Don't Starve Together/Version History/2018
December 6, 2018 - Winter's Feast
Rev. 298000 (Release)
The nights are growing colder, and a distinctive holiday cheer has permeated the air. That can only mean one thing - Winter’s Feast is upon us! Take a break from enduring a hostile world to spread some holiday cheer. You could enjoy a tasty sugar cookie and decorate a tree or two… or three. Be wary though… something terrible lurks nearby, watching our survivors' every move with laser-like focus.
An Uncommon Holiday Winter skins have appeared to get our survivors into the winter spirit, and for a limited time, the chances of receiving a rare gift have been substantially increased!
Everyone will also get a small set of skins to enjoy, including a festive Gingerbread Chest skin. These skins can be accessed in players’ item collections, but will only be around for the duration of the Winter’s Feast seasonal event - so enjoy them while you can!
Happy Winter’s Feast, everyone!
December 3, 2018
Rev. 297854 (Release)
- The Forge and Hallowed Nights events have come to a close.
November 23, 2018
Rev. 296177(296477) (Release)
- Improved visibility of Infernal Swineclops' death animation.
- Magma Golem's fireballs are now properly counted as ranged attacks when triggering hit reactions.
- Fixed a bug where the camera can sometimes become unstable when Infernal Swineclops is defeated while the player is dead.
November 19, 2018
Rev. 295201(296059) (Release)
- Fixed bugs with some Forge achievements not working properly.
- Fixed bug where a third Silken Grand Armor was dropped in the Forge.
November 14, 2018
Rev. 294553 (Release)
- Fixed bug where more than one Blossomed Wreath can drop in a single Forge match.
- Fixed bug where sometimes defeating the Rhinocebros did not trigger a Victory.
- Adding Steam DLC packages for Forge Weapons Chest, Forge Armor Chest, and the All Survivors Gladiator Chest.
November 13, 2018
Rev. 294296 (Release)
- Fixed animation bug with missing legs when certain skins were used.
- Fixed Drop Your Guard quest to work with the Infernal Staff and Hearthsfire Crystals.
- Fixed a bug where of the Dash Their Hopes quest might fail to complete.
November 8, 2018 - The Forge
Rev. 293672(293880) (Release)
- The Forge is live!
The Forge Beta (since November 5, 2018)
November 7, 2018
Rev. 293501 (Test)
- Fixed crash sometimes if a client disconnects while the match is starting.
- Added Completed Quests tab on the Forge details screen.
November 6, 2018
Rev. 293172 (Test)
- Fixed crash sometimes when players disconnect while using weapon skills.
- Fixed bug where players would be stuck syncing quests in the lobby.
- Added a link to the leaderboards in the Forge menu.
November 5, 2018
Rev. 292963 (Test)
- Fixed crash sometimes when failing to sync Quest data.
Rev. 292838 (Test)
- Forge Beta is live! Click here for more info.
- NOTE: Please try relogging into Steam if the forgebeta branch does not appear right away.
October 29, 2018
Rev. 291700 (Release)
- Fixed bug where burning eyes on Totally Normal Trees sometimes do not appear while Hallowed Nights is active.
- Fixed typo in Haunted Forest Portrait.
October 26, 2018
Rev. 291481 (Release)
- Fixed crash when digging up Graves in the Caves.
- Fixed crash sometimes if crafting station is destroyed right before you finish prototyping a recipe.
- Fixed crash sometimes when giving Trinkets to the Pig King while using a modded character.
- Fixed crash during Meteor Showers for some modded worlds.
- Fixed a rare World Gen crash.
- Fixed Webber and Wes’ Hallowed Nights portrait backdrops.
- Fixed The Supernatural’s hair during certain emotes.
October 25, 2018 - Hallowed Nights
Rev. 291341 (Release)
- Hallowed Nights rises again.
- Existing worlds, with the Event world settings set to Auto, will have Hallowed Nights content retrofitted into the world.
- To create a world with all current and future events disabled, set the Event world settings to None.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash sometimes when moving items directly between containers.
October 11, 2018
Rev. 289257 (Release)
- Details will now load for all servers listed in the Server Browser.
- Lucy will no longer act like she was just equipped everytime you travel to and from Caves.
- Fixed bug where some recipes crafted as Wickerbottom are not remembered after changing characters at the Celestial Portal.
- Fixed crash sometimes when inspecting players with certain translations enabled.
- Fixed minor text sizing issue with Player Avatar Popup.
- Cornucopia portrait glow fixed.
- Music volume setting will now apply to Intro Cinematic.
October 9, 2018
Rev. 288768 (Release)
- Sorting mode in Server Browser screen is now remembered.
- Fixed issue with some dedicated servers running on Windows failing SteamGameServer_Init if Steam client was not installed.
October 5, 2018
Rev. 288455(288704) (Release)
- Resurrecting at the portal in Endless Mode will now work properly for all versions of the portal.
- Long names in chat will now truncate properly.
- Fixed audio bug when reading a Book while holding a Staff.
- Fixed bug where irreplaceable items could be removed if hit directly by a meteor.
- Added weaveable filter to collection screens.
- Added clothing presets to the lobby and wardrobe screens.
October 3, 2018
Rev. 288118 (Release)
- Despawning at the Celestial Portal will now save your crafting, map, and pet data, as well as your survived day count.
- Crafting description for On Tentacles now correctly indicates that it requires an Alchemy Engine.
- Fixed issue with some users being unable to start a server with Caves enabled.
- Fixed black box around the Marble Portrait.
October 1, 2018
Rev. 287758(287805) (Release)
- Celestial Portal in the Caves can no longer be activated.
- Celestial Orb will always show up on the Minimap, even if it is held or inside a container.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed animation bugs with Celestial Portal.
- Fixed animation bug with Werebeaver becoming invisible.
- Fixed bug where digging up an occupied Burrow did not release a Moleworm.
- Fixed bug where chat messages did not fade out.
- Fixed “Thingamabob” names in player inspect screen.
- Fixed crash sometimes when unravelling items.
September 27, 2018 - Celestial Update
Rev. 287450 (Release)
- Search for a unique Moon Rock Boulder that falls during Meteor showers to discover new Celestial crafting.
- Twitch item drops will be available to streamers and viewers.
- Character clothing selection screens updated to use new collection UI.
- Profile icons now used in chat and player status screen.
- Sort functionality added to item collection screens.
- Improved server listing performance.
- Server names and descriptions can now be hidden locally.
- Klei dedicated servers now have their own icon in the Browse Games screen.
- Added folder_name to modinfo environment, to allow for easier modder debugging.
- Long running dedicated servers will now properly backup logs periodically.
August 2, 2018
Rev. 280490 (Release)
- Recent Encounters screen has been redone.
- Player badges now indicate when a player is in a loading screen (i.e. connecting to the server, or migrating between Forest and Caves.)
- Updated Spiky Tree Portrait and Spider Nest Portrait.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed rare crash caused by haunting a Crock Pot while it is cooking Jellybeans.
- Fixed bug on clients where broken Fences did not clear pathfinding.
- Fixed bug causing Baby Beefalo to sometimes split from their herd when fully grown.
- Fixed bug preventing herds from merging properly.
- Fixed bug where Bunnymen and Pig Men inside their houses can still acquire combat targets.
July 18, 2018
Rev. 277964 (Release)
- Fixed bug with Bearger’s spawn timer.
July 17, 2018
Rev. 277795 (Release)
- The Gorge and The Gorge Tournament have come to an end.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash sometimes when shutting down a dedicated server on Linux.
July 13, 2018
Rev. 277561 (Release)
- Updated art for Mossy Gateway Portrait, Altar of Gnaw Portrait, and Pot Hanger Portrait.
- Fixed bug where some players received a Tournament Entry badge, but their score did not show up on the leaderboard. If you believe this is still happening on new matches, please let us know by submitting a bug report. (We are still investigating the possibility of restoring previously missed entries.)
- Fixed a rare crash when shutting down the game.
July 12, 2018
Rev. 277370 (Release)
- Fixed bug where overriding a World’s Event setting did not apply to Caves.
- Fix a bug where some players would get the "Unable to connect to leaderboard server" message on every match.
- Fixed Woodie’s Trader's Furs icon.
July 10, 2018
Rev. 276748(276940) (Release)
- The Gorge Tournament is live! Click here for more details.
July 9, 2018
Rev. 276644 (Release)
- Producing Syrup will no longer fail the Killing Spree achievement.
- Fixed a rare crash sometimes when unloading a modded world.
July 6, 2018
Rev. 276457 (Release)
- The Gorge event extended.
- Added new achievements for The Gorge.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug causing some servers to fail to respond to connection requests.
- Fixed crash caused by mods attempting to load missing assets.
July 4, 2018
Rev. 276158 (Release)
- Shadow Minions have slightly increased range and will continue chopping trees even if Players move off screen.
- Increased Willow’s fueling bonus.
- Improved cooking efficiency bonuses for Wilson, Wendy, and Wolfgang.
- Added indicators for stations currently affected by a cooking efficiency buff.
- Added more icons for XP awarded in the Post Match Screen.
- Improved leaderboard submission reliability and feedback when failing to connect to the leaderboard server.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash for some Players with corrupt Recipe Book data.
- Fixed bug with menu header text changing incorrectly in the Host Game screen.
June 29, 2018
Rev. 275632 (Release)
- Fixed a rare crash in the Recipe Book.
- Fixed animation bug with Bruschetta.
- Added leaderboards for fastest teams and best scores with 20 or less sacrifices made.
June 27, 2018
Rev. 275334 (Release)
- Players can now join Gorge servers via Steam friends list or invites.
- Fixed animation bug causing players to become invisible after entering the Caves.
- Fixed problems for users with large collections of items.
- Fixed critter rarity colour in the crafting menu.
June 26, 2018
Rev. 275063 (Release)
- Fixed some client crashes when disconnecting from a server or the server is resetting.
June 22, 2018
Rev. 274839 (Release)
- Fixed animation bug causing some clients to crash randomly.
June 21, 2018
Rev. 274618 (Release)
- The Gorge leaderboards have been reset! Your team’s score will now be based on the quality of your offerings over time, rather than an overall total. (Please note that the original leaderboards have been archived and can still be viewed on the website.)
- Fixed some issues preventing Players from finding their server to rejoin if they got disconnected.
June 20, 2018
Rev. 274406 (Release)
- Fixed bug caused by two Players installing or using a cooking station at the same time.
- Fixed bug causing Recipe Book ingredients not to update properly.
- Fixed bug where a server can sometimes become unjoinable even when it has open slots.
- Fixed some cases where one Player losing connection may cause other Players to be disconnected as well.
June 19, 2018
Rev. 274207 (Release)
- Improved server stability.
- Fix crash sometimes when picking up a Pot Hanger item.
- Fix crash sometimes when using the Recipe Book while food is being offered.
- Various string fixes.
June 18, 2018
Rev. 274033 (Release)
- Improved controller support for the Recipe Book.
- Additional Gorge food Profile Icons added.
- Loyal Gorge event Portrait Frame added.
Bug Fixes
- Sap can now be harvested while holding an Axe.
- Fixed issue with granting DLC items that were previously claimed on the beta branch.
- Fixed crash in Host Game screen when failing to contact Steam.
June 15, 2018
Rev. 273770 (Release)
- Improved error detection when creating a Custom Match.
- Fixed a crash sometimes at the end of a match.
- Fixed bug with Fanciful Explorer skin FX.
- Increased resolution on regular game Crock Pot foods.
June 14, 2018 - The Gorge
Rev. 273597 (Release)
- Added character perks for The Gorge.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed players not being able to join a server after the match has ended.
- Fixed in-game Recipe Book size for screen resolutions larger than 1080p.
- Recipe Book now stores the highest values earned for offerings.
The Gorge Beta (since June 12, 2018)
June 13, 2018
Rev. 273152 (Test)
- Players will now drop everything when disconnecting in The Gorge.
- Removed Fishing Rod durability in The Gorge.
- Successful offerings no longer deplete the Hangry Meter.
Rev. 273253 (Test)
- Fixed Mac OSX build.
- The Safe’s UI will no longer covered by the Hangry Meter.
June 12, 2018
Rev. 272996 (Test)
- The Gorge beta is now live!
Rev. 273106 (Test)
- Fixed Mac OSX build.
- Fixed crash when selecting Korean language.
- Fixed error starting the game if recipe book save data becomes corrupted.
- Fixed items and skins not showing properly when switching to and from Gorge Beta branch.
May 23, 2018
Rev. 269472(270528) (Release)
- Added data opt-out path including link to privacy policy ( for GDPR compliance (
March 16, 2018
Rev. 260075 (Release)
- Fixed crash when unraveling Ensemble items.
- Fixed crash when selecting a server intention while viewing the details tab.
- Fixed rare crash in the mods tab.
- Fixed minor memory leak in the main menus.
- Fixed Dryad's Tunic layering bug that was hiding the belt of the Dryad's Leggings.
- Fixed crash sometimes when fighting a Warg.
March 15, 2018
Rev. 259992 (Release)
- Year of the Varg event has ended.
- Reign of Giants and Shipwrecked DLC skin items no longer need to be claimed with a redeemable code. Those items are now automatically granted to users owning the DLC when logging in.
February 14, 2018
Rev. 255151 (Release)
- Fixed animation bug when freezing Clay Hounds.
- Fixed animation bug when using Hound Whistle while mounted.
- Fixed various clothing and skins bugs.
- Fixed missing Puppy Cap inventory icon.
- Fixed mod configs from getting applied to the wrong settings.
- Event clothing from the previous Lunar New Year is now enabled.
February 9, 2018 - Year of the Varg
Rev. 254569 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where Shadow Chesspieces and Ancient Fuelweaver were still dropping ornaments after Winter’s Feast.
- Fixed bug where Buzzards failed to respawn.
- Fixed bug where Werepigs could sometimes revert back to normal Pig Men during a Full Moon.
- Fixed bug where Lureplants would use wrong items for their lure.
- Fixed animation bug with burning Clockwork Rooks and Damaged Rooks.
- Fixed texture seams on player ghosts.
- UI anim shaders now properly support SetAddColour.
Rev. 254751 (Release)
- Fixed Warhound Helm inventory icon.
- Fixed various audio volume bugs.
- Fixed double clicking to join games from the Server Browser screen.
January 18, 2018
Rev. 251036 (Release)
- Fixed bug that caused inventories to get into a non-giftable state.
- Fixed "New!" shop flag from appearing when there aren’t new items.
January 8, 2018
Rev. 249566 (Release)
- Winter’s Feast has come to an end.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed various character skin bugs.
- Viewing game info of a Steam friend will now display the correct IP Address.
January 3, 2018
Rev. 248955 (Release)
- Deerclops's laser attack will now properly draw aggro.
- Deerclops's laser attack will now be able to hit targets that are very close.
- Improved autocomplete behaviour.
- Fixed bug where "Undo Changes" button isn't enabled when selecting default clothing.
- Fixed various character skin and clothing bugs.