Battlemaster Pugna

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Nox Helm.png The Forge

Wortox Portrait.png
I have no real quest, I'm just here to jest!


Battlemaster Pugna is an entity exclusive to The Forge event in Don't Starve Together. He is the leader of the inhabitants of the Forge dimension.

Gramophone.png Quotes

Official 2018 Version

--->Note that the victory quote was spoken at earlier times before all the enemy mobs were unlocked


  • "What have we here?"
  • "Gatekeepers? Ha! Have you come to return us to the Throne?"
  • "I am Battlemaster Pugna, and I protect what is mine."
  • "Warriors. Release the pigs!"

Round 1 Banter (randomly chosen)

  • "More! Overwhelm them!"
  • "More pigs!"
  • "It's good to have a challenge once again!"

Round 1 End / Round 2 Intro

  • "Impressive. You handled our foot soldiers with ease."
  • "But our battalions are trained to work together."
  • "Can you do the same? Crocommanders! To the ring!"

Round 2 Banter (randomly chosen)

  • "Fly your banners proudly, warriors!"
  • "Give the Gatekeepers no quarter!"
  • "For the Forge!"

Round 2 End / Round 3 Intro

  • "We've endured more here than you know."
  • "And as forging fires temper steel,"
  • "Hardship has only made us stronger."
  • "Now, Snortoises. Attack!"

Round 3 End / Round 4 Intro

  • "... Do you understand the forces you serve?"
  • "They destroy all They touch..."
  • "We were severed from the Throne! Trapped in a realm of stone and fire!"
  • "That is why we cannot let you win."

Round 4 Banter (randomly chosen)

  • "We... cannot lose the Forge..."
  • "End this now my warriors!"

Sending Boarilla

  • "Send in the Boarilla."

Round 4 End / Round 5 Intro

  • "Know this, Gatekeepers:"
  • "Once you are dead, we will activate the Gateway."
  • "We'll return to the hub and destroy the Throne."
  • "We will end this all, once and for all."

Round 5 Banter, part 1 (randomly chosen)

  • "The Gatekeepers must not take the Forge!"
  • "Drive the interlopers back!"
  • "Do not hold back! Kill them!"

Round 5 Banter, part 2 (randomly chosen)

  • "Destroy them!!"
  • "We will not live in the Throne's shadow!"
  • "Why are the Gatekeepers still not dead?!"

Sending Boarrior

  • "Grand Forge Boarrior!"
  • "The ring is yours! Destroy them, my champion!"

Round 6 Intro

  • "We do not fear you."
  • "But you will fear us!"
  • "Fear my new champions! Fear the Rhinocebros!"

Round 7 Intro

  • "You have had many victories, Gatekeepers..."
  • "...but from our dungeons comes our most brutal warrior."
  • "Behold: The Infernal Swineclops!"

Player Death (randomly chosen)

  • "Ha!"
  • "You are unworthy."
  • "You never stood a chance."
  • "Ha ha!"
  • "Weak."
  • "We are stronger."
  • "Well struck!"


  • "No! My Forge, felled by the Throne's lapdogs!"
  • "Please. No more, Gatekeepers. We surrender."
  • "The day is yours, as is the Gateway."


  • "At last, our realm returns to glory!"
  • "Warriors, rekindle the Gateway..."
  • "Today we take the Throne!"

Official 2017 Version


  • "What have we here?"
  • "Gatekeepers? Have you come to return us to the Throne?"
  • "Ha! Laughable."
  • "I am Battlemaster Pugna, and I protect what is mine."
  • "Warriors. Release the pigs!"

Round 1 Banter (randomly chosen)

  • "More! Overwhelm them!"
  • "More pigs!"
  • "It's good to have a challenge once again!"

Round 1 End / Round 2 Intro

  • "Impressive. You handled our foot soldiers with ease."
  • "But our battalions are trained to work together."
  • "Can you do the same? Crocommanders! To the ring!"

Round 2 Banter (randomly chosen)

  • "Fly your banners proudly, warriors!"
  • "Give the Gatekeepers no quarter!"
  • "For the Forge!"

Round 2 End / Round 3 Intro

  • "We've endured more here than you know."
  • "And as forging fires temper steel,"
  • "Hardship has only made us stronger."
  • "Now, Snortoises. Attack!"

Round 3 End / Round 4 Intro

  • "... Do you understand the forces you serve?"
  • "We were severed from the Throne! Trapped in a realm of stone and fire!"
  • "Why serve a power that deserted my people?"
  • "They destroy all They touch..."
  • "That is why we cannot let you win."

Round 4 Banter (randomly chosen)

  • "Poison them!"
  • "We... cannot lose the Forge..."
  • "End this now my warriors!"

Sending Boarilla

  • "Send in the Boarilla."

Round 4 End / Round 5 Intro

  • "Know this, Gatekeepers:"
  • "Once you are dead, we will activate the Gateway."
  • "We'll return to the hub and destroy the Throne."
  • "We will end this all, once and for all."

Round 5 Banter, part 1 (randomly chosen)

  • "The Gatekeepers must not take the Forge!"
  • "Drive the interlopers back!"
  • "Do not hold back! Kill them!"

Round 5 Banter, part 2 (randomly chosen)

  • "Destroy them!!"
  • "We will not live in the Throne's shadow!"
  • "Why are the Gatekeepers still not dead?!"

Sending Boarrior

  • "Grand Forge Boarrior!"
  • "The ring is yours! Destroy them, my champion!"

Player Death (randomly chosen)

  • "Ha!"
  • "You are unworthy."
  • "You never stood a chance."
  • "Ha ha!"
  • "Weak."
  • "We are stronger."
  • "Well struck!"


  • "No! My Forge, felled by the Throne's lapdogs!"
  • "Please. No more, Gatekeepers. We surrender."
  • "The day is yours, as is the Gateway."


  • "At last, our realm returns to glory!"
  • "Warriors, rekindle the Gateway..."
  • "Today we take the Throne!"

Beta Version


  • "What have we here?"
  • "Gatekeepers? You dare return to the Forge?"
  • "Have you come to reunite us with the Throne?"
  • "Ha! Laughable."
  • "I am Battlemaster Pugna..."
  • "And I will protect what is rightfully mine."
  • "Warriors. Prepare for battle!"

Round 1

  • "To arms!"
  • "Release the pigs!"

Round 2

  • "Ha!"
  • "We've trained in solitude for so long." / Skip quote
  • "It's good to have a challenge once again."
  • "This should be fun."

Round 3

  • "More! Overwhelm them!" / "More pigs!"

Round 4

  • "Impressive, Gatekeepers."
  • "It seems you can handle foot soldiers."
  • "But our battalions are trained to work together."
  • "You'll need to do the same."
  • "That is, if you hope to stand a chance."
  • Pause
  • "Crocommanders! To the ring!"

Round 5

  • "Fly your banners proudly, warriors!" / "Give the Gatekeepers no quarter!" / "For the Forge!"

Round 6

  • "Do you think you can win?"
  • "We've endured more in this realm than you know."
  • "And as forging fires temper steel,"
  • "Hardship has only made us stronger."
  • "We will never join you."
  • Pause
  • "Snortoises! Attack!"

Round 7

  • "How could you understand?"
  • "We were severed from the Throne."
  • "Trapped in a realm of stone and fire,"
  • "With no scepter to provide for us."
  • "Why should I serve a power that deserted my people?"
  • Pause
  • "You would have been wise to find your own realm."
  • "Seek safe haven and sever yourselves from the hub."
  • "Yet here you are."
  • "I wonder."
  • "Do you understand the forces you serve?"
  • "... They destroy all They touch."
  • "Yet They Themselves are untouchable." / Skip this one and the next one
  • "Unknowable." / Skip this one and the one before
  • "But They Themselves are untouchable. Unknowable." / Skip
  • "That is why we cannot let you win."

Round 8

  • "Poison them!" / "We... cannot lose the Forge..." / "Grrr... End this now my warriors!"
  • Pause
  • "Send in the Boarilla."

Round 9

  • "Know this, Gatekeepers:"
  • "My warriors are proud and strong." /Skip quote
  • "Once you are dead..."
  • "We will activate the Gateway."
  • "We will return to the hub and destroy the Throne." / "We'll return to the hub and destroy the Throne."
  • "Whatever way we can." / "My warriors are proud and strong."
  • "We will end this all, for good." / "And we will end this all, for good."
  • Pause
  • "Let's finish it."
  • Long Pause
  • "Drive the interlopers back!" / "Do not hold back! Kill them!" / "They must not take the Forge!"
  • Long Pause
  • "Destroy them!!" / "We will not live in the Throne's shadow!" / "Why are the Gatekeepers still not dead?!"
  • Long Pause
  • "These marauders must be destroyed!"
  • "Grand Forge Boarrior!"
  • "I call on you! The ring is yours!"
  • "Destroy them, my champion!"


  • "No!"
  • "Eons of training, only to be felled by the Throne's lapdogs."
  • "Please. No more, Gatekeepers. We surrender."
  • "The day is yours, as is the Gateway."


  • "At last, our realm returns to glory!"
  • "Warriors, rekindle the Gateway..."
  • "Today we take the Throne!"


  • "Crocoviles! To the ring!" (Round 4, final line)
  • "Tortanks! Attack!" (Round 6, final line)


Round 1 Bonus Banter

  • "Ha!"
  • "Push them back!"
  • "We cannot be defeated!"
  • "For our future!"
  • "Honor. Glory. Redemption!"

Round 3 Banter

  • "Fight with all you have."
  • "Do not give in..."
  • "Defeat is not an option."
  • "We... cannot lose..."
  • "Grr..."
  • "Our Forge, our proving grounds..."

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • During his laugh animation a small figure is knocked out from under his helmet, appearing to be a tiny action figure of Hazard, a character from Hot Lava, one of Klei's other games.
  • Battlemaster Pugna's spawn code is "boarlord". However, it's impossible to spawn Battlemaster Pugna in the regular game, while the Console is not available at all on The Forge servers.
  • According to Rhymes with Play #162, Pugna was originally from "our world", before he arrived at the Forge.
  • Pugna's voice was changed multiple times during The Forge beta.
  • His name, "pugna", is literally translated as "war" in Latin.
    • The word also carries similar connotations in certain Romance languages, such as "conflict" in Spanish, "battle" in Italian, and "struggle" in Portuguese.

Blueprint.png Gallery

Gramophone.png Sounds

Pugna's voice.