Abigail Lillian Carter is Wendy's older twin sister, now dead and thus, a ghost. Wendy can manifest her using her unique starting item, Abigail's Flower. Abigail defends herself and Wendy against attacking Mobs, and she attacks anything that Wendy attacks (even if Wendy withdraws).
Summoning Abigail costs 50 from Wendy and the death of a single creature. She is weaker at Daytime and powerful at Night.
In Don't Starve, Abigail has a maximum of 600 Health, and when significantly damaged she appears worried and distressed. She slowly regenerates health at a rate of 1 per second, and she can be healed using items like Healing Salves, Spider Glands, or Honey Poultices. If she loses all of her health, she retreats into her flower and needs to recharge before being summoned once again by Wendy.
Abigail has a rapid area-of-effect attack that damages all enemies next to her. If she attacks pack mobs like Spiders or Beefalo, she can incite the whole group. Abigail can also damage Spider Dens, Beehives, and Killer Bee Hives. She does not attack any mobs that don't threaten her or Wendy first, except for neutral Pikos, Treeguards and Fishermerms. If her target doesn't appear interested in her or Wendy or if Wendy moves far enough away, Abigail settles down after about two seconds of fighting.
Abigail follows Wendy everywhere, including Caves, but she keeps a minimum distance from her. Abigail can keep up with her as long as she stays off Roads and Cobblestones and doesn't use a Walking Cane. If they get too separated, Abigail teleports to just outside Wendy's sight.
Abigail cannot be frozen by the Ice Staff, and she cannot help Wendy fight Shadow Creatures or Ghosts. Abigail's kills do not count as Wendy's kills; as such, they do not increase her Naughtiness level.
If Wendy intentionally attacks Abigail using the force attack control, Abigail can be destroyed in one single hit, disappearing and leaving her flower on the ground. This can be used as a method to dismiss her at will.
In Don't Starve Together, Abigail can be utilized alongside Wendy to deal bonus damage against boss mobs thanks to the vulnerabilty applied and Wendy's stronger attacks. This can prove useful to kill stronger foes rapidly if one (or more players) is fast to not let Abigail die, even though she will likely fall to very enduring bosses such as Deerclops and Bearger.
Abigail can effectively stun-lock a group of Spiders while taking very little damage herself. Wendy should use her sister's support to her advantage when attacking a Spider Den; though the player should be aware of the fact that such stuns are ineffective on Spider Warriors.
It takes almost 10 minutes for Abigail to regenerate from 1 HP to her full 600 HP.
Crows and other flying birds flee before Abigail can attack. Rabbits on the other hand can be outrun by Abigail, though it takes her multiple hits to kill a rabbit in daylight.
When hunting a Koalefant, Abigail can draw out the animal's aggression. When Wendy engages an attack, Abigail attacks too, likely getting the first hit. This makes it unnecessary to craft a ranged weapon or chase the animal into a corner when Abigail is available.
Abigail will protect Wendy from aggressive Bees that come out after harassing a Beehive or gathering Honey from a Bee Box. Bees in the area of effect are easily stun-locked, opening an opportunity to catch them with a Bug Net for use in Bee Mines or more Bee Boxes.
In Don't Starve Together, Abigail will also attack any aggressive bees within range of a Tent or Siesta Lean-to while Wendy is sleeping.
For Abigail to leave cultivated Bees alone, their Bee Boxes should be a good distance away from Wendy's camp to prevent her from killing the bees.
Abigail's increased damage during dusk and night should be taken advantage of. She is twice as strong at dusk, and four times as strong during night, dealing respectively 10 , 20 and 40 .
Abigail is no match for a herd of Beefalo in heat. Any Beefalo pens need to be sealed well or kept far from camp to prevent any mishaps involving Abigail.
An easy way to summon Abigail is to kill a Butterfly. Wendy can kill these creatures in one hit while unarmed, and doing so will be enough for the blood pact.
Wendy can also spawn Abigail easily by using a Fleshy Bulb in Winter. The Lureplant it spawns can be killed and replaced to spawn Abigail. Though its Eyeplants lie dormant during the cold season, they can also be used to summon Abigail in warmer seasons.
During dusk, Pigs without homes to hide in will see Abigail as a source of light and follow her.
In the Shipwrecked DLC, Abigail can outrun a Dogfish, and given enough time she can kill it.
Abigail will not fight shadow creatures, meaning the player can't count on Abigail's help if Wendy's sanity is low.
In Don't Starve Together, if the player wants Abigail to be Riled up, it must be mindful of the fact that when descending or exiting the caves Abigail will automatically be set on Soothe status.
In the Don't Starve TogetherWendy character refresh, Abigail's full name is revealed to be Abigail Lillian Carter.
When Abigail gets close to Wendy, she can hear her whispering.
Kevin Forbes has stated that Abigail is jealous of Chester, and she used to kill him.[1] This feature was removed in the Doorway to Adventure Update.
Before the Strange New Powers update, Abigail used to appear during the night (disappearing the next day) at least once every 3 nights, but this was changed to her current method of spawning. Since Abigail no longer despawns at day, she can stay with Wendy for extended periods of time. As a result, her ghostly voice was made much quieter.
Abigail's default damage is actually 20 in the lua files; it is halved during daytime due to the light, rather than growing stronger at dusk.
Summoning Abigail used to cost 25 sanity, but as of the Moderately Friendly Update, the cost had doubled to 50.
In previous versions of Don't Starve, Abigail would harm Wendy and other mobs when she got too close.
Although it is no longer possible to change characters without destroying the current world, Klei Entertainment still added examination quotes for Abigail for new Characters after said update.
If Abigail is spawned via console, she will not follow or defend Wendy, and she can be attacked without the 'Force Attack' command. Doing this will make Abigail retaliate like a normal mob.
Wendy's Ghost in Don't Starve Together is an almost exact horizontally flipped copy of Abigail. The only difference is the color of her flower, which is yellow, despite Wendy's flower being red in life.
Like all other ghosts in Don't Starve Together, an option to give Abigail a Telltale Heart is available, but it will not be able to revive her, as Abigail is spiritually bound to her flower, according to Wickerbottom.[2]
In the Compendium, Wendy's birthday is listed as November 11, and considering Abigail is her twin, it's very likely that this is Abigail's birthday as well.
According to Kevin Forbes, Abigail died under mysterious circumstances.[1][3]
The Wish You Were Here cinematic hints that the cause of Abigail's death might be from falling off a cliff after losing her footing on some rocks. However, the format of this short leaves it ambiguous about which parts actually happened, and what is just Wendy's imagination.
In Don't Starve Together, despite not being in Rile Up, Abigail is aggressive around Passive mobs such as Moleworms and Rabbits.
In 2023 Klei Developers made a Don't Starve holiday card which shows some Don't Starve characters making a snowman, which was based on an old victorian card called Weird Snowman.
In the singleplayer version, Abigail can fly out over water and get stuck. This causes her to sit in the same spot. If however the character walks close to her she will go further out over the water, but not come back to land. One way to get her back is to travel in a Worm Hole. She will then spawn next to Wendy at the end of the Worm Hole's animation.
However, if that world is compatible with the Shipwrecked DLC, Abigail can fly freely between water and land just like she does in the Shipwrecked world.
Abigail can be duplicated if Wendy dies in a Cave and respawns with a Touch Stone. She will have Abigail's Flower in her inventory, so she can wait two days to summon Abigail then re-enter the Cave. She will find another Abigail waiting for her.
If Wendy enters the cave with Abigail's Flower in her inventory, all instances of Abigail will be erased.
In single player Don't Starve, if Abigail is hit by Weather Pain's projectile, she will try to attack and no longer follow Wendy.
When playing DST on Xbox One edition, you can attack Abigail, but she will not counterattack. Even Wendy can damage her.
Abigail has an attack that damages all enemies near her.
↑Wickerbottom quotes: Failed to revive Abigail- "Her spirit is already bound to something in this world."
↑Interview with Kevin Forbes by Jenesee Grey: (7:16) "Wendy is kind of a goth-y kind of character, she's a bit morose. There's some kind of backstory there with her twin sister who died under mysterious circumstances." Recorded on January 22, 2013, uploaded on February 18, 2013.
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these Mobs