Mismatched Buttons

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Ui button variant 1 on.png
Ui button variant 1 off.png

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Webber Portrait.png
None of them match!


The Mismatched Buttons have a 4.17% chance of being found when digging up a grave. They can be traded to the Pig King for 7 Gold Nuggets.

The Mismatched Buttons can be spawned into the game with the code "trinket_9".

Mismatched Buttons.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


Mismatched Buttons.png
Yaarctopus Icon.png


Shipwrecked icon.png
Mismatched Buttons.png
Pig Collector.png
Hamlet icon.png

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Under the old research method, Trinkets were one of the best ways of gaining research points (80 points).

Blueprint.png Gallery