Steadfast Grand Armor

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Nox Helm.png The Forge

Steadfast Grand Armor is an unlockable item added in The Forge 2018 event. The community needed to defeat the Great Crucible Hog Warrior N times to unlock the durable Great Armor. After unlocking, it drops on the 9th wave from the Svinorilla, instead of the second hardstone armor.

It is armor for the body cell. Like hardstone armor, it protects against knockbacks. Also, it has a unique feature - the addition of 100 points of maximum health to the wearer.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Knockback protection and extra health are what the team's tanks need. In the late game, you can give it to a runner (most often it is Woody).