lots more. Winter's feast is fun, forest, and fantasy all rolled into one!
An Uncommon Holiday
Winter skins have appeared to get our survivors into the winter spirit, and for a limited time, the chances of receiving a rare gift have been substantially increased!
Festive Holiday Attire
For the duration of the Winter's Feast event, players will have access to a free set of skins. The Yuletide Overcoat, Yuletide Frock, Jingly Tophat, Gingerbread Chest, and the Plum Pudding Cap.
Historically Accurate Don't Starve Holiday Cards We just got finished with round 1 of our annual Winter Game Jam. Jen, a writer on Don't Starve Together experimented with making some historically accurate Don't Starve Themed holiday cards and while we don't normally share things we make during the game jam, we thought that you might make good use of them. Snowman - WobsterRat - Afraid - RadishWorm
And next week - December 19th
We want to get it out to you a bit earlier than our regular Thursday update so we have time to get things fixed up before we head out to holiday break and so we will be releasing our "Skill Spotlight: Wigfrid & Willow" next week a bit early on Tuesday December 19th.
See you Tuesday!
December 8, 2023
Rev. 585956 (Test)
- Whirlportals will now stay open for half of a day.
- Bootleg will now show where the boot will land and the Whirlportal exit on the map.
- Added new sounds for activating Lunar and Shadow Allegiance skills.
- Skins for Battle Spear and Battle Helm may be applied to the Commander’s Helm and Elding Spear.
- Further skin support for BERNIE! will be added later.
- Frostjaw changes:
- Bootleg Getaway is no longer dropped as loot, but can now be obtained by trading Fish with Frostjaw after defeating them. This can be done up to 5 times per encounter.
- Frostjaw is now sleepable.
- Ice spikes can now be mined in one hit when using stronger tools (e.g. Pick/Axe, Brightshade Smasher)
- Added more ice FX and sounds.
- Added speech lines.
- Willow skill tree changes:
- Willow skills now consider all Hot Embers in the inventory, not just the stack in use.
- Increased the range Willow’s lighter will absorb fire, smolders and embers.
- Willow’s Combustion skill will activate Burning Burnie.
- Lunar Flame can no longer be channeled while mounted.
- Lunar Flame and Shadow Fire now have a cooldown between casts.
- UI support will be added later.
- Wigfrid skill tree changes:
- Renamed the Lightning Spear to Elding Spear.
- Increased the speed provided by the Battle Saddle.
- Battle Rönd: Increased the cooldown reduction when successfully blocking an attack.
- Battle Rönd: decreased durability loss when attacking.
- Battle Rönd Enhancement II: now does damage based on the damage blocked.
- Warrior's Reprise: revive up to 2 players now. Requires more inspiration to use.
- Fighting Words: decreased Battle Calls cooldown time.
- Elding Spear Enhancement II: increased Charged Elding Spear durability. Its special ability now repairs it slightly more.
- Elding Spear Enhancement I: decreased the cooldown for the Charged Elding Spear.
- Dark Lament / Enlightened Lullaby: now provide more defense against Shadow / Lunar aligned enemies, respectively
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash when using Willow's Combustion skill.
- Fixed Willow’s Burning Frenzy skill effect not working properly.
- Fixed some Giants dropping less Hot Embers that they should.
- Fixed Willow’s Flame Cast skill lighting campfires/fire pits indefinitely.
- Fixed Wigfrid’s Battle Rönd Enhancement II skill not working properly.
- Fixed Commander's Helm losing its knockback resistance after being unequipped for the first time.
- Fixed Sawhorse Crafting Icon's color filter.
- Fixed Cannonballs being able to kill creatures inside containers.
- Fixed Bernie’s Patch Up skill’s regeneration not working outside of combat.
- Fixed Willow’s damage resistance and bonus when aligned.
- Fixed animation bug when Willow starts absorbing with her Lighter.
- Added missing footstep sounds while absorbing with her Lighter.
- Added missing Fire Ball inspection strings.
- Fixed Wigfrid keeping the Lightning Spear’s special attack visual effect after hitting an electrified Volt Goat.
- Fixed the Bootleg not using its minimum toss radius.
- Fixed the Bootleg not unpausing from auto pause when using it from the map.
- Fixed crash when trying to place/plant something using a controller.
- Fixed characters other than Willow being able to Absorb Fire using Lighters.
- Fixed some issues in the Absorb Fire animation, Battle Rönd attacking animation and BERNIE! animations.
- Fixed Wigfrid’s skills not applying to skinned hats.
- Fixed Wigfrid’s skinned spears going invisible.
- Fixed campfires and fire pits dropping smoldering charcoal if the campfire was lit by Willow having the Controlled Burning skill.
- Updated BERNIE! scrapbook icon.
- Ice chunks broken off of the ice arena will now despawn properly while off-screen.
- Fixed Frostjaw arena not respawning properly.
December 1, 2023
Rev. 584421 (Test)
- Some insignificant creatures will no longer drop Embers.
- Willow’s Burn Duration skill no longer burns structures twice as fast.
- Hungry Lighter now just stops things from burning and longer refuels the lighter, instead Embers are used to refuel the lighter.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed equipped Battle Rönd and Charged Lightning Spear dropping on the ground when loading a world.
- Fixed W.A.R.B.I.S. armor set being able to track who is wearing it.
- Fixed a crash with Willow’s Combustion Skill.
- Fixed being able to plant things on ice terrain.
- Fixed being able to remove ice terrain.
- Lunar and Shadow flame benefit from allegiance damage modifiers.
- Fixed some cases where Frostjaw can be permanently stunlocked.
November 30, 2023
Rev. 584404 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed BERNIE!’s health.
- Fixed the duration of Burning Frenzy.
- Fixed an issue causing Burning Frenzy to not show for clients.
- Fixed the hole in the ice from being able to be grabbed by boats.
- Fixed Bootleg getting out of world bounds while spawning or teleporting.
- Fixed a crash related to Hungry Lighter.
- Fixed a crash related to the Combustion skill.
- Fixed a crash related to Embers.
November 30, 2023 - Skill Spotlight Beta
Rev. 584245 (Test)
We have a couple more skill trees (Willow and Wigrid) and a new ocean encounter up for testing in the beta branch. There are still some things being worked on here before its final release, but because the winter holidays are coming up we wanted to get feedback on what we have sooner rather than later. So there may be some behavior changes besides those we make from feedback.
The new ocean character can be found at any time, and is not an end game rift encounter, so please frame feedback with that in mind.
Thanks for taking a look and start some fires out there in the constant.
Notes for Modders
- This update’s mod release ID is R32_ST_WATHGRITHRWILLOW.
- The tag oceachfishing_catchable has been changed to oceanfishing_catchable.
November 7, 2023
Rev. 580433 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash sometimes when jumping into Worm Holes.
- Fixed animation bug with the rude emote while sitting.
- Table decor will now drop to the ground if the Table is deconstructed.
November 3, 2023
Rev. 580156 (Release)
Small fixes before the weekend.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed another case of Apple Mac OS rendering with Retina displays.
- Fixed an issue with downloading MOTD images.
November 2, 2023
Rev. 579931 (Release)
- Updated localization files.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Apple Mac OS rendering with Retina displays.
- We are still using updated libraries for Apple Mac OS computers so please let us know if anything is still acting unexpectedly on your computer.
- Fixed some cases where action controls could be dropped if they were pressed at the same time as releasing movement controls.
- Fixed bug where Lunar Guardian II procs from projectiles that hit after switching to a Brightshade melee weapon.
November 1, 2023
Rev. 579589 (Release)
- Updated Apple Mac OS libraries for the game.
- Please let us know on the bug tracker if there are any artifacts in rendering the game for your system with as much detail as possible.
- Try renaming your client.ini file for any window position issues you may encounter on launching the game. This * file may be found at ~/Documents/Klei/DoNotStarveTogether/#####/client.ini
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some cases where action controls could lock up unless you moved your character.
- Removed a frame delay when initiating or repeating actions while you are already close enough to your target.
- Fixed the Hunt trail forcing a Varg when the variant was defeated already.
- Fixed a floating arm showing up during an emote on a chair.
- Fixed going invisible when doing the facepalm emote on a chair.
- Fixed Wigfrid’s Moon Warrior Cuirass having overlapping skirts when worn.
- Fixed W.A.R.B.I.S. Armor going invisible in the back view when activated.
- Fixed the Saladmander’s fire attack being off theme.
- Fixed perishable items not taking into account whether they are stored in shadow dimensions.
October 30, 2023
Rev. 579121 (Release)
- Improve performance for Lunar Hail and Ice Crystaleyezer.
- Updated ghost for Wormwood’s Guest of Honor skin.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash related to burning a Wooden Chair.
- Fixed animation bugs with some emotes while sitting on a chair.
- Fixed animation and inventory image bugs for Table Vase skins.
- Fixed inventory image bugs for Framed Drawing (or Empty Frame) skins.
- Fixed W.A.R.B.I.S. armor set steam effect happening after the armor piece is unequipped.
- Fixed W.A.R.B.I.S. lines remaining visible after the hat has been unequipped.
- Fixed some cases where attack inputs would sometimes get canceled unexpectedly with Lag Compensation turned off.
October 26, 2023 - Hallowed Nights
Rev. 578580 (Release)
Hallowed Nights Returns!
Players can once again discover tricks and treats around The Constant. Fill your candy bag to the brim and satisfy your sweet tooth with all sorts of sugary seasonal treats!
Dress Spooky! Temporary spooky costumes are also available to everybody for a limited time, so enjoy them before the event ends and they go back from whence they came!
Join the party!
All Survivors Guest of Honor Chest” ($15.99usd) This Guest of Honor Chest contains every survivor's complete set of Guest of Honor skin items.
Trick out your base!
That's not all. During Hallowed Nights, logging in for the first time will earn you a "Trick or Treat Chest" containing the new Hallowed Woodworking collection.
And more treats! Items from the Hallowed Nights Collection and Costume Collection will have increased drop rates for the duration of the event as well!
Change List:
- Hallowed Nights have been enabled.
- Bright-Eyed Frog no longer sleeps.
- Armored Bearger butt stomp no longer damages twice (previously ground pound damage was also added separately).
- Varg hunts are no longer always guaranteed when the Lunar Rift is open, unless you are on that step of the quest.
- Koalefant Carcass now lasts 40% longer while being devoured by Hounds.
- Added mime animation for Wes while sitting on a chair.
- Added new strings for examining the Grainy Transmission in different situations.
- Updated Chinese Localization.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed W.A.R.B.I.S. Armor keeping its speed boost after being unequipped while charged.
- Fixed W.A.R.B.I.S. armor set performing the sync even if the piece that is supplying the charges is unequipped.
- Fixed bug where a Varg or Ewecus disguised as a Koalefant corpse may sometimes never reveal itself.
- Fixed bug where Mutated Varg can sometimes summon too many Hounds.
- Grumble Bees and Klaus’s No-Eyed Deer will no longer target Vines spawned by Wormwood’s Lunar Guardian II, or * Shadow Tentacles spawned by Thulecite Club.
- Fixed animation bugs with Bearger and Armored Bearger Figure.
- Fixed animation bugs with some emotes while sitting on a chair.
- Fixed Wanda’s Diviner Dress having invisible legs.
- Fixed Wormwood’s Guest of Honor skin leaf particles and eyebrows.
- Fixed bug where controllers could incorrectly use the deploy action while mounted.
- Fixed hunts not taking into account the last dirt pile for total hunt time.
October 20, 2023
Rev. 577797 (Release) / Rev. 577874 (Release)
Combined patch notes from 577797 and *577874. We had to put out a very small patch to fix an issue with wilting flowers that was introduced in 577797.
- Decorative flowers will not wilt in vases or end tables unless they are light producers.
- Lunar Hail debris will no longer uproot traps.
- Vines spawned by Wormwood’s Lunar Guardian II will no longer draw aggro to themselves.
- All hunts that end in a dangerous spawn will now show the new footprints. The speed at which you complete the hunt will determine its outcome.
- Idle Vargs will now wander instead of standing still.
- * Added a Setting in Advanced section for toggling Point of Interest icons. (You are still able to obtain Scrapbook entries when examining them even if the icons are disabled.)
- * Shadow Chester is now Shadow aligned.
- * Updated Chinese localization.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing Hound eating animations in the water.
- Fixed bug causing Possessed Varg’s Hounds to try mutating when their corpse is in the ocean.
- Fixed the Rustic Record Spinner having a missing icon.
- Fixed Wormwood’s Guest of Honor having a different background.
- Fixed Cozy Wooden Chair having art going outside of lines.
- Fixed Nouveau Amulet showing up twice on the wearer.
- Increased the odds of hunts having another Dirt Pile if they get into small areas of land.
- Fixed Wooden Chairs having normal skinned backs when viewing at a certain angle.
- Fixed Wooden Chairs not highlighting the backs when viewing at a certain angle.
- Fixed a crash with Acid Rain.
- * Adding missing sounds and FX for sitting emotes.
Notes for Modders
- The hunt event "spawnedforhunt" has been changed for its parameters. The action parameter is used for context on what to do. An optional score parameter is passed to see to what degree it plays a role and is scaled from 0 to 1 on how fast a player clears the hunt trail.
October 19, 2023 - Host of Horrors
Rev. 577578 (Release)
"Host of Horrors" Content Update Available Now! New horrors await! As more rifts appear across the Constant, monsters have started rising from the dead, becoming vessels for unearthly apparitions. You'd better not let your guard down... What's New?
- More Scrapbook categories added: "Things" and "Points of Interest"
- Discover the "Saw Horse" crafting station for constructing tables and chairs plus a few other new fun items.
- Craft a working Gramophone.
- New Lunar mutations brought on by the Rifts:
- Two giant mutations
- One hunt mutation
- New weather phenomenon
- New craftables at the Brightsmithy, available from defeating the new mutations.
- New armor set with an assist from Wagstaff.
We're offering a new set of streaming drops over on (ongoing)
New Skins!
Guest of Honor Chest ($4.99usd)
This Guest of Honor chest contains skins for: Warly, Wortox, and Wormwood.
Fantasmical Woodworking Chest ($3.99usd)
This Fantasmical Woodworking Chest contains the following belongings skin items: Enchanting Woodland Table, Four-Leg Clover Table, Four-Leg Clover Chair, Toadstool, Horn of Lushness, Blooming
Cozy Woodworking Chest ($3.99usd)
This Cozy Woodworking Chest contains the following belongings skin items: Cozy Round Table, Cozy Square Table, Cozy Wooden Chair, Cozy Wooden Stool, Tree's Company, Artisanal Vase, Warm and Fuzzy Lamp, Cozy Frame, Merm with a Pearl Earring, and Rustic Record Spinner.
And More!
As we head toward Hallowed Nights next week the team is hard at work on the next update as well as the next Lunar New Year event. We'll have more information about the next update as we head toward beta at the end of next month. Have fun!
Here are the final patch notes moving out of Beta.
- Adjusted Crystal Deerclops and Armored Bearger behavior between staggers.
- Added new eating animations for Hounds and Vargs.
- Possessed Varg now has the “epic” tag.
- The ice overlay now shows the warning stage when near an Ice Crystaleyezer.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Sealed Portal scrapbook image.
- Updated Armored Bearger scrapbook image.
- Updated Gramophone inventory image.
- Fixed Ornate Pedestal scrapbook entry not showing inspection lines.
- Fixed Rose (Flower) scrapbook entry being impossible to unlock.
- Fixed Diviner Dress skin missing skin tone.
- Fixed Nightmare Werepig spawning inside of player constructed pillars.
- Deerclops should no longer spawn when there is still an active corpse or Crystal Deerclops.
- Bearger should no longer spawn when there is still an active corpse or Armored Bearger.
- Fixed bug causing Armored Bearger’s actions to sometimes get interrupted unexpectedly.
- Fixed bug causing normal Deerclops to sometimes attack twice in a row.
- Fixed bug causing Crystal Deerclops to be stun-lockable in a certain state while burning.
- Fixed bug causing Crystal Deerclops to sometimes target buildings. (Thrashing your base is normal Deerclops’s behavior.)
- Fixed various animation bugs with Crystal Deerclops.
- Fixed missing variations for the ice shards from Deerclops’s basic attack.
- Fixed bug preventing Varglet from summoning Hounds during its howl.
- Giants and Weregoose should no longer walk over Hot Springs, Magma, or Ponds (except for frozen Ponds in winter).
October 13, 2023
Rev. 576966 (Test)
- Deadly Brightshades will no longer target Weeds.
- Added Crystal Deerclops, Possessed Varg and Armored Bearger Figures.
- Table decorations will no longer be picked up by auto-pickers (The Lazy Forager, Polly Roger, etc.).
- Hardwood Hat now protects against Lunar Hail debris.
- The chosen scrapbook column configuration will be remembered the next time you open it.
- Support Pillar now shows its protection radius when you are placing something else.
- Polar Bearger Bin, Tackle Box and Spectackler Box are now immune to the Spore Cloud effect when they are closed.
- Added Polar Bearger Bin and Blocky Ruins minimap icons.
- Added music for the mutated boss fights.
- Crystal Deerclops basic attack freezing power increased.
- Crystal Deerclops has a new behavior pattern temporarily when recovering after being staggered.
- New effects at the end of hunt trails that had the hunter being the hunted.
Bug Fixes
- Resting Horror no longer shows red FX when the Shadow Rift is not open.
- Fixed Lunar Rift still terraforming tiles after it has closed.
- Fixed Archive Security Pulses going after Spark Arks in inventories or containers.
- Fixed a few more scrapbook entries that were impossible to unlock: Woven Shadow, Rose (Flower), Marble Sculptures, Sand Spike and Replica Relic Chair.
- Fixed Nightmare Werepig Figure using a temporary art.
- Fixed Ice Crystaleyezer failing to spawn Mini Glaciers and causing their spawn time to be longer than it should be.
- Fixed Moonbound Walter and Wolfgang skin issues when talking.
- Fixed Deerclops and Crystal Deerclops face overlap in their scrapbook image.
- Added proper strings for the Koalefant carcass.
October 11, 2023
Rev. 576473 (Test)
- Removed Lunar Hail damage for non-players.
- This may change in future updates when we can expand on this feature along with a proper set of mechanics for protecting creatures.
- Lunar Hail debris may now remain on the ground for a short period of time.
- Abandoned Junk will now appear closer to players.
- Bone Armor now protects from Lunar Hail debris.
- Wooden Chairs and Stools can now be rotated using a Fencing Sword.
- Increased Ice Crystaleyezer's effect range.
- Doubled Polar Bearger Bin preservation rate.
- Ice Crystaleyezer now creates Mini Glaciers around itself over time
- Skilled hunters can now encounter a Warg while it is still feeding on a carcass. Hounds that are summoned in will also be attracted to the carcass, and the amount of meat left on the carcass is determined by how quickly you were able to track it down.
- Armored Bearger gets a new look.
- The Resting Horror will no longer require a Shadow Rift to be opened to show up.
- Reduced the time between stages of the W.A.R.B.I.S. armors from 10,20 and 30 seconds to 10,16 and 20 seconds.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an occasional crash when no players were on the world’s surface.
- Fixed a crash when trying to give an umbrella to Pearl (Crabby Hermit).
- Pearl now accepts spiced Flower Salad.
- Fixed Pearl rewards being skipped if her tasks were completed too quickly.
- Pearl now only drops Sawhorse Blueprints for players that don't know how to build the Sawhorse.
- Fixed some missing sounds, including bats and Wigfrid's vocals.
- Fixed Ancient Orchestrina, placed Lightning Conductor and placed Deck Illuminator scrapbook entries being impossible to unlock.
- Fixed Webby Whistle, Shoo Box, Den Decorating Set’s scrapbook entries uses information.
- Fixed Houndius Shootius dropping its crafting recipe loot on death. It drops Thulecite and Thulecite Fragments now.
- Adjusted Woodie’s The Archaic skin’s hair with certain animations with hats.
- Fixed Webber’s, Wolfgang’s Mighty, and Wonkey’s original looks all having animation issues when sitting on a chair.
- Fixed animation bug when heavy lifting onto a mount while wearing Void Cowl or Brightshade Helm.
- Fixed incorrect Ancient Orchestrina art.
- Fixed Deerclops not despawning during early spring if spring started while you were near her.
- Fixed Celestial Champion and Greater Gestalt scrapbook entries showing wrong sanity aura information.
- Fixed player’s Skeletons dropping Lost Scrapbook Pages.
October 6, 2023
Rev. 576123 (Test)
- After defeating all mutations once and receiving your first Spark Ark, you will be rewarded with an additional Spark Ark for each additional mutation defeated thereafter. However, it’s still necessary to cycle between mutations, meaning you can't just defeat one of them repeatedly to get multiple Spark Arks.
- Spark Ark now drops when its crafting recipes are deconstructed. It drops empty when the Ice Crystaleyezer is hammered down.
- Glommer is now lunar aligned.
- Unknown Scrapbook dependencies are now shown as question marks.
- Gestalts that have targeted corpses essentially decrease the amount of Brightshade Gestalts released by the Lunar Rift, thereby speeding up the Rift's closure.
- Houndius Shootius can now be deconstructed using a Deconstruction Staff.
- Ground pound damage range should now match the original range, which in most cases was much smaller than the size of the original FX. The FX has now been adjusted to match the actual damage range. The workable destruction range has also been adjusted to match the FX where applicable.
- Added more sounds to the new creatures.
- Further improvements to Lunar Hail performance.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Abandoned Junk spawning when the Lunar Rift is disabled, after destroying existing ones.
- Fixed some timer issues related to Abandoned Junks and Wagstaff’s hints.
- Fixed some issues with Wendy Roseate and Warly Verdant skins.
- Fixed Saw Horse and Bookcase playing the wrong animation after being hit.
- Fixed bug with missing fire animation on Crystal Deerclops’ head spike.
October 4, 2023
Rev. 575729 (Test)
- New main menu art and music.
- Added option to quickly load Hound’s Teeth into Howlitzer.
- Improved Ancient Orchestrina scrapbook image.
- Big Slimy Pit is now a Point of Interest.
- Decreased the frequency of lunar hail storms and increased their duration.
- Added Sawhorse minimap icon.
- Increased the chance of Abandoned Junk dropping Scrap and blueprints.
- Scrap can no longer be eaten by WX-78. This was not intended.
- The ground will now crack under Armored Bearger’s butt stomp attack.
- Updated ground pounds to remove some of the gaps in the hitbox rings, and the animated ring FX is now a more accurate representation of its actual range.
- Hunts will no longer guarantee clawed paths. Thank you for testing!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Deerclops facial expression not changing after destroying enough structures.
- Fixed centering of Armored Bearger’s butt stomp attack hit box.
- Fixed bug with Armored Bearger’s swipe FX sometimes not seen on clients.
- Fixed bug where fire is sometimes invisible on Bearger.
- Bearger should no longer randomly drop her target.
- Fixed bug where giants did not collide with Magma ponds.
- Fixed Celestial Portal being a point of interest.
- Fixed W.A.R.B.I.S. armor set keeping its target on creatures inside inventories/containers.
- Fixed Fused Shadelings sometimes not despawning with the Rift.
- Fixed Rift minimap icons persisting on the map after they have closed.
- Fixed Wooden Chair and Stool not spreading fire.
- Fixed some Scrapbook entries that were not inspectable. They just need to be seen to unlock all the information about it.
- Fixed W.A.R.B.I.S. Head Gear's overlay persisting when switching equipment with a Mannequin or Punching Bag.
- Fixed being unable to interact with loaded winches placed on land after save-load.
- Fixed some issues regarding Points of Interest.
- Slightly improved Lunar Hail's performance. The debris will stay on the ground for less time. We're still working on it.
October 3, 2023
Rev. 575400 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the 32 bit version of the game not generating worlds correctly.
Small hotfix to fix a critical gameplay issue.
September 29, 2023
Rev. 575324 (Test)
- Added Ice Crystaleyezer Kit.
- Wobsters can now be mutated into their lunar version using a Steeped Lunar Essence.
- Bright-Eyed Frog no longer attacks Merms (including Wurt).
- Hunts for now will be guaranteed to have branches for further testing on the mechanic.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug causing Bearger to Yawn repeatedly even when it is not in hibernation season.
- Fixed bug causing Deerclops to roar repeatedly during combat.
- Crystal Deerclops no longer drops an extra Festive Light during Winters Feast.
- Fixed bug causing Possessed Varg to summon too many hounds due to losing track of current followers when they mutate.
- Player ghosts are no longer affected by cold flame attacks.
- Fixed hunts retaining information between prior successful hunts.
- Fixed the missing icons in the Curio Cabinet for the Record skins.
- Fixed Skittersquids trying to follow food to the world origin when food is placed in a Magician’s Top Hat.
- Fixed notes in the Scrapbook using Warg instead of Varg, and Penguin instead of Pengull.
- Fixed Bulbous Lightbugs not being lunar aligned.
- Fixed a crash in hunts while the Hallowed Nights event is enabled.
- Fixed some crashes related to the W.A.R.B.I.S. armor set.
- Fixed crash caused by defeating a Deerclops, Bearger or Varg in the caves.
- Fixed a crash when no player is in the surface world.
- Fixed missing Houndius Shootius’s base on the placer animation.
- Fixed Ice Crystaleyezer’s eyeball layering issue.
- Fixed corpses not disappearing if no player is nearby before they are possessed.
- Fixed the Ice Crystaleyezer changing the temperature of Thermal Stones when they are in a shadow storage container.
- Fixed corpses being able to mutate when the creature dies in the ocean.
- Fixed occasional Wagstaff appearances not happening and Abandoned Junk not spawning on worlds where Lunar Rift was already enabled.
- Fixed farm plants not being affected by Ice Crystaleyezer's temperature change.
- Fixed some Ice Crystaleyezer’s minimap icon issues.
- Fixed Ice Crystaleyezer’s deploy helper showing an erroneously larger radius.
Rev. 574713 (Release)
- Willow’s sanity gains from nearby fires will now take into account item stack sizes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Willow’s sanity gains from nearby fires being unlimited in magnitude.
- Fixed world generation seeds always using the current clock time.
- Fixed Wormwood’s summons not staying around when entering and exiting caves.
- Fixed Merm Flort-ifications not adhering to world settings for respawn rates.
- Fixed Lunar Portals spawning too many Brightshade Gestalts if more players were near the portal.
- Fixed Wolfgang’s critical work sound effect playing for other players on the server.
- Fixed Woodie being able to craft while in were forms.
- Fixed Webber’s Silky Webilisk, Silky Gladiator, Silky Rebel, and Silky El Tigre Cub Beards going invisible in certain emotes.
- Fixed Wilson’s Survivor Beard having outlines at its top during emotes.
- Fixed Wurt’s Sugarplum Dress having inverted wings when idle.
- Fixed Ye Olde Water Closet not being able to be selected at the top part of it.
Dedicated Servers
- Fixed the Dedicated Server tool on Steam not having a copy of the redistributables needed for accessing Steam Workshop content and a missing appid text file.
September 28, 2023 - Host of Horrors Beta
Rev. 575093 (Test)
Host of Horrors content update is now in the beta! Go here for instructions on how to enter the beta.
New Features
- New categories for Things and Points of Interest in the Scrapbook.
- Gestalts coming out of the Lunar Rift are now infecting and causing mutations in some creatures and giants.
- New equipment and items to be crafted.
- New furniture and base decor to be crafted.
- New interaction with Pearl.
- New Wagstaff sightings. He’s definitely up to something…
Notes for Modders
- This update’s mod release ID is R31_LUNAR_MUTANTS.
Updated to patch 575177 to fix some crashes related to the new bosses, as well as fix normal Bearger yawning even when not hibernating.
September 8, 2023
Rev. 572130 (Release)
- Wormwood’s Summons will no longer spawn Souls for Wortox.
- Wortox Souls will no longer get wet.
- Fireflies spawning under Great Tree Trunks will be more permissive when boats are nearby.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash with the Mighty Gym and disconnecting players.
- Fixed Wolfgang’s Icebell freezing other players when PvP is not enabled.
- Fixed missing minimap icons for the Lamb Idols.
- Fixed newly spawned Lunar Rifts from appearing over docks.
- Fixed Rabbits from being able to walk over water.
- Fixed Lune Tree Blossoms not having a pickup sound like Petals.
- Fixed Lune Tree Blossoms being unable to be fed to Beefalo and other things.
Notes for modders
- The functions were moved from local Wortox into wortox_soul_common for easier access: GiveSouls, SpawnSoulsAt, SpawnSoulAt
August 28, 2023
Rev. 570654 (Release)
Wormwood’s Summons will no longer spawn Souls for Wortox. Wortox Souls will no longer get wet. Fireflies spawning under Great Tree Trunks will be more permissive when boats are nearby.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash with the Mighty Gym and disconnecting players. Fixed Wolfgang’s Icebell freezing other players when PvP is not enabled. Fixed missing minimap icons for the Lamb Idols. Fixed newly spawned Lunar Rifts from appearing over docks. Fixed Rabbits from being able to walk over water. Fixed Lune Tree Blossoms not having a pickup sound like Petals. Fixed Lune Tree Blossoms being unable to be fed to Beefalo and other things.
Notes for modders
The functions were moved from local Wortox into wortox_soul_common for easier access: GiveSouls, SpawnSoulsAt, SpawnSoulAt
August 23, 2023
Rev. 570012 (Release)
Increased visual quality for the Crumpled Package. Added Scrapbook entries for the Red Crown, Brick Flooring, and Gold Flooring. Added the option to select other Curios for Starting Items in the player selection screen for seasonal starting items. Updated Chinese localization.
Bug Fixes
Fixed The Lamb having invisible ears, hat, and head. Fixed The Lamb’s Reward’s eye lock being flipped. Fixed the Red Crown having mismatched colors compared to the other art. Fixed some glasses on characters disappearing when yawning. Fixed Powder Monkeys from getting back into their burnt homes. Fixed other creatures from entering their burning homes when running away.
August 21, 2023 - Cult of the Lamb x Don't Starve Together
Rev. 569571 (Release)
We've had our eyes on a Crossover with Cult of the Lamb for quite some time. We may have our plates full with our 2023 roadmap but we couldn't resist the temptation to do a bite-sized crossover for you all. This update will be available today on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. Nintendo Switch is currently scheduled to receive this update very soon!
Cult of the Lamb x Don't Starve Together
Something wooly this way comes! A charming change-up is coming to the Constant, and we can hardly contain our shear excitement. You’ll have it baa-d for this culty collab!
Crossover Content The Crown trinket can now be found in Wet Pouches that are fished from the oasis lake. Offering the Crown trinket to the Antlion will reward the players with new blueprints.
- The Thermal Stone now pacifies the Antlion for 4 days.
- The Beach Toy now pacifies the Antlion for 3 days.
- Fixed the rounding errors when calculating the Antlion tribute values.
- Increased the odds of getting your first Desert Goggles Blueprint and Beach Toy from a Wet Pouch.
Login Rewards
For a limited time, log in to Don't Starve Together and get The Lamb, The Lamb's Blade, Flock's Chest, and The Lamb's Reward item skins inspired by Cult of The Lamb.
Twitch Items
We're also dropping some new items over on Twitch inspired by Cult of the Lamb. From now until Sept. 7th you can get the Camellia Flowerbed on (expired)
And that's it for now!
A huge Thanks to Massive Monster and Devolver Digital for our time together working on this crossover. If you are not already a devoted follower, you should check it out. You'll become a believer too!
August 15, 2023
Rev. 569068 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Merms not defending nearby Wurt players who are under attack.
- Fixed the Void Set not losing its amplified damage bonus when getting hit.
- Fixed a crash with a Fire Dart hitting Wormwood’s summons.
- Fixed Wolfgang losing collision when being hit while on a Mighty Gym.
- Fixed a case where the Mighty Gym goes invisible when skinned.
- Fixed players wearing the Void Cowl hat and having their head go invisible for a frame while mining.
- Fixed an engine crash related to boats hitting a burnt tree.
- Fixed inventory items in the held cursor having their stacks removed when using the Celestial Portal.
- Fixed two crashes related to the Turf-Raiser Helm.
August 9, 2023
Rev. 568393 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed skill tree selections getting removed during a save cycle in offline mode.
- Fixed a crash related to Woodie’s werebeaver form as a ghost.
- Fixed Wolfgang’s work crits working on Dreadstone Pillars with a tool unsuitable for the job.
- Fixed Wolfgang’s work crits not breaking Mini Glaciers.
- Fixed a crash related to the Merm King with modded worlds.
- Fixed Pillars losing their collision when going out of range letting creatures walk through them.
- Fixed Woodie’s were meter draining during the transformation animation.
- Added a missing validation check for skill tree skill selections.
August 2, 2023
Rev. 567871 (Release)
- Beefalo that are both domesticated and saddled will no longer trigger traps.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Wormwood’s Compost Care, Photosynthesis, and Bramble Trap Specialist skills not functioning when unlocked.
- Fixed Wormwood’s Saladmander not regenerating its health when it first loads in.
- Fixed Wolfgang’s Thermbell not being able to be given to the Antlion.
- Fixed a crash related to Wormwood’s summons being frozen.
- Fixed Wormwood’s summons losing their summoner if hit with an indirect attack.
- Fixed skill trees that were stuck in a respec loop when going into and out of caves.
August 1, 2023
Rev. 567776 (Release)
Support Pillars
- Added Dreadstone Pillar recipe, obtainable under certain conditions from the Nightmare Werepig.
- Slightly reduced physics radius of Support Pillars so Players can fit between them.
- Support Pillars placed next to each other (or other walls) no longer leave gaps in pathfinding. (i.e. they now register 4x4 pathfinding cells instead of 2x2).
- Walls can no longer be placed overlapping Support Pillars, as this would cause conflicts with the pathfinding registration.
- The layout of Wormwood’s skill tree has changed.
- Skill selections will be reset the first time you load or join any existing world as Wormwood after this update, and you can respend all your Insight immediately.
- Seed Sleuth is now the only root skill in Wormwood’s skill tree.
- Seed Sleuth is now activated by examining planted seeds, instead of an Identify Plant action.
- Butterfly Friend perks have been merged into the Bee Kind skill.
- Moon Shroom Cloud skill also enables Wormwood to plant Moon Shrooms in Mushroom Planters.
- Moon Shroom Clouds spawned by Wormwood no longer affect himself in PvP servers.
- Bramble Husk and Bramble Trap thorns no longer damage walls. They will also not damage players or their followers in a non-pvp server.
- Wormwood’s summons will no longer fall asleep on their own.
- Wormwood’s Saladmanders will now passively regenerate health instead of napping.
- Wormwood’s Saladmanders’ art is now HD.
- Wormwood’s Bulbous Lightbug health cost reduced from 15 to 10.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Moonstorms sometimes showing up in wrong locations on clients.
- Fixed a crash when a skinned Mighty Gym is destroyed while being used.
- Fixed Wormwood’s summons being attacked by Abigail.
- Fixed Wormwood’s Photosynthesis regenerating in darkness.
- Fixed a typo in Walter’s speech.
- Fixed Wanda’s watch description in the Scrapbook.
July 27, 2023 - Skill Spotlight: Wormwood, Wolfgang, Woodie
Rev. 566991 (Release)
- Wolfgang Skillset added
- Wormwood Skillset added
- Woodie Skillset added
- Survivors can now craft large Support Pillars to create areas safe from quake debris and cave ins.
- Equipment forged from the Brightsmithy and Shadowcraft Plinth are now no longer prototype-able but can be repaired using specific repair kits.
- When they reach a fully broken state, they can no longer be equipped until repaired.
- Equipment changes:
- Umbralla can now be activated on the ground to generate an area of effect rain barrier. Please note that acid rain does not heal the Umbralla while it is activated like this.
- Void Cowl and Void Robe no longer provide acid rain immunity.
- Void Cowl and Void Robe no longer drain sanity when equipped.
- Ramping shadow planar damage buff now only requires equipping Void Cowl instead of the full set.
- Void Robe now blocks negative sanity auras (e.g. from monsters or other scary objects).
- Brightshade weapon buffs now only require equipping Brightshade Helm instead of the full set.
- Brightshade Helm now prevents Charlie attacks when standing in darkness.
- Brightshade Armor now has minor damage reflection.
- Dreadstone Armor and Dreadstone Helm no longer drain sanity when not self-repairing.
New Skins
The Archaic Attire Chest can be purchased in a chest for $4.99 usd and contains skins for: Wormwood, Wolfgang, and Woodie. As always, these items will be available as drops in game and are also weaveable using spool.
The Archaic Artifacts Chest can be purchased in a chest for $6.99 usd and contains the Archaic Meat Rack, Archaic Gym, Archaic Tent, Archaic Fencing, Archaic Gate, Overgrowth Husk and Archaic Chest. These items are also available as drops in game and are also weaveable using spool.
New Twitch Drops
The Nouveau Thulecite Suit joins the Art Nouveau collection. Check out the post for more details. (expired)
- Wormwood’s Photosynthesis perk for daylight sources uses the normal plant detection radius which is much bigger than his tending radius.
- Wormwood’s Carrats will no longer race to the same food item and will spread out the work amongst themselves.
- Wormwood’s summons will no longer spring traps.
- Added facings to the Support Pillar.
- Added effects when Brightshade Armor reflects damage.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash after using Ice Staff to unsummon Wormwood’s minions.
- Fixed an issue with Wormwood not getting photosynthesis with lights from the Lux series of books.
- Fixed missing strings for Wormwood’s summons in the crafting menu.
- Fixed a crash related to Wormwood’s Bulbous Lightbug.
- Fixed Wormwood’s summons staying around when using the Celestial Portal.
- Fixed Woodie’s Trader Legging skin having a wrong facing direction.
- Fixed Wormwood’s Moonbound having color going outside of the outline.
- Fixed Woodie’s Goose dodge skill always being enabled.
- Fixed being able to feed Kitschy Idols to other players.
- Fixed Wolfgang’s Mighty Weapons buff being applied to projectiles if he switches to a planar weapon before the projectile hits.
- Fixed a Chinese localization error with Wilson’s Alchemy perk description.
- Fixed the Weremoose being able to get wet by waves when it has the waterproof skill.
- Fixed the destruction area of ground impacts, such as the Werebeaver's Tail Slap or the Bearger's punch, not being close to the shape of a circle.
- Fixed Enlightened Shards light turning on in inventory and turning off on the ground when storing/removing a spore.
- Fixed Scrapbook not recording things when inspecting with a controller.
- Fixed Scrapbook recording things when other players were inspecting items in the world with caves turned off.
- Fixed waves on the shore causing more memory allocations than needed.
- Fixed missing footsteps when riding Beefalo over Docks.
July 20, 2023
Rev. 566103 (Test)
- Wormwood's Bramble Trap Specialist skill now has a short cooldown between resetting the same trap.
- Wormwood’s Photosynthesis skill will now absorb daylight from other sources such as Dwarf Stars.
- Wormwood’s Carrats will now give food they've gathered directly to Wormwood, instead of dropping it on the ground.
- Wormwood’s Carrats and Saladmanders will now try to stay closer to Wormwood.
- Wormwood’s Saladmanders will sleep less when they are healthy.
- Removed the gathering cooldown from Wormwood Carrats.
- Wormwood’s Bulbous Lightbugs have longer lifetimes now.
- Increased the health and damage of Wormwood's Saladmanders.
- Fixed Werepigs not having the visual effects and panic behavior caused by Syrup of Ipecaca.
- Weremoose now gains stunlock resistance during the 2nd and 3rd hits of the Weremoose Mastery combo.
- Reverted the changes to physical damage of Weremoose Mastery combo smash.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Wickerbottom’s Nom de Plume skin being invisible in all places.
- Fixed Wormwood going invisible when fertilizing himself.
- Fixed Wormwood's Carrat missing its shadow.
- Fixed Woodie using the wrong pick animation for certain items when he has the Quick Picker skill.
- Fixed bug with Wolfgang’s Mighty buffs affecting the magic projectile damage from Brightshade Staff.
- Fixed set bonus damage not working for Brightshade Sword and Shadow Reaper.
- Fixed crash when using a Drying Rack under an Umbralla barrier.
- Fixed bug where Support Pillar Wreckage was still blocking earthquakes.
- Fixed bug with icons for broken equipment showing their frame when picked up on the mouse cursor.
July 19, 2023
Rev. 565757 (Test)
- Hardwood Hat and Straw Hat can now be burned and used as fuel.
- Weremoose Charge will no longer hit passive shadow creatures.
- Shadow Reaper set bonus damage now only requires equipping Void Cowl (previously required both Void Cowl and Void Robe).
- Added strings and icon border for broken repairable equipment.
- Now that items forged at the Brightsmithy and Shadowcraft Plinth are repairable, they will no longer be prototyped.
- Construction sites will now drop all materials when destroyed or deconstructed.
Support Pillars:
- Alignment changed to match a 2x2 group of walls (previously 3x3), and can now be centered within a tile.
- Now that Support Pillars are functional, other “structures” will no longer block cave ins.
Woodie skill tree rebalance:
- Increased Treeguard Idol cost of Nightmare Fuel from 1 to 5.
- Decreased the destruction radius of Werebeaver's Tail Slap skill.
- Decreased the weremeter consumption of Werebeaver's Tail Slap skill.
- Increased Hardwood Hat’s durability.
- Halved the health regeneration guaranteed by the "The Weremoose II" skill.
- Increased the planar defense granted by Weremoose mastery.
- Decreased the physical damage dealt by Weremoose mastery’s smashing punch.
Wormwood skill tree rebalance:
- Bees are no longer bothered when their bee box is harvested if the "Bee Kind" skill is activated.
- Syrup of Ipecac now has a greater laxative effect and does less damage.
- Syrup of Ipecac now causes those who eat it to panic.
- Activating the "Farm Hand" skill will now also make you harvest farm crops faster.
- The skill "Petal Production" has been replaced by the skill "Photosynthesis".
- The skill “Farm Hand II" has been replaced by the skill "Skilled Self-fertilizer".
- The skill “Farm Hand III" has been replaced by the skill "Bramble Trap Specialist".
- Wormwood's Saladmanders are no longer ripe.
- Wormwood’s Bulbous Lightbugs can no longer be caught with the Bug Net.
- Wormwood’s Carrats can no longer get caught in Traps.
- Adjusted the cost of some recipes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing Wickerbottom’s eyeshadow in some animations.
- Fixed Glommer's Goop ground alignment.
- Fixed bug where Voidcloth Umbralla’s distortion effect can get stuck.
- During rain, picked or harvested items under an Umbralla barrier will no longer be wet.
- Rain will no longer affect flames under an Umbralla barrier.
- Fixed a typo with WX-78 in the scrapbook.
- Fixed some animation issues with Wolfgang's Moonbound skin.
- Fixed not being able to use The Lazy Explorer on boats when playing with a controller.
- Fixed the Ancient Gateway decay process acting like the Fuel Weaver defeat and unlocking the lock from the skill trees.
- Fixed minor animation bug when player is overheating.
- Brightshade and Void equipment will now tint properly when the player is frozen.
Support Pillars:
- It will now be destroyed when a dock is destroyed underneath it.
- Fixed inconsistent colors between different stages.
- Fixed networking issues with Support Pillar’s construction UI.
- Fixed various animation state bugs with Support Pillar
- Fixed Syrup of Ipecac damaging armor.
- Fixed Treeguard Idol not playing its burning sound when used as fuel.
- Fixed Treeguard Idol not spawning treeguards if no player is nearby.
- Fixed not being able to carve boards using Lucy if lag prediction is set to predictive.
- Fixed some Woodie skills not working after loading a world transformed into one of the wereforms.
- Fixed “Lunar Renegade” skill not working when joining a world during a full moon.
- Fixed “Quick Picker” skill line not working when mounted on a beefalo.
- Fixed the Coaching Whistle showing the wrong action while spawning in as Wolfgang.
- Fixed the Coaching buff not showing particle effects for other players.
Notes for Modders
- The auto gym perk has been restructured and its RPC removed.
- Coaching internal values moved to TUNING.
- Miasma clouds can be removed by fire now without needing to add the miasmamanager component to the world it is in.
- Wormwood pet TUNING values renamed and shifted around.
July 11, 2023
Rev. 565742 (Test)
- Skill tree skills can now be activated using the action key (spacebar by default).
- Wormwood's Carrats will no longer pick up items near the player.
- Improved presentation of Wolfgang’s coaching mode.
- The Treeguard Idol can now be burned at campfires, having the same effect as when burned on ground.
- Lucy now talks when carving an item.
- Pillar Scaffolds can no longer be built on boats.
- Renamed Void Kit to Void Repair Kit.
- The rare variant of the berry bush can now be crafted by enabling Wormwood's "Berry Bush Crafting" skill.
- The Weremoose's smashing punch no longer hits allies, passive shadow creatures and walls.
- Added an animation when crafting items that are carved from wood.
- Added Void and Brightshade Repair Kits to the Tool and Clothing crafting filters.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the name of the beta update.
- Fixed an animation bug on the Support Pillar.
- Fixed skill selection desynchronization with certain characters.
- Fixed a case where activating a skill did not update the crafting menu immediately.
- Fixed a common crash during earthquakes.
- Fixed some spelling errors in scrapbook tooltips
- Added missing Pillar Scaffold crafting description.
- Wormwood:
- Fixed a Carrat despawn crash.
- Fixed a crash caused by giving life to many Bulbous Lightbugs.
- Fixed Bulbous Lightbugs moving around strangely and having no member limit following the player.
- Fixed “Flower Power” skill not working.
- Fixed “Mushroom Mastery” skills not working.
- Fixed being able to bypass the Saladmander follower limit using other followers.
- Fixed a crash caused by using the Celestial Portal with a Carrat as a follower.
- Fixed players becoming invisible when performing the new animations mounted on a beefalo.
- Woodie:
- Fixed incorrect text on Affinity skills section locks.
- Fixed Werebeaver's tail slap producing a looping noise.
- Fixed Treeguard Idols not spawning Treeguards if ignited from afar or by non-player methods.
- Fixed Treeguard Idol turning old evergreens into Treeguards.
- Fixed Weremoose charge being able to attack twice if the action was held down.
- Fixed “The Weremoose III” skill not working when lag prediction setting is set to predictive.
- Fixed defense and bonus damage granted by “Shadow Wrangler” and “Lunar Renegade” skills against shadow/lunar aligned enemies not working.
- Wolfgang:
- Fixed incorrect text on Affinity skills section lock.
- Fixed a crash caused by using the Mighty Gym without enabling any of the “Push the Limits” skill levels.
- Added missing Coaching Whistle and Thermbell crafting recipe descriptions.
- Fixed Thermbell showing as equipped when not equipped.
July 6, 2023 - Skill Spotlight Beta
Rev. 564148 (Test)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed non sewable equipment having sewable information in the scrapbook.
- Fixed bug where acid rain can damage your equipment even while you are inside an Umbralla barrier.
- Wormwood:
- Lunar Cultivator III skill: Fixed being able to give life to more than 3 Saladmanders.
- Lunar Guardian II skill: Fixed Brightshade weapons spawning more vines than they should after equipping them multiple times.
- Fixed Juicy Berry Bush and Lureplant craft skills missing title and description.
- Woodie:
- Shadow Wrangler skill: Fixed shadow creatures being friendly to him in the human form and not in were-form.
- Wolfgang:
- Fixed a crash when wolfgang’s mightiness would go below 0 (like when skipping time).
Rev. 564067 (Test)
The next DST beta test update is live now. The main feature of this update is adding skill trees to three more of the Survivors: Wolfgang, Wormwood and Woodie.
Go here to see how to enter the beta branch on steam if you have not done that before.
- Wolfgang Skill Tree added
- Wormwood Skill Tree added
- Woodie Skill Tree added
- Survivors can now craft large Support Pillars to create areas safe from quake debris.
- Equipment forged from the Brightsmithy and Shadowcraft Plinth can now be repaired using specific repair kits. When they reach a fully broken state, they can no longer be equipped until repaired.
- Equipment changes:
- Umbralla can now be activated on the ground to generate an area of effect rain barrier. Please note that acid rain does not heal the Umbralla while it is activated like this.
- Void Cowl and Void Robe no longer provide acid rain immunity.
- Void Cowl and Void Robe no longer drain sanity when equipped.
- Ramping shadow planar damage buff now only requires equipping Void Cowl instead of the full set.
- Void Robe now blocks negative sanity auras (e.g. from monsters or other scary objects).
- Brightshade weapon buffs now only require equipping Brightshade Helm instead of the full set.
- Brightshade Helm now prevents Charlie attacks when standing in darkness.
- Brightshade Armor now has minor damage reflection.
- Dreadstone Armor and Dreadstone Helm no longer drain sanity when not self-repairing.
June 23, 2023
Rev. 562556 (Release)
- Confirmation popup will now show when using controllers to make the offering to Beckoning Hand or Grainy Transmission.
- Relic Chairs now have the “structure” tag.
- Brightshade Bomb explosions will now draw aggro.
- Brightshade Bomb explosions can now be used to destroy Dreadstone Outcrops.
- Wigfrid’s Moonbound artwork and Moonlight Diadem have been adjusted.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed animation layering when wearing Void Cowl or Brightshade Helm.
- Fixed animation layering when attacking with a whip weapon.
- Fixed minor animation bugs with Antlion, Dragonfly and Ryftstal.
- Fixed an issue with the server creation screen not accepting both types of Steam Group IDs.
- Fixed an issue where fissures were set to None in world generation settings having no fissures for the Ink Blights to spawn.
Notes for Modders
- For hats that replace the head (like Void Cowl or Brightshade Helm)
- When equipping on players: owner.AnimState:UseHeadHatExchange(true)
- When unequipping on players: owner.AnimState:UseHeadHatExchange(false)
June 16, 2023
Rev. 561979 (Release)
- Dread Mite damage can now be blocked by Bone Armor.
- Cleaned up and brought back all the jumping animations where hats pop off the head for a few frames (except when wearing a full head covering like Void Cowl).
- Improved Nitre Formations mining actions.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bugs where the head symbols can be dislocated during some animations when wearing Void Cowl.
- Fixed Warly’s Shadow Jacket’s upper arm missing and skin tone variants added.
- Fixed Wortox’s Shadow Torso having hands.
- Fixed Walter’s Triumphant skin set having a small shift in skin tone.
- Fixed Walter’s Crooked Cap missing an inventory icon.
- Fixed Walter’s Shadow Shirt forcing one set of arms.
- Fixed Wolfgang’s Moonbound skin having spillover artwork around its border.
- Fixed the Scrapbook trying to send off too many sync requests.
- Fixed bug with multiple Grainy Transmissions persisting in a world.
- Fixed controller support for the offerings to enable Rifts.
- Fixed bug where Dreadstone Stacks could be broken in ways not using stronger tools.
- Fixed bug with Ryftstals sometimes not being removed when the Rift closes.
Notes for Modders
- Added HEAD_HAT_NOHELM and HEAD_HAT_HELM layers for animations that need to have an alternate version for full helmets (like Void Cowl).
- Show HEAD_HAT and HEAD_HAT_HELM when equipping full helmets.
- Show HEAD_HAT and HEAD_HAT_NOHELM when equipping regular hats.
June 15, 2023 - Terror Below
Rev. 561632 (Release)
New Content Update Available Now!
Something sinister is seeping to the surface, and new horrors have taken up residence in the dark. Will our Survivors be able to band together to push back the encroaching darkness, or are the cracks in their resolve already starting to show?
What's New?
- New Features
- Dark Miasma will spew from Shadow rifts opened by defeating the Ancient Fuelweaver or by server settings.
- New shadow thralls will emerge from the Miasma bringing new materials to craft new “Horrible” tools and gear.
- Start of a new Scrapbook feature.
- Notes for Modders
- This update’s mod release ID is R29_SHADOW_RIFT
Streaming Drops
We're offering a new set of streaming drops over on (expired)
New Skins!
Complete Triumphant Chest ($15.99usd)
This Complete Triumphant Chest contains the complete Triumphant series of survivor skins.
Moon vs. Shadow Chest ($9.99usd)
This Moon vs. Shadow Chest contains Winona, Wigfrid, and Wolfgang's Moonbound skin items, and Wortox, Walter, and Warly's Triumphant skin items.
And more!
We've also turned on the Midsummer Cawnival and we've got a special item added to Klei Rewards, here's some points so you can grab that, if you want it. This post is massive, so I am keeping it simple. This is not the end of our series of "From Beyond" updates! (Yes, that's right. It's not over yet, don't worry. Things are looking pretty bleak for our survivors. Maybe you should worry.)
Have fun!
June 14, 2023
Rev. 561466 (Test)
- Lingering Miasma will dissipate over time after the Rift is closed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where players were unable to activate Lunar Rifts in game.
- Fixed bug where the Beckoning Hand was not removed if Shadow Rifts are disabled in world settings.
- Fixed Buzzard shadows not being removed as they fly away.
June 13, 2023
Rev. 561166 (Test)
- Ancient Fuelweaver will have new lines if the Ancient Gateway is repaired.
- More items added to the Scrapbook.
- Added Shadow Rifts world setting options.
- The Scrapbook will now give inspection knowledge on nearby creatures that have died and any item on display in the inventory or other containers.
- Maxwell and Wanda will now resist the sanity drain from Void Cowl and Void Robe.
- Glass Cutters will use their versus Shadow efficiency tuning against Ink Blights.
- Updated sound effects for Ink Blights and Charlie.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash with the Moose/Goose Figure in the scrapbook.
- Fixed a crash with the Scrapbook trying to read data from a nil entry.
- Fixed rubberbanding sometimes when trying to get up from a chair.
- The confirmation dialogue will no longer appear when only making a partial offering to the Beckoning Hand.
- Fixed various player animation bugs when Void Cowl is equipped.
- Fixed various player animation bugs when sitting.
- Fixed missing hair on Shadow Splumonkey.
- Fixed some issues with the Scrapbook Page item.
- Fixed an issue with fissures not releasing when walking away.
- Fixed bug where players could get into a situation where a paused server cannot be unpaused.
- Fixed bug where the horned Ink Blight can sometimes get pushed up into the air.
- Fixed a case where the horned Ink Blight can sometimes land in the void when jumping.
- Fixed bug where certain Brightshade tools were receiving set bonus effects with the wrong armor sets.
June 7, 2023
Rev. 560308 (Test)
- Acid Rain’s damage to waterproofing items has decreased.
- Players are protected from Acid Rain when wearing Void Cowl or Void Robe.
- Bats in Acid Rain will now have a chance to drop Nitre.
- Earthquake boulders will no longer spawn over structures.
- Added a popup confirmation to trigger the offering to the Beckoning Hand.
- Starting the Charlie cutscene now forces the Ancient Gateway to finish its destabilization process immediately.
- The Rift can now be inspected.
- Added sounds for when the Rift expands.
- Added sounds for the Charlie cutscene and Beckoning Hand.
- Shadow Reaper whispers to players that have Shadow Affinity.
- Player faces no longer show when equipping Void Cowl.
- Please note that while we would’ve loved to make this work, it is too complicated at this time to fix the layering issues as well as have it work with every skin in the game.
- Slightly reduced health of winged Ink Blight and slightly increased health of horned Ink Blight.
- Increased Dark Tatters drop rate from Ink Blights.
- Reduced Dark Tatters cost for crafting Umbralla.
- Dreadstone Wall blueprint is now guaranteed to drop.
- Added Nightmare Werepig Figure and Nightmare Werepig Sketch.
- Added Brightshade Shoevel to the Food & Gardening crafting filter.
- Added a Settings option to disable Scrapbook Alerts.
- Added a button to clear all “new” Scrapbook entries.
Bug Fixes
- Added missing death strings for Miasma and Acid Rain.
- Added missing crafting description for Brightshade Shoevel.
- Fixed Shadow Reaper being able to harvest things other than plants.
- Removed some items from the Scrapbook that are left over from Single Player Don’t Starve.
- Added some missing items to the Scrapbook.
- Fixed the “summer” insulating info in the Scrapbook.
- Fixed a case where the Scrapbook would not remember seeing a thing if the player did not click on the entry.
- Fixed Woodie’s Idols missing the character’s avatar icon in the Scrapbook.
- Woodie is no longer slowed by Miasma while in wereform.
- Fixed Beckoning Hand spawning when Ancient Fuelweaver disappears off-screen.
- Earthquake boulders will no longer spawn in areas it should not, like the Archives.
- Fixed being able to sit on tables, plates, vases, etc.
- Shadowcraft Plinth will no longer be remembered by players for crafting.
- Fixed an errant sound when picking up gems.
- Fixed the Void set bonus stacking repeatedly when switching Void Cowls.
- Fixed a crash when inspecting a Moleworm while it was burrowing and some other cases.
- Fixed Merms, Pigs, Bunnymen, and other workers getting stuck trying to work when interrupted right as they start working.
- Ink Blights will properly deaggro from hidden players, e.g. using Snurtle Shell Armor.
- Fixed bug where Resting Horror may appear immediately when a new chair is crafted.
- Fixed various animation bugs with players sitting on chairs.
- Fixed certain red parts of Ink Blights not showing in the dark.
- Fixed animation loops for all Ink Blights.
- Fixed a crash with Wigfrid attacking the winged Ink Blight.
- Fixed a crash when typing special characters into the Scrapbook search bar.
Notes for Modders
- Modded characters will add scrapbook progression by defaulting back to Wilson when inspecting things.
- inst.highlightoverride has been added to set a fallback for when players hover their cursors over the target prefab.
June 1, 2023 - Terror Below Beta
Rev. 559557 (Test)
Come and join the beta to try out the next update in the From Beyond arc, "Terror Below".
Deep in the caves, Dark Miasma will spew from Shadow rifts opened by defeating the Ancient Fuelweaver or by server settings.
New shadow thralls will emerge from the Miasma bringing new materials to craft new “Horrible” tools and gear.
Also, get your fingers into some Scrapbooking.
Notes for Modders
This update’s mod release ID is R29_SHADOW_RIFT
May 9, 2023
Rev. 556225 (Release)
- Upgraded the Moon Stone to be HD visually.
- Adjusted the Monkey Queen’s rewards to streamline obtaining each and allows for more trades afterwards to be worth doing.
- Improved controller targeting priority for Unseen Hands during Ancient Fuelweaver fight.
- Wagstaff will no longer cause spiders to come out of their dens when walking over webbing.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an uncapped particle system envelope that would cause crashes if repeatedly created.
- Fixed an item duplication issue with Lunar Rifts terraforming pickable items such as reeds or grass.
- Fixed a crash related to portals during a rollback.
- Fixed Astral Detectors pointing to Celestial Altar pieces when carried by players.
- Fixed a crash related to the Crab King when going away during its arm spawn phase.
- Fixed a rare crash case related to brain logic.
- Fixed Wanda’s Verdant skin having a missing hair curl, added missing frame art for glasses, and adjusted glasses to be more symmetric.
- Moonblind birds will no longer get stuck on trees and other colliding objects when landing.
Notes for Modders
- Fixed some “Removetag” uses with weighable and scales to be the correct “RemoveTag” so mods can remove these components safely.
- Whip’s supercrack will no longer hit the holder of the whip.
May 1, 2023
Rev. 555166 (Release)
- Lunar Rifts will now try very hard to spawn outside of base areas.
- Mushrooms added to world regrowth.
- World settings to come at a later time.
- Wagstaff’s face and goggles are now HD to match the body.
- Added a signature to the signed 10th year anniversary vignette.
Bug Fixes
- Wagstaff will no longer stick around after defeating the Celestial Champion if rifts are already open or if they are turned off through world settings.
- Fixed Mushrooms not saving their growth time correctly.
- Fixed Mushrooms being able to be picked up when they shouldn't.
- Fixed a crash with Terrorclaws trying to attach itself to a boat.
- Fixed a crash with Brightshade Vines being hit.
- Fixed herd members forming herds too quickly making multiple herds next to each other.
- Fixed a sound on the Brightshades when they entangle a plant.
- Added check cases for custom worldgen presets missing fields to stop a game crash on startup with certain mods.
- Fixed insanity sound effects playing over each other going in and out of lunacy areas.
- Punching bags will no longer have their damage indicators grow in size while idle.
- Burnt small trees will no longer have a small thin white line on it when zoomed out.
- Lunar tree saplings will no longer have a small white pixel floating off in the distance.
Skin Fixes
- Verdant skins
- Wurt’s will have the correct ghost skin.
- Wurt’s tail will have matching colouring.
- Wanda’s will have the clock hands move depending on age.
- Wanda’s will no longer have an invisible chin during her youth.
- Willow’s has had its lips colour adjusted.
- Willow’s hair has had a stray bit of art removed.
- Wormwood’s eyes will no longer have white speckles around it.
- Wormwood’s will have correct leaf colours when blooming.
- Wormwood’s will have the correct ghost skin.
- Wormwood’s will show the missing flow when pointing up when bloomed.
- Wormwood’s hands will be the same shade as the other leaves in the skin.
- Wickerbottom’s arms will no longer morph into her Lunar skin’s in certain poses.
- Wickerbottom’s body piece will show the correct rendering order for the torso.
- Nouveau Club Portrait’s selection icon will now show up.
- Wilson’s Barber big portrait will have the proper tint relative to other big portraits.
Notes for Modders
- Mods have been slowed down for polling to check for updates from the platform’s workshop when idle on a mods panel or server creation screen. If you are actively uploading a mod and want to see immediate results go out and in of the main menu to force another query.
April 27, 2023 - Taking Root
Rev. 554561 (Release)
From Beyond: Taking Root
As the power struggle between the moon and shadows escalates, the pressure is mounting for our Survivors. Loyalties will be forged and tested as new rifts start to slowly expand...
New Features
- Rifts spewing lunar energy will begin to open in the world, either by defeating the Celestial Champion or by server settings.
- The first creatures to spew forth are very interested in gardening.
- New and powerful equipment can be crafted from these extra-planar thralls, with the right crafting station.
This content is part of a 3 part set of content updates in the "From Beyond" arc and is available today on Steam, PlayStation and Xbox. Nintendo Switch will be coming soon, it takes a little longer there.
Don't Starve Celebrates 10 Years!
Can you believe it? 10 years of Wilson, the Survivors and the Constant. From our humble beginnings as a Chrome app to well over 25 million copies all around the world and we haven't slowed down yet. Countless updates, bug reports, hot fixes, puzzles, fan art, and even some songs (Beefaloooo!). Don't Starve wouldn't be what it is today without our fans. We've watched some of you grow up and we've watched ourselves grow up.
We're not perfect, but we truly do try our hardest to do the best we can for you all and we hope you feel the same love from us that we feel from you.
Thank you. From all of us.
To celebrate we have a few gifts for you. This post is going to get rather large, so hang in there with me please.
We got together and signed a poster for you!
Unfortunately we couldn't print and send out a poster to all 25+ million of you, but we did make a high rez poster that you can print yourself. Both a signed and unsigned original Thank You poster made for DS10 is available on the Klei Rewards page for free. We've also added another special signed and unsigned version as vignettes in Don't Starve Together.
Free Anniversary Login Bonus in Don't Starve Together.
The Celebratory Science Machine and Celebratory Cake Chest are available for free for a limited time just for logging into the game. We'll add these to Klei Rewards at some point in the future, but if you want them now, go get 'em!
We also have some new skins for sale in the game. The Complete Verdant Chest and the Blooming Verdant Chest are now available.
All the Streams!
It would be absolutely insane if we didn't take a moment to thank our streamers. And to do that we have given our Ambassadors 10 bundle codes of item skins and a bonus code for 10k spools for Ambassadors to give to their viewers. So go head over to an Ambassador stream, check them out for your chance for one of over 3000 codes up for grabs.
Our own Stream!
We're also going to be hosting our own stream later today where we'll be taking about "Taking Root" and revealing some info about what's coming up in the next update and what the heck is going on in "From Beyond"
Be sure to click the follow button on the Klei Twitch channel to get alerted whenever we go live
Feel free to use our handy widget below to see when the Dev Cast goes live in your area:
New Twitch Drops!
We're offering a new set of streaming drops over on (expired)
I think that's it!
It's probably also worth mentioning that all but the newest skins are on sale right now and Don't Starve Together is currently on massive discount on all platforms. (Up to 90% off!)
We're already well on our way into the next couple updates. And we'll have more information about that soon enough. But for now, that's it for this post. As always, here's a nice link for some spools, just for being you. If you have any friends or family that pick up the game during the big sale, make sure to let them know because you can get a lot of great stuff with the 10k Klei Points in that link!
Till next time friends, Thank you. And have fun out there!
Change List:
New Features
- Rifts spewing lunar energy will begin to open in the world, either after defeating the Celestial Champion or by server settings.
- The first creatures to spew forth are very interested in gardening.
- New and powerful equipment can be crafted from these extra-planar thralls, with the right crafting station.
- New Punching Bags for combat analysis are available to craft.
Notes for Modders
- Map:FindRandomPointWithFilter function added to allow easier creation of sample-rejection map sampling.
- UIAnim:GetBoundingBoxSize() has been added as a convenience wrapper for getting the width and height of the element.
- Added PLAYER_CAMERA_SEE_DISTANCE and PLAYER_CAMERA_SEE_DISTANCE_SQ to use for checking if a position is outside of normal player camera viewing.
- The tag “lunarplant_target” and “plant” combined will let the lunar creatures target a plant.
- SWAP_FACE adjustments have been made for: Warly, Winona, Willow, Wes, Wes on a Beefalo, and Wonkey.
- AnimState:GetVisualBB() has been added to get the size of an AnimState at the time of calling. This value will change over time during animations. It returns the minimum x,y and maximum x,y coordinates with the AnimState scaling taken into account and can be used to know how far away horizontally or vertically art is going to be able to be drawn from the entity origin without any projections taken into consideration.
April 20, 2023
Rev. 553879 (Test)
- Added craftable Punching Bag, Bright Boxer, and Shadow Boxer, to replace the debug Dummy Targets.
- Lunar Grazers can now be examined.
- Brightshade Bombs will now hurt yourself, but not other players (unless PvP is enabled).
- Hit effects to indicate attacking a Planar creature with normal weapons, and being hit by them without wearing any Planar defense armor.
- Added hit effects for Brightshade Sword.
- Added sound effects for Brightshade Bomb.
Bug Fixes
- Added missing crafting hints for Brightshade equipment.
- Fixed colours for Brightsmithy crafting station icon.
- Fixed an animation bug with Ryftsals when they are mined.
- Brightshade equipment now highlights properly when equipped.
- Fixed an issue with how Deadly Brightshades target plants and tweaked the system a little.
- Fixed deaggro range on Lunar Grazers, and they are no longer affected by Gestalt protection from equipment.
Notes for Modders
- UIAnim:GetBoundingBoxSize() has been added as a convenience wrapper for getting the width and height of the element.
April 18, 2023
Rev. 553504 (Test)
- Deadly Brightshades and Tunneling Vines no longer hit walls.
- Changed Brightshade Shovel to Brightshade Shoevel (combination shovel/hoe tool).
- Brightshade equipment set bonus changes (wearing both Armor and Helm):
- Brightshade melee weapons gain 10% base damage and +5 planar damage
- Brightshade Staff bounces 7 times (5 times without set bonus)
- Loading worlds where the Celestial Champion was killed already will start the Rift cycle without having to defeat the boss another time.
- Lunar Grazers no longer target players wearing equipment with Gestalt protection (Brightshade Armor/Helm or Enlightened Crown).
- The area around the Rift now triggers Enlightenment.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed plants in farm plots not being a target for Deadly Brightshades.
- Fixed a case where a Lunar Rift would not finish closing when they were off screen.
- Brightshade Vines will no longer go across small gaps of water.
- Bone Armor shield will deflect Planar damage as well.
- Lunar Rift will despawn properly if saved just after releasing a final wave.
- Added missing Beard Hair Rug recipe description.
- Fixed bug with Brightshade Staff incorrectly triggering character buffs for Wolfgang and Wigfrid.
- Fixed planar creatures reducing more damage than intended.
- Deadly Brightshade health increased to account for this adjustment.
- Note that overall, it takes less hits to kill Deadly Brightshades now.
Missed from last patch notes:
- Updated the Seaworthy Scale skin and original Scale Fish-o-Matic to have more details.
April 14, 2023
Rev. 553139 (Test)
- Brightshade Bomb will no longer hurt players.
- Brightshade Staff projectiles will now bounce between targets.
- Added a small amount of Planar defense to Dreadstone Armor and Helm.
- Changed Brightshade Pickaxe to Brightshade Smasher (combination pickaxe/hammer tool).
- Nightmare Werepig is now shadow aligned.
- Ancient Guardian becomes shadow aligned during fight.
- Reduced density of Deadly Brightshades that spawn.
- Increased Deadly Brightshade loot drops.
- Added “vulnerable” tail sections to Tunneling Vines.
- Added a basic check to databundles/ for reducing unexpected issues when the game fails to update properly.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where host may see screen flashes when another player triggers an explosive far away.
- Fixed a rift counting issue when a world loads up with rifts.
- Brightsmithy will now drop materials when hammered or deconstructed.
- Fixed Brightshade items showing up in other crafting stations.
- Beefalo and other non intended herds won’t be affected by Deadly Brighshades now.
- Tunneling Vines won’t go on water now.
Known issues
- “Missing Name” for exposed vines in worlds with caves enabled.
Notes for Modders
- Added PLAYER_CAMERA_SEE_DISTANCE and PLAYER_CAMERA_SEE_DISTANCE_SQ to use for checking if a position is outside of normal player camera viewing.
- The tag “lunarplant_target” and “plant” combined will let the lunar creatures target a plant.
- SWAP_FACE adjustments have been made for: Warly, Winona, Willow, Wes, Wes on a Beefalo, and Wonkey.
- AnimState:GetVisualBB() has been added to get the size of an AnimState at the time of calling. This value will change over time during animations. It returns the minimum x,y and maximum x,y coordinates with the AnimState scaling taken into account and can be used to know how far away horizontally or vertically art is going to be able to be drawn from the entity origin without any projections taken into consideration.
April 10, 2023
Rev. 552394 (Test)
- Nightmare Clockworks join the Shadow Aligned.
- Brightsmithy is now crafted as a Brightsmithy Kit instead.
- Recipes from Brightsmithy are now remembered by Players after forging once.
- Brightshade Bomb recipe now requires Infused Moon Shard as an ingredient.
- Certain Brightshade equipment will now animate when equipped.
- Added sound effects for Grazer.
- Added new test prefabs, “dummytarget_lunar” and “dummytarget_shadow”, that have Planar defense.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Brightshade Staff and Brightshade Sword going invisible when dropped in water.
- Fixed animation alignment of Brightshade Shovel.
- Fixed crash sometimes when Hutch is attacked.
- Fixed crash when certain creatures are frozen.
April 6, 2023 - Taking Root Beta
Rev. 552138 (Test)
Added Infused Moon Shard to Brightshade Bomb recipe.Next hotfix.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash related to the combat component.
- Fixed a crash when recoiling on the Cracked Pillar.
- Fixed a crash with the Grazer brain.
- Fixed changing world settings options for Rifts.
- Fixed being unable to target some parts of the Deadly Brightshade with your mouse.
Notes for Modders
- R28_LUNAR_RIFT is present to detect the current beta for mod compatibility.
Rev. 552047 (Test)
The next content update is now in the beta. Go here for instructions to enter the beta
New Features
- Rifts spewing lunar energy will begin to open in the world, either by defeating the Alter Guardian or by server settings.
- The first creatures to spew forth are very interested in gardening.
- New and powerful equipment can be crafted from these extra-planar thralls, with the right crafting station.
April 5, 2023
Rev. 551676 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a case where the game could crash randomly during world generation start.
- Fixed dismantling Wanda’s pocket watches inside a pocket dimensional container creating items at the World’s origin. They will now always spawn outside of the pocket dimensional container instead.
- Auto stacking items such as Rot will no longer grab nearby burning items and extinguish them.
- Fixed a crash with unraveling an ensemble item that has scrolled off of the screen.
- Fixed Walter not losing sanity over time while wearing the Bone Helm.
- Fixed Woodie’s Hockey Skates item having opaque spacers.
- Fixed a crash when navigating the World Settings and World Generation menus.
- Fixed an issue with Cracked Pillar getting stuck inside of pillars and ponds.
Notes for Modders
- A temporary debug log will happen for thermal stones. We are tracking down an issue with the light entity being removed while the thermal stone is still active. If you see in your server logs a bunch of stale component references to heatrock please see if there is a stack trace where they first start and file a bug report with the log.
March 29, 2023
Rev. 550219 (Release)
Come one, come all!
The time has come around again this year. We had plans made, creations to unveil, and a whole new "can of air" product line that would make even the most stylish of person envious! That is until we realized what day that would be on. Saturday.
So to change our plans at the last moment imaginable, we have decided to leave behind a box of comics and pamphlets to get featuring the most memorable and famous titles such as Mermio and Pigliet and Survival for Geniuses! To help you get them all we have something for you to look at.
New Skins!
A Set of Wickerbottom belonging skins were added and are weavable through the Curio Cabinet
March 21, 2023
Rev. 548857 (Release)
- Added indicator when maximum Insight is reached.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a visual error with the Shadow Courtier skill.
- Fixed Beard inventory showing while sleeping or frozen.
- Fixed Wonkey resetting talent tree selections.
- Fixed player inspection UI getting stuck open when going into or out of Wonkey.
- Wilson’s Barber skin’s hair was adjusted to not recede when wearing a hat.
Notes for Modders
- Fixed the modded flag for CreateSkillTreeFor being set on the wrong table and it has been moved from the definition table to the metainfo table.
March 17, 2023
Rev. 548413 (Release)
- Mushrooms in Mushroom Farms are more HD.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the Nouveau Deconstructor having an invisible inventory image.
- Fixed Neat Effigy skin not staying on during revive animations.
- Fixed the missing Beefalo Wool transmutation description.
- Fixed detached floating chain links around the Cracked Pillars.
- Fixed Seaworthy Scale inventory icon being too bright.
- Fixed Wonkey not showing up appropriately.
- Fixed a crash while playing as Wilson inspecting another player who is not playing Wilson.
- Fixed a crash when a thrown torch was put into Pirate Stash.
- Fixed an interaction with the Crock Pot and the Beard inventory.
March 16, 2023 - Wilson Character Update
Rev. 548021 (Release)
A fresh start and a change of surroundings is just the thing for someone looking for their first big scientific breakthrough. Unfortunately for Wilson, his surroundings were about to change far more drastically than he anticipated.
Wilson Changes
- Wilson becomes more seasoned over time by getting "insight" that he can spend on learning new skills.
- Wilson can use "insight" to open new abilities in categories of "Beard" "Torch" and "Alchemy"
- The Insight persists between games.
New NPC encounter
- A new creature can be found in the world.
This update is available today on PC, Xbox and PlayStation and will be available on Nintendo Switch soon.
New Skins!
Wilson Deluxe Wardrobe ($10.99 / 19 RMB)
This Deluxe Wardrobe contains Wilson's complete set of Guest of Honor, Roseate, Survivor, Triumphant, and Barber skin items.
Barbers Kit ($3.99 / 8 RMB)
This Barber's Kit contains the following skin items: Barber's Razor, Neat Effigy, and Oil Torch.
Decorator's Chest ($9.99 / 18 RMB)
This Decorator's Chest contains the following skin items: Cozy Mushroom Farm, Moggles 2.0, Koalefant Can, Cactus Water Can, Tasselled Post, Bundled Post, Red-Capped Post, Monkey Paw Post, Regal Post, Monkey Post, Seaworthy Scale, Fieldflower Farm Scale, and Whispering Mace.
New Twitch Drop!
We're offering a new set of streaming drops over on (expired)
That's it for now!
The April Beta for the next content update is quickly approaching. Any hint about what we are working on would be too much of a spoiler so we don't have any clever hints about what's coming this time, but maybe if we throw some points your way you will forgive us this time.
Change List:
- Wilson Update
- Wilson becomes more seasoned over time by getting inspiration that he can spend on learning new skills.
- Wilson can use the inspiration to open new abilities in categories of "Beard" "Torch" and "Alchemy"
- The Inspiration persists between games.
- New NPC encounter
- A new creature can be found in the world.
- Added Beard Rug Turf
- Pick/Axe now provides tier 1 shadow level for Maxwell.
- Using the Razor shaves off one level of beard at a time now.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug causing followers and minions to sometimes not attack a hostile creature.
Notes for Modders
- AddToRegrowthManager function added for easier world regrowth additions.
- Tag "regrowth_blocker" to stop world regrowth from putting a new prefab near this area, similar to “structure” and “wall” tags.
March 10, 2023
Rev. 547228 (Test)
- Using the Razor shaves off one level of beard at a time now.
- Mutants are now included in Lunar Alignment.
- Dreadstone Armor/Helm re-tuned and slightly reduces damage from Shadow sources.
- Dreadstone Armor/Helm gradually regenerates based on the wearer's sanity level.
Bug Fixes
- Wilson’s idle animation now plays in the Curio Cabinet.
- Fixed a controller crash in the skill tree.
March 8, 2023
Rev. 546675 (Test)
- Reduced cost of Beard Rug to be in line with other turf recipes.
- Wilson’s custom idle animations will now play.
- Changed the Red and Blue gem Transmute recipe costs.
- Pick/Axe now provides tier 1 shadow level for Maxwell.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an error with Beard Hair to Beefalo Wool recipe.
- Fixed the Scarecrow.
- Fixed the player info UI when viewed from the player list.
- Shadow Chess Pieces are shadow aligned.
- Fixed an RPC serialization issue from hitting an engine limit.
- Fixed an issue with the position of the Skills panel with different screen sizes.
- Fixed bug where Nightmare Werepig would speak when destroying Marble Sculptures.
- Fixed an issue with the server not getting the player’s current skill xp.
March 6, 2023
Rev. 546159 (Test)
- Torch Longevity Skills improved.
- Added some Transmute reversal recipes to Wilson’s skillset.
- Improved controller support for Wilson’s skillset.
- Improved priority selection with Beard Inventory vs Crock Pot.
- Changed “Inspiration” into “Insight” so as not to be confused with Wigfrid’s “Inspiration”.
- Nightmare Werepig is now found in the Caves instead.
- Adjusted the costs of some of Wilson’s Alchemy Recipes
- Shadow Courtier skill has some additional combat changes.
Bug Fixes
- Only Wilson will generate Inspiration.
- Wilson’s beard inventory will now show after being frozen or using the wardrobe.
- Wilson’s beard will no longer make chain sound effects when walking.
- Fixed some art issues with Wilson’s Moonbound skin.
- Fixed a crash adding a Torch to a Mannequin.
- Fixed a bug with client prediction attacks sometimes being dropped on the server.
- Fixed up some numbers in the strings.
- Propper skillset displayed when inspecting other Wilson.
- Changed the layer priority of the Beard Rug vs Garden Plots
Notes for Modders
- AddToRegrowthManager function added for easier world regrowth additions.
- Tag "regrowth_blocker" to stop world regrowth from putting a new prefab near this area, similar to “structure” and “wall” tags.
March 1, 2023
Rev. 545481 (Test)
- The Wardrobe will no longer access the skill tree.
- Added a minimap icon for Cracked Pillars.
- Added some flair to the new fuel’s inventory icon.
- Added Beard Rug turf.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed beards losing their beard level when changing shards.
- Fixed beards manifesting more food when changing shards.
- Fixed beards consuming food when growing into a bigger beard.
- Fixed getting an accomplishment if the player died instead of the target.
- Fixed a crash with players equipping skinned torches.
February 28, 2023
Rev. 545254 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with Torch melee attacks not working.
- Fixed bug where you could not drop items on the ground.
- Fixed bug where Wilson could not put food in his beard storage.
- Fixed a crash related to respawning with beard storage.
- Fixed placement of the new NPC encounter going onto lunar or non-mainland areas.
- Fixed torches thrown onto the ground going invisible if they have a skin.
- Fixed the torch brightness skill. Now functions on a client properly.
- Fixed the beard inventory slots. Now functions on a client properly.
- Fuelweaver death will now be tracked properly.
- Cracked Pillar can now be triggered by all characters, and they must be using the correct tool regardless of strength.
- Fixed bug causing followers and minions to sometimes not attack a hostile creature.
Notes for Modders
- R27_REFRESH_WILSON is present to detect the current beta for mod compatibility.
February 27, 2023 - Wilson Character Refresh Beta
Rev. 545108 (Test)
Wilson's Refresh is now in the beta.
Wilson Changes:
- Wilson becomes more seasoned over time by getting inspiration that he can spend on learning new skills.
- Wilson can use the inspiration to open new abilities in categories of "Beard" "Torch" and "Alchemy"
- The Inspiration persists between games.
New NPC encounter:
- A new creature can be found in the world.
February 13, 2023
Rev. 542788 (Release)
New Login Bonus!
For a limited time players that login during February 13 through February 23 will receive the Lovely Bouquet when logging into the game for the first time during this period. We hope you have a lovely week!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the Homespun Watering Can having an outline for its icon.
February 2, 2023
Rev. 541350 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Added back Wurt’s missing book reading phrases.
- Added some missing Cyrillic characters in the font images.
- Server backup log files will no longer truncate on reading Unicode characters for Linux and Mac systems.
February 1, 2023
Rev. 540988 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a case where LAN servers only showed up in the online servers filter.
- Fixed a crash when giving a Cozy Bunnyman stacked Birchnuts.
- Fixed player character’s hair blinking when taking off hats on a Beefalo.
- Fixed a crash when a player wins the Carrot Game.
Notes for Modders
- TheSim:QueryServer will no longer print in log files that the function has been ran because it gave no useful information.
- Fixed a case where deployment placers could crash if a mod changes placerinst to always be nil.
January 25, 2023
Rev. 540053 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Added a safeguard for mods to help prevent crashes with bad modinfo data when trying to create a new world.
- Fixed another case of players getting teleported off of a boat when lag compensation is active.
- Fixed boats not moving when structures were placed at the edge of the boat.
- Fixed a crash case with the Cozy Bunnyman pillow’s names.
January 24, 2023
Rev. 539823 (Release)
- All Year of the Bunnyman foods are classified as Goodies now.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash with Cozy Bunnyman gift giving.
- Fixed a crash with Cozy Bunnyman spawn points.
- Fixed a crash with Cozy Bunnyman trying to eat an invalid food entity.
- Fixed a crash with Cozy Bunnyman’s Pillows during loading related to their names.
- Fixed Cozy Bunnyman’s Pillows losing their names during a save and load cycle.
- Cost of the Year of the Bunnyman foods corrected.
- Fixed getting stuck when failing to Heave-Ho a mast.
- Fixed more cases of boats intersecting physics objects and flying across the world.
- Fixed Bunnymen having too many arms when walking side to side.
- Player authoritative lag compensation will be temporarily ignored while on boats to stop teleporting off into the ocean when the boat is moving.
Notes for Modders
- The command c_announce has its inputs validated to reduce crashes when using it incorrectly.
- The oceantree prefabs will use TUNING.OCEANTREE_STAGES_TO_SUPERTALL for its internal counters.
January 20, 2023
Rev. 539293 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash with shadow hands trying to extinguish the Tall Rabbit Lamp and Short Rabbit Lamp.
- Fixed a crash with players calling a slash command without an entity instance.
- Fixed a crash with a missing carrot action string for clients while playing on a dedicated server.
- Fixed Glove of Challenge and Pillow Fight Kit being able to be crafted at other crafting stations.
- Fixed entities pushing the unequipped event twice.
- Fixed a case with Spin the Carrot getting stuck.
- Fixed a typo with Wilson inspecting a Flowery Pillow Armor.
- Fixed being able to steal a pillow right before the Bunnyman picks it up.
- Fixed Bunnyman range indicators drawing too many of them when placing the structure.
January 19, 2023 - Year of the Bunnyman
Rev. 539117 (Release)
- Added missing packs for individual characters.
- Adjusted Wormwood’s Snowdrop Trunk details.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed burnt Bunnyman Shrines going invisible.
- Fixed a crash with the Lazy Forager being refueled on a server with caves.
- Fixed a crash with pillows hitting frozen things.
- Fixed a server lock with slash commands.
- When Bunnymen are challenged to a Pillow Fight, they now go to the nearest Pillow Fight Pit, instead of the first one built.
Rev. 538959 (Release)
Let's get ready to slumber!! The Year of the Bunnyman has begun!
To celebrate the Year of the Bunnyman we have added a new activity in the game, some new item drops and some new streaming items!
- Summon Cozy Bunnymen to the surface for a slumber party.
- Join in the frivolity of pillow fighting and "spin the carrot".
- Formally challenge one or more Bunnymen to a Pillow Fighting Pit for a chance to win Lucky Gold Nuggets.
- Buy different grades of Pillow to both arm and armor yourself for the Pit.
- Purchase old items and new snacks as well as new Rabbit Lamps to decorate your base.
New Skins!
The Masquerader Survivors Chest can be purchased in a chest for $8.99usd and contains skins for: Willow, Warly, Wortox, Wes, and Woodie. As always, these items will be available as drops in game and are also weaveable using spool.
The Mosaic Mushlamp will join the Art Nouveau collection. Check out the post for more details.
And that's it for now. The team is well on it's way to finishing out the roadmap and some of the team is even working on content for the 2023 content schedule. We'll have a new roadmap coming up rather soon. You're going to need to hold out a little longer but I promise, it will be worth the wait. Bold statement, I know but we're pretty excited and we think you will be too. See you next time!
Change List:
New Features
- Bunnyman Shrine added.
- Cozy Bunnymen added.
- Pillow Fight Pit added.
- Pillow weapons and armor available at the Bunnyman Shrine.
- Rabbit Lamps, Nightcap and new snacks available at the Bunnyman Shrine.
- Adjustments were made to Woodie’s Snowfallen skin’s forehead and cheeks.
- Adjusted Wes’ Snowfallen eye colouration to be slightly blue.
- Adjusted Wormwood’s Snowfallen skin to have more shading.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Wortox getting permanently stuck red when loading a world in a dying state.
- Fixed a crash related to the Ancient Guardian and cavern spider webbing.
- Fixed Wendy’s Usurper's Handwraps having spots of no colour.
- Fixed Wes’ The Fool having different hair when in the custom idle animation.
- Fixed Werepigs skipping an animation during attacks causing it to snap to the next animation.
- Fixed a leg detachment issue in Woodie’s Weremoose animations when running upwards.
- Fixed all base skin character hands to have less transparent spots where colour should have been.
- Fixed Wormwood’s Moonbound base skin having green hand leaves in the custom idle animation.
- Fixed the Puppy Cap having a different shading for the ear muffs in certain viewing angles.
- Fixed Merms chopping down Winter's Feast Trees.
- Fixed Lazy Forager not playing sounds when being repaired.
Notes for Modders
Pickable component using TheWorld as the picker will now issue a new event pickedbyworld with the same parameters sent as the event picked.
January 15, 2023
Rev. 538350 (Test)
Another small update to address a case with the unauthorized response from lobby listings.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with E_UNAUTHORIZED lobby response when the server changes regions.
January 13, 2023
Rev. 538153 (Test)
Small update to address an issue with the backend lobby services.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with E_UNAUTHORIZED lobby responses in certain cases.
January 5, 2023
Rev. 537018 (Test)
- Adjusted lobby broadcast timings.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Festive Palmcone Trees dropping more seeds than intended.
- Fixed Festive Palmcone Trees not having a burnt base.
- Fixed all Festive Trees being able to be decorated after being chopped down before it finished falling over.
- Fixed Crustashine downward running animation duplicating antenna.
Notes to Modders
- SEAMLESSSWAP_CHARACTERLIST now properly functions for modded characters that are also put into this list. You can use this to make a character only accessible through the seamless player swapping functions through in game actions.
January 4, 2023
Rev. 536845 (Test)
Happy New Year!
We hope you all a good holiday season. I certainly ate a little too much
Today we've got a new beta for you to check out. Most of the changes involved are the technical things in the backend and with the game's networking, and we'd love some assistance testing them and letting us know what you think!
- Migrated to our new lobby services. This should not affect player experience. New lobby listings can now be seen at ({aws_region}-{platform}.json.gz)
- Server listings are now downloaded in parallel to speed up the server browser.
- Improved synchronization between client and server when using client prediction.
- Changes were made to Steam Workshop handling for mods.
- Please report anything going wrong with mods downloading, updating, or deleting with the associated log files.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Frogs not going to sleep at night if they have no home to return to.
- Fixed Hot Rod's Driving Gloves having missing colouration.
- Fixed Willow’s Magmatic having stray art around the hair.
- Fixed a typo in the overheating overlay making it appear less often than intended during Summer.
Notes to Modders
- Particle Emitters have been changed to crash less when having unexpected input but will log errors repeatedly instead. Please keep this in mind when testing emitters and fix up any logs you see to make particles visually work on clients.
- R26_LOBBY_NETWORKQOL added in case there are breaking changes or added features.