Wavey Jones

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Wavey Jones is a Shadow Creature exclusive to Don't Starve Together introduced in Return of Them. A Wavey Jones spawns on the ocean in place of Night Hands, appearing for players with sanity below 75%. It attaches to the border of a boat and spawns two hands on the deck.

The two hands try to raise Anchors and Masts and lower Winged Sails. If a player on the boat has less than 50% sanity they also try to extinguish Fires. If a player has less than 25% sanity they also try to remove Boat Patches and Trusty Tapes. Removed Boat Patches create a small leak, 50 hull damage and drops 1 Boat Patch. Removed Trusty Tapes create a small leak and drop a Trusty Tape.

Players can stay close to the hands to force them to retract briefly. Wavey Jones's body will be driven off by the proximity of a player, but will reappear 10 seconds later. Wavey Jones disappears completely after being driven off for the third time or when daylight appears.

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Cultural References

  • Wavey Jones' name is a reference to the phrase Davy Jones' Locker, which is a common metaphor for drowning among sailors