Ink Blight

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Ink Blights are Shadow Aligned mobs that appear when players approach a Nightmare Fissure with a Dreadstone Outcrop. All Ink Blights possess Planar Entity Protection, reducing the damage dealt to them by regular weapons and thus making Planar Damage weapons more effective.

Looking at the Ink Blights will simply display each of their names as "Ink Blight". However, Characters with their respective Shadow Affinity perks are able to see their real names.

There are two types of Ink Blights groups:

  1. Jitters, Rasp and Shriek: They appear in triplicate, always spawning one Shriek, one Rasp and one Jitters. The Ink Blights will take turns attacking the player in a predictable cycle, with the attack frequency of the remaining Ink Blights increasing as some Ink Blights are killed.
  2. Three Rictus: Only one stealthy Rictus will attack the player at a time. Once one Rictus is revealed, the second Rictus will appear after some time. A total of three Rictus can spawn.

If all three Ink Blights are killed, the Dreadstone Outcrop will disappear.


Wilson Portrait.png
The wings seem to be just for show.


Shriek is a hostile creature added to Don't Starve Together. It has 800 health and deals 25 normal damage and 30 Planar Damage. It does not attack at close range, but fires six projectiles towards the player, covering a pentagonal area. If the player is not in the attack radius, then it fires six projectiles in an arc.

It drops 2 Dark Tatters, 2 Pure Horror, and 1 Nightmare Fuel upon death, as well as an additional Dark Tatter, Pure Horror, and Nightmare Fuel with a 67%, 33%, 67% chance, respectively.


Willow Portrait.png
Go snack on somebody else!


Rasp is a hostile creature added to Don't Starve Together. It has 1200 health and deals 20 normal damage and 20 Planar Damage.

It has two types of attack: a jump and a tentacle attack. If the target is standing next to the Rasp, it will deliver five quick tentacle strikes, dealing 20 normal + 20 planar damage each time. If the target is at a distance, the Rasp will jump on the target, trying to swallow it. If the Rasp managed to swallow a player, then it will chew the character six times, dealing a total of 120 normal + 120 planar damage. If it fails to swallow a target, then it will deal damage in an area as it falls, dealing 20 normal + 20 planar damage and causing large Knockback. During the fall, it destroys structures under it. This attack also dismounts players that are riding on a Beefalo.

It drops a guaranteed 3 Dark Tatters, 1 Pure Horror, and 2 Nightmare Fuel, as well as an additional Dark Tatters, Pure Horror, and Nightmare Fuel at 33%, 50%, 67% chances on death.


Wanda Portrait.png
Try all you might, you'll never catch me!


Jitters is a hostile creature added to Don't Starve Together. It has 1000 health and deals 35 normal damage and 20 Planar Damage.

When attacking a target, it begins to jump in their direction, dealing damage from each landing on hit. If it catches up to its target, it will deal damage once and stop. During the attack, it is able to jump over any obstacles in its path.

It drops a guaranteed 3 Dark Tatters, 1 Pure Horror, and 2 Nightmare Fuel, as well as an additional Dark Tatters, Pure Horror, and Nightmare Fuel at 33%, 50% and 67% chances respectively on death.


Wilson Portrait.png
It's a mouthy one.


It lurks in the shadows... You'll need to find a way to expose it before you can attack it.

-Scrapbook Description

Rictus is a hostile creature added to Don't Starve Together. When the player walks close to a Dreadstone Outcrop a group of three Rictus may spawn instead of Shriek, Rasp and Jitters. Unlike the other trio the Rictus will not play a spawning animation, instead being revealed by their seemingly disembodied smile that will attempt to bite the player. While in stealth a Rictus cannot be targeted or examined. To uncover a Rictus the player must use an area-of-effect (AOE) attack or an attack that doesn't require selecting an enemy. If the player does not engage with a Rictus and leaves the immediate area it will re-enter stealth after a short while. Also unlike the other Ink Blights, Rictus will not drop a Magnificent Adornment during the Winter's Feast event.

Some effective ways to reveal Rictus are:

Depths Worm Shrine.png Year of the Depths Worm

Only during the Event: Depths Worm Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Depths Worm
During the Year of the Depths Worm event, Rictus drops 5 Lucky Gold Nuggets.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The Ink Blights were introduced in the Terrors Below update.
  • The Ink Blights having red cloth tied around bodies made entirely of shadow makes them strongly resemble the Ancient Herald.
  • On the Rhymes With Play august 22, 2024 the developers said that Rictus was inspired by the Cheshire Cat.

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