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Ui button variant 1 on.png
Ui button variant 1 off.png

Woodie Portrait.png
Reminds me of momma!


Ewecus is an aggressive Mob that may spawn at the end of a series of Suspicious Dirt Piles. Upon death, it drops 4 Meat, 2-3 Steel Wool, & 1-2 Phlegm. If left alive, it drops Manure periodically, similar to Beefalo and Koalefants.

It utilizes the same increased spawning chance as a Varg, starting at 5% on Day 1 and gradually increasing to 33% by Day 100 (these values will be halved for finding Ewecus specifically). This makes hunting for Koalefants increasingly risky.

Icon Fight.png Combat

Ewecus has a short-ranged melee attack, when it will attempt to kite the player, and a long-ranged projectile attack, during which it spits mucus at the player; it will halt the player's movement on impact, similar to being frozen in the Reign of Giants DLC. The effect will fade over time; but befriended Mants Hamlet icon.png, Pigs, Royal Guards Hamlet icon.png can free the stuck player immediately. Ewecus won't use ranged mucus attack if player is sitting on Beefalo.

Ewecus will typically only use their melee attack on a player who is stuck from it’s mucus attack.

Spear.png Hunting

It is possible to dodge the projectile attack by running into the Ewecus when it is about to spit. When the spit animation starts stop your attack and run into the Ewecus thereby pushing it. This will dodge the attack and avoids getting immobilized.[1][2]

Another strategy is to either use darts or a group of allies; it cannot be effectively kited solo without using a mount. Alternatively, it can be kited while sitting on beefalo; however, precise timing might be necessary since attack window is very small (smaller than for Pig).

Below is the number of hits it takes with each weapon to kill Ewecus for characters with no damage modifiers. The Weather Pain is not included due to the random nature of its projectile.

Weapon Fishing Rod.pngBug Net.png Lucy the Axe.png Shovel.pngPitchfork.png Hammer.pngTorch.png Walking Cane.pngWillow's Lighter.png Axe.png Pickaxe.png Luxury Axe.png Opulent Pickaxe.png Boomerang.png PickSlashAxe.png Spear.png Battle Spear.png Bat Bat.png Ham Bat.png Morning Star.png Slurtle Slime.pngTentacle Spike.png Thulecite Club.pngTooth Trap.png Dark Sword.png Blow Dart.png Gunpowder.png Old Bell.png
No. of hits 118 37 30 19 17 15 12 9 - 17 7 or 12 10 9 8 5 3 1

It takes 3 blasts from the Ice Staff to be frozen and 3 Sleep Darts to be put to sleep.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Ewecus was introduced to Don't Starve Together in the Stuck in the Middle with Ewe update, and to Don't Starve (DS) in the Quality of Life update.
  • Ewecus is considered part of A New Reign, even though it was introduced before the official start of the beta branch.
  • The name "Ewecus" is a portmanteau of the words "Ewe" (a female sheep) and "Mucus".
  • If one manages to herd a Ewecus in a pen with second tier Walls, they can keep it as a pet without danger, since the Walls intercept its projectile attacks.
  • Wickerbottom's description of the Ewecus (Ovis chalybs) is Latin for "steel sheep".
  • In the game's files, there are a few unused files of Ewecus' body with most of its wool shaved off, originally meant for shaving it with a Razor for Steel Wool.

Mosquito.png Bugs

  • In DS, befriended Bunnymen cannot help a stuck player.

Blueprint.png Gallery

Ageless Watch.png History

Game Update Version Description
Don't Starve Together Stuck in the Middle with Ewe 119097 Ewecus has been added to the game.
December 9, 2014 119851 *Ewecus will unfreeze if you hit her.
*Players can no longer receive items while rooted by a slime attack.
December 10, 2014 120034 *Ewecus focuses on one target.
*Fixed a critical bug when the target disappears in the spit of the slizovtsy.
April 24, 2015 134666 Slime now only attacks NPCs with snot, as it doesn't affect other creatures.
May 15, 2015 136564 Slime snot now damages things it hits - can't hide behind walls or other players.
April 25, 2016 174923 Whip special effects no longer affect Shadow Creatures or Shadow Minions.
Don't Starve January 11, 2019 - Quality of Life 303169 Ewecus has been added to the game.
