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Ui button variant 1 off.png
Ui button variant 1 on.png

When a player or mob is attacked or exposed to an environmental hazard, it takes a series of calculations to determine how much Damage it takes, i.e. how much Health it loses.


Physical Damage

Physical Damage is the most common type of damage in the game. Every mob, before enabling Rifts, only deals physical damage that can be absorbed by Armor's Protection or reduced by mobs' Planar Entity Protection.

Physical Damage can be affected by damage multipliers, such as:

Weapons with Physical Damage

Almost every Weapon deals physical damage, more or less. It is recommended for players to get a Ham Bat or Dark Sword for their high damage. These weapons, however, will not be as efficient against Rift mobs with Planar Entity Protection.

Planar Damage

Planar Damage is a new type of damage introduced in From Beyond, and it does not get affected by the damage multipliers mentioned above. Unlike Physical Damage, Planar Damage cannot be blocked by Armor's Protection or reduced by Planar Entity Protection. It is only affected by Armor's Planar Defense or Damage Reduction.

Creatures with Planar Damage

Mobs Physical Damage Planar Damage Mobs Physical Damage Planar Damage
Navbox Grazer.png
50 10
Navbox Deadly Brightshade.png
Deadly Brightshade
(100 When attacked)
(30 When attacked)
Navbox Fused Shadeling.png
Fused Shadeling
(50 Fused Shadeling Bomb.png)
(20 Fused Shadeling Bomb.png)
Navbox Shriek.png
25 30
Navbox Jitters.png
35 20
Navbox Rasp.png
20 20
Navbox Armored Bearger.png
Armored Bearger
87 30 Navbox Crystal Deerclops.png
Crystal Deerclops
75 30
Navbox Possessed Varg.png
Possessed Varg
20 (coldfire)
20 Navbox Bright-Eyed Frog.png
Bright-Eyed Frog
10 5

Weapons with Planar Damage

Weapons Physical Damage Planar Damage Weapons Physical Damage Planar Damage
Brightshade Sword.png
Brightshade Sword
38 30
Brightshade Bomb.png
Brightshade Bomb
0 200
Brightshade Staff.png
Brightshade Staff
0 10
Brightshade Smasher.png
Brightshade Smasher
32,5 10
Brightshade Shoevel.png
Brightshade Shoevel
17,2 10
Shadow Reaper.png
Shadow Reaper
38-41,8 18-23
34 34 Charged Elding Spear.png
Charged Elding Spear
74.37 (111.5 Wettargetdamage.png)
(Wigfrid Portrait.png)

Other Damage

Additional Damage Multiplier

Here are some additional damage multipliers that affect both Physical Damage and Planar Damage.

  • Characters with a Skill Tree can choose Lunar Affinity or Shadow Affinity.
    • Lunar Affinity: +10% protection from Lunar Aligned mobs and +10% damage to Shadow Aligned mobs.
    • Shadow Affinity: +10% protection from Shadow Aligned mobs and +10% damage to Lunar Aligned mobs.
  • Brightshade Sword.png deals 10% more total damage to Shadow Aligned mobs.
  • Brightshade Helm.png buff Brightshade Sword.pngBrightshade Smasher.pngBrightshade Shoevel.png damage by 10% and make Brightshade Staff.png bounce 6 times instead 4 times.
  • Shadow Reaper.png deals 10% more total damage to Lunar Aligned mobs.
  • Void Cowl.png makes Shadow Reaper.png deals more Physical and Planar damage.


Glommer's Flower.png See also: Armor for a list of armors.

Armor is a type of item that the player can wear to reduce the damage taken from threats. Armor generally has two stats called Protection and Planar Defense, which are used to block Physical Damage and Planar Damage respectively.

Some mobs like Pigs and Bunnymen can also wear head slot armor to get benefits from the protection.


Physical Damage Taken = Physical Damage * (1 - Highest Protection)
  1. Armor absorbs Physical Damage from hits equal proportion to their Protection value.
  2. If wearing more than one piece of armor, only the highest protection is taken into account.
  3. Damage is split among all of the worn armors, weighed by their Protection value.
  4. Unabsorbed physical damage is then subtracted from the character's or mob's Health Meter.png, subject to further damage reduction like from Garlic Powder or Wigfrid's natural defense.

Planar Defense

Note: Planar Defense is not Planar Entity Protection!

Planar Damage Taken = Planar Damage - Sum of all Planar Defense
  1. Armor absorbs Planar Damage from hits equal quantity to their Planar Defense value.
  2. Damage is evenly distributed to each armor until it reaches the Planar Defense they have.
  3. Unabsorbed planar damage is then subtracted from the character's or mob's Health Meter.png, subject to further damage reduction like from Garlic Powder or Wigfrid's natural defense.

For mobs that deal a low amount of planar damage, such as the Grazer, the amount of planar damage dealt can be reduced into the negatives with this formula. A negative amount of total planar damage received simply means the target takes no planar damage.


Example: Attack damage of a Spider Queen (80 physical + 0 planar) to a character equipped with a Grass Suit.png and a Football Helmet.png will be distributed as follows:

  • 60% < 80%
  • 80 × 80% = 64 physical damage is absorbed by two armor
    • 64 * 60%/(80%+60%) ≈ 28 is absorbed by Grass Suit.png
    • 64 * 80%/(80%+60%) ≈ 37 is absorbed by Football Helmet.png
  • 0+0 = 0 planar damage is absorbed by two armor
    • 0 planar damage is absorbed by Grass Suit.png
    • 0 planar damage is absorbed by Football Helmet.png
  • (80 − 64) + (0 - 0) = 16 damage is take by the character's Health Meter.png (This is not the final health change, but multiplied by the damage reduction.)

Another example: Attack damage of a Rasp (20 physical + 20 planar) to a character equipped with a Brightshade Armor.png and a W.A.R.B.I.S. Head Gear.png will be distributed as follows:

  • 80% < 85%
  • 20 × 85% = 17 physical damage is absorbed by two armor.
    • 17 * 80%/(85%+80%) ≈ 8.24 is absorbed by Brightshade Armor.png
    • 17 * 85%/(85%+80%) ≈ 8.75 is absorbed by W.A.R.B.I.S. Head Gear.png
  • 10+5 = 15 planar damage is absorbed by two armor.
    • 10 planar damage is absorbed by Brightshade Armor.png
    • 5 planar damage is absorbed by W.A.R.B.I.S. Head Gear.png
  • (20 − 17) + (20 - 15) = 8 damage is take by the character's Health Meter.png (This is not the final health change, but multiplied by the damage reduction.)

Damage Taken Calculation

How Damage Work 2.png

Besides Armors, there are multiple ways to reduce damage taken.

Damage Taken Modifiers

This is a Damage Modifier that takes effect based on the Tags that opposing mobs or characters have, and works on both Physical Damage and Planar Damage. Currently it is only used for affinity with Lunar aligned mobs and Shadow aligned mobs.

  • Some armors have Damage Taken Modifiers against Lunar or Shadow aligned mobs. This applies before armors' defense against physical and planar damage.
    • Brightshade Helm.pngBrightshade Armor.pngBrambleshade Armor.png: each +10% against Lunar aligned mobs, +5% extra for set bonus.
    • Dreadstone Helm.pngDreadstone Armor.png: each +10% extra against Shadow aligned mobs.
    • Void Cowl.pngVoid Robe.png: each +10% against Shadow aligned mobs, +5% extra for set bonus.
  • Characters with a Skill Tree can choose Lunar Affinity or Shadow Affinity.
    • Lunar Affinity: +10% protection from Lunar Aligned mobs and +10% damage to Shadow Aligned mobs.
    • Shadow Affinity: +10% protection from Shadow Aligned mobs and +10% damage to Lunar Aligned mobs.

Physical Damage Taken Modifiers

Planar Entity Protection

Glommer's Flower.png Main article: Planar Entity Protection

Planar Entity Protection is a unique type of damage reduction that applies to planar mobs introduced in From Beyond. This formula calculates how much hit damage will be taken by a mob with planar entity protection:

Damage Taken = 8 * √(Physical Damage + 16) - 32 + Planar Damage

Given that it only reduces Physical Damage and not Planar Damage, weapons with Planar Damage can deal much higher damage to mobs with Planar Entity Protection than weapons without Planar Damage.

Damage Reduction

This reduction applies to physical damage, planar damage, fire damage, freezing damage, overheating damage, and every other kind of damage.

  • Wigfrid has 25% damage reduction.
  • Wooodie's Weremoose has 90% damage reduction. With the Weremoose Mastery skill unlocked, he gains 15 Planar Defense.
  • Eating dishes with Garlic Powder gives 33% damage reduction for 4 minutes.
  • Toadstool with 1 or more Sporecaps. Its damage reduction increases with the number of Sporecaps.
  • Enraged Klaus has 64% damage reduction.
  • Rock Lobster, Slurtle and Snurtle can retreat into their shells and gain 95% Damage Reduction.
  • Celestial Champion Phase 1 can shields itself and gain 80% Damage Reduction.