Ethereal Ember

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Aren't they beautiful?


When a creature dies while on fire, they drop an ethereal ember of some burnt essence of life.

When Willow attunes with her lighter, eventually she can sense and collect Ethereal Ember with it.

Willow can learn to use embers for a variety of Pyrokinetics.

-Scrapbook Description

Ethereal Ember are an Item exclusive to Don't Starve Together. They are dropped by all Mobs when they die while on Fire, except for Butterflies and Birds, if a Willow with the Ember Tender skill is within 10 tiles. Ethereal Ember can only be collected by Willow with her Lighter when the Hungry Lighter skill is unlocked. Ethereal Embers don't have a limit in Willow's inventory, but can't be stored in containers like Backpacks or Chests. They stack up to 40 items and can be recollected when dropped on Death. If uncollected, embers will despawn after one in-game day,

Willow can use Ethereal Ember to cast spells when one of these skills are unlocked:

Flame Cast Icon.png Flame Cast

You can use Flame Cast spell for 1 Ember to set fire to all objects within the displayed radius. You can also light Campfires, Fire Pits, Endothermic Fires and Endothermic Fire Pits this way to the maximum.

Combustion Icon.png Combustion

Willow with Combustion skill can use Combustion spell for 4 Embers to set on fire all mobs in 2.5 tiles radius from player. Fire from this spell will deal more damage that common fire. It also will not set on fire followers.

Fire Ball Icon.png Fire Ball

Wilson Portrait.png
A fire without fuel? No matter.


Works like a campfire for its duration, creating light and heat and will ignite things nearby. It can also be used to cook food.

-Scrapbook Description

Willow with Fire Ball skill can use Fire Ball spell for 2 Embers to spawn Fire Ball in selected area. It warms the character and restores 25 points of sanity per minute to all characters. The range of the light periodically decreases and increases regardless of its burning time. Can bee used for cooking food. Burning time - 8 minutes (1 day).

Burning Frenzy Icon.png Burning Frenzy

Willow with Burning Frenzy skill can use Burning Frenzy spell for 2 Embers to increases damage to burning creatures by 25% for 1 minute.

Shadow Flame Icon.png Shadow Flame

Willow with the Shadow Fire-Raiser skill unlock Shadow Flame spell that costs 5 Embers to cast. It spawns 5 homing shadow flame tendrils, which deal 150 damage (60 common Damage and 90 Planar Damage) each for a maximum of 750 damage per cast. The Shadow Flame spell deals 10% more damage to Lunar Aligned creatures. Shadow Fire-Raiser flame will focus on a single target better when just one target is available.

Lunar Flame Icon.png Lunar Flame

Willow with the Lunar Fire-Raiser skill will get the Lunar Flame spell that costs 5 Embers to cast. It spawns a barrage of cold flames in front of Willow for its duration of 5 seconds. The flames follow the player's mouse cursor. Each tick of damage deals 20 physical and 30 Planar Damage. The damage ticks 3 times per second, thus this spell can deal up to 150 damage per second in its area. Lunar Fire-Raiser ability can be directed without moving. The Lunar Flame spell deals 10% more damage to Shadow Aligned creatures.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Ethereal Ember were introduced in the Skill Spotlight: Wigfrid & Willow update.
  • Ethereal Ember was called "Hot Embers" in beta.
  • Ethereal Ember is not really an ember, it is set to be an immaterial manifestation of a burnt creature, so it gets appearance similar to Wortox's Soul.[1]

Blueprint.png Gallery


  1. Ember design and mechanic proposals: "The design of the Embers were intentionally designed to be similar to souls as they are not actually embers. They are an immaterial manifestation of a burnt creature. They had enough similarities to Wortox's Souls that we wanted to have a similar look as well. " Posted December 15, 2023