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Ui button variant 1 on.png
Ui button variant 1 off.png

Is junk, I think.

Wolfgang, examining a Gnome

Trinkets are a group of Items that can be found around the Constant through various means such as digging up Graves using a Shovel, picking Tumbleweeds, befriending Catcoons, smashing Ancient Pseudoscience Station with hammer.

Generally, the only use for Trinkets in Don't Starve is to be traded to the Pig King or Yaarctopus in exchange for Gold Nuggets, and for decoration.

Some trinkets have special uses in DLCs:

  • (Ham) The Can of Silly String is used to craft the Skyworthy.

Trinkets List

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Under the old research method, Trinkets were one of the best ways of gaining research points (80 points).
  • The reason these items are known as "trinkets" is due to their spawn code names ("trinket_1", trinket_2 etc.).
  • One True Earring, based on the name and offering the highest appeasement to the Volcano Altar of Snackrifice, may be a reference to The Lord of the Rings, where the evil could only be vanquished by casting the One Ring into Mount Doom.
  • Appeasing the Volcano with the Orange Soda may be a reference to the movie Joe Versus the Volcano, where the natives of a tropical island drink large amounts of orange soda while asking Tom Hanks' character to voluntarily jump into an active volcano.
    • The Brain Cloud Pill is also most likely a reference to the film, as Tom Hanks' character is claimed to have a fictitious terminal illness called a brain cloud by a corrupt doctor.
  • Only Wilson, Wendy, WX-78, Webber, and potentially Willow or Wagstaff seem to know what a license plate is.
  • In Klei's official Discord server, their bot, named Kleibot, is represented by an avatar featuring the Lying Robot. On halloween, his avatar changed.
  • Lying Robot has its own emoji and Halloween emoji on Klei's official Discord
  • The Potato Cup is a reference to a story from an ex-developer named Seth. During a Rhymes With Play stream, Seth told the story of how he carved out a potato to drink water from while he was at an overnight camp as a child. Since telling the story, the Potato Cup grew into an inside joke among players and eventually was implemented a trinket.[1][2][3]
    • The Potato Cup shows up as a reaction emoji on the Klei forums.[4]
    • The Potato Cup was added as an exclusive item in the Steam inventory of the Klei developer Nome. No other player is able to acquire the Potato Cup item.[5]
      The Potato Cup found in Nome's inventory.
