Orange Soda

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Exclusive to: Shipwrecked icon.png Hamlet icon.png

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Wolfgang would not like to drink.


The Orange Soda can spawn in the Steamer Trunk.

It can be spawned into the game with the code "trinket_13".

Orange Soda.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


Orange Soda.png
Yaarctopus Icon.png


Orange Soda.png
Pig Collector.png
Hamlet icon.png

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Appeasing the Volcano with the Orange Soda may be a reference to the movie Joe Versus the Volcano, where the natives of a tropical island drink large amounts of orange soda while asking Tom Hanks' character to voluntarily jump into an active volcano.
    • The Brain Cloud Pill is also most likely a reference to the film, as Tom Hanks' character is claimed to have a fictitious terminal illness called a brain cloud by a corrupt doctor.