Prime Mate

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wilson Portrait.png
A nice hat is always a clear indicator of who's in charge.


The Prime Mate is a Mob exclusive to Don't Starve Together, Introduced in The Curse of Moon Quay update.

A Prime Mate appears as part of a Pirate raid, wielding a Battle Paddle which it uses to move the boat. On death it will drop 1-2 Tree Jams, Battle Paddle, a Captain's Tricorn, a Pirate Map, a Meat, an Accursed Trinket and a Banana Shake (20% chance).

Brain.png Behavior

The Prime Mate is the captain of a pirate crew that raids the player's boat. He wears a Captain's Tricorn hat on his head, which allows the Pirate Sloop to take half the damage from collisions and reduces the speed of the boat's durability loss by half.

Prime Mates will not let anyone (except for Monkeys) step on their boat, attacking any intruders that step on it. If all the Powder Monkeys have been killed, the Prime Mate will row the boat and run away.

When the Pirate Sloop has leak, the Prime Mate can fix it with Tree Jam, up to 2 times. Once the boat is about to sink and the boat is near land, Prime Mates will attemp to jump on land. Prime Mates is passive while on land. It will wander around but will not attack when players get close. If nowhere to escape, the Prime Mate will jump into water and drop all its loot without Accursed Trinket.

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  • The name "Prime Mate" is a pun on word "primate", and possibly on the term "first mate", a position on ship crews.

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