Dessicated Tentacle

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Ui button variant 1 on.png
Ui button variant 1 off.png

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wurt Portrait.png
Hee-hee, it dead.


The Desiccated Tentacle has a 4.17% chance of being found when digging up a grave. It can be traded to the Pig King for 8 Gold Nuggets. Only the Hardened Rubber Bung can equal the amount of Nuggets given by the Pig King.

The Dessicated Tentacle can be spawned into the game with the code "trinket_12".

Dessicated Tentacle.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


Dessicated Tentacle.png
Yaarctopus Icon.png


Shipwrecked icon.png
Dessicated Tentacle.png
Pig Collector.png
Hamlet icon.png

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Under the old research method, Trinkets were one of the best ways of gaining research points (80 points).

Blueprint.png Gallery