Don't Starve Together/Version History/2016
December 21, 2016
Rev. 201210
- Fixed bug where Players could still attack while heavy lifting.
- Fixed UI bugs where some buttons could slowly drift out of position when dragging the mouse cursor off of them.
- Improved error handling for RPC calls made with invalid parameters.
December 19, 2016
Rev. 200943
- Added missing Clothing Items.
- Fix bug where Klaus’ Deer could sometimes spawn in the ocean.
- Fixed ambiguous controller prompts for Shave actions targeting creatures vs. yourself.
December 16, 2016
Rev. 200886
- Applied Horticulture will now work on Winter’s Feast Trees.
- Maxwell’s Shadow Minions will no longer chop Winter’s Feast Trees.
- Increased range at which Salt Licks can be used again by creatures that have recently used one.
- Fixed bug where domesticated Beefalo fail to become Feral when attacked by Players.
- Fixed bug where Pudgy domesticated Beefalo did not lose their sanity aura when becoming Feral.
- Fixed bug where players become permanently charred after burning to death more than once.
- Fixed bug where Spiders can fall asleep while frozen.
December 15, 2016 - Winter's Feast
Rev. 200740
- Encounter new majestic seasonal Deer herds.
- Share presents with friends by wrapping items in fancy Gift Wrap.
- Build your own Festive Tree Planter to grow and decorate a Winter’s Feast Tree.
- Test your holiday mettle against Klaus and his minions for rare and valuable loot.
- And more secrets to discover!
Bug Fixes
- Beefalo no longer lose domestication when they are asleep.
- Salt Licks are no longer depleted by creatures that are asleep or frozen.
- Increased range at which Salt Licks can be used off-screen.
- Reduced amount of fuel consumed whenever objects like Torches and Lighters are turned on, now scaled according to their actual fuel consumption rates.
- Using a Fire Staff to burn non-combat entities will no longer trigger battle theme music.
- Fixed save/load bug with explosive entities that have been set on fire and then extinguished.
November 29, 2016
Rev. 198581
- Maxwell’s Shadow Minions will no longer chop Toadstool’s mushroom when Toadstool is underground.
- Reduced the number of Grass Gekkos that can spawn within a patch of Grass.
- Networking fixes and optimizations for Nightmare Lights and Fissures.
- Memory optimizations for some creature brains.
- Fixed bug where Ice and Mini Glaciers did not melt near fire.
November 28, 2016
Rev. 198431
- Fixed crash sometimes when Dragonfly is spawning Lavae.
- Fixed crash sometimes when Walls are destroyed by Weather Pain.
- Fixed crash sometimes when encountering Ewecus.
- Fixed bug where Traps did not save correctly if their contents perished.
- Fixed animation bug when mining Ancient Statues during Nightmare phase.
- Fixed Ensemble Reward emotes (/yawn, /sleepy) not appearing when completing more than one Ensemble.
- Fixed yawn animation glitches.
November 24, 2016 - Release Build: A New Reign, Part 2
Rev. 198035
- Look for the Rock Den to pick up your pet!
- Added the Bee Queen and her Grumble Bee guardians.
- Added Fences and Gates.
- Added growable Marble Shrubs.
- End Tables can now be decorated with fresh flower arrangements.
- Friendly Scarecrow can now be dressed up.
- Improved deploy action range to help with placing walls.
- Improved auto-attack targeting to help reduce unintentional target switching.
- Increased durability of Beekeeper Hat.
- Reduced attack range of Bees and Mosquitos.
- Increased Glowcap Blueprint drop rate to 33%.
- Optimizations for Mushtrees that are off-screen.
- Deployment placers are now hidden when the action is not available. (For example, switching to the Repair action when placing Walls.)
- Ice Flingomatic range indicator will now be visible to players while they are placing other structures or plants.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where Batilisks would often appear momentarily whenever a Player exits the Caves during daytime.
- Fixed constant health loss sound when Wolfgang has health penalty after reviving.
- Fixed bugs causing Dragonfly to sometimes get stuck after sleeping.
- Fixed bug where Sporecaps can fail to grow even while Toadstool is channeling.
- Fixed bug where Toadstool Minimap icons near an Ocuvigil sometimes did not update.
- Toadstool will no longer target Hutch after all Players are dead.
- Fixed animation bug when holding a Lantern while groggy.
- Fixed save issue with burnt Salt Licks.
- Fixed bug in Wes’ mime animations while mounted.
- Fixed missing Snow animations on Mushroom Planters.
November 8, 2016
Rev. 196113
- Hallowed Nights has drawn to a close. Thanks for playing!
- Existing Candy and Hallowed Nights Trinkets will remain in-world, but Trinkets traded to the Pig King will return only one Gold Nugget from now on in place of additional Candy.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing animation when Wigrid refuses to eat while mounted.
October 25, 2016
Rev. 194420
- Fix crash caused by burnt Mushroom Planters.
- Moon Caller’s Staff now has a Polar Light while planted in the Moon Stone.
October 24, 2016
Rev. 194314
- Players can now perform actions such as refueling or repairing items in their inventory while mounted.
- Fixed log errors when reloading Worlds with Grass Gekkos that have lost their tails.
- Fixed crash when interacting with a burnt Potter’s Wheel.
- Fixed bug with Spacebar failing to target Sculptures with a Hammer.
- Fixed bug where multiple Toadstools may spawn from chopping a single Toadstool Cap.
- Fixed bug where Slurtles and Snurtles will steal food from each other.
- Fixed incorrect animations for Electric Darts.
- Memory optimizations.
October 21, 2016
Rev. 194197
- Added the Toadstool boss in the Caves.
- Added Rare Blueprints to Toadstool and Dragonfly loot tables.
- Added a craftable Scarecrow and a new species of bird.
- Lavae spawned by the Dragonfly will now automatically die after a certain time.
- Added a Moon Dial that shows the current moon phase.
- Added a Potter’s Wheel that can be used to sculpt various artistic objects as you find Sketches of them in the world.
- Added Mushroom farming.
- Added Fossil Fragments that can be found in the Caves and reconstructed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where followers would sometimes never stop following Players.
- Fixed bug where Player save data gets corrupted when holding too many Map Scrolls.
- Fixed audio bugs with Dragonfly.
- Fixed some cases where Dragonfly can get stuck while trying to spawn Lavae.
- Fixed bugs with changing clothes in the Wardrobe.
- Fixed loot from burnt Trees and Beehives.
October 18, 2016 - Release Build: A New Reign, Part 1
Rev. 193574
- Minimap data is now stored on the server.
- Minimap rendering performance improvements.
- Added new Minimap icons for tree stumps and burnt trees.
- Added new Minimap icons for Gold and Moonrock Boulders.
- Players can now locate each other on the Minimap if they both have a Compass equipped.
- Added several new magical items that can be crafted to globally mark a spot or reveal an area on the Minimap for everyone.
- Improved animations and effects for diseasing.
- Disease will now only target individual transplanted Saplings, Grass, and Berry Bushes, and spread slowly to nearby plants unless removed or destroyed.
- Disease is now rare and unpredictable, but there are warning signs that players can look out for before plants become diseased.
- Terrain will no longer provide any disease immunities.
- Disease and Petrification are now separately tunable in World customization options.
- Added new Marble and Moonrock themed set pieces with secrets to uncover.
- Added a new magical item, the Moon Caller’s Staff, which must be obtained through world events rather than crafting.
- Added a new craftable Cartographer’s Desk which unlocks a crafting station for creating Map Scrolls that can be shared with other players.
- Grass Gekkos will once again have a way to be introduced into your world over time even if they did not appear at Worldgen.
- Updated the visual patterns and textures for all Moonrock items.
- Updated Dwarf Star animations.
Bug Fixes
- Player Minimaps will now load properly when rejoining a server from a different machine.
- Caves Minimap is now properly cleared when a player dies in Wilderness mode.
October 3, 2016
Rev. 192051
- Maxwell’s Shadow Minions will now try to avoid explosives.
- Fixed bugs with Feather Hat behaviour when used by multiple players.
September 28, 2016
Rev. 191674
- Scaled Furnace can now be used to cook food.
- Maxwell’s Shadow Minions will now try to avoid explosives.
- Toadstool will become increasingly resistant to sleeping and freezing effects if they are applied repeatedly during battle.
- Toadstool will use its pound attack more and more frequently as time passes in the final phase of the battle.
- Fixed bug where Toadstool may sometimes start powering up again right after finishing.
September 27, 2016
Rev. 191480
- Fixed rare bug where Dragonfly loot could be lost if the server shuts down during the death animation.
- Bird Guano and Treeguards will now save their size properly.
- Fixed an issue with mods referencing an undeclared variable "prefab".
September 23, 2016
Rev. 191189
- Added mod compatibility check for betas.
- Spoiled ingredients in Crock Pots will now drop properly near the Crock Pot.
- Fixed bug where sanity indicator pulses sometimes did not trigger properly on clients.
- Fixed bugs with set piece chest spawns.
- Fixed crash when invalid strings are written on signs.
- Improved Chester’s ability to keep up with players.
- Abigail will no longer target entities that are immune to her aura.
- Fixed animation bug when throwing a Boomerang.
- Fixed Mushroom animation glitches on clients.
- Fixed bug where players could repeat actions in the dark.
- Telelocator Focus can no longer be placed too near the edge of the ground.
August 26, 2016
Rev. 188821
- Fixed crash on Collection screen when using a controller.
- Fixed bug with Telelocator Focus orientation when placed.
- Fixed audio bug with Ancient Altar.
- Burnt Twiggy Trees and Twiggy Tree Stumps will no longer drop twigs off-screen.
August 15, 2016
Rev. 187674
- Server listings will now indicate which servers are running on A New Reign beta branch.
Official Release (since April 21, 2016)
August 8, 2016
Rev. 186853
- Fixed crash sometimes when exiting the game.
August 3, 2016
Rev. 186449
- Movement prediction can now be toggled in the options screen.
- Improved controller targeting priority for items dropped under the spawn portal, as well as for ghosts trying to target the portal for resurrection in Endless mode.
- Improved controller targeting priority for opening gifts at Science Machines placed near walls.
- Haunted Spider Dens will no longer target Players or other Spider Dens.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where tied votes may still pass.
- Fixed bug where haunting Twiggy Trees may trigger Treeguards to spawn.
- Fixed bug where Birchnut Tree Trunks did not spread fire while burning.
- Fixed bug where burnt Meat Effigies could still catch on fire.
- Clicking outside the Pause Menu will now close the window properly.
- Mod user commands with aliases should now load correctly.
July 11, 2016
Rev. 184101
- Fixed clothing graphical issue when wearing overalls on top of skirts.
- Votes will now pass by majority as long as there is a minimum of 3 “Yes” votes.
- Players kicked by voting will no longer be able to rejoin the server immediately. (This does not apply to Admin kicks, since the Admin can already choose to use timed or permanent bans instead.)
July 8, 2016
Rev. 184014
- Fixed some clothing texture seams and layering bugs.
- Fixed bug where Crafting tabs may not be updated correctly when spawning in right next to a Science Machine.
- Fixed bug where Torches and Lighters could unintentionally catch Wildfire, leaving them in a non-interactable state.
July 7, 2016
Rev. 183838
- Weather Pain now works properly on clients and can no longer target or damage other Players on a non-PvP server.
- Telelocator Staff can no longer target other Players on a non-PvP server.
- Creatures will now wander towards a Salt Lick when they need to use it.
- Fixed crash sometimes when a Player dies while jumping through a Wormhole.
July 5, 2016
Rev. 183426
- Beefalo saddles (all of them) now give a greater movespeed bonus.
- Upgraded all Klei Official dedicated servers.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed certain files from being incorrectly filtered out when installing mods.
- Fixed crash sometimes when haunting Twiggy Trees.
- Fixed bug where chopping Twiggy Trees would anger nearby Leifs.
July 4, 2016
Rev. 183348
- Fixed issue preventing world votes from starting properly and not being able to pass if anyone abstains.
- Fixed bug where Willow was taking health damage when extinguishing smoldering objects. (The short burning effects and speech should still be triggered.)
- Fixed bug where Science Machines sometimes stop animating even when Players are near.
- Fixed bug where Crafting tabs did not automatically update when picking up or dropping a backpack, or when receiving items directly into your backpack.
- Mod downloading now filters out more file types that aren’t needed by the mod.
- Client performance improvements.
- Dwarf Stars no longer get “wet”.
June 30, 2016
Rev. 183166
- Fixed issue causing clients to sometimes get stuck on a loading screen if the World resets while they are in the Caves.
- Fixed crash sometimes when a Player disconnects while a user command is being executed.
June 29, 2016
Rev. 182893
- /roll command expanded to roll multiple dice at once. Try '/roll 20' to roll a single 20-sided dice, or '/roll 3d6' to roll three 6-sided dice.
- Added sound effects for building Farms.
- Server performance improvements, as well as client Physics optimizations.
- Subscribed mods are now cached when downloaded, making unsubscribing and subscribing faster.
- Fix crash when a server with an old saveindex was missing its save files (i.e. they got deleted).
- Fixed unpacking of mods with invalid data from failing needlessly.
- Fixed crash sometimes on mods tabs that occurred when cleaning mods.
June 24, 2016
Rev. 182494
- Fixed bug where a Dwarf Star may never fade out in some rare cases.
- Fixed a crash in Mods screen.
- “/roll” command now accepts an optional [max] parameter.
- “c_announce” can now be used to send system messages to the chat area by specifying “system” as the category: e.g. c_announce(“This is a test!”, nil, “system”)
June 23, 2016
Rev. 182328
- Removed Summer and Winter Traps from Worldgen.
- Bernie will now activate for any Player who goes insane, and will no longer decay on the ground unless it is completely broken.
- Added sound FX for Salt Lick.
- Added new ‘/roll’ and ‘/emote’ user commands.
- Pasting text into DST is now supported on all platforms (Windows, Linux, and OSX).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash sometimes when a Player disconnects while opening a gift.
- Fixed UI compatibility issues with mods that add save slots.
- Beardlings and Beardlords will now appear properly for Players whose sanity drops below 40 percent (30 percent for Maxwell).
- Picking thorny Roses no longer triggers battle music.
June 20, 2016
Rev. 181891
- Fixed crash on clients connecting to some servers that have started a vote.
- Fixed a layering issue with Webber’s Shadow Body clothing piece.
- WX-78 will now gain slightly less Overcharge time for each subsequent lightning strike when Overcharge mode is already active.
- Minor fixes to speech strings.
Rev. 181725
- Fixed crash when reconnecting to some servers with mods that include sound files.
Rev. 181652
- Fixed some animation bugs with Diseased Twiggy Trees.
- Improved Farms and Ice Flingomatic placers to be more representative of their actual appearance.
- ‘/ban’ command now accepts an optional second parameter to specify duration for a timed ban.
- Added more properties and utility functions for customizing and modding Vote commands definitions.
- Added unique strings for players inspecting players who have recently lit a structure on fire.
June 15, 2016
Rev. 181387
- Fixed issue with failing to download Workshop mods when joining some servers.
- Fixed issue that caused a crash when using certain character mods.
Rev. 181331
- Fixed some performance issues caused by Farms.
- Fixed some animation bugs with Twiggy Trees.
- Fixed bug where Players may enter an invalid state when attempting to open a gift while mounted.
- Fixed rare crashes when loading in and out of games due to delayed network responses.
- Fixed crash sometimes when leaving the Server Actions window open.
- Vote buttons are now disabled when the minimum Player count requirements are not met.
- Keyboard action button (spacebar) will no longer auto-target deployed Tooth Traps and Bee Mines for picking up.
June 13, 2016
Rev. 181048
- Adjusted Beefalo Salt Lick priority so they anchor better.
- Tweaked default voting rules to be a bit stricter: requires a minimum of 3 votes and must be unanimous.
- Fixed crash in User Commands popup when the screen fades out.
- Fixed some animation timing and glitches with Twiggy Trees.
- Fixed an issue that causes a crash when using certain mods that add equip slots.
- Fixed some crashes caused by invalid RPCs.
- Fixed issues with keyboard and controller movement.
June 10, 2016
Rev. 180846
- Fixed crash when viewing the scoreboard on a dedicated server.
Rev. 180814
- New DST Steam Trading Cards! Collect 'em all! (Sorry, box tops are not accepted.)
- You know those sticks that start on the ground when your world has Twiggy trees? Now we know where they come from.
- New and improved vote system! From the Player Status Screen (tab key, right joystick), you'll now see a list of server admin actions. If the server allows voting (on by default for dedicated servers, configuration options here), then non-admin users will also see the list of admin actions in order to start a vote. Vote-kick on players is available by default on dedicated servers.
- New "Salt Lick" item in the Tools crafting menu helps keep your beefalo satisfied in your absence.
- Maxwell’s Shadow minions will no longer die instantly from falling debris during Earthquakes.
- Maxwell is refunded one nightmare fuel if he banishes a Shadow Minion under his control.
- Codex Umbra no longer decays when left on the ground.
- Books can now be used as fuel for Fire.
- Reduced the intensity of insanity audio/visual effects while playing as Maxwell.
- Added more action fail strings variety.
- Particles now properly fade out after their entity is destroyed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed animation bugs when performing emotes while mounted.
- Fixed bug where Instrument or Book actions may sometimes fail when your inventory is full.
- Fixed bug where Wickerbottom’s penalty for eating spoiled food was not being applied properly.
- Fixed bug where a player’s minimap sometimes does not save correctly when entering and exiting Caves.
- Added proper controller bindings for Gift Popup screen.
- Fixed bug where Crock Pot action may fail on clients when a Hammer is equipped.
May 26, 2016
Rev. 179016
- Fixed bug with Unicode text input cursor position.
- Maxwell’s Shadow Minions no longer flee from Webber.
Rev. 178930
- Maxwell’s Shadow Minions no longer flee from passive Shadow Creatures.
- Using Deconstruction Staff on most structures will now also release their occupants.
- Fixed bug where Thermal Stones would break when left in an Ice Box over several season changes.
- Fixed bug where Player Ghosts would trigger Killer Bee Hives.
- Fixed bug where Birds could sometimes spawn at Night.
- Fixed bug where Beefalo could still be in Heat when Beefalo Mating Frequency is set to None in World Options.
- Fixed various animation bugs for mounted Beefalo.
- Fixed oversized hitbox on Campfires.
- Fixed several Controller issues on the Server Listing Screen.
May 20, 2016
Rev. 178539
- Burnt Spiky Bushes (found near Lava Ponds) will now turn to Ash when touched.
- Maxwell’s Shadow Minion workers will no longer chop Trees that are on fire.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug causing Shadow Minions to sometimes stop chopping or mining unexpectedly.
- Fixed animation bug with some Glove skins when viewed from the back.
May 19, 2016
Rev. 178375
- Maxwell’s Shadow Minion workers will now run away from monsters.
- Inspecting Player Skeletons when using a controller will now properly display character details.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing tufts of hair when viewing normal or wimpy Wolfgang from the back.
- Fixed bugs with some UI buttons failing to launch a Web Browser when the user has disabled Steam Overlay
- Fixed bug causing clients to sometimes appear to start one clock segment ahead of the server when entering a new or empty World.
- Typo fixes in character speech strings.
May 17, 2016
Rev. 178065
- “A New Reign” Intro Cinematic can now be accessed from the Theater button on the Main Menu screen.
- Muted players will now be remembered when travelling between Forest and Caves.
Bug Fixes
- Chester should no longer accidentally appear in Caves (after World is regenerated).
- The "Autumn or Spring" and "Winter or Summer" season starts are appearing correctly once again.
- Fixed some bugs causing entities on clients to sometimes appear to bounce or slide around.
- Fixed bug where Haunt action would show up incorrectly on Ancient Guardian.
- Fixed bug with depth sorting of MiniMap icons that are outside of the Player’s visible area.
May 13, 2016
Rev. 177657
- Fix client crash sometimes during server reset or regeneration
Rev. 177626
- Fixed bug where Wolfgang’s Mightiness speed was being applied while mounted.
- Fixed animation bug when putting a Whirly Fan away.
- Fixed some crashes that can happen on clients during a server world reset or regeneration.
May 12, 2016
Rev. 177500
- Beefalo have a sweet new replacement for that walking-cane-while-riding bug.
- Emergency mode Flingomatic will now detect burnt Saplings and Grass even if they have already been picked.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed layering and orientation bugs with effects and particles rendering.
- Beefalo expressions change as soon as they start getting a tendency now (but they still don't get bonuses 'til you domesticate them, so back to work!)
- Odd little outcroppings of land no longer occur on new worlds.
- Beefalo wake up correctly if you try riding them.
- Beefalo no longer get move speed and attack bonuses from their rider.
May 11, 2016
Rev. 177318
- Fixed bugs in character speech strings.
- Fixed bug where character specific combat damage multipliers were still applied while mounted.
- Fixed bug where light from mounted glowing Beefalo could not be seen by all clients.
- Fixed animation glitch in Kiss emote.
- Fixed crash sometimes for clients who are connected when a server is reset or regenerated.
- Added a simple error message when customcommands.lua fails to load.
May 9, 2016
Rev. 176927
- Additional updates to character speech strings.
- Beefalo tendency expressions will now update properly without needing to reload the game.
- Spiders will now play their eating animation when fed by Players.
- Fixed bug where sometimes creatures could be found sleeping through Dusk when they are expected to be awake.
- Fixed excessive forehead wrinkles for Guest of Honor Maxwell’s emotes.
- Fixed bugs with the “New” label displaying incorrectly on skinnable items in the crafting menu.
- Using c_give for non inventory items will no longer result in lag on Dedicated Servers.
May 6, 2016
Rev. 176665
- Added more sound effects for building things.
- Additional updates to character speech strings.
- Fixed crash when Mod characters did not provide certain character description strings.
- Fixed bug with Traps and Bird Traps loading incorrectly if they were saved while sprung.
- Burning crops that are not harvestable yet will now yield Toasted Seeds.
- Forced auto-attack (CTRL+F) will no longer target player pets in non-PVP games, unless they are already attacking you for some reason. (They can still be force targeted by using CTRL +Click.)
- Player entries can now be removed from the Encounters screen.
- Fixed crash due to bad Mod state in the Host Game screen.
- Fixed issue where the Collection screen could incorrectly show details for an item you no longer own.
May 5, 2016
Rev. 176412
- Added new announcements for kicking and banning players.
- Additional updates to character speech strings.
- Fixed crash when Wickerbottom inspects Wendy’s ghost.
- Fixed bug with Poison Birchnut Trees not reverting back to normal properly.
May 4, 2016
Rev. 176267
- Spiders and Frogs will now stop moving when caught by Traps.
- Added more sound effects for building and planting things.
- Added even more variety and improvements to character speech strings.
- Increased amount of Nitre obtained from Petrified Trees.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed hair animation glitch when mounting and dismounting Beefalo while wearing a hat.
- Fixed missing talk animation on clients when Shave action fails.
- Fixed bug where haunted Werepigs could get stuck in panic mode.
- Fixed bounding box for Juicy Berry Bushes.
- Fixed missing snow during some Berry Bush animations.
- Fixed missing World Gen details for some servers in the Server Listing screen.
- Fixed Woodie’s nose layering and texture seams.
- Crafting Fire Pits will now properly remember last used skin.
- Fixed bug with Redeem button not hiding properly when offline.
- Fixed bug with “New Item” labels sometimes showing up incorrectly.
Rev. 177109
- Additional updates to character speech strings.
- Waking disobedient Beefalos by trying to mount them no longer gets them stuck in a “sleepwalking” state.
- Pig House windows will light up properly in the dark.
- Fixed animation and tinting bugs with trees when they are haunted or chopped down.
- Fixed controller focus in Player History screen.
- Fixed scroll bar layout in Ban tab of Server Creation screen
Rev. 177121
- Fixed Evergreen Tree animations when chopped down.
April 28, 2016
Rev. 175504
- Bernie will now attract all nearby Shadow Creatures (instead of just one at a time) when activated.
- Maxwell’s Shadow Minions will now tend to finish working on one target before moving onto the next.
- Added more variety and improvements to character speech strings.
Bug Fixes
- Pig Man and Bunnyman speech can now be seen on clients.
- Players’ cold breath can now be seen on clients.
- Penguin Nests now respect the Ice Boulder world customization setting.
- Fixed bug with timing of Shadow Digger’s action animation.
- Fixed bug where Thulecite Clubs never spawned any Shadow Tentacles.
- Fixed dislocated shoulder animation glitch when mounting Beefalo.
- Fixed hair animation glitch when jumping into Worm Holes while wearing a hat.
- Fixed animation glitch when Werepigs transform back to Guard Pigs.
- Fixed bug with orientation of buildings that are off-screen when camera is rotated.
- Fixed Twiggy Tree Saplings appearing when Twiggy Trees were not supposed to be in the world. (Only affects new worlds.)
- Fixed bug where old snapshots would sometimes appear in the Rollback tab even after a save slot has been deleted.
- Fixed bug where Crafting menu sometimes closes before you can select skin variations on certain window sizes and resolutions.
April 25, 2016
Rev. 174923
- Whip special effects no longer affect Shadow Creatures or Shadow Minions.
- Resource variants will no longer visibly pop into the world on a Player’s screen.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Extinguish action could be performed incorrectly on an equipped Torch.
- Fixed bugs with mouseover highlighting on burnt or frozen objects.
- Fixed incorrect hit sound FX for Shadow Minions
April 22, 2016
Rev. 174765
- Shadow Diggers no longer destroy items dug from Graves.
- Fixed death announcement when killed by Maxwell’s Shadows.
- Portal and Codex Umbra sound effects are now properly controlled by Sound FX volume.
- Fix crash if game_mode is not set correctly for dedicated servers.
- Fixed flame effect positioning on Firepits.
- Resource Variants are now linked to their primary resource world gen population spinners (eg: Grass Gekkos are now linked to Grass).
- Fixed bug with missing Grass in Pig Guard set piece.
- Fixed missing text and improved animation for the Thank You popup.
- Fixed bug with mismatching clothing/character load outs on the Main Screen.
- Improved Main Screen Portal animation.
Rev. 174519
- Crash fix
Open Beta (since December 15, 2014)
April 21, 2016
Rev. 174499
- Maxwell the master of puppets has finally made his appearance
- Maxwell Guest of Honor and Survivor heads and clothing items have been added
- New craftable Firepit cosmetics have been added
- Various frontend improvements
- Code redemption dialog added to the main menu
- Servers now include their Steam interface language in their tags so that users can search for servers of a specific language
- Dedicated servers can set their language tag in the MISC section of their cluster.ini with the option “language_code” (See data/scripts/languages/server_language_strings.lua for a list of available language codes)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed One Man Band animations while mounted
- Fixed particle buffers from selecting incorrect texture frames
- Fixed Wolfgang’s torso symbol sorting when wearing a shirt in his mighty form
- Fixed Wendy’s torso symbol sorting when wearing pants
- Fixed Wilson’s base clothing from getting tucked into skirts awkwardly
- Fixed font issues on translation mods popup
April 20, 2016
Rev. 174377
- Default for "Changing Resources" has been changed to "none", so in a default world, the starting selection of Alternate Resources will remain for the whole game.
- Fixed berry bushes missing from near goose/moose nests.
- Starting Resources world customization now works when set to "classic".
- Frozen Beefalo can no longer be mounted.
- Juicy Berries can now be added to the Crock Pot.
- Fixed rare crash when loading a world with burnt Twiggy Trees.
April 19, 2016
Rev. 174230
- Fixed crash with existing worlds from before the update
Rev. 174200
- Inspecting Player Skeletons will now display details about their character from just before their death (Only applies to new skeletons spawned after the update)
- Type /bug in chat or press the new button in the Pause Menu to quickly get to the Bug Forums
- If you ever end up in the ocean for some reason, type /rescue in chat to teleport yourself back onto land
- Added the Resource Variant system (for newly generated worlds) that adds random variety to the world:
- - New Grass variant: Grass Gekko
- - New Twig variant: Twiggy Tree
- - New Berry Bush variant: Juicy Berry Bush
- - New Rock variant: Petrified Tree
- Character portraits are now dynamically loaded to save memory
- Credits screen animations are now dynamically loaded to save memory
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where rain sounds under tree cover were not being affected by Ambient volume setting
- Fixed bug with selecting clothing options in the Lobby screen when the sim is paused
- Fixed crash when loading some mods on the Server Creation screen
April 12, 2016
Rev. 173373
- Players can no longer deploy or build objects directly under the Portal
- Cave Entrances will no longer be placed near Dragonfly (This will only take effect for newly generated worlds)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where Forest and Cave Touch Stones were not being tracked separately
- Burnt Meat Effigies no longer resurrect anyone
- Fixed bug where Top Mods were not showing up in the Mods tab of the Server Creation screen
- Fixed bug where Trade Inn was sometimes not working correctly when some language mods were being used
April 7, 2016
Rev. 172848
- Increased War Saddle attack bonus from 15 to 16.
- Beefalo get a stomach cramp if you feed them bad food.
- Magiluminescence can now be refueled with Nightmare Fuel.
- Updates to worldgen data that affect worldgen mods. As well, modded game modes can now specify a level type. Please see this thread for details.
- Worldgenoverride.lua format has changed a bit. It should be fully backwards compatible, but for more info read this thread.
- Players with their Steam UI language set to other languages now are prompted if they would like to view translation mods for their language.
- Autumn night colour cube adjusted to retain some brighter reds.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed various HUD scaling and positioning bugs.
- Fixed bug where sanity ambient sound could not be heard by clients.
- Fixed bug with rain ambient sounds when walking in and out of tree cover.
- Fixed bug where Pig Men were never refusing food from Players.
- Fixed missing snow symbols in Shadow Manipulator animations.
- Fixed emote and shock effects layering and positions for standing and mounted animations.
- Beefalo play the correct death animation if you kill them via food.
- Beefalo orneriness actually increases while attacking now.
- Magiluminescence light can now be seen by all clients.
- Crafting tabs will now always indicated with a blue highlight if you have a structure built but not placed yet.
- Fixed bug where torch fx were getting culled too soon.
Rev. 172924
Fixed OSX build
Rev. 172979
Fixed missing in-game music Fixed crash when upgrading save data for some people
Rev. 172998
Fixed missing Credits screen music Fixed another crash when upgrading save data for some people
April 8, 2016
- Fixed crash when loading some custom presets.
- Fixed missing server tag for Caves servers.
- Correct server config options are loaded when custom presets are loaded in the front end.
March 17, 2016
Rev. 170618
- Fixed bug with Red and Blue Hounds appearing as regular Hounds
- Changed Survivor Webber’s quote slightly
Rev. 170570
- Haunting a Book no longer has any effect
Bug Fixes
- Beefalo weren't playing their cute begging animation when they should
- Fix controller crash in Trade Screen
- Fix rare crash when loading Domesticated Beefalo
- Fix rare crash when Ruins Relics are smashed near Abigail’s Flower
Rev. 170540
- Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep! Meep!
- Survivor item collection added, including new character heads and new craftable items
- Seasonal audio filtering has been re-added. Muffled winters and crisp summers are back!
- Haunting a Book now has a chance to transform it into a different book instead of triggering its effects
- Lots of work on the Beefalo Domestication system: new animations for feedback, simplified some mechanics, added Brush and Saddlehorn items to help with the domestication process, and the final locked-in domestication step actually happens now!
- Increased Whip durability
- Added a new storage companion for the Caves (Note: available after you regenerate a new world)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where custom Cave presets made from other custom presets could get stuck while generating a world
- Fixed crash with mod downloading while in the Mods Screen
- Fixed crash caused by corrupted player history file
March 9, 2016
Rev. 169551
- Fixed bug with Wolfgang's health loading incorrectly when traveling to and from Caves
- Fixed layering issues with HUD popups when Pause Screen is open
March 8, 2016
Rev. 169365
- Fixed Controller Crash
- The Trade Inn is now accessible from the Collection screen. Players can trade in their collection items and receive an item of higher rarity.
- Server listings will now include World Gen details for Caves
- Creatures following a player leader are now friendly to other players unless provoked
- Touch Stones will now regenerate after a very short time, and each Touch Stone is usable once per player
- As a player ghost, you will be able to see Touch Stones glow if they are still active for you personally
- Birds occasionally drop some Flint for fresh players who join into an existing world
- Re-tuned the Booster Shot recipe and added examination text for each character
- In Survival mode, players now gain some resistance to ghost sanity drain when there are more players alive than dead
- Using a controller to repair or refuel another item will no longer close the Controller Inventory screen automatically
- In Controller Inventory, you can now hold the Get Half button and press the Drop button to drop a single item from a stack
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash when a player disconnects while being targeted by a Depths Worm
- Fixed Wendy and Wickerbottom clothing bug where they’d be missing part of their torso
- Cave Entrances are now generated into the world when "Classic" biomes are selected
- Fixed animation issues with characters on mainscreen
- Fixed issues with randomization in the Ancient Pseudoscience Station
- Fixed error popup not showing properly when a single-level server fails to start
- Fixed bug with number of Krampii not scaling properly after day 100
- Fixed bug where Wolfgang gains health every time he travels through a Sinkhole
- Fixed crash sometimes when placing a Snurtle Shell Armour into a Backpack
February 19, 2016
Rev. 167025
- A world with no Caves will always start as a single-process server and allocate resources accordingly
- Hosts can use all server-side console commands on single-process servers
- To add Caves in the Server Creation screen, select the “World” tab and click on the “Add Caves” button
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with the max_snapshots setting not working as intended for multi-process servers
- Fixed bug with custom world presets not working properly for multi-process servers
February 12, 2016
Rev. 166227
- Players will no longer be disconnected for being idle on their own hosted server
- Added an option for enabling and disabling Multi-Leveled Worlds hosting
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing file in Linux dedicated server package
- Fixed missing icons and title on Mac clients
- You have separate save slots when Multi-Leveled Worlds option is enabled or disabled
- When Multi-Leveled Worlds is disabled, you can host a standalone Forest or Cave only server and use all console commands
February 11, 2016
Rev. 166077
- Player hosted servers now include Caves without needing to setup dedicated servers
- Dedicated server configurations have been updated to improve cluster and shard definitions
- "Trade Inn Preview" branch is now available! (Build: 165915)
February 5, 2016
Rev. 165304
- The Lunar Collection items are now available: includes a fiery new elegant backpack, distinguished loungewear, spiffy robes, and classy cardigans
- GetModRPC and GetModRPCHandler functions added to the mod environment
Bug Fixes
- Loadout screen correctly uses the screen stack now
- Fixed missing sound effects when mining rocks on the client
January 27, 2016
Rev. 163935
- Moose Goose will now defend Moslings that are being attacked by Frogs
- Added support for legs clothing to be tucked or untucked depending on pant and shoe cuff size
- Batilisks will no longer spawn out of inactive Sinkholes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where Ancient Statues may drop the wrong coloured gem when mined after a server is loaded back up from a save file
- Fixed bug where stack size was not preserved when objects are transformed by haunting
- Fixed bug where creatures that consumed entire stacks of food at once did not receive the full effects of the entire stack
- Fixed bug where Deconstruction Staff did not work on objects, like the Lantern or Miner Hat, if they ran out of fuel
- Fixed various player animation bugs
- Fixed bug with Rundown Houses not saving burnt state
- Fixed bug where burnt Pig Houses and Rabbit Hutches would spawn a Pig Man or Bunnyman after reloading the save file
January 21, 2016
Rev. 163306
- Cave Spiders will no longer target monsters or Webber
- Increased Varg health as intended for multiplayer balancing
- Improved player animation loop while using a Wardrobe
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug related to player profile saving default base skin selection incorrectly
- Fixed bug when playing as random character your clothing was reset
- Fixed bug when playing as random character and ending up as invisible Werebeaver
- Fixed animation bug with certain eating animations for player characters
- Fixed animation bug when attacking with Wendy and Wigfrid
- Fixed bug where banning by user ID did not save if the player was not on the server at that time
- Fixed bug with in game announcements not logging properly
- Fixed issue where some mods with bad modinfo files could result in other mods failing to load as well
January 20, 2016
Rev. 163062
- Killing creatures by feeding them harmful food is now considered Murder!
- Campfires are no longer indestructible
- Clock now shows the world day by default, and your personal days survived when you mouse over it
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug in dig and groggy animations
- Fixed bug where Gobbler can sometimes become homeless after a server is reloaded
- Fixed bug where you fail to receive loot when killing creatures in your inventory by feeding them harmful food
- Fixed bug with decayed Backpack skins not showing up properly when entering and exiting Caves
- Fixed bug with Slurpers not loading properly if saved while equipped
- Fixed bug with player profile where the default for the base slot was not saved correctly
January 15, 2016
Rev. 162702
- Improved logging for server admins (additional info below)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug causing players to sometimes reset to default skins after a server is shutdown and then started back up
- Fixed bug where Fire Staves could incorrectly target Night Lights, resulting in a crash since they do not provide the correct Nightmare Fuel
Server Logs
- Use command line parameter -backup_logs to backup before overwriting log files at startup
- - log.txt -> backup\log\log_yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm.txt
- - chat_log.txt -> backup\chat_log\chat_log-yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm.txt
- Windows console output code page is set to UTF-8, however you will need to switch it to a fixed width TrueType font (e.g. Lucida Console) in order to take full advantage of this
January 13, 2016
Rev. 162425
January 5, 2016
Rev. 161659
- Updated item and gifting server to support previously unreachable regions of the world.
- Improved server listing download speed for regions of the world that were previously experiencing extreme delays.
Bug Fixes
- Unicode text via IME keyboard layouts is working
- Fixed missing death animation for Baby Beefalo
- Fixed rare crash when the Whip’s special effect is activated