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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
I assumed it was a form of electricity, but it seems to be something else entirely...


A Moongleam is an item exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in Return of Them. They will randomly form and float around inside Moonstorms in a similar manner to Spores and can similarly be caught with a Bug Net.

Floating Moongleams will crackle every 5-15 seconds with electricity, dealing 10 damage to players, mobs and structures with health such as walls in 4 tiles around them. Astroggles in the radius, whether equipped, in inventory or on the floor, are recharged by 10% with each crackle.

When there are more than 10 Moongleams on the floor within a radius of 20 tiles, they will be deleted within 30 seconds.

It takes 15 Moongleams in total to complete the Lunar Siphonator and summon the Celestial Champion. Five Moongleams are needed to build the first stage of the Lunar Siphonator, and an additional ten are required to complete the second stage.

Moongleams can be used to force the Unnatural Portal in the Moon Quay Island to generate items.

Icon Tools.png Usage





Electrical Doodad.png
Electrical Doodad.png
Blueprint (rare).png
Incomplete Experiment.png

Prototype.png Tips

  • Storing Moongleams in an Insulated Pack allows them to last for longer than an in-game year. This is useful if the player wishes to stockpile them for multiple Celestial Champion fights or all-at-once Unnatural Portal farming, without having to deal with catching them again after opening a Bundling Wrap.
  • The lightning damage of Moongleams can be avoided by wearing lightning proof clothes such as Rain Coat.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The Moongleam was introduced in the Eye of the Storm update.
  • The Moongleams deal electrical damage, which can charge the Volt Goat, but their damage is not affected by wetness.