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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Waxwell Portrait.png
That's a fluffy... thing.


The Mosling is a Mob in the Don't Starve Together, spawned from an Egg on a nest made by a Moose/Goose during Spring. Nearby Moslings will form a herd centered around a single nest. They will roam around eating various Food they can find, including foods from Crock Pots and drying racks. When Spring ends, the Moslings will take flight and ascend into the sky. If killed, a Mosling will increase the player's Naughtiness level by 6.

Under normal circumstances they try to avoid conflict, and will run from an aggressor. If attacked while their parent is alive, all members of the herd will run toward the nest and call for help, causing a Moose/Goose to land and protect them. If the Moose/Goose is slain, the Moslings will become enraged and attack the player. Moslings attack by spinning so fast that they appear as a whirlwind which radiates electricity, travelling in a straight line. For each Mosling, for each block of 2.5 second of whirlwind attack animation, there is 10% chance for them to be struck by Lightning (which does not damage them) and rain to start falling for a short period. The mosling whirlwind attack has 10% chance of stopping after each block of 2.5 second, or when the mosling is 10 unit away from the player. After each attack they will become dizzy for a short period of time, making them vulnerable to counterattacks.

Tentacle Spike.png Strategy

  • Lure the Moslings into a herd of Beefalo in heat. Be sure to have a Beefalo Hat equipped.
  • Recruit a group of Pigs and/or Bunnymen (be sure not to pick up any meat, if using the latter, or they will turn aggressive towards the player).
  • It's possible to use a temporary "panic room", with some sort of food in the center, to prevent the Moslings from spreading out too much. They will walk through to eat the item, triggering tooth traps while doing so. The trap-saturated hall should be as narrow as possible, due to the Moslings' fast movement speed. Hitting corners will make them stop for a moment, giving the traps a better chance of triggering (and/or giving allies more time to hit them).
  • When Frog Rain occurs, the player can attempt to use the Frogs to kill the Moslings. This strategy also works against Moose/Goose.
  • If near the swamp, lure the enraged moslings there to allow tentacles to kill them.
  • Wear some kind of lightning-immunity clothes, ensure light and have enough weapons to kill the entire Mosling pack. Kill Moose. When approached by now enraged Moslings quickly dodge by changing movement direction once one begins its spin attack next to you. Follow last dodged Mosling, wait till it's spin attack animation ends and land 2-4 hits. Dodge next wave of attacks and repeat until all enemies are dead. This strategy theoretically does not require armor (although it's, as always, recommended as backup plan) but one should plan it to ensure light and anti-lightning insulation (getting stunned at wrong moment might mean death if you are not wearing armor/are at low hp). It should be noted that this strategy is high risk-high reward as it is unlikely that one will be able to run away from enraged Moslings (road + Walking Cane might work though).
  • If the player obtained an Eyebrella during Winter, one can use this alongside a Log Suit to have damage reduction and lightning immunity. One can then treat the fight as if one was fighting a large pack of Hounds or similar. Be patient and wait for opportunities to hit - don't get attacked by many at once!

Below is the number of hits it takes with each weapon to kill a Moslings when playing with characters with a default damage modifier. The Weather Pain is not included due to the random nature of its projectile.

Number of Hits
Item File:Moslings.png
Old Bell.png Reign of Giants icon.png 1 0 0
Obsidian Coconade.png Shipwrecked icon.png 2 0 0
Coconade.png Shipwrecked icon.png Hamlet icon.png 3 0 0
Spear Gun Obsidian.png Shipwrecked icon.png 3 - 4 Charged.png 0 - 0 Charged.png 0 - 0 Charged.png
3 0 0
Bee Mine.png ≥4 ≥0 ≥0
Spear Gun Battle.png Shipwrecked icon.png 4 as Wigfrid Portrait.png 0 as Wigfrid Portrait.png 0 as Wigfrid Portrait.png
Spear Gun Spear.png Spear Gun Poison.png Shipwrecked icon.png 6 0 0
Obsidian Spear.png Shipwrecked icon.png 6 - 11 0 - 0 0 - 0
Blow Dart.png 6 0 0
Electric Dart.png Don't Starve Together icon.png 6 (4 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png)
Dark Sword.png
Glass Cutter.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
8 0 0
Cutlass Supreme.png Shipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png 8 0 0
Tooth Trap.png 9 0 0
Pew-matic Horn.png Hamlet icon.png 16, 12 or 9 0, 0 or 0 0, 0 or 0
Thulecite Club.png 9 0 0
Ham Bat.png 9 - 18 0 - 0 0 - 0
Obsidian Axe.png Shipwrecked icon.png 10 - 20 - Charged.png 0 - 0 - Charged.png 0 - 0 - Charged.png
Tentacle Spike.png

Cursed Rounds.png Marbles.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png

11 0 0
Slurtle Slime.png 11 0 0
Halberd.png Hamlet icon.png 12 0 0
Morning Star.png Reign of Giants icon.png 13 (8 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png)
Bat Bat.png
Battle Spear.png Reign of Giants icon.png
13 0 0
Bramble Trap.png Don't Starve Together icon.png 14 0 0

Moon Glass Axe.png Gold Rounds.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

16 0 0
Trident.png Shipwrecked icon.png 16 (6 Toy Boat.png) 0 (0 Toy Boat.png) 0 (0 Toy Boat.png)
PickSlashAxe.png 18 0 0
Machete.png Shipwrecked icon.png Hamlet icon.png 18 0 0
Boomerang.png Axe.png Pickaxe.png Brush.png

Tail o' Three Cats.png Malbatross Bill.png Bull Kelp Stalk.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

20 0 0
Stalking Stick.png Hamlet icon.png 26 0 0
Eyeshot.png Shipwrecked icon.png 27 0 0
Saddlehorn.png Hammer.png Pitchfork.png Shovel.png Walking Cane.png Willow's Lighter.png Torch.png

Whirly Fan.png Driftwood Oar.png Oar.png Slow-Down Rounds.png Pebbles.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

31 0 0
Lucy the Axe.png 39 0 0
Bug Net.png Fishing Rod.png
124 0 0

Prototype.png Tips

  • Another method, albeit lengthy, requiring more resources, and more difficult to put into place, is to surround the egg with Tooth Traps and then proceed to break open the egg. If they become enraged, try to dodge their attacks and reset the traps. Eventually they will all die. However, this strategy requires at least 15-20 tooth traps, making it quite expensive.
  • Moslings can easily be killed while they are not enraged. However, this method involved slaying Moslings away from their parent. Simply make a room out of walls and put some food in the middle, then close the room while the moslings are inside. Kill the moslings safely in this room, making sure they are distanced from the nest.
  • If the Moslings are allowed to spread out after hatching, they can be hard to kill due to their speed. A group of enraged Moslings can easily overwhelm even an armoured player. It's highly advisable to recruit other creatures to deal with them, while the player focuses on dodging their whirlwind attacks and directing them towards narrow areas where they are easier to hit.
  • If the player is wearing insulation items (Rain Hat, Rain Coat or Eyebrella) or builds a Lightning Rod nearby, fighting Moslings can be easier due to the fact that it prevents the player from taking damage struck by lightning.
  • Moslings cannot damage Walls.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Mosling is a portmanteau of the words "moose" and "gosling", the latter of which is a baby goose. This most likely means that the Mosling is an adolescent version of the Moose/Goose.
  • Moslings and Splumonkeys are the only two mobs in Reign of Giants DLC which can harvest crops from farms and food items from Crock Pots. Unlike Splumonkeys however (which steal harvested items and keep them in their inventory), Moslings eat anything they find, allowing them to wreak havoc on a player's base.

Blueprint.png Gallery