Dark Tatters/DST

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Ui button variant 1 off.png
Ui button variant 1 on.png

Exclusive to: Hamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
This content is available only after activating the Map Icon Shadow Rift.png Shadow Rift

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Scary little rags.


Dark Tatters are a crafting item within both the Hamlet DLC and Don't Starve Together. In Don't Starve Together, Dark Tatters are used in the creation of Void Gear at the Shadowcraft Plinth. The four pieces of Void gear currently in the game are the Umbralla, Void Cowl, Void Robe and Shadow Reaper. They are obtained by defeating any of the three Ink Blight that spawn from Shadow Rifts.

Icon Tools.png Usage

Dark Tatters DST.png
Pure Horror.png


Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Pure Horror.png
Pure Horror.png
Pure Horror.png
Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Shadow Reaper.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Pure Horror.png


Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Possessed Shadow Atrium.png
Pure Horror.png


Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Shadow Maul.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Possessed Shadow Atrium.png


Pure Horror.png


Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Beefalo Gloom Bell.png
Dark Tatters DST.png


Possessed Shadow Atrium.png


Pure Horror.png


Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Nightmare Saddle.png
Dark Tatters DST.png


Pure Horror.png


Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Void Robe.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Pure Horror.png


Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Void Cowl.png
Dark Tatters DST.png
Pure Horror.png
Shadowcraft Plinth.png
Void Repair Kit.png

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Its name may be a reference to Dark Matters.
  • Prior to the Terrors Below update to DST, Dark Tatters were only found in Hamlet, making them one of few items that has been transposed into DST from the DLC.
    • Dark Tatters in Hamlet compared to DST have a large cosmetic difference, with the Hamlet tatters being more akin to black, bat-shaped pieces of cloth, whereas the tatters found in DST are red, making them appear as the red cowls the Ancient Herald and Inkblights wear

Blueprint.png Gallery